Changeset: 28edc063ceb6 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Removed Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: Mar2018
Log Message:

Moved contents of ChangeLog.Jul2017 and ChangeLog.Mar2018 to MonetDB.spec, 
debian/changelog and ChangeLog-Archive.

diffs (truncated from 1510 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/ChangeLog-Archive b/ChangeLog-Archive
--- a/ChangeLog-Archive
+++ b/ChangeLog-Archive
@@ -1,6 +1,43 @@
 # This file contains past ChangeLog entries
+* Wed Feb 14 2018 Stefan Manegold <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- mclient's execution time profiling options and output format have
+  been changed. Instead of implicitly via the "--interactive"/"-i"
+  option (or when using an interactive mclient console), execution time
+  profiling is now controlled via an explicit "--timer=timermode"/"-t
+  timermode" command-line option, or a "\t timermode" command in the
+  interactive mclient console. The default (also in the interactive
+  mclient console) is now timermode "none", i.e., no timing information
+  is given. Timermode "clock" activates client-side wall-clock timing
+  ("clk") in "human-friendly" format much like the interactive mode did
+  before. Timermode "performance" also provides detailed server-side
+  timings: "sql" is the time to parse the SQL query, optimize the
+  logical relational plan and create the initial physical (MAL) plan;
+  "opt" is the time to optimize the physical (MAL) plan; "run" is the
+  time to execute the physical (MAL) plan. With timermode "performance"
+  all server-side timings and the client-side wall-clock time are given
+  in milliseconds (ms). Note that the client-measured wall-clock time
+  "clk" is reported per query only when options "--interactive" or
+  "--echo" are used, because only then does mclient send individual
+  lines (statements) of the SQL script to the server. Otherwise, mclient
+  sends the SQL script in large(r) batch(es) to the server, and, thus,
+  only the total wall-clock time per batch is measured and reported. The
+  server-measured detailed performance timings "sql", "opt", "run" are
+  always measured and reported per query. Also, all timing information
+  is now given on a separate line and sent to stderr rather than stdout.
+* Fri Feb  9 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- Some types and constants were moved from configure (and hence
+  monetdb_config.h) to gdk.h.  In particular, the types "lng" and
+  "ulng" have been moved and can therefore no longer be used by code
+  that doesn't (ultimately) include gdk.h.  Just use int64_t instead.
+  A bunch of format defines have been removed: SZFMT, SSZFMT, PTRFMT,
+  PDFMT.  Just use the C standard codes for those (%zu, %zd, %p, %td).
+  The define for printing a lng (LLFMT) was also moved.  Use PRId64 for
+  printing int64_t in code not using gdk.h.  Removed all references to
+  __int64 and long long (use int64_t instead).
 * Thu Apr 13 2017 Mark Raasveldt <> - 11.27.1-20170705
 - Added a new server-side protocol implementation. The new protocol
   is backwards compatible with the old protocol. Clients can choose
diff --git a/ChangeLog.Jul2017 b/ChangeLog.Jul2017
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.Jul2017
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog file for devel
-# This file is updated with Maddlog
diff --git a/ChangeLog.Mar2018 b/ChangeLog.Mar2018
--- a/ChangeLog.Mar2018
+++ b/ChangeLog.Mar2018
@@ -1,40 +1,3 @@
 # ChangeLog file for devel
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
-* Wed Feb 14 2018 Stefan Manegold <>
-- mclient's execution time profiling options and output format have
-  been changed. Instead of implicitly via the "--interactive"/"-i"
-  option (or when using an interactive mclient console), execution time
-  profiling is now controlled via an explicit "--timer=timermode"/"-t
-  timermode" command-line option, or a "\t timermode" command in the
-  interactive mclient console. The default (also in the interactive
-  mclient console) is now timermode "none", i.e., no timing information
-  is given. Timermode "clock" activates client-side wall-clock timing
-  ("clk") in "human-friendly" format much like the interactive mode did
-  before. Timermode "performance" also provides detailed server-side
-  timings: "sql" is the time to parse the SQL query, optimize the
-  logical relational plan and create the initial physical (MAL) plan;
-  "opt" is the time to optimize the physical (MAL) plan; "run" is the
-  time to execute the physical (MAL) plan. With timermode "performance"
-  all server-side timings and the client-side wall-clock time are given
-  in milliseconds (ms). Note that the client-measured wall-clock time
-  "clk" is reported per query only when options "--interactive" or
-  "--echo" are used, because only then does mclient send individual
-  lines (statements) of the SQL script to the server. Otherwise, mclient
-  sends the SQL script in large(r) batch(es) to the server, and, thus,
-  only the total wall-clock time per batch is measured and reported. The
-  server-measured detailed performance timings "sql", "opt", "run" are
-  always measured and reported per query. Also, all timing information
-  is now given on a separate line and sent to stderr rather than stdout.
