Changeset: 647647bbc1b1 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Approve test: sorting by avg() result is different when it's not truncated.

diffs (truncated from 430 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpcds/Tests/22.stable.out 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpcds/Tests/22.stable.out
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpcds/Tests/22.stable.out
@@ -40,107 +40,108 @@ Ready.
 % i_product_name,      i_brand,        i_class,        i_category,     qoh # 
 % char,        char,   char,   char,   double # type
 % 50,  50,     50,     50,     24 # length
-[ "ationbarn station", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   430     ]
-[ "ationbarn station", "amalgbrand #8",        NULL,   NULL,   430     ]
-[ "ationbarn station", "amalgbrand #8",        "bathroom",     NULL,   430     
-[ "ationbarn station", "amalgbrand #8",        "bathroom",     "Home", 430     
-[ "ationationprin st", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   435     ]
-[ "ationationprin st", "amalgexporti #2",      NULL,   NULL,   435     ]
-[ "ationationprin st", "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      NULL,   435     
-[ "ationationprin st", "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      "Children",     
435     ]
-[ "ationoughtn stn st",        NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   435     ]
-[ "ationoughtn stn st",        "edu packimporto #2",   NULL,   NULL,   435     
-[ "ationoughtn stn st",        "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       
NULL,   435     ]
-[ "ationoughtn stn st",        "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       
"Men",  435     ]
-[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   436     ]
-[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   "corpcorp #2",  NULL,   NULL,   436     ]
-[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   "corpcorp #2",  "rings",        NULL,   436     
-[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   "corpcorp #2",  "rings",        "Jewelry",      
436     ]
-[ "callyesebaration",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   437     ]
-[ "callyesebaration",  "namelesscorp #7",      NULL,   NULL,   437     ]
-[ "callyesebaration",  "namelesscorp #7",      "mens watch",   NULL,   437     
-[ "callyesebaration",  "namelesscorp #7",      "mens watch",   "Jewelry",      
437     ]
-[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   439     ]
-[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   "amalgimporto #2",      NULL,   NULL,   439     
-[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   "amalgimporto #2",      "accessories",  NULL,   
439     ]
-[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   "amalgimporto #2",      "accessories",  "Men",  
439     ]
-[ "n stprieingationought",     NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   439     ]
-[ "n stprieingationought",     "namelesscorp #8",      NULL,   NULL,   439     
-[ "n stprieingationought",     "namelesscorp #8",      "mens watch",   NULL,   
439     ]
-[ "n stprieingationought",     "namelesscorp #8",      "mens watch",   
"Jewelry",      439     ]
-[ "priationn stn st",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   439     ]
-[ "priationn stn st",  "importoscholar #2",    NULL,   NULL,   439     ]
-[ "priationn stn st",  "importoscholar #2",    "country",      NULL,   439     
-[ "priationn stn st",  "importoscholar #2",    "country",      "Music",        
439     ]
-[ "n stbarought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   440     ]
-[ "n stbarought",      "corpbrand #10",        NULL,   NULL,   440     ]
-[ "n stbarought",      "corpbrand #10",        "rugs", NULL,   440     ]
-[ "n stbarought",      "corpbrand #10",        "rugs", "Home", 440     ]
-[ "n stn stantioughtought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   440     ]
-[ "n stn stantioughtought",    "exportimaxi #8",       NULL,   NULL,   440     
-[ "n stn stantioughtought",    "exportimaxi #8",       "computers",    NULL,   
440     ]
-[ "n stn stantioughtought",    "exportimaxi #8",       "computers",    
"Books",        440     ]
-[ "n stcallyesepriought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "n stcallyesepriought",      "edu packscholar #2",   NULL,   NULL,   441     
-[ "n stcallyesepriought",      "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    NULL,   
