Changeset: 643dfa328c71 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Removed Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: Apr2019
Log Message:

Moved contents of ChangeLog.Aug2018 and ChangeLog.Apr2019 to MonetDB.spec, 
debian/changelog and ChangeLog-Archive.

diffs (truncated from 1664 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/ChangeLog-Archive b/ChangeLog-Archive
--- a/ChangeLog-Archive
+++ b/ChangeLog-Archive
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 # This file contains past ChangeLog entries
-* Wed Oct 10 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.31.13-20190104
 * Wed Oct 10 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.31.11-20181011
 - Some subtle dependencies between RPMs have been fixed.
diff --git a/ChangeLog.Aug2018 b/ChangeLog.Aug2018
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.Aug2018
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog file for devel
-# This file is updated with Maddlog
-* Wed Oct 10 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <>
diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Group: Applications/Databases
 License: MPLv2.0
 # we need systemd for the _unitdir macro to exist
 # we need checkpolicy and selinux-policy-devel for the SELinux policy
@@ -1078,6 +1078,347 @@ done
 %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+* Fri Apr 05 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- Rebuilt.
+- BZ#2403: stream: http read support in streams
+- BZ#2416: GDK: file/dir creation mask
+- BZ#2478: SQL: rename columns
+- BZ#2496: SQL: implement greatest / least
+- BZ#3384: Auxiliary window functions
+- BZ#3416: log() SQL function only supports natural logarithm
+- BZ#3448: Make lbatomic_ops optional if installed
+- BZ#3520: Add support for scalar function LN(num)
+- BZ#3530: sigabort on window aggr function
+- BZ#3567: Add support for: ALTER TABLE [schema1.]oldtablename RENAME [TO]
+  [schema2.]newtablename
+- BZ#3743: DELETE FROM merge table not supported.
+- BZ#3832: Cannot use expressions in GROUP BY clause
+- BZ#3946: Expose C log2 function to SQL
+- BZ#4056: mapi_timeout is not implemented
+- BZ#6181: comments cause error with return in function
+- BZ#6326: Eliminate unused UNION tables
+- BZ#6347: Mserver returns with "memory exhausted in" error if query
+  size exceeds 2.5MB
+- BZ#6402: JDBC: Support for Connection.prepareCall
+- BZ#6475: Remove unused SQL global variable "history"
+- BZ#6588: Table aliasing are not supported in SQL update queries
+- BZ#6591: Name mangling in the SQL catalog results in ambiguity
+- BZ#6608: Sqlitelogictest error message in group by with coalesce
+- BZ#6609: Rename Schema in MonetDB
+- BZ#6636: sys.queue() extension: allow DBA to see all running queries
+- BZ#6671: Error when running user function on merge table with remote
+  part
+- BZ#6674: R UDF with Date type fails to convert RAPI
+- BZ#6676: Max data length of 2048 for column sys._tables.query is too
+  small for the actual data (2811 for view sys.ids)
+- BZ#6678: Binding NULL parameter to parametrized query results in syntax
+  error on execution
+- BZ#6680: Copy cannot open CSV file if systemctl enabled
+- BZ#6684: Inserting into a replica table crashes the server
+- BZ#6685: adding a view to a merge table gives unexpected behaviour
+- BZ#6690: Unable to fetch empty string with ODBC driver
+* Tue Mar 19 2019 Panagiotis Koutsourakis <> - 
+- merovingian: Added a new database property named `profilerbeatfreq`. Its 
+  <freq>, should be an integer and, if it is set the command
+  `profilerstart` will call stethoscope with this value as the
+  argument to -b. This will instruct stethoscope to collect heartbeat
+  events from the MonetDB server every <freq> milliseconds. Please note
+  that no type checking is done, and if
+  <freq> is not an integer, stethoscope will silently ignore it.
+* Tue Mar 19 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- buildtools: We now use the C11 atomic operations if available, although
+  libatomic_ops is still used if present and not disabled on the configure
+  command line.
+* Tue Mar 19 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- gdk: During processing, we now try to maintain the smallest and largest
+  values that occur in a BAT.  This information is not saved across
+  server restarts.
+* Tue Mar 19 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- selinux: There is one tunable parameter, mserver5_can_read_home, which can
+  be set using "setsebool -P mserver5_can_read_home=true" to allow an
+  mserver5 process started by monetdbd under the control of systemd to
+  read files in users' home directories.
+* Fri Feb  8 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- monetdb5: Changed the way blobs are ordered.  Before, shorter blobs came 
+  longer, now the contents is compared first.
+* Mon Jan 28 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- sql: Implemented two-argument least/greatest functions.  If one argument
+  is NULL, the functions return the other value, otherwise they return
+  the least/greatest of the two arguments.
