Changeset: f92a8e83fc88 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: shrinkHASHtable
Log Message:

revised hash table building: shrink rather than grow:
instead of growing the hash table while building it,
aiming to yield a "perfect hash",
we now first build a "big" hash table,
and then, in case less than half the slots are occupied,
try to shrink it to minimal size that still holds all unique
occupied slots.

While not changing the performance of all other TPC-H queries,
this speeds up q17 by 25% - 50% (1.5x - 2x).

diffs (283 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_hash.c b/gdk/gdk_hash.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_hash.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_hash.c
@@ -67,9 +67,10 @@ HASHmask(BUN cnt)
        m -= m >> 1;
-       /* if cnt is more than 1/3 into the gap between m and 2*m,
-          double m */
-       if (m + m - cnt < 2 * (cnt - m))
+       /* if cnt is larger than m, double m,
+          i.e., ensure m is smallest power of 2
+          larger than or equal to cnt (cnt <= m < 2*cnt) */
+       if (m < cnt)
                m += m;
        if (m < BATTINY)
                m = BATTINY;
@@ -282,36 +283,6 @@ BAThashsync(void *arg)
-#define starthash(TYPE)                                                        
-       do {                                                            \
-               const TYPE *restrict v = (const TYPE *) BUNtloc(bi, 0); \
-               if (cand) {                                             \
-                       for (; p < cnt1; p++) {                         \
-                               c = hash_##TYPE(h, v + cand[p] - b->hseqbase); \
-                               hget = HASHget(h, c);                   \
-                               if (hget == hnil) {                     \
-                                       if (nslots == maxslots)         \
-                                               break; /* mask too full */ \
-                                       nslots++;                       \
-                               }                                       \
-                               HASHputlink(h, p, hget);                \
-                               HASHput(h, c, p);                       \
-                       }                                               \
-               } else {                                                \
-                       v += start;                                     \
-                       for (; p < cnt1; p++) {                         \
-                               c = hash_##TYPE(h, v + p);              \
-                               hget = HASHget(h, c);                   \
-                               if (hget == hnil) {                     \
-                                       if (nslots == maxslots)         \
-                                               break; /* mask too full */ \
-                                       nslots++;                       \
-                               }                                       \
-                               HASHputlink(h, p, hget);                \
-                               HASHput(h, c, p);                       \
-                       }                                               \
-               }                                                       \
-       } while (0)
 #define finishhash(TYPE)                                               \
        do {                                                            \
                const TYPE *restrict v = (const TYPE *) BUNtloc(bi, 0); \
@@ -335,6 +306,60 @@ BAThashsync(void *arg)
                }                                                       \
        } while (0)
+#define SHRINK_HASH(BUNtpe,BUNnil)                                     \
+do {                                                                   \
+       /* try to shrink hash mask to hsh (power of 2) < mask */        \
+       BUN msk = hsh - 1, q;                                           \
+       /* iterate over entire mask */                                  \
+       for (p = hsh; p < mask; p++) {                                  \
+               if (((BUNtpe*) h->Hash)[p] != BUNnil) {                 \
+                       /* found used slot */                           \
+                       /* calculate its new position in smaller mask */\
+                       q = p & msk;                                    \
+                       if (((BUNtpe*) h->Hash)[q] == BUNnil) {         \
+                               /* new position still empty => move */  \
+                               ((BUNtpe*) h->Hash)[q] = ((BUNtpe*) 
+                       } else {                                        \
+                               /* new position already occupied */     \
+                               /* => bail out */                       \
+                               break;                                  \
+                       }                                               \
+               }                                                       \
+       }                                                               \
+       if (p < mask) {                                                 \
+               /* we bailed-out => restore original mask */            \
+               BUN pp = p;                                             \
+               for (p--; p >= hsh; p--) {                              \
+                       if (((BUNtpe*) h->Hash)[p] != BUNnil) {         \
+                               q = p & msk;                            \
+                               ((BUNtpe*) h->Hash)[q] = BUNnil;        \
+                       }                                               \
+               }                                                       \
+               p = pp;                                                 \
+               /* try to double hsh until we find a free slot for */   \
+               /* given value; but don't exceed original mask size */  \
+               do {                                                    \
+                       hsh <<= 1;                                      \
+                       msk = hsh - 1;                                  \
+                       q = p & msk;                                    \
+               } while (hsh < mask && ((BUNtpe*) h->Hash)[q] != BUNnil);\
+       } else {                                                        \
+               /* all slots fit in smaller mask without conflicts */   \
+               /* shrink mask and heap accordingly */                  \
+               size_t sz;                                              \
+               mask = hsh;                                             \
+               h->mask = msk;                                          \
+               ((size_t *) h->heap.base)[2] = mask;                    \
+               sz = (mask + h->lim) * h->width + HASH_HEADER_SIZE * 
+               h-> = sz;                                      \
+               if (HEAPshrink(&h->heap,sz) != GDK_SUCCEED) {           \