441     ]
-[ "n stcallyesepriought",      "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    
"Music",        441     ]
-[ "oughtbarantiese",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "oughtbarantiese",   "exportiedu pack #2",   NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "oughtbarantiese",   "exportiedu pack #2",   "kids", NULL,   441     ]
-[ "oughtbarantiese",   "exportiedu pack #2",   "kids", "Shoes",        441     
-[ "priantiationation", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "priantiationation", "importoimporto #2",    NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "priantiationation", "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       NULL,   441     
-[ "priantiationation", "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       "Men",  441     
-[ "oughtbarprin st",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   442     ]
-[ "oughtbarprin st",   "edu packscholar #2",   NULL,   NULL,   442     ]
-[ "oughtbarprin st",   "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    NULL,   442     
-[ "oughtbarprin st",   "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    "Music",        
442     ]
-[ "ationeingation",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   443     ]
-[ "ationeingation",    "amalgexporti #2",      NULL,   NULL,   443     ]
-[ "ationeingation",    "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      NULL,   443     
-[ "ationeingation",    "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      "Children",     
443     ]
-[ "ationbarn stableought",     NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   444     ]
-[ "ationbarn stableought",     "corpbrand #8", NULL,   NULL,   444     ]
-[ "ationbarn stableought",     "corpbrand #8", "rugs", NULL,   444     ]
-[ "ationbarn stableought",     "corpbrand #8", "rugs", "Home", 444     ]
-[ "eingableableationought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   444     ]
-[ "eingableableationought",    "amalgimporto #1",      NULL,   NULL,   444     
-[ "eingableableationought",    "amalgimporto #1",      "accessories",  NULL,   
444     ]
-[ "eingableableationought",    "amalgimporto #1",      "accessories",  "Men",  
444     ]
-[ "eseationcallyableought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   444     ]
-[ "eseationcallyableought",    "importoexporti #1",    NULL,   NULL,   444     
-[ "eseationcallyableought",    "importoexporti #1",    "infants",      NULL,   
444     ]
-[ "eseationcallyableought",    "importoexporti #1",    "infants",      
"Children",     444     ]
-[ "ableationprieing",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "ableationprieing",  "amalgamalg #1",        NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "ableationprieing",  "amalgamalg #1",        "dresses",      NULL,   445     
-[ "ableationprieing",  "amalgamalg #1",        "dresses",      "Women",        
445     ]
-[ "antibareingantiought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "antibareingantiought",      "importoimporto #2",    NULL,   NULL,   445     
-[ "antibareingantiought",      "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       NULL,   
445     ]
-[ "antibareingantiought",      "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       "Men",  
445     ]
-[ "ationantibarationought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "ationantibarationought",    "univmaxi #8",  NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "ationantibarationought",    "univmaxi #8",  "pools",        NULL,   445     
-[ "ationantibarationought",    "univmaxi #8",  "pools",        "Sports",       
445     ]
-[ "n steseantiation",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "n steseantiation",  "univmaxi #10", NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "n steseantiation",  "univmaxi #10", "pools",        NULL,   445     ]
-[ "n steseantiation",  "univmaxi #10", "pools",        "Sports",       445     
-[ "oughtpricallybarought",     NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "oughtpricallybarought",     "edu packexporti #2",   NULL,   NULL,   445     
-[ "oughtpricallybarought",     "edu packexporti #2",   "school-uniforms",      
NULL,   445     ]
-[ "oughtpricallybarought",     "edu packexporti #2",   "school-uniforms",      
"Children",     445     ]
-[ "pribarpribarought", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   446     ]
