Changeset: 6150cddd7d93 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: subquery
Log Message:

approved output

diffs (truncated from 801 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/bam_tables_checks.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/bam_tables_checks.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/bam_tables_checks.stable.out
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ Ready.
 % bigint,      clob,   bigint, int,    int,    clob,   clob,   clob # type
 % 1,   0,      1,      1,      1,      0,      0,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"bam"."files"."format_version"' as full_col_nm, 7 as 
max_allowed_length, length("format_version") as data_length, t."format_version" 
as data_value FROM "bam"."files" t WHERE "format_version" IS NOT NULL AND 
length("format_version") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 
'format_version' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 'files' 
and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'bam')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   bam.L51,        bam.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   bam.L53,        bam.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        tinyint,        int,    varchar # type
 % 30,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"bam"."files"."sorting_order"' as full_col_nm, 10 as 
max_allowed_length, length("sorting_order") as data_length, t."sorting_order" 
as data_value FROM "bam"."files" t WHERE "sorting_order" IS NOT NULL AND 
length("sorting_order") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 
'sorting_order' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 'files' and 
schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'bam')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   bam.L51,        bam.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   bam.L53,        bam.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        tinyint,        int,    varchar # type
 % 29,  1,      1,      0 # length
diff --git a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_MaxStrLength_violations.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_MaxStrLength_violations.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/sys-schema/Tests/check_MaxStrLength_violations.stable.out
@@ -25,122 +25,122 @@ Ready.
 # 16:32:04 >  
 #SELECT '"sys"."_columns"."default"' as full_col_nm, 2048 as 
max_allowed_length, length("default") as data_length, t."default" as data_value 
FROM "sys"."_columns" t WHERE "default" IS NOT NULL AND length("default") > 
(select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'default' and table_id in 
(select id from tables where name = '_columns' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 26,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."_columns"."name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as max_allowed_length, 
length("name") as data_length, t."name" as data_value FROM "sys"."_columns" t 
WHERE "name" IS NOT NULL AND length("name") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'name' and table_id in (select id from tables where 
name = '_columns' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 23,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."_columns"."storage"' as full_col_nm, 2048 as 
max_allowed_length, length("storage") as data_length, t."storage" as data_value 
FROM "sys"."_columns" t WHERE "storage" IS NOT NULL AND length("storage") > 
(select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'storage' and table_id in 
(select id from tables where name = '_columns' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 26,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."_columns"."type"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as max_allowed_length, 
length("type") as data_length, t."type" as data_value FROM "sys"."_columns" t 
WHERE "type" IS NOT NULL AND length("type") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'type' and table_id in (select id from tables where 
name = '_columns' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 23,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."_tables"."name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as max_allowed_length, 
length("name") as data_length, t."name" as data_value FROM "sys"."_tables" t 
WHERE "name" IS NOT NULL AND length("name") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'name' and table_id in (select id from tables where 
name = '_tables' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 22,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."_tables"."query"' as full_col_nm, 1048576 as 
max_allowed_length, length("query") as data_length, t."query" as data_value 
FROM "sys"."_tables" t WHERE "query" IS NOT NULL AND length("query") > (select 
type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'query' and table_id in (select id 
from tables where name = '_tables' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        int,    int,    varchar # type
 % 23,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."args"."name"' as full_col_nm, 256 as max_allowed_length, 
length("name") as data_length, t."name" as data_value FROM "sys"."args" t WHERE 
"name" IS NOT NULL AND length("name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns 
where name = 'name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 'args' 
and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 19,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."args"."type"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as max_allowed_length, 
length("type") as data_length, t."type" as data_value FROM "sys"."args" t WHERE 
"type" IS NOT NULL AND length("type") > (select type_digits from sys._columns 
where name = 'type' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 'args' 
and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 19,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."auths"."name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as max_allowed_length, 
length("name") as data_length, t."name" as data_value FROM "sys"."auths" t 
WHERE "name" IS NOT NULL AND length("name") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'name' and table_id in (select id from tables where 
name = 'auths' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 20,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."columns"."default"' as full_col_nm, 2048 as 
max_allowed_length, length("default") as data_length, t."default" as data_value 
FROM "sys"."columns" t WHERE "default" IS NOT NULL AND length("default") > 
(select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'default' and table_id in 
(select id from tables where name = 'columns' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L60,        .L62,   .L64,   .L66 # table_name
+% .L62,        .L64,   .L66,   .L70 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 25,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."columns"."name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as max_allowed_length, 
length("name") as data_length, t."name" as data_value FROM "sys"."columns" t 
WHERE "name" IS NOT NULL AND length("name") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'name' and table_id in (select id from tables where 
name = 'columns' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
-% .L60,        .L62,   .L64,   .L66 # table_name
+% .L62,        .L64,   .L66,   .L70 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 22,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."columns"."storage"' as full_col_nm, 2048 as 
max_allowed_length, length("storage") as data_length, t."storage" as data_value 
FROM "sys"."columns" t WHERE "storage" IS NOT NULL AND length("storage") > 
(select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'storage' and table_id in 
(select id from tables where name = 'columns' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L60,        .L62,   .L64,   .L66 # table_name