+* Thu Jan 24 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- sql: Implemented SQL2003 natural logarithm function: ln(num_expr).
+* Wed Jan 23 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- monetdb5: Removed function blob.tostring() since it cannot guarantee that the
+  resulting string is properly encoded in UTF-8.
+* Wed Jan 23 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- sql: Function octet_length now also accepts a BLOB argument and returns
+  the length of the BLOB (i.e. the same as length when called with a
+  BLOB argument).
+* Tue Jan 22 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- monetdb5: Removed the type "sqlblob", changed the external format of the type
+  "blob" to be like what "sqlblob" used to be.  In other words, the
+  "blob" type is now SQL-compatible.
+* Tue Jan 22 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- sql: Implemented length(blob) and comparison between blobs.
+- sql: Implemented a two argument function log which calculates the logarithm
+  of the first argument using the second argument as base.
+- sql: Next to the functions log (natural logarithm) and log10 (base 10
+  logarithm), there is now also log2 (base 2 logarithm).
+* Fri Jan 18 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- sql: Removed unused global SQL variable "history".
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Pedro Ferreira <> - 
+- sql: Allow usage of custom expressions in GROUP BY and PARTITION BY
+  clauses. The same expressions can be used in the projection phase as
+  long as it is exactly the same used in the grouping clause (textual
+  lookup is performed). As an example the query:
+  SELECT col1*2 FROM t1 GROUP BY col1*2; is correct, while
+  SELECT sin(col1+5) FROM t1 GROUP BY col1*2; is wrong.
+- sql: Allow usage of WITH clauses in insert, update, delete and merge
+  statements.
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Pedro Ferreira <> - 
+- sql: Implemented merge statements from SQL:2003 standard. Using a source
+  relation R, a target table T is updating depending on the result of
+  the merge. In case of a match, the table T's row is either updated
+  or deleted with R's row. In a non-match case, R's row is inserted
+  into T. The grammar is the follows:
+  > MERGE INTO target [ [AS] ident ] USING source ON search_condition
+  { WHEN MATCHED [ AND search_condition ] THEN
+    { UPDATE SET assignment_list | DELETE } } |
+  { WHEN NOT MATCHED [ AND search_condition ] THEN
+    INSERT [ column_list ] [ { DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES row_values } ] }
+- sql: Added possibility to change the schema of a table with the syntax:
+- sql: Added optional alias option for target table in update and delete
+  statements: (e.g. UPDATE target AS alias SET col1=1 WHERE alias.col2 < 5)
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.33.1-20190405
+- sql: Improved and extended storagemodel functionality. Changes include:
+- sql: Added views sys."tablestorage" and sys."schemastorage" for easy and
+  quick assesment of aggregated storage usage per table or per schema.
+- sql: Excluded listing system tables in views sys."storage", 
+  and sys."schemastorage". You can still use sys."storage"() to query
+  storage of system tables and columns.
+- sql: In procedure sys.storagemodelinit() when populating table
+  sys.storagemodelinput it now excludes system tables as system tables are
+  not useful to be modeled for storagesize by application users.
+  It now also computes and populates the atomwidth column more correctly
+  for variable size data types (strings, blobs) when the table has
+  representative data in those columns.
+- sql: System function sys.columnsize() has been corrected for types: tinyint,
+  real, date, time, timetz, sec_interval, month_interval, decimal, uuid,
+  mbr, char, clob, json, url, blob, geometry and geometrya.
+  For variable size data types (varchar, char, clob, json, url, blob,
+  geometry, geometrya) it now returns the columnsize excluding the
+  variable heapsize. The heapsize is retrievable via sys.heapsize().
+- sql: System function sys.heapsize() has been corrected for all variable size
+  data types: varchar, char, clob, json, url, blob, geometry and geometrya.
+- sql: System function sys.imprintsize() has been corrected. The imprintsize
+  depends on the width (1 or 2 or 4 or 8 or 16 bytes) of the data type.
+  Also instead of 12% it now uses 20%, which is a better estimate.
+- sql: System function sys.storagemodel() has been removed as it outputs the
+  same data as view sys.storagemodel. Use view sys.storagemodel instead.
+- sql: Corrected views sys.storagemodel and sys.tablestoragemodel by returning
+  a computed orderidxsize when the count has been changed in the
+  sys.storagemodelinput table.  Also the views now return data ordered
+  by schema, table and column names.
+- sql: Extended view sys.tablestoragemodel with column: "storages". Besides
+  columns also keys (primary, foreign and unique keys) and indexes
+  (ordered, imprints) use storage, so the "storages" count can be higher
+  than the number of columns per table.