-* Fri Feb  9 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <>
-- Some types and constants were moved from configure (and hence
-  monetdb_config.h) to gdk.h.  In particular, the types "lng" and
-  "ulng" have been moved and can therefore no longer be used by code
-  that doesn't (ultimately) include gdk.h.  Just use int64_t instead.
-  A bunch of format defines have been removed: SZFMT, SSZFMT, PTRFMT,
-  PDFMT.  Just use the C standard codes for those (%zu, %zd, %p, %td).
-  The define for printing a lng (LLFMT) was also moved.  Use PRId64 for
-  printing int64_t in code not using gdk.h.  Removed all references to
-  __int64 and long long (use int64_t instead).
diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Vendor: MonetDB BV <>
 Group: Applications/Databases
 License: MPLv2.0
 # we need systemd for the _unitdir macro to exist
 # we need checkpolicy and selinux-policy-devel for the SELinux policy
@@ -1046,6 +1046,304 @@ done
 %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+* Thu Mar 15 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- Rebuilt.
+- BZ#3574: Add support for: create OR REPLACE view ...
+- BZ#3831: Extend date part extraction and date formating functions to
+  support more formats like "quarter", "iso year/week"
+- BZ#6244: Add support for: TRUNCATE TABLE
+- BZ#6249: DEFAULT in row-values missing (sqlsmith)
+- BZ#6346: BATsort returns GDK_SUCCEED when **sorted bat is null
+- BZ#6507: Column Header coming with trailing spaces in compiled version
+  of MonetDB 11.27.9/11
+- BZ#6513: Sqlitelogictest: Wrong MAL plan generation for column product
+- BZ#6526: Crash using aggregate function inside a case statement in
+  having clause
+- BZ#6529: Sqlitelogictest crash in select query with IN operator and cast
+- BZ#6530: Sqlitelogictest: select query with NOT IN giving wrong results
+- BZ#6532: copy into ignore null as directive if first column doesn't
+  come from file
+- BZ#6534: [Mar2018]: mclient -f tab / --format=tab complains about
+  "unsupported formatter"
+- BZ#6535: [Mar2018]: mclient -t / --timer does not work as documented
+- BZ#6536: [Mar2018]: timing output of mclient -t / --timer= should go
+  to stderr rather than stdout
+- BZ#6537: [Mar2018]: mclient's default timing mode should (again) be
+  "none" rather than "clock"
+- BZ#6541: [Mar2018]: mclient reports incorrect wall-clock time
+- BZ#6542: assertion failure when querying: select count(*) from
+  sys.commented_function_signatures;
+- BZ#6543: Mar2018: truncate on SQL system tables should NOT be allowed
+- BZ#6545: Sqlitelogictest crash in IN query
+- BZ#6546: Sqlitelogictest crash in IN query with division
+- BZ#6547: OS-dependent behaviour for ilike
+- BZ#6548: Select from remote table leaves session open
+- BZ#6549: Add log messages when listen fails
+- BZ#6550: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex CASE statement
+- BZ#6551: Sqlitelogictest wrong NULL value cast
+- BZ#6552: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex case statement
+- BZ#6553: Sqlitelogictest crash on aggregation with having statement
+- BZ#6554: Sqlitelogictest crash on complex case statement
+- BZ#6555: Sqlitelogictest wrong result set generated from complex
+  case statement
+* Thu Mar  8 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- mapilib: The three mapi_explain* functions and mapi_trace don't return any
+  useful information, so they now return void.
+* Thu Mar  8 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- utils: The function mcrypt_getHashAlgorithms now returns a static, constant
+  string, so the result should not be modified or freed.
+* Wed Feb 28 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- clients: ODBC: The driver function SQLProcedureColumns was implemented.
+* Fri Feb 16 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- gdk: Changed return type of function void_replace_bat from BUN to gdk_return:
+  it now only returns whether the operation succeeded or not.
+- gdk: Changed the return type of BATroles from void to gdk_return: it can
+  fail due to malloc failure.
+* Wed Feb 14 2018 Stefan Manegold <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- MonetDB: mclient's execution time profiling options and output format have
+  been changed. Instead of implicitly via the "--interactive"/"-i"
+  option (or when using an interactive mclient console), execution time
+  profiling is now controlled via an explicit "--timer=timermode"/"-t
+  timermode" command-line option, or a "\t timermode" command in the
+  interactive mclient console. The default (also in the interactive
+  mclient console) is now timermode "none", i.e., no timing information
+  is given. Timermode "clock" activates client-side wall-clock timing
+  ("clk") in "human-friendly" format much like the interactive mode did
+  before. Timermode "performance" also provides detailed server-side
+  timings: "sql" is the time to parse the SQL query, optimize the
+  logical relational plan and create the initial physical (MAL) plan;
+  "opt" is the time to optimize the physical (MAL) plan; "run" is the
+  time to execute the physical (MAL) plan. With timermode "performance"
+  all server-side timings and the client-side wall-clock time are given
+  in milliseconds (ms). Note that the client-measured wall-clock time
+  "clk" is reported per query only when options "--interactive" or
+  "--echo" are used, because only then does mclient send individual
+  lines (statements) of the SQL script to the server. Otherwise, mclient
+  sends the SQL script in large(r) batch(es) to the server, and, thus,
+  only the total wall-clock time per batch is measured and reported. The
+  server-measured detailed performance timings "sql", "opt", "run" are
+  always measured and reported per query. Also, all timing information
+  is now given on a separate line and sent to stderr rather than stdout.