+% .L62,        .L64,   .L66,   .L70 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 25,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."columns"."type"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as max_allowed_length, 
length("type") as data_length, t."type" as data_value FROM "sys"."columns" t 
WHERE "type" IS NOT NULL AND length("type") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'type' and table_id in (select id from tables where 
name = 'columns' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
-% .L60,        .L62,   .L64,   .L66 # table_name
+% .L62,        .L64,   .L66,   .L70 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 22,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."comments"."remark"' as full_col_nm, 65000 as 
max_allowed_length, length("remark") as data_length, t."remark" as data_value 
FROM "sys"."comments" t WHERE "remark" IS NOT NULL AND length("remark") > 
(select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'remark' and table_id in 
(select id from tables where name = 'comments' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        int,    int,    varchar # type
 % 25,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."db_user_info"."fullname"' as full_col_nm, 2048 as 
max_allowed_length, length("fullname") as data_length, t."fullname" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."db_user_info" t WHERE "fullname" IS NOT NULL AND 
length("fullname") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 
'fullname' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 'db_user_info' 
and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 31,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."db_user_info"."name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as 
max_allowed_length, length("name") as data_length, t."name" as data_value FROM 
"sys"."db_user_info" t WHERE "name" IS NOT NULL AND length("name") > (select 
type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'name' and table_id in (select id 
from tables where name = 'db_user_info' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L45,        .L47,   sys.L51,        sys.L53 # table_name
+% .L47,        .L51,   sys.L53,        sys.L55 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 27,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependencies_vw"."dependency_type_name"' as full_col_nm, 15 as 
max_allowed_length, length("dependency_type_name") as data_length, 
t."dependency_type_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependencies_vw" t WHERE 
"dependency_type_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("dependency_type_name") > (select 
type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'dependency_type_name' and table_id 
in (select id from tables where name = 'dependencies_vw' and schema_id in 
(select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L1106,      .L1110, .L1112, .L1114 # table_name
+% .L1105,      .L1107, .L1111, .L1113 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        tinyint,        int,    varchar # type
 % 46,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependencies_vw"."name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as 
max_allowed_length, length("name") as data_length, t."name" as data_value FROM 
"sys"."dependencies_vw" t WHERE "name" IS NOT NULL AND length("name") > (select 
type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'name' and table_id in (select id 
from tables where name = 'dependencies_vw' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L1106,      .L1110, .L1112, .L1114 # table_name
+% .L1105,      .L1107, .L1111, .L1113 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 30,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependencies_vw"."obj_type"' as full_col_nm, 13 as 
max_allowed_length, length("obj_type") as data_length, t."obj_type" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependencies_vw" t WHERE "obj_type" IS NOT NULL AND 
length("obj_type") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 
'obj_type' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependencies_vw' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
-% .L1106,      .L1110, .L1112, .L1114 # table_name
+% .L1105,      .L1107, .L1111, .L1113 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        tinyint,        int,    char # type
 % 34,  1,      1,      13 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependencies_vw"."used_by_name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as 
max_allowed_length, length("used_by_name") as data_length, t."used_by_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependencies_vw" t WHERE "used_by_name" IS NOT NULL AND 
length("used_by_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 
'used_by_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependencies_vw' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
-% .L1106,      .L1110, .L1112, .L1114 # table_name
+% .L1105,      .L1107, .L1111, .L1113 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 38,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependencies_vw"."used_by_obj_type"' as full_col_nm, 13 as 
max_allowed_length, length("used_by_obj_type") as data_length, 
t."used_by_obj_type" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependencies_vw" t WHERE 
"used_by_obj_type" IS NOT NULL AND length("used_by_obj_type") > (select 
type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'used_by_obj_type' and table_id in 
(select id from tables where name = 'dependencies_vw' and schema_id in (select 
id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L1106,      .L1110, .L1112, .L1114 # table_name
+% .L1105,      .L1107, .L1111, .L1113 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        tinyint,        int,    char # type
 % 42,  1,      1,      13 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_args_on_types"."arg_name"' as full_col_nm, 256 as 
max_allowed_length, length("arg_name") as data_length, t."arg_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_args_on_types" t WHERE "arg_name" IS NOT NULL 
AND length("arg_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 
'arg_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_args_on_types' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys')));
-% .L73,        .L75,   sys.L77,        sys.L101 # table_name
+% .L72,        .L74,   sys.L76,        sys.L100 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 43,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_args_on_types"."function_name"' as full_col_nm, 256 
as max_allowed_length, length("function_name") as data_length, 
t."function_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_args_on_types" t WHERE 
"function_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("function_name") > (select type_digits 
from sys._columns where name = 'function_name' and table_id in (select id from 
tables where name = 'dependency_args_on_types' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L73,        .L75,   sys.L77,        sys.L101 # table_name
+% .L72,        .L74,   sys.L76,        sys.L100 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 48,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_args_on_types"."type_name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 as 
max_allowed_length, length("type_name") as data_length, t."type_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_args_on_types" t WHERE "type_name" IS NOT 
NULL AND length("type_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name 
= 'type_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_args_on_types' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys')));
-% .L73,        .L75,   sys.L77,        sys.L101 # table_name
+% .L72,        .L74,   sys.L76,        sys.L100 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 44,  1,      1,      0 # length
@@ -155,32 +155,32 @@ Ready.