-[ "pribarpribarought", "edu packimporto #2",   NULL,   NULL,   446     ]
-[ "pribarpribarought", "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       NULL,   
446     ]
-[ "pribarpribarought", "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       "Men",  
446     ]
-[ "ationbarpriableought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   447     ]
-[ "ationbarpriableought",      "exportiamalg #2",      NULL,   NULL,   447     
-[ "ationbarpriableought",      "exportiamalg #2",      "maternity",    NULL,   
447     ]
-[ "ationbarpriableought",      "exportiamalg #2",      "maternity",    
"Women",        447     ]
+[ "ationbarn station", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   430.3577236     ]
+[ "ationbarn station", "amalgbrand #8",        NULL,   NULL,   430.3577236     
+[ "ationbarn station", "amalgbrand #8",        "bathroom",     NULL,   
430.3577236     ]
+[ "ationbarn station", "amalgbrand #8",        "bathroom",     "Home", 
430.3577236     ]
+[ "ationoughtn stn st",        NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   435.2650602     ]
+[ "ationoughtn stn st",        "edu packimporto #2",   NULL,   NULL,   
435.2650602     ]
+[ "ationoughtn stn st",        "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       
NULL,   435.2650602     ]
+[ "ationoughtn stn st",        "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       
"Men",  435.2650602     ]
+[ "ationationprin st", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   435.5102881     ]
+[ "ationationprin st", "amalgexporti #2",      NULL,   NULL,   435.5102881     
+[ "ationationprin st", "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      NULL,   
435.5102881     ]
+[ "ationationprin st", "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      "Children",     
435.5102881     ]
+[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   436.4940239     ]
+[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   "corpcorp #2",  NULL,   NULL,   436.4940239     
+[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   "corpcorp #2",  "rings",        NULL,   
436.4940239     ]
+[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   "corpcorp #2",  "rings",        "Jewelry",      
436.4940239     ]
+[ "callyesebaration",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   437.3943089     ]
+[ "callyesebaration",  "namelesscorp #7",      NULL,   NULL,   437.3943089     
+[ "callyesebaration",  "namelesscorp #7",      "mens watch",   NULL,   
437.3943089     ]
+[ "callyesebaration",  "namelesscorp #7",      "mens watch",   "Jewelry",      
437.3943089     ]
+[ "n stprieingationought",     NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   439.0647773     ]
+[ "n stprieingationought",     "namelesscorp #8",      NULL,   NULL,   
439.0647773     ]
+[ "n stprieingationought",     "namelesscorp #8",      "mens watch",   NULL,   
439.0647773     ]
+[ "n stprieingationought",     "namelesscorp #8",      "mens watch",   
"Jewelry",      439.0647773     ]
+[ "priationn stn st",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   439.096 ]
+[ "priationn stn st",  "importoscholar #2",    NULL,   NULL,   439.096 ]
+[ "priationn stn st",  "importoscholar #2",    "country",      NULL,   439.096 
+[ "priationn stn st",  "importoscholar #2",    "country",      "Music",        
439.096 ]
+[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   439.7183673     ]
+[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   "amalgimporto #2",      NULL,   NULL,   
439.7183673     ]
+[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   "amalgimporto #2",      "accessories",  NULL,   
439.7183673     ]
+[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   "amalgimporto #2",      "accessories",  "Men",  
439.7183673     ]
+[ "n stbarought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   440.314741      ]
+[ "n stbarought",      "corpbrand #10",        NULL,   NULL,   440.314741      
+[ "n stbarought",      "corpbrand #10",        "rugs", NULL,   440.314741      
+[ "n stbarought",      "corpbrand #10",        "rugs", "Home", 440.314741      
+[ "n stn stantioughtought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   440.9285714     ]
+[ "n stn stantioughtought",    "exportimaxi #8",       NULL,   NULL,   
440.9285714     ]
+[ "n stn stantioughtought",    "exportimaxi #8",       "computers",    NULL,   
