Changeset: b0c87db02c02 for MonetDB
Removed Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Moved LSST to a separate repository.
See or

diffs (truncated from 1178 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -10342,14 +10342,6 @@ Ready.
 [ "lidar",     "export",       "pattern lidar.export(tablename:str, fname:str, 
type:str):void ",       "LIDARexportTable;",    "Exporta LIDAR table to a 
LAS/LAZ file" ]
 [ "lidar",     "load", "pattern lidar.load(tablename:str):void ",      
"LIDARloadTable;",      "Load a LIDAR table from an attached file"      ]
 [ "lidar",     "prelude",      "command lidar.prelude():void ",        
"LIDARprelude;",        ""      ]
-[ "lsst",      "angsep",       "command lsst.angsep(ra1:dbl, dec1:dbl, 
ra2:dbl, dec2:dbl):dbl ",       "qserv_angSep;",        "Returns the angular 
separation in degrees between two spherical\ncoordinate pairs (ra1,dec1) and 
(ra2,dec2)"   ]
-[ "lsst",      "ptinsphbox",   "command lsst.ptinsphbox(ra:dbl, dec:dbl, 
ra_min:dbl, dec_min:dbl, ra_max:dbl, dec_max:dbl):int ",      
"qserv_ptInSphBox;",    "Returns 1 if the given spherical longitude/latitude 
box contains the given position"   ]
-[ "lsst",      "ptinsphcircle",        "command lsst.ptinsphcircle(ra:dbl, 
dec:dbl, ra_cen:dbl, dec_cen:dbl, radius:dbl):int ",        
"qserv_ptInSphCircle;", "Returns 1 if the given spherical longitude/latitude 
circle contains the given position"        ]
-[ "lsst",      "ptinsphellipse",       "command lsst.ptinsphellipse(ra:dbl, 
dec:dbl, ra_cen:dbl, dec_cen:dbl, smaa:dbl, smia:dbl, ang:dbl):int ",      
"qserv_ptInSphEllipse;",        "Returns 1 if the given spherical 
longitude/latitude ellipse contains the given position"       ]
-[ "lsst",      "ptinsphpoly",  "pattern lsst.ptinsphpoly(ra:dbl, dec:dbl, 
list:dbl...):int ",  "qserv_ptInSphPoly;",   "Returns 1 if the given spherical 
longitude/latitude polyline contains the given position"      ]
-[ "lsst",      "xmatch",       "command lsst.xmatch(l:lng, r:lng, 
depth:int):bit ",    "LSSTxmatch;",  "Return true when the HtmID pairs that lie 
within the same triangle at level depth"     ]
-[ "lsst",      "xmatchjoin",   "command lsst.xmatchjoin(l:bat[:lng], 
r:bat[:lng], depth:int, sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], nil_matches:bit, 
estimate:lng) (lr:bat[:oid], rr:bat[:oid]) ",        "LSSTxmatchjoin;",      
"Return the HtmID pairs that lie within the same triangle at level depth"       
-[ "lsst",      "xmatchselect", "command lsst.xmatchselect(l:bat[:lng], 
cand:bat[:oid], r:lng, depth:int, anti:bit):bat[:oid] ",        
"LSSTxmatchselect;",    "Return the HtmID's that lie within the same triangle 
as r at level depth"      ]
 [ "mal",       "manifold",     "pattern mal.manifold(mod:str, fcn:str, 
a:any...):bat[:any] ",  "MANIFOLDevaluate;",    ""      ]
 [ "mal",       "multiplex",    "pattern mal.multiplex(mod:str, fcn:str, 
a:any...):any... ",    "MANIFOLDremapMultiplex;",      ""      ]
 [ "manual",    "functions",    "pattern manual.functions() (mod:bat[:str], 
fcn:bat[:str], sig:bat[:str], adr:bat[:str], com:bat[:str]) ",      
"MANUALcreateOverview;",        "Produces a table with all MAL functions known" 
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -14551,14 +14551,6 @@ Ready.