+- sql: Corrected the data type of columns "schema", "table", "column", "type",
+  "mode" and location in table sys.storagemodelinput and functions
+  sys."storage"(), sys."storage"(sname), sys."storage"(sname, tname)
+  and sys."storage"(sname, tname, cname) from string into varchar(1024).
+  Consequently also the views based on the table or functions will be
+  reporting varchar(1024) as column meta data instead of clob for those
+  columns.  This allows faster querying and reporting by generic SQL
+  programs which treat clob querying different from varchar columns.
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Pedro Ferreira <> - 
+- sql: Extended windowing functions catalog with SQL standard semantics.
+  Standard aggregation functions can now be used in windowing
+  functions: (avg,max,min,sum,prod,count). Other windowing specific
+  functions were also implemented: (percent_rank,cume_dist,ntile,
+  lag,lead,first_value,last_value,nth_value).
+- sql: The standard frame specification was implemented for aggregation
+  functions as well as first_value, last_value and nth_value
+  functions. The available frames are rows, range and groups.
+  Bounds can be unbounded (partition limit), the current row, a fixed
+  number of rows (constant), or variable (column as input).
+- sql: Added WINDOW keyword which is optionally provided after the FROM
+  clause, with window specifications used in the projection
+  (e.g SELECT SUM(col1) OVER w1, LAST_VALUE(col2) OVER w2 FROM t1
+  w2 AS (w1);).
+- sql: Our previous partitioning implementation didn’t impose order in the
+  input. With this reexamination, partitioning now imposes ascending
+  order by default, thus pairing with the industry standard
+  implementation.
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- sql: Implemented X'...' style binary string literals.
+- sql: Implemented U&'...' Unicode character string literals and
+  U&"..." Unicode delimited identifiers, including UESCAPE.  For the
+  string literals, you can have U&'...' '...' '...' UESCAPE '...' where
+  the escape must be as single character and the other '...' strings
+  are also Unicode character string literals.  For now, these latter
+  strings also undergo C-style backslash interpretation.
+- sql: Implemented PostgreSQL-like E'...' strings.  The strings can contain
+  C-style backslash escapes.  The old format strings '...' currently
+  still also accept C-style escapes, but that feature will be removed
+  in a future release.
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- gdk: Added an extra argument of type `bool' to the atom to string and
+  string to atom methods to indicate whether the string is for
+  internal use (casting the value to or from a string) of external use
+  (to be printed).
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- monetdb5: The MAL functions algebra.sort and algebra.firstn now have a new,
+  extra second-to-last argument, nilslast:bit, which indicates where
+  NIL values are to be sorted: at the beginning, or at the end.  The old
+  behavior is when for algebra.sort, the value of nilslast is equal to
+  the value or the reverse:bit parameter, for algebra.firstn when the
+  value of nilslast is opposite to the value of the asc:bit parameter.
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- sql: Implemented the NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST option to ORDER BY.  The
+  default is NULLS FIRST for ASC(ending) and NULLS LAST for DESC(ending).
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- gdk: Implemented a nilslast option for BATfirstn.  If set, NILs come
+  last in the ordering that BATfirstn simulates, so non-NIL values are
+  preferentially returned.  The old behavior can be obtained by setting
+  nilslast to !asc(ending).
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- gdk: Implemented a nilslast option for BATsort.  This option should be
+  equal to the reverse option for stable sort (it is not implemented for
+  stable sort), but can be different from reverse for non-stable sort.
+  The functions BATsort and GDKqsort have extra parameters, the function
+  GDKqsort_rev has been removed (superseded by GDKqsort with the new
+  `reverse' parameter).
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+- gdk: The BUNtail, BUNtvar, BUNtloc, and BUNtpos macros (and Tloc and Tpos)
+  now return a `void *' instead of a `char *'.
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Pedro Ferreira <> - 
+- sql: Added possibility to rename SQL schemas, tables and columns with ALTER
+  statements:
+  > ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] qname RENAME TO ident
+  > ALTER TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] qname RENAME [ COLUMN ] ident TO ident
+  Also added optional IF EXISTS clause to other existing ALTER TABLE
+  statements.
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.33.1-20190405
+- clients: The mclient program can now be quit by typing quit or exit on the
+  command-line.  This makes it easier for novice users to quit the program
+  if they do not know that the standard command to quit is \q.
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.33.1-20190405
+* Fri Jan  4 2019 Aris Koning <> - 
+- sql: The sql SAMPLE syntax is extended to include an optional integral SEED
+  parameter that sets the seed for the internal random number generator
+  in the sample algorithm.  When the seed is set, the user can obtain
+  a reproducible sample set from a static dataset with the same sample
+  query. The new syntax is
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