440.9285714     ]
+[ "n stn stantioughtought",    "exportimaxi #8",       "computers",    
"Books",        440.9285714     ]
+[ "n stcallyesepriought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   441.5418327     ]
+[ "n stcallyesepriought",      "edu packscholar #2",   NULL,   NULL,   
441.5418327     ]
+[ "n stcallyesepriought",      "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    NULL,   
441.5418327     ]
+[ "n stcallyesepriought",      "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    
"Music",        441.5418327     ]
+[ "priantiationation", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   441.6707317     ]
+[ "priantiationation", "importoimporto #2",    NULL,   NULL,   441.6707317     
+[ "priantiationation", "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       NULL,   
441.6707317     ]
+[ "priantiationation", "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       "Men",  
441.6707317     ]
+[ "oughtbarantiese",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   441.7459677     ]
+[ "oughtbarantiese",   "exportiedu pack #2",   NULL,   NULL,   441.7459677     
+[ "oughtbarantiese",   "exportiedu pack #2",   "kids", NULL,   441.7459677     
+[ "oughtbarantiese",   "exportiedu pack #2",   "kids", "Shoes",        
441.7459677     ]
+[ "oughtbarprin st",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   442.0734694     ]
+[ "oughtbarprin st",   "edu packscholar #2",   NULL,   NULL,   442.0734694     
+[ "oughtbarprin st",   "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    NULL,   
442.0734694     ]
+[ "oughtbarprin st",   "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    "Music",        
442.0734694     ]
+[ "ationeingation",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   443.7822581     ]
+[ "ationeingation",    "amalgexporti #2",      NULL,   NULL,   443.7822581     
+[ "ationeingation",    "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      NULL,   
443.7822581     ]
+[ "ationeingation",    "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      "Children",     
443.7822581     ]
+[ "ationbarn stableought",     NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   444.0927419     ]
+[ "ationbarn stableought",     "corpbrand #8", NULL,   NULL,   444.0927419     
+[ "ationbarn stableought",     "corpbrand #8", "rugs", NULL,   444.0927419     
+[ "ationbarn stableought",     "corpbrand #8", "rugs", "Home", 444.0927419     
+[ "eseationcallyableought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   444.5443548     ]
+[ "eseationcallyableought",    "importoexporti #1",    NULL,   NULL,   
444.5443548     ]
+[ "eseationcallyableought",    "importoexporti #1",    "infants",      NULL,   
444.5443548     ]
+[ "eseationcallyableought",    "importoexporti #1",    "infants",      
"Children",     444.5443548     ]
+[ "eingableableationought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   444.7142857     ]
+[ "eingableableationought",    "amalgimporto #1",      NULL,   NULL,   
444.7142857     ]
+[ "eingableableationought",    "amalgimporto #1",      "accessories",  NULL,   
444.7142857     ]
+[ "eingableableationought",    "amalgimporto #1",      "accessories",  "Men",  
444.7142857     ]
+[ "n steseantiation",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445.3319672     ]
+[ "n steseantiation",  "univmaxi #10", NULL,   NULL,   445.3319672     ]
+[ "n steseantiation",  "univmaxi #10", "pools",        NULL,   445.3319672     
+[ "n steseantiation",  "univmaxi #10", "pools",        "Sports",       
445.3319672     ]
+[ "antibareingantiought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445.4065041     ]
+[ "antibareingantiought",      "importoimporto #2",    NULL,   NULL,   
445.4065041     ]
+[ "antibareingantiought",      "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       NULL,   
445.4065041     ]
+[ "antibareingantiought",      "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       "Men",  
445.4065041     ]
+[ "ationantibarationought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445.4190871     ]
+[ "ationantibarationought",    "univmaxi #8",  NULL,   NULL,   445.4190871     
+[ "ationantibarationought",    "univmaxi #8",  "pools",        NULL,   
445.4190871     ]
+[ "ationantibarationought",    "univmaxi #8",  "pools",        "Sports",       
445.4190871     ]
+[ "oughtpricallybarought",     NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445.4859438     ]