+* Mon Feb 12 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- buildtools: Added the .pdb files needed for debug symbols to the Windows 
+  for MonetDB/SQL.
+* Fri Feb  9 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- gdk: Removed functions ALIGNsetH, ALIGNsetT, and CREATEview_ (mind the
+  underscore).  The first can easily be replace by using BAThseqbase
+  (that's all it did), the second was only used once, and the third can
+  be replace by VIEWcreate.
+* Fri Feb  9 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- MonetDB: Some types and constants were moved from configure (and hence
+  monetdb_config.h) to gdk.h.  In particular, the types "lng" and
+  "ulng" have been moved and can therefore no longer be used by code
+  that doesn't (ultimately) include gdk.h.  Just use int64_t instead.
+  A bunch of format defines have been removed: SZFMT, SSZFMT, PTRFMT,
+  PDFMT.  Just use the C standard codes for those (%zu, %zd, %p, %td).
+  The define for printing a lng (LLFMT) was also moved.  Use PRId64 for
+  printing int64_t in code not using gdk.h.  Removed all references to
+  __int64 and long long (use int64_t instead).
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.29.1-20180315
+- sql: Added new system view: sys.ids which contains all database objects
+  ids which can be used in sys.dependencies table.
+- sql: Added new system view: sys.dependencies_vw which shows all data of
+  sys.dependencies including names on objects, object types and dependency 
+- sql: Added 25 new system views for finding out dependencies between database 
+  These new dependency views improve, extend and replace the 17
+  sys.dependencies_X_on_Y() functions as previously defined in
+  21_dependency_functions.sql. Those sys.dependencies_X_on_Y() functions
+  are now marked as deprecated.
+- sql: Added new system view: sys.roles which contains all defined roles.
+- sql: Added new system view: sys.var_values which shows the values for
+  system variables.
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- clients: ODBC: Changed table types as used by SQLTables from "LOCAL 
+  TABLE" respectively.
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- clients: ODBC: Initial support for the HUGEINT type in SQL was added.  Any 
+  with type HUGEINT can be retrieved in a C variable with type SQL_C_CHAR
+  or SQL_C_WCHAR.  A value of type HUGEINT can be retrieved in other C
+  types as long as they fit, the largest C type supported being a 64 bit
+  integer (equivalent to BIGINT).
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- monetdb5: Implemented function pcre.replace_first which is like pcre.replace,
+  except it only replaces the first match.
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- gdk: Removed unused functions BATmemsize and BATvmsize.
+- gdk: Removed the tnodense property: it was maintained but never actually
+  used, not even stored.
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Joeri van Ruth <> - 
+- sql: Added support for COMMENT ON statements using SQL syntax:
+        qname IS { 'my description text' | NULL | '' } ;
+  For COLUMN the qname can be "table_name"."column_name" or fully qualified
+  as in: "schema_name"."table_name"."column_name".
+  may need to include the signature (argument types) to be able to
+  differentiate between multiple overloaded functions which have the same name
+  and schema.
+  By specifying IS NULL or IS '' you remove the comment for the database 
+  If a database object is dropped, the associated comment is also removed.
+  Note: it is not allowed or possible to add comments for temporary tables or
+        objects in schema "tmp".
+  The sql catalog has been extended with system table: sys.comments.
+  The keyword 'COMMENT' has now become a reserved keyword.
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.29.1-20180315
+- sql: Removed system function sys.environment(). It was a duplicate of system
+  function sys.env().
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- stream: The interface of mnstr_fgetpos and mnstr_fsetpos was changed to look
+  more like the standard C functions fsetpos and fgetpos: they both have
+  a second argument "pointer to fpos_t".
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- clients: The functions in the mapi library that require 64 bit integers now
+  use the standard type int64_t instead of the non-standard mapi_int64.
+  This requires a compilation environment that has the stdint.h include
+  file (standardized in C99).  Compilation of the library also requires
+  the inttypes.h include file (also standardized in C99).
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.29.1-20180315
+- sql: Implemented behavior for DROP SCHEMA my_schema RESTRICT command.
+  Previously the RESTRICT keyword was accepted but not obeyed. It would
+  always do a CASCADE operation.  Also the default behavior of DROP SCHEMA
+  my_schema command is now changed into RESTRICT behavior (was CASCADE).
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
+- gdk: The NIL representation of the internal flt and dbl types was changed
+  from the smallest representable finite value to NaN (not-a-number).
+* Fri Feb  2 2018 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.29.1-20180315
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