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 46,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_indexes"."column_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("column_name") as data_length, 
t."column_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_indexes" t 
WHERE "column_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("column_name") > (select type_digits 
from sys._columns where name = 'column_name' and table_id in (select id from 
tables where name = 'dependency_columns_on_indexes' and schema_id in (select id 
from sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L153,       .L155,  .L157,  .L161 # table_name
+% .L152,       .L154,  .L156,  .L160 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 51,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_indexes"."index_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("index_name") as data_length, t."index_name" 
as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_indexes" t WHERE "index_name" 
IS NOT NULL AND length("index_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns 
where name = 'index_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_columns_on_indexes' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L153,       .L155,  .L157,  .L161 # table_name
+% .L152,       .L154,  .L156,  .L160 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 50,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_indexes"."table_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("table_name") as data_length, t."table_name" 
as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_indexes" t WHERE "table_name" 
IS NOT NULL AND length("table_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns 
where name = 'table_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_columns_on_indexes' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L153,       .L155,  .L157,  .L161 # table_name
+% .L152,       .L154,  .L156,  .L160 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 50,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_keys"."column_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("column_name") as data_length, 
t."column_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_keys" t WHERE 
"column_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("column_name") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'column_name' and table_id in (select id from tables 
where name = 'dependency_columns_on_keys' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L153,       .L155,  .L157,  .L161 # table_name
+% .L152,       .L154,  .L156,  .L160 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 48,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_keys"."key_name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 
as max_allowed_length, length("key_name") as data_length, t."key_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_keys" t WHERE "key_name" IS NOT 
NULL AND length("key_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name 
= 'key_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_columns_on_keys' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys')));
-% .L153,       .L155,  .L157,  .L161 # table_name
+% .L152,       .L154,  .L156,  .L160 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 45,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_keys"."table_name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 
as max_allowed_length, length("table_name") as data_length, t."table_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_keys" t WHERE "table_name" IS NOT 
NULL AND length("table_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where 
name = 'table_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_columns_on_keys' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys')));
-% .L153,       .L155,  .L157,  .L161 # table_name
+% .L152,       .L154,  .L156,  .L160 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 47,  1,      1,      0 # length
@@ -195,47 +195,47 @@ Ready.
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 57,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_triggers"."column_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("column_name") as data_length, 
t."column_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_triggers" t 
WHERE "column_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("column_name") > (select type_digits 
from sys._columns where name = 'column_name' and table_id in (select id from 
tables where name = 'dependency_columns_on_triggers' and schema_id in (select 
id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L144,       .L146,  .L150,  .L152 # table_name
+% .L143,       .L145,  .L147,  .L151 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 52,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_triggers"."table_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("table_name") as data_length, t."table_name" 
as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_triggers" t WHERE "table_name" 
IS NOT NULL AND length("table_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns 
where name = 'table_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_columns_on_triggers' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L144,       .L146,  .L150,  .L152 # table_name
+% .L143,       .L145,  .L147,  .L151 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 51,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_triggers"."trigger_name"' as 
full_col_nm, 1024 as max_allowed_length, length("trigger_name") as data_length, 
t."trigger_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_triggers" t 
WHERE "trigger_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("trigger_name") > (select 
type_digits from sys._columns where name = 'trigger_name' and table_id in 
(select id from tables where name = 'dependency_columns_on_triggers' and 
schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L144,       .L146,  .L150,  .L152 # table_name
+% .L143,       .L145,  .L147,  .L151 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 53,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_types"."column_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("column_name") as data_length, 
t."column_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_types" t WHERE 
"column_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("column_name") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'column_name' and table_id in (select id from tables 
where name = 'dependency_columns_on_types' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L144,       .L146,  .L150,  .L152 # table_name
+% .L143,       .L145,  .L147,  .L151 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 49,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_types"."table_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("table_name") as data_length, t."table_name" 
as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_types" t WHERE "table_name" IS 
NOT NULL AND length("table_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where 