 [ "lidar",     "export",       "pattern lidar.export(tablename:str, fname:str, 
type:str):void ",       "LIDARexportTable;",    "Exporta LIDAR table to a 
LAS/LAZ file" ]
 [ "lidar",     "load", "pattern lidar.load(tablename:str):void ",      
"LIDARloadTable;",      "Load a LIDAR table from an attached file"      ]
 [ "lidar",     "prelude",      "command lidar.prelude():void ",        
"LIDARprelude;",        ""      ]
-[ "lsst",      "angsep",       "command lsst.angsep(ra1:dbl, dec1:dbl, 
ra2:dbl, dec2:dbl):dbl ",       "qserv_angSep;",        "Returns the angular 
separation in degrees between two spherical\ncoordinate pairs (ra1,dec1) and 
(ra2,dec2)"   ]
-[ "lsst",      "ptinsphbox",   "command lsst.ptinsphbox(ra:dbl, dec:dbl, 
ra_min:dbl, dec_min:dbl, ra_max:dbl, dec_max:dbl):int ",      
"qserv_ptInSphBox;",    "Returns 1 if the given spherical longitude/latitude 
box contains the given position"   ]
-[ "lsst",      "ptinsphcircle",        "command lsst.ptinsphcircle(ra:dbl, 
dec:dbl, ra_cen:dbl, dec_cen:dbl, radius:dbl):int ",        
"qserv_ptInSphCircle;", "Returns 1 if the given spherical longitude/latitude 
circle contains the given position"        ]
-[ "lsst",      "ptinsphellipse",       "command lsst.ptinsphellipse(ra:dbl, 
dec:dbl, ra_cen:dbl, dec_cen:dbl, smaa:dbl, smia:dbl, ang:dbl):int ",      
"qserv_ptInSphEllipse;",        "Returns 1 if the given spherical 
longitude/latitude ellipse contains the given position"       ]
-[ "lsst",      "ptinsphpoly",  "pattern lsst.ptinsphpoly(ra:dbl, dec:dbl, 
list:dbl...):int ",  "qserv_ptInSphPoly;",   "Returns 1 if the given spherical 
longitude/latitude polyline contains the given position"      ]
-[ "lsst",      "xmatch",       "command lsst.xmatch(l:lng, r:lng, 
depth:int):bit ",    "LSSTxmatch;",  "Return true when the HtmID pairs that lie 
within the same triangle at level depth"     ]
-[ "lsst",      "xmatchjoin",   "command lsst.xmatchjoin(l:bat[:lng], 
r:bat[:lng], depth:int, sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], nil_matches:bit, 
estimate:lng) (lr:bat[:oid], rr:bat[:oid]) ",        "LSSTxmatchjoin;",      
"Return the HtmID pairs that lie within the same triangle at level depth"       
-[ "lsst",      "xmatchselect", "command lsst.xmatchselect(l:bat[:lng], 
cand:bat[:oid], r:lng, depth:int, anti:bit):bat[:oid] ",        
"LSSTxmatchselect;",    "Return the HtmID's that lie within the same triangle 
as r at level depth"      ]
 [ "mal",       "manifold",     "pattern mal.manifold(mod:str, fcn:str, 
a:any...):bat[:any] ",  "MANIFOLDevaluate;",    ""      ]
 [ "mal",       "multiplex",    "pattern mal.multiplex(mod:str, fcn:str, 
a:any...):any... ",    "MANIFOLDremapMultiplex;",      ""      ]
 [ "manual",    "functions",    "pattern manual.functions() (mod:bat[:str], 
fcn:bat[:str], sig:bat[:str], adr:bat[:str], com:bat[:str]) ",      
"MANUALcreateOverview;",        "Produces a table with all MAL functions known" 
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/80_lsst.mal 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/80_lsst.mal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2018 MonetDB B.V.
-# This loads the MonetDB/SQL module
-include lsst;
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/ 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2018 MonetDB B.V.