+[ "oughtpricallybarought",     "edu packexporti #2",   NULL,   NULL,   
445.4859438     ]
+[ "oughtpricallybarought",     "edu packexporti #2",   "school-uniforms",      
NULL,   445.4859438     ]
+[ "oughtpricallybarought",     "edu packexporti #2",   "school-uniforms",      
"Children",     445.4859438     ]
+[ "ableationprieing",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445.9958333     ]
+[ "ableationprieing",  "amalgamalg #1",        NULL,   NULL,   445.9958333     
+[ "ableationprieing",  "amalgamalg #1",        "dresses",      NULL,   
445.9958333     ]
+[ "ableationprieing",  "amalgamalg #1",        "dresses",      "Women",        
445.9958333     ]
+[ "pribarpribarought", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   446.0408163     ]
+[ "pribarpribarought", "edu packimporto #2",   NULL,   NULL,   446.0408163     
+[ "pribarpribarought", "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       NULL,   
446.0408163     ]
+[ "pribarpribarought", "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       "Men",  
446.0408163     ]
+[ "oughtn stprin st",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   447.2666667     ]
+[ "oughtn stprin st",  "exportiamalgamalg #8", NULL,   NULL,   447.2666667     
+[ "oughtn stprin st",  "exportiamalgamalg #8", "stereo",       NULL,   
447.2666667     ]
+[ "oughtn stprin st",  "exportiamalgamalg #8", "stereo",       "Electronics",  
447.2666667     ]
-# 18:29:57 >  
-# 18:29:57 >  "Done."
-# 18:29:57 >  
+# 14:37:38 >  
+# 14:37:38 >  "Done."
+# 14:37:38 >  
diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpcds/Tests/22.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpcds/Tests/22.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpcds/Tests/22.stable.out.int128
@@ -40,107 +40,108 @@ Ready.
 % i_product_name,      i_brand,        i_class,        i_category,     qoh # 
 % char,        char,   char,   char,   double # type
 % 50,  50,     50,     50,     24 # length
-[ "ationbarn station", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   430     ]
-[ "ationbarn station", "amalgbrand #8",        NULL,   NULL,   430     ]
-[ "ationbarn station", "amalgbrand #8",        "bathroom",     NULL,   430     
-[ "ationbarn station", "amalgbrand #8",        "bathroom",     "Home", 430     
-[ "ationationprin st", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   435     ]
-[ "ationationprin st", "amalgexporti #2",      NULL,   NULL,   435     ]
-[ "ationationprin st", "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      NULL,   435     
-[ "ationationprin st", "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      "Children",     
435     ]
-[ "ationoughtn stn st",        NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   435     ]
-[ "ationoughtn stn st",        "edu packimporto #2",   NULL,   NULL,   435     
-[ "ationoughtn stn st",        "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       
NULL,   435     ]
-[ "ationoughtn stn st",        "edu packimporto #2",   "sports-apparel",       
"Men",  435     ]
-[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   436     ]
-[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   "corpcorp #2",  NULL,   NULL,   436     ]
-[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   "corpcorp #2",  "rings",        NULL,   436     
-[ "oughtcallyn stantiought",   "corpcorp #2",  "rings",        "Jewelry",      
436     ]
-[ "callyesebaration",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   437     ]
-[ "callyesebaration",  "namelesscorp #7",      NULL,   NULL,   437     ]
-[ "callyesebaration",  "namelesscorp #7",      "mens watch",   NULL,   437     
-[ "callyesebaration",  "namelesscorp #7",      "mens watch",   "Jewelry",      
437     ]
-[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   439     ]
-[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   "amalgimporto #2",      NULL,   NULL,   439     
-[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   "amalgimporto #2",      "accessories",  NULL,   
439     ]
-[ "n stcallyableoughtought",   "amalgimporto #2",      "accessories",  "Men",  
439     ]
-[ "n stprieingationought",     NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   439     ]
-[ "n stprieingationought",     "namelesscorp #8",      NULL,   NULL,   439     
-[ "n stprieingationought",     "namelesscorp #8",      "mens watch",   NULL,   
439     ]
