Changeset: ded547e6717f for MonetDB
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Approve test output

diffs (41 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -10783,6 +10783,7 @@ Ready.
 [ "remote",    "prelude",      "command remote.prelude():void ",       
"RMTprelude;",  "initialise the remote module"  ]
 [ "remote",    "put",  "pattern remote.put(conn:str, object:any):str ",        
"RMTput;",      "copies object to the remote site and returns its identifier"   
 [ "remote",    "register",     "pattern remote.register(conn:str, mod:str, 
fcn:str):void ",    "RMTregister;", "register <mod>.<fcn> at the remote site"   
+[ "remote",    "register_supervisor",  "command 
remote.register_supervisor(sup_uuid:str, query_uuid:str):int ",        
"RMTregisterSupervisor;",       "Register the supervisor uuid at a remote site" 
 [ "remote",    "resolve",      "command remote.resolve(pattern:str):bat[:str] 
",       "RMTresolve;",  "resolve a pattern against Merovingian and return the 
URIs"     ]
 [ "sabaoth",   "epilogue",     "command sabaoth.epilogue():void ",     
"SABepilogue;", "Release the resources held by the sabaoth module"      ]
 [ "sabaoth",   "getLocalConnectionHost",       "command 
sabaoth.getLocalConnectionHost():str ",        "SABgetLocalConnectionHost;",   
"Returns the hostname this server can be connected to, or nil if none"  ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -14994,6 +14994,7 @@ Ready.
 [ "remote",    "prelude",      "command remote.prelude():void ",       
"RMTprelude;",  "initialise the remote module"  ]
 [ "remote",    "put",  "pattern remote.put(conn:str, object:any):str ",        
"RMTput;",      "copies object to the remote site and returns its identifier"   
 [ "remote",    "register",     "pattern remote.register(conn:str, mod:str, 
fcn:str):void ",    "RMTregister;", "register <mod>.<fcn> at the remote site"   
+[ "remote",    "register_supervisor",  "command 
remote.register_supervisor(sup_uuid:str, query_uuid:str):int ",        
"RMTregisterSupervisor;",       "Register the supervisor uuid at a remote site" 
 [ "remote",    "resolve",      "command remote.resolve(pattern:str):bat[:str] 
",       "RMTresolve;",  "resolve a pattern against Merovingian and return the 
URIs"     ]
 [ "sabaoth",   "epilogue",     "command sabaoth.epilogue():void ",     
"SABepilogue;", "Release the resources held by the sabaoth module"      ]
 [ "sabaoth",   "getLocalConnectionHost",       "command 
sabaoth.getLocalConnectionHost():str ",        "SABgetLocalConnectionHost;",   
"Returns the hostname this server can be connected to, or nil if none"  ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -1656,6 +1656,7 @@ str RMTprelude(void *ret);
 str RMTput(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci);
 str RMTregister(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci);
 str RMTregisterInternal(Client cntxt, str conn, str mod, str fcn);
+str RMTregisterSupervisor(int *ret, str *sup_uuid, str *query_uuid);
 str RMTresolve(bat *ret, str *pat);
 str RUNadder(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p);
 str RUNchoice(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p);
@@ -2476,6 +2477,7 @@ str reconnectRef;
 str reenterMAL(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, int startpc, int stoppc, MalStkPtr 
 str refineRef;
 str registerRef;
+str register_supervisorRef;
 str releaseRef;
 str remapRef;
 str remoteRef;
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