Changeset: 8a60f0f74a17 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

merged with Apr2019

diffs (125 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/rel_propagate.c b/sql/server/rel_propagate.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_propagate.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_propagate.c
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ rel_generate_subinserts(sql_query *query
        aggr = exp_column(sql->sa, exp_relname(aggr), exp_name(aggr), 
exp_subtype(aggr), aggr->card,
                                          has_nil(aggr), is_intern(aggr));
        snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "%s: the %s violates the partition %s of values", 
operation, desc,
-                        isRangePartitionTable(t) ? "range" : "list");
+                        isRangePartitionTable(t) ? "range (NB higher limit 
exclusive)" : "list");
        *exception = exp_exception(sql->sa, aggr, buf);
        return sel;
diff --git a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart06.stable.err 
--- a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart06.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart06.stable.err
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ stderr of test 'mergepart06` in director
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-655/.s.monetdb.35425
 QUERY = INSERT INTO testrangelimits VALUES (1000, 'ups'); --error
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-13251/.s.monetdb.37915
 QUERY = ALTER TABLE testrangelimits ADD TABLE sublimits5 AS PARTITION FROM -1 
TO 1; --error
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ ERROR = !ALTER TABLE: conflicting partit
 CODE  = 42000
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-19391/.s.monetdb.34228
 QUERY = INSERT INTO testrangelimits VALUES (201, 'oh no'); --error
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-655/.s.monetdb.35425
 QUERY = INSERT INTO testrangelimits VALUES (444, 'another'), (305, 'error'), 
(4, 'happening'); --error
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-655/.s.monetdb.35425
 QUERY = INSERT INTO sublimits3 VALUES (2, 'will'); --error
diff --git a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart13.stable.err 
--- a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart13.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart13.stable.err
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ERROR = !ALTER TABLE: conflicting partit
 CODE  = 42000
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-12990/.s.monetdb.37745
 QUERY = INSERT INTO testtime VALUES (timestamp '2019-12-12 23:59:59', 4); 
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-12990/.s.monetdb.37745
 QUERY = INSERT INTO onedecade VALUES (timestamp '1972-02-13 01:00:00', 1000), 
(timestamp '2005-02-13 01:00:00', 2000); --error
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ ERROR = !ALTER TABLE: conflicting partit
 CODE  = 42000
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-11073/.s.monetdb.37724
 QUERY = INSERT INTO testtime VALUES (timestamp '1950-11-24 10:12:01', 1234); 
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-11073/.s.monetdb.37724
 QUERY = INSERT INTO fourdecades VALUES (timestamp '2014-04-04 05:21:13', 
1000); --error
diff --git a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart15.stable.err 
--- a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart15.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart15.stable.err
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ ERROR = !ALTER TABLE: there are values i
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-18994/.s.monetdb.34581
 QUERY = INSERT INTO testme VALUES (2, 'third'); --error
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-26053/.s.monetdb.37352
 QUERY = INSERT INTO sublimits1 VALUES (2, 'third'); --error
diff --git a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart16.stable.err 
--- a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart16.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart16.stable.err
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ERROR = !INSERT: table sys.subnested1 is
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-20495/.s.monetdb.30967
 QUERY = INSERT INTO testnestedpartitions VALUES (3, 'ups'); --error
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-20495/.s.monetdb.30967
 QUERY = ALTER TABLE testnestedpartitions ADD TABLE subnested2 AS PARTITION IN 
('3', '4', '5'); --error
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ ERROR = !ALTER TABLE: the new partition 
 CODE  = 42000
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-20495/.s.monetdb.30967
 QUERY = INSERT INTO testnestedpartitions VALUES (4, 'not'), (2, 'going'), (5, 
'through'); --error
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-13251/.s.monetdb.37915
 QUERY = ALTER TABLE subnested1 ADD TABLE subt3 AS PARTITION FROM '1' TO '200'; 
diff --git a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart18.stable.err 
--- a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart18.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart18.stable.err
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ERROR = !ALTER TABLE: there are values i
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-9747/.s.monetdb.32333
 QUERY = INSERT INTO updateme VALUES (1, 'ups'); --error
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-9747/.s.monetdb.32333
 QUERY = INSERT INTO subt1 VALUES (1, 'ups'); --error
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ ERROR = !INSERT: table sys.subt1 is part
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-9747/.s.monetdb.32333
 QUERY = INSERT INTO updateme VALUES (150, 'fourth'); --error
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-9747/.s.monetdb.32333
 QUERY = INSERT INTO subt1 VALUES (150, 'fourth'); --error
diff --git a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart20.stable.err 
--- a/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart20.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/merge-partitions/Tests/mergepart20.stable.err
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ERROR = !conversion of string 'abc' to t
 CODE  = 22018
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-4817/.s.monetdb.33584
 QUERY = INSERT INTO testme VALUES (12, 'this'), (6, 'not'), (50, 'ok'); --error
-ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range of values
+ERROR = !INSERT: the insert violates the partition range (NB higher limit 
exclusive) of values
 CODE  = M0M29
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-26529/.s.monetdb.31480
 QUERY = INSERT INTO subtable1 VALUES (2, 'seventh'); --error
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