Changeset: 9258cfce7ec0 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Apr2019
Log Message:

Update integrity checks for sys.table_partitions, sys.range_partitions and 
sys.value_partitions based on tests and code inspections.

diffs (109 lines):

diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_ForeignKey_referential_integrity.sql
+++ b/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_ForeignKey_referential_integrity.sql
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ SELECT schema, table, rowcount, columnsi
 -- new tables introduced in 2019
 SELECT * FROM sys.table_partitions WHERE "table_id" NOT IN (SELECT id FROM 
 SELECT * FROM sys.table_partitions WHERE "column_id" IS NOT NULL AND 
"column_id" NOT IN (SELECT id FROM sys._columns);
-SELECT * FROM sys.table_partitions WHERE "type" NOT IN (SELECT id FROM 
+SELECT * FROM sys.table_partitions WHERE "type" NOT IN (5,6,9,10);     -- 5=By 
Column Range (1+4), 6=By Expression Range (2+4), 9=By Column Value (1+8), 10=By 
Expression Value (2+8), see sql_catalog.h #define PARTITION_*
 SELECT * FROM sys.range_partitions WHERE "table_id" NOT IN (SELECT id FROM 
 SELECT * FROM sys.range_partitions WHERE "partition_id" NOT IN (SELECT id FROM 
diff --git 
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ Ready.
 % id,  table_id,       column_id,      expression,     type # name
 % int, int,    int,    varchar,        tinyint # type
 % 1,   1,      1,      0,      1 # length
-#SELECT * FROM sys.table_partitions WHERE "type" NOT IN (SELECT id FROM 
+#SELECT * FROM sys.table_partitions WHERE "type" NOT IN (5,6,9,10);
 % sys.table_partitions,        sys.table_partitions,   sys.table_partitions,   
sys.table_partitions,   sys.table_partitions # table_name
 % id,  table_id,       column_id,      expression,     type # name
 % int, int,    int,    varchar,        tinyint # type
diff --git a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_Not_Nullable_columns.sql 
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_Not_Nullable_columns.sql
+++ b/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_Not_Nullable_columns.sql
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ SELECT "privileges", * FROM "sys"."privi
 SELECT "grantor", * FROM "sys"."privileges" WHERE "grantor" IS NULL;
 SELECT "grantable", * FROM "sys"."privileges" WHERE "grantable" IS NULL;
-SELECT "maximum", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "maximum" IS NULL;
-SELECT "minimum", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "minimum" IS NULL;
+-- SELECT "maximum", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "maximum" IS NULL; 
-- Can be null when WITH NULL VALUES is specified.
+-- SELECT "minimum", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "minimum" IS NULL; 
-- Can be null when WITH NULL VALUES is specified.
 SELECT "partition_id", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "partition_id" IS 
 SELECT "table_id", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "table_id" IS NULL;
 SELECT "with_nulls", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "with_nulls" IS 
@@ -186,7 +186,8 @@ SELECT "id", * FROM "sys"."table_partiti
 SELECT "table_id", * FROM "sys"."table_partitions" WHERE "table_id" IS NULL;
 SELECT "type", * FROM "sys"."table_partitions" WHERE "type" IS NULL;
 -- either column_id or expression must be populated
-SELECT "column_id", "expression", * FROM "sys"."table_partitions" WHERE 
"column_id" IS NULL AND "expression" IS NULL;
+SELECT "column_id", "expression", 'Missing either column_id or expression' AS 
violation, * FROM "sys"."table_partitions" WHERE "column_id" IS NULL AND 
"expression" IS NULL;
+SELECT "column_id", "expression", 'column_id and expression may not both be 
populated. One of them must be NULL' AS violation, * FROM 
"sys"."table_partitions" WHERE "column_id" IS NOT NULL AND "expression" IS NOT 
 SELECT "id", * FROM "sys"."triggers" WHERE "id" IS NULL;
 SELECT "name", * FROM "sys"."triggers" WHERE "name" IS NULL;
@@ -210,5 +211,5 @@ SELECT "role_id", * FROM "sys"."user_rol
 SELECT "partition_id", * FROM "sys"."value_partitions" WHERE "partition_id" IS 
 SELECT "table_id", * FROM "sys"."value_partitions" WHERE "table_id" IS NULL;
-SELECT "value", * FROM "sys"."value_partitions" WHERE "value" IS NULL;
+-- SELECT "value", * FROM "sys"."value_partitions" WHERE "value" IS NULL; -- 
Can be null when WITH NULL VALUES is specified.
diff --git a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_Not_Nullable_columns.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_Not_Nullable_columns.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_Not_Nullable_columns.stable.out