+                       GDKerror("BAThash: HEAPshrink() failed\n");     \
+                       /* TODO: any clean-up required, here ? */       \
+                       return NULL;                                    \
+               }                                                       \
+       }                                                               \
+} while (0)
  * The prime routine for the BAT layer is to create a new hash index.
  * Its argument is the element type and the maximum number of BUNs be
@@ -345,9 +370,9 @@ BAThash_impl(BAT *b, BAT *s, const char 
        lng t0 = 0;
        unsigned int tpe = ATOMbasetype(b->ttype);
-       BUN cnt, start, end, cnt1;
+       BUN cnt, start, end;
        const oid *cand, *candend;
-       BUN mask, maxmask = 0;
+       BUN mask, hsh;
        BUN p, c;
        BUN nslots;
        BUN hnil, hget;
@@ -381,116 +406,24 @@ BAThash_impl(BAT *b, BAT *s, const char 
        snprintf(h->heap.filename, sizeof(h->heap.filename), "%s.%s", nme, ext);
        /* determine hash mask size */
-       cnt1 = 0;
        if (ATOMsize(tpe) == 1) {
                /* perfect hash for one-byte sized atoms */
                mask = (1 << 8);
        } else if (ATOMsize(tpe) == 2) {
                /* perfect hash for two-byte sized atoms */
                mask = (1 << 16);
-       } else if (b->tkey || cnt <= 4096) {
-               /* if key, or if small, don't bother dynamically
-                * adjusting the hash mask */
+       } else {
+               /* use mask with cnt <= mask < 2*cnt */
                mask = HASHmask(cnt);
-       } else {
-               /* dynamic hash: we start with HASHmask(cnt)/64, or,
-                * if cnt large enough, HASHmask(cnt)/256; if there
-                * are too many collisions we try HASHmask(cnt)/64,
-                * HASHmask(cnt)/16, HASHmask(cnt)/4, and finally
-                * HASHmask(cnt), but we might skip some of these if
-                * there are many distinct values.  */
-               maxmask = HASHmask(cnt);
-               mask = maxmask >> 6;
-               while (mask > 4096)
-                       mask >>= 2;
-               /* try out on first 25% of b */
-               cnt1 = cnt >> 2;
-       for (;;) {
-               BUN maxslots = (mask >> 3) - 1; /* 1/8 full is too full */
-               nslots = 0;
-               p = 0;
-               HEAPfree(&h->heap, true);
-               /* create the hash structures */
-               if (HASHnew(h, ATOMtype(b->ttype), s ? cnt : BATcapacity(b),
-                           mask, cnt) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
-                       GDKfree(h);
-                       return NULL;
-               }
-               hnil = HASHnil(h);
+       nslots = 0;
+       p = 0;
+       hnil = HASHnil(h);
-               switch (tpe) {
-               case TYPE_bte:
-                       starthash(bte);
-                       break;
-               case TYPE_sht:
-                       starthash(sht);
-                       break;
-               case TYPE_flt:
-                       starthash(flt);
-                       break;
-               case TYPE_int:
-                       starthash(int);
-                       break;
-               case TYPE_dbl:
-                       starthash(dbl);
-                       break;
-               case TYPE_lng:
-                       starthash(lng);
-                       break;
-#ifdef HAVE_HGE
-               case TYPE_hge:
-                       starthash(hge);
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       if (cand) {
-                               for (; p < cnt1; p++) {
-                                       const void *restrict v = BUNtail(bi, 
cand[p] - b->hseqbase);
-                                       c = heap_hash_any(b->tvheap, h, v);
-                                       hget = HASHget(h, c);
-                                       if (hget == hnil) {
-                                               if (nslots == maxslots)
-                                                       break; /* mask too full 
-                                               nslots++;
-                                       }
-                                       HASHputlink(h, p, hget);
-                                       HASHput(h, c, p);
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               for (; p < cnt1; p++) {
-                                       const void *restrict v = BUNtail(bi, p 
+ start);
-                                       c = heap_hash_any(b->tvheap, h, v);
-                                       hget = HASHget(h, c);
-                                       if (hget == hnil) {
-                                               if (nslots == maxslots)
-                                                       break; /* mask too full 
-                                               nslots++;
-                                       }
-                                       HASHputlink(h, p, hget);
-                                       HASHput(h, c, p);
-                               }
-                       }
-                       break;
-               }
-               ALGODEBUG if (p < cnt1)
-                       fprintf(stderr, "#BAThash(%s): abort starthash with "
-                               "mask " BUNFMT " at " BUNFMT "\n", BATgetId(b),
-                               mask, p);
-               if (p == cnt1 || mask == maxmask)
-                       break;
-               mask <<= 2;
-               /* if we fill up the slots fast (p <= maxslots * 1.2)
-                * increase mask size a bit more quickly */
-               if (mask < maxmask && p <= maxslots * 1.2)
-                       mask <<= 2;
-       }
-       /* finish the hashtable with the current mask */
+       /* build the hashtable with the full-size mask */
+       /* we'll try to shrink it later on,
+        * in case less than half the slots are occupied */
        switch (tpe) {
        case TYPE_bte:
@@ -549,6 +482,30 @@ BAThash_impl(BAT *b, BAT *s, const char 
                b->tkey = true;
                b->batDirtydesc = true;
+       /* if less than half of the mask is occupied,
+        * try to shrink the mask to a smaller power of 2 size,
+        * starting with the minimal size to hold all used slots:
+        * nslots <= hsh < 2*nslots;
+        * however, make sure that we keep the same nslots used
+        * slots */
+       hsh = HASHmask(nslots);
+       while (hsh < mask) {
+               switch (h->width) {
+               case BUN2:
+                       SHRINK_HASH(BUN2type,BUN2_NONE);
+                       break;
+               case BUN4:
+                       SHRINK_HASH(BUN4type,BUN4_NONE);
+                       break;
+#ifdef BUN8
+               case BUN8:
+                       SHRINK_HASH(BUN8type,BUN8_NONE);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       assert(0);
+               }
+       }
        ALGODEBUG {
                fprintf(stderr, "#BAThash: hash construction " LLFMT " usec\n", 
GDKusec() - t0);
                HASHcollisions(b, h);
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