Changeset: 56f9cfca5b0f for MonetDB
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Branch: mtime
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diffs (61 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -8925,6 +8925,7 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batmtime",  "month",        "command batmtime.month(d:bat[:date]):bat[:int] 
",      "MTIMEdate_extract_month_bulk;",        ""      ]
 [ "batmtime",  "quarter",      "command 
batmtime.quarter(d:bat[:date]):bat[:int] ",    
"MTIMEdate_extract_quarter_bulk;",      ""      ]
 [ "batmtime",  "sql_seconds",  "command 
batmtime.sql_seconds(d:bat[:daytime]):bat[:int] ",     
"MTIMEdaytime_extract_sql_seconds_bulk;",       ""      ]
+[ "batmtime",  "sql_seconds",  "command 
batmtime.sql_seconds(d:bat[:timestamp]):bat[:int] ",   
"MTIMEtimestamp_sql_seconds_bulk;",     ""      ]
 [ "batmtime",  "year", "command batmtime.year(d:bat[:date]):bat[:int] ",       
"MTIMEdate_extract_year_bulk;", ""      ]
 [ "batpcre",   "replace",      "command batpcre.replace(orig:bat[:str], 
pat:str, repl:str, flag:str):bat[:str] ",      "PCREreplace_bat_wrap;",        
""      ]
 [ "batpcre",   "replace_first",        "command 
batpcre.replace_first(orig:bat[:str], pat:str, repl:str, flag:str):bat[:str] ", 
       "PCREreplacefirst_bat_wrap;",   ""      ]
@@ -11924,6 +11925,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "timestamp", "==",   "pattern timestamp.==(v:timestamp, w:timestamp, 
nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;",    "Equality of two timestamps"    ]
 [ "timestamp", ">",    "pattern timestamp.>(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ",   
"CMDvarGT;",    "Equality of two timestamps"    ]
 [ "timestamp", ">=",   "pattern timestamp.>=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ",  
"CMDvarGE;",    "Equality of two timestamps"    ]
+[ "timestamp", "epoch",        "command timestamp.epoch(t:timestamp):int ",    
"MTIMEseconds_since_epoch;",    "unix-time (epoch) support: seconds since 
epoch"        ]
+[ "timestamp", "epoch",        "command timestamp.epoch(t:lng):timestamp ",    
"MTIMEtimestamp_frommsec;",     "convert milli seconds since epoch into a 
timestamp"    ]
+[ "timestamp", "epoch",        "command timestamp.epoch(t:int):timestamp ",    
"MTIMEtimestamp_fromsecond;",   "convert seconds since epoch into a timestamp"  
 [ "timestamp", "isnil",        "pattern timestamp.isnil(v:timestamp):bit ",    
"CMDvarISNIL;", "Nil test for timestamp value"  ]
 [ "tokenizer", "append",       "command tokenizer.append(u:str):oid ", 
"TKNZRappend;", "tokenize a new string and append it to the tokenizer 
(duplicate elimination is performed)"     ]
 [ "tokenizer", "close",        "command tokenizer.close():void ",      
"TKNZRclose;",  "close the current tokenizer store"     ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -12653,6 +12653,7 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batmtime",  "month",        "command batmtime.month(d:bat[:date]):bat[:int] 
",      "MTIMEdate_extract_month_bulk;",        ""      ]
 [ "batmtime",  "quarter",      "command 
batmtime.quarter(d:bat[:date]):bat[:int] ",    
"MTIMEdate_extract_quarter_bulk;",      ""      ]
 [ "batmtime",  "sql_seconds",  "command 
batmtime.sql_seconds(d:bat[:daytime]):bat[:int] ",     
"MTIMEdaytime_extract_sql_seconds_bulk;",       ""      ]
+[ "batmtime",  "sql_seconds",  "command 
batmtime.sql_seconds(d:bat[:timestamp]):bat[:int] ",   
"MTIMEtimestamp_sql_seconds_bulk;",     ""      ]
 [ "batmtime",  "year", "command batmtime.year(d:bat[:date]):bat[:int] ",       
"MTIMEdate_extract_year_bulk;", ""      ]
 [ "batpcre",   "replace",      "command batpcre.replace(orig:bat[:str], 
pat:str, repl:str, flag:str):bat[:str] ",      "PCREreplace_bat_wrap;",        
""      ]
 [ "batpcre",   "replace_first",        "command 
batpcre.replace_first(orig:bat[:str], pat:str, repl:str, flag:str):bat[:str] ", 
       "PCREreplacefirst_bat_wrap;",   ""      ]
@@ -16351,6 +16352,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "timestamp", "==",   "pattern timestamp.==(v:timestamp, w:timestamp, 
nil_matches:bit):bit ", "CMDvarEQ;",    "Equality of two timestamps"    ]
 [ "timestamp", ">",    "pattern timestamp.>(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ",   
"CMDvarGT;",    "Equality of two timestamps"    ]
 [ "timestamp", ">=",   "pattern timestamp.>=(v:timestamp, w:timestamp):bit ",  
"CMDvarGE;",    "Equality of two timestamps"    ]
+[ "timestamp", "epoch",        "command timestamp.epoch(t:timestamp):int ",    
"MTIMEseconds_since_epoch;",    "unix-time (epoch) support: seconds since 
epoch"        ]
+[ "timestamp", "epoch",        "command timestamp.epoch(t:lng):timestamp ",    
"MTIMEtimestamp_frommsec;",     "convert milli seconds since epoch into a 
timestamp"    ]
+[ "timestamp", "epoch",        "command timestamp.epoch(t:int):timestamp ",    
"MTIMEtimestamp_fromsecond;",   "convert seconds since epoch into a timestamp"  
 [ "timestamp", "isnil",        "pattern timestamp.isnil(v:timestamp):bit ",    
"CMDvarISNIL;", "Nil test for timestamp value"  ]
 [ "tokenizer", "append",       "command tokenizer.append(u:str):oid ", 
"TKNZRappend;", "tokenize a new string and append it to the tokenizer 
(duplicate elimination is performed)"     ]
 [ "tokenizer", "close",        "command tokenizer.close():void ",      
"TKNZRclose;",  "close the current tokenizer store"     ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -1514,6 +1514,7 @@ str MTIMEdaytime_fromseconds_bulk(bat *r
 str MTIMEdaytime_fromstr(daytime *ret, const char *const *s);
 str MTIMElocal_timezone_msec(lng *ret);
 str MTIMEprelude(void *ret);
+str MTIMEseconds_since_epoch(int *ret, const timestamp *t);
 str MTIMEsql_day(lng *ret, const lng *msecs);
 str MTIMEsql_hours(int *ret, const lng *msecs);
 str MTIMEsql_minutes(int *ret, const lng *msecs);
@@ -1547,6 +1548,7 @@ str MTIMEtimestamp_minutes(int *ret, con
 str MTIMEtimestamp_month(int *ret, const timestamp *t);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_quarter(int *ret, const timestamp *t);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_sql_seconds(int *ret, const timestamp *t);
+str MTIMEtimestamp_sql_seconds_bulk(bat *ret, bat *bid);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_month_interval(timestamp *ret, const timestamp *t, 
const int *m);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_sub_msec_interval(timestamp *ret, const timestamp *t, const 
lng *ms);
 str MTIMEtimestamp_timestamp(timestamp *dst, const timestamp *src);
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