-INCLUDES = .. \
-       ../../../include \
-       ../../../common \
-       ../../../storage \
-       ../../../server \
-       ../../../../monetdb5/modules/atoms \
-       ../../../../monetdb5/modules/kernel \
-       ../../../../monetdb5/mal \
-       ../../../../monetdb5/modules/mal \
-       ../../../../monetdb5/optimizer \
-       ../../../../common/options \
-       ../../../../common/stream \
-       ../../../../gdk
-lib__lsst = {
-       MODULE
-       DIR = libdir/monetdb5
-       SOURCES = lsst.c lsst.h
-       LIBS = WIN32?../../../../monetdb5/tools/libmonetdb5 \
-               WIN32?../../../../gdk/libbat
-headers_lsstmal = {
-       HEADERS = mal
-       DIR = libdir/monetdb5
-       SOURCES = lsst.mal
-headers_sql = {
-       HEADERS = sql
-       DIR = libdir/monetdb5
-       SOURCES = lsst.sql
-headers_lsstautoload = {
-       HEADERS = mal
-       DIR = libdir/monetdb5/autoload
-       SOURCES = 80_lsst.mal
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/All 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/All
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst.sql.src 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst.sql.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst.stable.err 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst.stable.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-stderr of test 'lsst` in directory 'sql/backends/monet5/LSST` itself:
-# 19:55:25 >  
-# 19:55:25 >   mserver5  --debug=10 --set gdk_nr_threads=4  --set 
"gdk_dbfarm=/home/niels/scratch/monetdb/Linux-x86_64/var/MonetDB" --set 
mapi_open=true --set mapi_port=37236 --set monet_prompt= --trace --forcemito 
--set mal_listing=2  "--dbname=mTests_backends_monet5_LSST" --set mal_listing=0 
; echo ; echo Over..
-# 19:55:25 >  
-# builtin opt  gdk_dbname = demo
-# builtin opt  gdk_dbfarm = 
-# builtin opt  gdk_debug = 0
-# builtin opt  gdk_alloc_map = no
-# builtin opt  gdk_vmtrim = yes
-# builtin opt  monet_prompt = >
-# builtin opt  monet_daemon = no
-# builtin opt  mapi_port = 50000
-# builtin opt  mapi_open = false
-# builtin opt  mapi_autosense = false
-# builtin opt  sql_optimizer = default_pipe
-# builtin opt  sql_debug = 0
-# cmdline opt  gdk_nr_threads = 4
-# cmdline opt  gdk_dbfarm = 
-# cmdline opt  mapi_open = true
-# cmdline opt  mapi_port = 37236
-# cmdline opt  monet_prompt = 
-# cmdline opt  mal_listing = 2
-# cmdline opt  gdk_dbname = mTests_backends_monet5_LSST
-# cmdline opt  mal_listing = 0
-# 19:55:25 >  
-# 19:55:25 >  mclient -lsql -ftest -i -e --host=niels --port=37236 
-# 19:55:25 >  
-# 19:55:26 >  
-# 19:55:26 >  Done.
-# 19:55:26 >  
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst.stable.out 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst.stable.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-stdout of test 'lsst` in directory 'sql/backends/monet5/LSST` itself:
-# 19:55:25 >  
-# 19:55:25 >   mserver5  --debug=10 --set gdk_nr_threads=4  --set 
"gdk_dbfarm=/home/niels/scratch/monetdb/Linux-x86_64/var/MonetDB" --set 
mapi_open=true --set mapi_port=37236 --set monet_prompt= --trace --forcemito 
--set mal_listing=2  "--dbname=mTests_backends_monet5_LSST" --set mal_listing=0 
; echo ; echo Over..
-# 19:55:25 >  
-# MonetDB 5 server v11.6.0
-# This is an unreleased version
-# Serving database 'mTests_backends_monet5_LSST', using 4 threads
-# Compiled for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/64bit with 64bit OIDs dynamically 
-# Found 3.788 GiB available main-memory.
-# Copyright (c) 1993-July 2008 CWI.
