Changeset: 9a2879d0ec89 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Aug2018
Log Message:

Use non-greedy match for % pattern.

diffs (101 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pcre.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pcre.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pcre.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pcre.c
@@ -449,8 +449,8 @@ pcre_likeselect(BAT **bnp, BAT *b, BAT *
        int errpos;
        int ovector[10];
-       int options = REG_NEWLINE | REG_NOSUB;
-       pcre re;
+       int options = REG_NEWLINE | REG_NOSUB | REG_EXTENDED;
+       regex_t re;
        int errcode;
        BATiter bi = bat_iterator(b);
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ pcre_match_with_flags(bit *ret, const ch
        pcre *re;
        int options = REG_NOSUB;
-       pcre re;
+       regex_t re;
        int errcode;
        int retval;
@@ -1200,14 +1200,14 @@ sql2pcre(str *r, const char *pat, const 
                throw(MAL, "pcre.sql2pcre", SQLSTATE(22019) ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT ": 
ESCAPE string must have length 1");
        if (pat == NULL )
                throw(MAL, "pcre.sql2pcre", OPERATION_FAILED);
-       ppat = GDKmalloc(strlen(pat)*2+3 /* 3 = "^'the translated regexp'$0" 
+       ppat = GDKmalloc(strlen(pat)*3+3 /* 3 = "^'the translated regexp'$0" 
        if (ppat == NULL)
                throw(MAL, "pcre.sql2pcre", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
        *r = ppat;
        /* The escape character can be a char which is special in a PCRE
         * expression.  If the user used the "+" char as escape and has "++"
-        * in its pattern, then replacing this with "+" is not correct and
+        * in their pattern, then replacing this with "+" is not correct and
         * should be "\+" instead. */
        specials = (*esc_str && strchr(pcre_specials, esc) != NULL);
@@ -1237,7 +1237,12 @@ sql2pcre(str *r, const char *pat, const 
                } else if (c == '%' && !escaped) {
                        *ppat++ = '.';
                        *ppat++ = '*';
+                       *ppat++ = '?';
                        hasWildcard = 1;
+                       /* collapse multiple %, but only if it isn't the escape 
+                       if (esc != '%')
+                               while (*pat == '%')
+                                       pat++;
                } else if (c == '_' && !escaped) {
                        *ppat++ = '.';
                        hasWildcard = 1;
@@ -1354,13 +1359,23 @@ PCREreplacefirst_bat_wrap(bat *res, cons
 PCREmatch(bit *ret, const str *val, const str *pat)
-       return pcre_match_with_flags(ret, *val, *pat, "s");
+       return pcre_match_with_flags(ret, *val, *pat,
+                                                                "s"
+                                                                "x"
+               );
 PCREimatch(bit *ret, const str *val, const str *pat)
-       return pcre_match_with_flags(ret, *val, *pat, "i");
+       return pcre_match_with_flags(ret, *val, *pat, "i"
+                                                                "x"
+               );
@@ -1591,8 +1606,8 @@ BATPCRElike3(bat *ret, const bat *bid, c
                        int options = PCRE_UTF8 | PCRE_DOTALL;
                        pcre *re;
-                       pcre re;
-                       int options = REG_NEWLINE | REG_NOSUB;
+                       regex_t re;
+                       int options = REG_NEWLINE | REG_NOSUB | REG_EXTENDED;
                        int errcode;
@@ -1875,8 +1890,8 @@ pcrejoin(BAT *r1, BAT *r2, BAT *l, BAT *
        int pcreopt = PCRE_UTF8 | PCRE_MULTILINE;
        int pcrere = 0;
-       pcre regex;
-       int options =  REG_NEWLINE | REG_NOSUB;
+       regex_t regex;
+       int options =  REG_NEWLINE | REG_NOSUB | REG_EXTENDED;
        int errcode = -1;
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