Changeset: 6d9df475fc44 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Mar2018 branch.

diffs (227 lines):

diff --git a/.hgtags b/.hgtags
--- a/.hgtags
+++ b/.hgtags
@@ -695,3 +695,5 @@ 28edc063ceb6a3726af887911a3e4ac4a33c504f
 f34a57f73307a09909b3669ce5cfd9aad490f317 Mar2018_3
 28edc063ceb6a3726af887911a3e4ac4a33c504f Mar2018_release
 f34a57f73307a09909b3669ce5cfd9aad490f317 Mar2018_release
+ee3d17d6f39930280f5aa914b42b87cda09008ca Mar2018_5
+ee3d17d6f39930280f5aa914b42b87cda09008ca Mar2018_SP1_release
diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Vendor: MonetDB BV <>
 Group: Applications/Databases
 License: MPLv2.0
 # we need systemd for the _unitdir macro to exist
 # we need checkpolicy and selinux-policy-devel for the SELinux policy
@@ -1034,6 +1034,59 @@ done
 %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+* Fri May 25 2018 Panagiotis Koutsourakis <> - 
+- Rebuilt.
+- BZ#6562: Sqlitelogictest crash on group by query with not in operator
+- BZ#6565: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex select query with coalesce
+  call
+- BZ#6566: Sqlitelogictest unavailable calc.- MAL operations
+- BZ#6568: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex case query
+- BZ#6569: Sqlitelogictest select query with not between cause with
+  wrong results
+- BZ#6570: Sqlitelogictest select coalesce undefined calc
+- BZ#6572: ordered index Error in optimizer garbageCollector
+- BZ#6573: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex select query with case
+  statement
+- BZ#6574: server crashed could not find ordered index while creating
+  a table
+- BZ#6575: Sqlitelogictest crash on groupby query with coalesce call
+- BZ#6576: Sqlitelogictest aritmetic expressions with negative numbers
+  handling
+- BZ#6577: creating temp table kills performance of the original query
+- BZ#6578: One two-tuple insert gives different results than two single
+  inserts
+- BZ#6579: Sqlitelogic test infinite loop while compiling SQL query
+- BZ#6581: Join condition errors.
+- BZ#6583: Fixed size string concatenation with integer results in fixed
+  size string of size 0
+  result
+- BZ#6585: Nested Merge tables cause an infinite loop in rel_optimizer
+- BZ#6587: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex case statement
+- BZ#6589: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex on complex expression
+- BZ#6594: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex case statement
+- BZ#6595: Remote decimal division triggers assertion / returns wrong
+  answer
+- BZ#6598: Python 3.4 not supported (due to usage of Py_DecodeLocale)
+- BZ#6600: Sqlitelogictest queries fail to execute
+- BZ#6601: "where is null" clause on remote table causes problem with
+  next query
+- BZ#6602: Sqlitelogictest wrong results in IN query
+- BZ#6603: Sqlitelogictest: Aggregation query with distinct clause
+  produces duplicated rows
+- BZ#6605: Sqlitelogictest set queries with wrong results
+* Thu May 17 2018 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.29.5-20180525
+- sql: Corrected the definition of view: sys.ids.
+* Tue Apr  3 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.5-20180525
+- buildtools: On Linux and Unix, try not to link to libraries multiple times: 
+  only causes the code (and worse, the variables in those libraries) to be
+  included multiple times.  On Windows, we do need to link to libraries
+  multiple times (once for each DLL we create if the DLL references
+  anything from the library) but that doesn't cause the linked library
+  to be loaded multiple times.
 * Tue Mar 27 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.3-20180327
 - Rebuilt.
 - BZ#3824: Created table not visible from ODBC
diff --git a/buildtools/ChangeLog-Archive b/buildtools/ChangeLog-Archive
--- a/buildtools/ChangeLog-Archive
+++ b/buildtools/ChangeLog-Archive
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
 # This file contains past ChangeLog entries
+* Tue Apr  3 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.5-20180525
+- On Linux and Unix, try not to link to libraries multiple times: that
+  only causes the code (and worse, the variables in those libraries) to be
+  included multiple times.  On Windows, we do need to link to libraries
+  multiple times (once for each DLL we create if the DLL references
+  anything from the library) but that doesn't cause the linked library
+  to be loaded multiple times.