@@ -474,16 +474,6 @@ Ready.
 % grantable,   obj_id, auth_id,        privileges,     grantor,        
grantable # name
 % int, int,    int,    int,    int,    int # type
 % 1,   1,      1,      1,      1,      1 # length
-#SELECT "maximum", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "maximum" IS NULL;
-% sys.range_partitions,        sys.range_partitions,   sys.range_partitions,   
sys.range_partitions,   sys.range_partitions,   sys.range_partitions # 
-% maximum,     table_id,       partition_id,   minimum,        maximum,        
with_nulls # name
-% varchar,     int,    int,    varchar,        varchar,        boolean # type
-% 0,   1,      1,      0,      0,      5 # length
-#SELECT "minimum", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "minimum" IS NULL;
-% sys.range_partitions,        sys.range_partitions,   sys.range_partitions,   
sys.range_partitions,   sys.range_partitions,   sys.range_partitions # 
-% minimum,     table_id,       partition_id,   minimum,        maximum,        
with_nulls # name
-% varchar,     int,    int,    varchar,        varchar,        boolean # type
-% 0,   1,      1,      0,      0,      5 # length
 #SELECT "partition_id", * FROM "sys"."range_partitions" WHERE "partition_id" 
 % sys.range_partitions,        sys.range_partitions,   sys.range_partitions,   
sys.range_partitions,   sys.range_partitions,   sys.range_partitions # 
 % partition_id,        table_id,       partition_id,   minimum,        
maximum,        with_nulls # name
@@ -644,11 +634,16 @@ Ready.
 % type,        id,     table_id,       column_id,      expression,     type # 
 % tinyint,     int,    int,    int,    varchar,        tinyint # type
 % 1,   1,      1,      1,      0,      1 # length
-#SELECT "column_id", "expression", * FROM "sys"."table_partitions" WHERE 
"column_id" IS NULL AND "expression" IS NULL;
-% sys.table_partitions,        sys.table_partitions,   sys.table_partitions,   
sys.table_partitions,   sys.table_partitions,   sys.table_partitions,   
sys.table_partitions # table_name
-% column_id,   expression,     id,     table_id,       column_id,      
expression,     type # name
-% int, varchar,        int,    int,    int,    varchar,        tinyint # type
-% 1,   0,      1,      1,      1,      0,      1 # length
+#SELECT "column_id", "expression", 'Missing either column_id or expression' AS 
violation, * FROM "sys"."table_partitions" WHERE "column_id" IS NULL AND 
"expression" IS NULL;
+% sys.table_partitions, sys.table_partitions,   .,      sys.table_partitions,  
 sys.table_partitions,   sys.table_partitions,   sys.table_partitions,   
sys.table_partitions # table_name
+% column_id,    expression,     violation,      id,     table_id,       
column_id,      expression,     type # name
+% int,  varchar,        char,   int,    int,    int,    varchar,        
tinyint # type
+% 1,    0,      38,     1,      1,      1,      0,      1 # length
+#SELECT "column_id", "expression", 'column_id and expression may not both be 
populated. One of them must be NULL' AS violation, * FROM 
"sys"."table_partitions" WHERE "column_id" IS NOT NULL AND "expression" IS NOT 
+% sys.table_partitions, sys.table_partitions,   .,      sys.table_partitions,  
 sys.table_partitions,   sys.table_partitions,   sys.table_partitions,   
sys.table_partitions # table_name
+% column_id,    expression,     violation,      id,     table_id,       
column_id,      expression,     type # name
+% int,  varchar,        char,   int,    int,    int,    varchar,        
tinyint # type
+% 1,    0,      76,     1,      1,      1,      0,      1 # length
 #SELECT "id", * FROM "sys"."triggers" WHERE "id" IS NULL;
 % sys.triggers,        sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   
sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   sys.triggers,   
sys.triggers,   sys.triggers # table_name
 % id,  id,     name,   table_id,       time,   orientation,    event,  
old_name,       new_name,       condition,      statement # name
@@ -744,11 +739,6 @@ Ready.
 % table_id,    table_id,       partition_id,   value # name
 % int, int,    int,    varchar # type
 % 1,   1,      1,      0 # length
-#SELECT "value", * FROM "sys"."value_partitions" WHERE "value" IS NULL;
-% sys.value_partitions,        sys.value_partitions,   sys.value_partitions,   
sys.value_partitions # table_name
-% value,       table_id,       partition_id,   value # name
-% varchar,     int,    int,    varchar # type
-% 0,   1,      1,      0 # length
 # 18:07:03 >  
 # 18:07:03 >  "Done."
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