-[ "n stprieingationought",     "namelesscorp #8",      "mens watch",   
"Jewelry",      439     ]
-[ "priationn stn st",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   439     ]
-[ "priationn stn st",  "importoscholar #2",    NULL,   NULL,   439     ]
-[ "priationn stn st",  "importoscholar #2",    "country",      NULL,   439     
-[ "priationn stn st",  "importoscholar #2",    "country",      "Music",        
439     ]
-[ "n stbarought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   440     ]
-[ "n stbarought",      "corpbrand #10",        NULL,   NULL,   440     ]
-[ "n stbarought",      "corpbrand #10",        "rugs", NULL,   440     ]
-[ "n stbarought",      "corpbrand #10",        "rugs", "Home", 440     ]
-[ "n stn stantioughtought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   440     ]
-[ "n stn stantioughtought",    "exportimaxi #8",       NULL,   NULL,   440     
-[ "n stn stantioughtought",    "exportimaxi #8",       "computers",    NULL,   
440     ]
-[ "n stn stantioughtought",    "exportimaxi #8",       "computers",    
"Books",        440     ]
-[ "n stcallyesepriought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "n stcallyesepriought",      "edu packscholar #2",   NULL,   NULL,   441     
-[ "n stcallyesepriought",      "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    NULL,   
441     ]
-[ "n stcallyesepriought",      "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    
"Music",        441     ]
-[ "oughtbarantiese",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "oughtbarantiese",   "exportiedu pack #2",   NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "oughtbarantiese",   "exportiedu pack #2",   "kids", NULL,   441     ]
-[ "oughtbarantiese",   "exportiedu pack #2",   "kids", "Shoes",        441     
-[ "priantiationation", NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "priantiationation", "importoimporto #2",    NULL,   NULL,   441     ]
-[ "priantiationation", "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       NULL,   441     
-[ "priantiationation", "importoimporto #2",    "shirts",       "Men",  441     
-[ "oughtbarprin st",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   442     ]
-[ "oughtbarprin st",   "edu packscholar #2",   NULL,   NULL,   442     ]
-[ "oughtbarprin st",   "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    NULL,   442     
-[ "oughtbarprin st",   "edu packscholar #2",   "classical",    "Music",        
442     ]
-[ "ationeingation",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   443     ]
-[ "ationeingation",    "amalgexporti #2",      NULL,   NULL,   443     ]
-[ "ationeingation",    "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      NULL,   443     
-[ "ationeingation",    "amalgexporti #2",      "newborn",      "Children",     
443     ]
-[ "ationbarn stableought",     NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   444     ]
-[ "ationbarn stableought",     "corpbrand #8", NULL,   NULL,   444     ]
-[ "ationbarn stableought",     "corpbrand #8", "rugs", NULL,   444     ]
-[ "ationbarn stableought",     "corpbrand #8", "rugs", "Home", 444     ]
-[ "eingableableationought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   444     ]
-[ "eingableableationought",    "amalgimporto #1",      NULL,   NULL,   444     
-[ "eingableableationought",    "amalgimporto #1",      "accessories",  NULL,   
444     ]
-[ "eingableableationought",    "amalgimporto #1",      "accessories",  "Men",  
444     ]
-[ "eseationcallyableought",    NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   444     ]
-[ "eseationcallyableought",    "importoexporti #1",    NULL,   NULL,   444     
-[ "eseationcallyableought",    "importoexporti #1",    "infants",      NULL,   
444     ]
-[ "eseationcallyableought",    "importoexporti #1",    "infants",      
"Children",     444     ]
-[ "ableationprieing",  NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "ableationprieing",  "amalgamalg #1",        NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "ableationprieing",  "amalgamalg #1",        "dresses",      NULL,   445     
-[ "ableationprieing",  "amalgamalg #1",        "dresses",      "Women",        
445     ]
-[ "antibareingantiought",      NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   445     ]
-[ "antibareingantiought",      "importoimporto #2",    NULL,   NULL,   445     
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