name = 'table_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_columns_on_types' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L144,       .L146,  .L150,  .L152 # table_name
+% .L143,       .L145,  .L147,  .L151 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 48,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_types"."type_name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 
as max_allowed_length, length("type_name") as data_length, t."type_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_types" t WHERE "type_name" IS NOT 
NULL AND length("type_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name 
= 'type_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_columns_on_types' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L144,       .L146,  .L150,  .L152 # table_name
+% .L143,       .L145,  .L147,  .L151 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 47,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_views"."column_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("column_name") as data_length, 
t."column_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_views" t WHERE 
"column_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("column_name") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'column_name' and table_id in (select id from tables 
where name = 'dependency_columns_on_views' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L204,       .L206,  .L210,  .L212 # table_name
+% .L203,       .L205,  .L207,  .L211 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 49,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_views"."table_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("table_name") as data_length, t."table_name" 
as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_views" t WHERE "table_name" IS 
NOT NULL AND length("table_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where 
name = 'table_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_columns_on_views' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L204,       .L206,  .L210,  .L212 # table_name
+% .L203,       .L205,  .L207,  .L211 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 48,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_columns_on_views"."view_name"' as full_col_nm, 1024 
as max_allowed_length, length("view_name") as data_length, t."view_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_columns_on_views" t WHERE "view_name" IS NOT 
NULL AND length("view_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name 
= 'view_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_columns_on_views' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L204,       .L206,  .L210,  .L212 # table_name
+% .L203,       .L205,  .L207,  .L211 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 47,  1,      1,      0 # length
@@ -290,32 +290,32 @@ Ready.
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 49,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_keys_on_foreignkeys"."fk_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("fk_name") as data_length, t."fk_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_keys_on_foreignkeys" t WHERE "fk_name" IS NOT 
NULL AND length("fk_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name = 
'fk_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_keys_on_foreignkeys' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L73,        .L75,   sys.L77,        sys.L101 # table_name
+% .L74,        .L76,   sys.L100,       sys.L102 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 48,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_keys_on_foreignkeys"."key_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("key_name") as data_length, t."key_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_keys_on_foreignkeys" t WHERE "key_name" IS 
NOT NULL AND length("key_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where 
name = 'key_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_keys_on_foreignkeys' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L73,        .L75,   sys.L77,        sys.L101 # table_name
+% .L74,        .L76,   sys.L100,       sys.L102 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 49,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_owners_on_schemas"."owner_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("owner_name") as data_length, t."owner_name" 
as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_owners_on_schemas" t WHERE "owner_name" IS 
NOT NULL AND length("owner_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where 
name = 'owner_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_owners_on_schemas' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L62,        .L64,   sys.L66,        sys.L70 # table_name
+% .L63,        .L65,   sys.L67,        sys.L71 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 49,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_owners_on_schemas"."schema_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("schema_name") as data_length, 
t."schema_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_owners_on_schemas" t WHERE 
"schema_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("schema_name") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'schema_name' and table_id in (select id from tables 
where name = 'dependency_owners_on_schemas' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L62,        .L64,   sys.L66,        sys.L70 # table_name
+% .L63,        .L65,   sys.L67,        sys.L71 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 50,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_schemas_on_users"."schema_name"' as full_col_nm, 
1024 as max_allowed_length, length("schema_name") as data_length, 
t."schema_name" as data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_schemas_on_users" t WHERE 
"schema_name" IS NOT NULL AND length("schema_name") > (select type_digits from 
sys._columns where name = 'schema_name' and table_id in (select id from tables 
where name = 'dependency_schemas_on_users' and schema_id in (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys')));
-% .L67,        .L71,   sys.L73,        sys.L75 # table_name
+% .L70,        .L72,   sys.L74,        sys.L76 # table_name
 % full_col_nm, max_allowed_length,     data_length,    data_value # name
 % char,        smallint,       int,    varchar # type
 % 49,  1,      1,      0 # length
 #SELECT '"sys"."dependency_schemas_on_users"."user_name"' as full_col_nm, 2048 
as max_allowed_length, length("user_name") as data_length, t."user_name" as 
data_value FROM "sys"."dependency_schemas_on_users" t WHERE "user_name" IS NOT 
NULL AND length("user_name") > (select type_digits from sys._columns where name 
= 'user_name' and table_id in (select id from tables where name = 
'dependency_schemas_on_users' and schema_id in (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')));
-% .L67,        .L71,   .L73,   .L75 # table_name
+% .L70,        .L72,   .L74,   .L76 # table_name
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