-# Copyright (c) August 2008-2015 MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved
-# Visit for further information
-# Listening for connection requests on 
-# MonetDB/GIS module loaded
-# MonetDB/SQL module loaded
-# SQL catalog created, loading sql scripts once
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# SQL loading sql scripts 
-# 19:55:25 >  
-# 19:55:25 >  mclient -lsql -ftest -i -e --host=niels --port=37236 
-# 19:55:25 >  
-#create function angSep(ra1 double, dec1 double, ra2 double, dec2 double)
-#returns double external name lsst.angsep;
-#create function ptInSphBox(ra1 double, dec1 double, ra_min double,  dec_min 
double, ra_max double, dec_max double)
-#returns int external name lsst.ptinsphbox;
-#create function ptInSphEllipse(ra1 double, dec1 double , ra_cen double, 
dec_cen double, smaa double, smia double, ang double) 
-#returns int external name lsst.ptinsphellipse;
-#create function ptInSphCircle(ra1 double, dec1 double, ra_cen double, dec_cen 
double, radius double) 
-#returns int external name lsst.ptinsphcircle;
-#create function ptInSphPoly(ra1 double, dec1 double, list double)
-#returns int external name lsst.ptinsphpoly;
-#create filter function xmatch(a bigint, b bigint, opt int) external name 
-# 19:55:26 >  
-# 19:55:26 >  Done.
-# 19:55:26 >  
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst_htmxmatch.reqtests 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst_htmxmatch.reqtests
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst_htmxmatch.sql 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst_htmxmatch.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-create table htm( id BIGINT);
-insert into htm values (100), (101), (102), (103);
-insert into htm values (110), (111), (112), (113);
-insert into htm values (120), (121), (122), (123);
-insert into htm values (130), (131), (132), (133);
--- select identical pairs
-select  * from htm a, htm b where [] xmatch [,0] order by,;
--- select pairs at distance one
-select  * from htm a, htm b where [] xmatch [,1] order by,;
-drop table htm;
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst_htmxmatch.stable.err 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst_htmxmatch.stable.err
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-stderr of test 'lsst_htmxmatch` in directory 'sql/backends/monet5/LSST` itself:
-# 10:09:12 >  
-# 10:09:12 >   mserver5  --debug=10 --set gdk_nr_threads=0  --set 
 --set mapi_open=true --set mapi_port=33762 --set monet_prompt= --trace 
--forcemito --set mal_listing=2  "--dbname=mTests_backends_monet5_LSST" --set 
mal_listing=0 ; echo ; echo Over..
-# 10:09:12 >  
-# builtin opt  gdk_dbname = demo
-# builtin opt  gdk_dbfarm = 
-# builtin opt  gdk_debug = 0
-# builtin opt  gdk_alloc_map = no
-# builtin opt  gdk_vmtrim = yes
-# builtin opt  monet_prompt = >
-# builtin opt  monet_daemon = no
-# builtin opt  mapi_port = 50000
-# builtin opt  mapi_open = false
-# builtin opt  mapi_autosense = false
-# builtin opt  sql_optimizer = default_pipe
-# builtin opt  sql_debug = 0
-# cmdline opt  gdk_nr_threads = 0
-# cmdline opt  gdk_dbfarm = 
-# cmdline opt  mapi_open = true
-# cmdline opt  mapi_port = 33762
-# cmdline opt  monet_prompt = 
-# cmdline opt  mal_listing = 2
-# cmdline opt  gdk_dbname = mTests_backends_monet5_LSST
-# cmdline opt  mal_listing = 0
-# 10:09:12 >  
-# 10:09:12 >  mclient -lsql -ftest -i -e --host=rig --port=33762 
-# 10:09:12 >  
-# 10:09:12 >  
-# 10:09:12 >  Done.
-# 10:09:12 >  
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst_htmxmatch.stable.out 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/LSST/Tests/lsst_htmxmatch.stable.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-stdout of test 'lsst_htmxmatch` in directory 'sql/backends/monet5/LSST` itself:
-# 10:09:12 >  
-# 10:09:12 >   mserver5  --debug=10 --set gdk_nr_threads=0  --set 
 --set mapi_open=true --set mapi_port=33762 --set monet_prompt= --trace 
--forcemito --set mal_listing=2  "--dbname=mTests_backends_monet5_LSST" --set 
mal_listing=0 ; echo ; echo Over..
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