 * Mon Feb 12 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
 - Added the .pdb files needed for debug symbols to the Windows installer
   for MonetDB/SQL.
diff --git a/buildtools/ChangeLog.Mar2018 b/buildtools/ChangeLog.Mar2018
--- a/buildtools/ChangeLog.Mar2018
+++ b/buildtools/ChangeLog.Mar2018
@@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
 # ChangeLog file for buildtools
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
-* Tue Apr  3 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <>
-- On Linux and Unix, try not to link to libraries multiple times: that
-  only causes the code (and worse, the variables in those libraries) to be
-  included multiple times.  On Windows, we do need to link to libraries
-  multiple times (once for each DLL we create if the DLL references
-  anything from the library) but that doesn't cause the linked library
-  to be loaded multiple times.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,65 @@
+monetdb (11.29.5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Rebuilt.
+  * BZ#6562: Sqlitelogictest crash on group by query with not in operator
+  * BZ#6565: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex select query with coalesce
+    call
+  * BZ#6566: Sqlitelogictest unavailable calc.- MAL operations
+  * BZ#6568: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex case query
+  * BZ#6569: Sqlitelogictest select query with not between cause with
+    wrong results
+  * BZ#6570: Sqlitelogictest select coalesce undefined calc
+  * BZ#6572: ordered index Error in optimizer garbageCollector
+  * BZ#6573: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex select query with case
+    statement
+  * BZ#6574: server crashed could not find ordered index while creating
+    a table
+  * BZ#6575: Sqlitelogictest crash on groupby query with coalesce call
+  * BZ#6576: Sqlitelogictest aritmetic expressions with negative numbers
+    handling
+  * BZ#6577: creating temp table kills performance of the original query
+  * BZ#6578: One two-tuple insert gives different results than two single
+    inserts
+  * BZ#6579: Sqlitelogic test infinite loop while compiling SQL query
+  * BZ#6581: Join condition errors.
+  * BZ#6583: Fixed size string concatenation with integer results in fixed
+    size string of size 0
+    result
+  * BZ#6585: Nested Merge tables cause an infinite loop in rel_optimizer
+  * BZ#6587: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex case statement
+  * BZ#6589: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex on complex expression
+  * BZ#6594: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex case statement
+  * BZ#6595: Remote decimal division triggers assertion / returns wrong
+    answer
+  * BZ#6598: Python 3.4 not supported (due to usage of Py_DecodeLocale)
+  * BZ#6600: Sqlitelogictest queries fail to execute
+  * BZ#6601: "where is null" clause on remote table causes problem with
+    next query
+  * BZ#6602: Sqlitelogictest wrong results in IN query
+  * BZ#6603: Sqlitelogictest: Aggregation query with distinct clause
+    produces duplicated rows
+  * BZ#6605: Sqlitelogictest set queries with wrong results
+ -- Panagiotis Koutsourakis <>  Fri, 25 May 2018 
11:41:04 +0200
+monetdb (11.29.5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * sql: Corrected the definition of view: sys.ids.
+ -- Martin van Dinther <>  Thu, 17 May 
2018 11:41:04 +0200
+monetdb (11.29.5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * buildtools: On Linux and Unix, try not to link to libraries multiple 
times: that
+    only causes the code (and worse, the variables in those libraries) to be
+    included multiple times.  On Windows, we do need to link to libraries
+    multiple times (once for each DLL we create if the DLL references
+    anything from the library) but that doesn't cause the linked library
+    to be loaded multiple times.
+ -- Sjoerd Mullender <>  Tue, 3 Apr 2018 11:41:04 +0200
 monetdb (11.29.3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Rebuilt.
diff --git a/libversions b/libversions
--- a/libversions
+++ b/libversions
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
 # version of the GDK library (subdirectory gdk; also includes
 # common/options and common/utils)
 # version of the MAPI library (subdirectory clients/mapilib)
 # version of the MONETDB5 library (subdirectory monetdb5, not including extras)
 # version of the STREAM library (subdirectory common/stream)
diff --git a/sql/ChangeLog-Archive b/sql/ChangeLog-Archive
--- a/sql/ChangeLog-Archive
+++ b/sql/ChangeLog-Archive
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 # This file contains past ChangeLog entries
+* Thu May 17 2018 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.29.5-20180525
+- Corrected the definition of view: sys.ids.
 * Tue Nov 28 2017 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.3-20180327
 - Extended support to use CREATE ORDERED INDEX on columns of type: char,
   varchar, clob, blob, url, json, inet and uuid.
diff --git a/sql/ChangeLog.Mar2018 b/sql/ChangeLog.Mar2018
--- a/sql/ChangeLog.Mar2018
+++ b/sql/ChangeLog.Mar2018
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
 # ChangeLog file for sql
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
-* Thu May 17 2018 Martin van Dinther <>
-- Corrected the definition of view: sys.ids.
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