Changeset: 8df7297812a5 for MonetDB
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Branch: comment-on
Log Message:

Approve of new additions in sql/test/systemfunctions

diffs (70 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out
@@ -402,6 +402,8 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   3,      "bigint",       ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "comment_on",   0,      "int",  "create procedure 
sys.comment_on(obj_id integer, obj_remark varchar(65000))\nbegin\n if 
obj_remark is null or obj_remark = '' then\n delete from sys.comments where id 
= obj_id;\n elseif exists (select id from sys.comments where id = obj_id) 
then\n update sys.comments set remark = obj_remark where id = obj_id;\n else\n 
insert into sys.comments values (obj_id, obj_remark);\n end if;\nend;"  ]
+[ "sys",       "comment_on",   1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "concat",       0,      "char", "+"     ]
 [ "sys",       "concat",       1,      "char", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "concat",       2,      "char", ""      ]
@@ -547,6 +549,13 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "dependencies_views_on_triggers",       0,      "varchar",      
"create function dependencies_views_on_triggers()\nreturns table (sch 
varchar(100), usr varchar(100), dep_type varchar(32))\nreturn table (select,, 'DEP_TRIGGER' from tables as v, triggers as tri, dependencies 
as dep where = and dep.depend_id and dep.depend_type = 8 
and v.type = 1);"        ]
 [ "sys",       "dependencies_views_on_triggers",       1,      "varchar",      
""      ]
 [ "sys",       "dependencies_views_on_triggers",       2,      "varchar",      
""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 0,      "varchar",      "create 
function sys.describe_all_objects()\nreturns table (\n sname varchar(1024),\n 
name varchar(1024),\n fullname varchar(1024),\n ntype integer, \n type 
varchar(30),\n system boolean,\n remark varchar(65000)\n)\nbegin\n return table 
(\n with\n table_data as (\n select schema_id as sid,\n id,\n name,\n system,\n 
(case type\n when 1 then 2 \n else 1 \n end) as ntype,\n table_type_name as 
type\n from sys._tables left outer join sys.table_types on type = 
table_type_id\n where type in (0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)\n ),\n sequence_data as (\n 
select schema_id as sid,\n id,\n name,\n false as system,\n 4 as ntype,\n 
'SEQUENCE' as type\n from sys.sequences\n ),\n function_data as (\n select 
schema_id as sid,\n id,\n name,\n exists (select function_id from 
sys.systemfunctions where function_id = id) as system,\n 8 as ntype,\n 
sys.function_type_keyword(type) as type\n from sys.functions\n ),\n schema_data 
as (\n select 0 as sid,\n id,\n name,\n system,\
 n 16 as ntype,\n 'SCHEMA' as type\n from sys.schemas\n ),\n all_data as (\n 
select * from table_data\n union\n select * from sequence_data\n union\n select 
* from function_data\n union\n select * from schema_data\n )\n \n select 
distinct\n as sname,\n as name,\n coalesce( || '.', '') || as fullname,\n a.ntype as ntype,\n (case when a.system then 'SYSTEM ' 
else '' end) || a.type as type,\n a.system as system,\n c.remark as remark\n 
from all_data a\n left outer join sys.schemas s on a.sid =\n left outer 
join sys.comments c on =\n order by system, name, fullname, ntype\n 
);\nend;"     ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 2,      "varchar",      ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 3,      "int",  ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 4,      "varchar",      ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 5,      "boolean",      ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 6,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "diff", 0,      "boolean",      "diff"  ]
 [ "sys",       "diff", 1,      "any",  ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "diff", 0,      "boolean",      "diff"  ]
@@ -606,6 +615,8 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "floor",        1,      "real", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "floor",        0,      "double",       "floor" ]
 [ "sys",       "floor",        1,      "double",       ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "function_type_keyword",        0,      "varchar",      "create 
function sys.function_type_keyword(ftype int)\nreturns varchar(20)\nbegin\n 
return case ftype\n when 1 then 'FUNCTION'\n when 2 then 'PROCEDURE'\n when 3 
then 'AGGREGATE'\n when 4 then 'FILTER FUNCTION'\n when 7 then 'LOADER'\n else 
'ROUTINE'\n end;\nend;"        ]
+[ "sys",       "function_type_keyword",        1,      "int",  ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "fuse", 0,      "smallint",     "create function fuse(one 
tinyint, two tinyint)\nreturns smallint external name udf.fuse;"      ]
 [ "sys",       "fuse", 1,      "tinyint",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "fuse", 2,      "tinyint",      ""      ]
diff --git a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out.int128
@@ -433,6 +433,8 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "columnsize",   3,      "bigint",       ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "comment_on",   0,      "int",  "create procedure 
sys.comment_on(obj_id integer, obj_remark varchar(65000))\nbegin\n if 
obj_remark is null or obj_remark = '' then\n delete from sys.comments where id 
= obj_id;\n elseif exists (select id from sys.comments where id = obj_id) 
then\n update sys.comments set remark = obj_remark where id = obj_id;\n else\n 
insert into sys.comments values (obj_id, obj_remark);\n end if;\nend;"  ]
+[ "sys",       "comment_on",   1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "concat",       0,      "char", "+"     ]
 [ "sys",       "concat",       1,      "char", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "concat",       2,      "char", ""      ]
@@ -581,6 +583,13 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "dependencies_views_on_triggers",       0,      "varchar",      
"create function dependencies_views_on_triggers()\nreturns table (sch 
varchar(100), usr varchar(100), dep_type varchar(32))\nreturn table (select,, 'DEP_TRIGGER' from tables as v, triggers as tri, dependencies 
as dep where = and dep.depend_id and dep.depend_type = 8 
and v.type = 1);"        ]
 [ "sys",       "dependencies_views_on_triggers",       1,      "varchar",      
""      ]
 [ "sys",       "dependencies_views_on_triggers",       2,      "varchar",      
""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 0,      "varchar",      "create 
function sys.describe_all_objects()\nreturns table (\n sname varchar(1024),\n 
name varchar(1024),\n fullname varchar(1024),\n ntype integer, \n type 
varchar(30),\n system boolean,\n remark varchar(65000)\n)\nbegin\n return table 
(\n with\n table_data as (\n select schema_id as sid,\n id,\n name,\n system,\n 
(case type\n when 1 then 2 \n else 1 \n end) as ntype,\n table_type_name as 
type\n from sys._tables left outer join sys.table_types on type = 
table_type_id\n where type in (0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)\n ),\n sequence_data as (\n 
select schema_id as sid,\n id,\n name,\n false as system,\n 4 as ntype,\n 
'SEQUENCE' as type\n from sys.sequences\n ),\n function_data as (\n select 
schema_id as sid,\n id,\n name,\n exists (select function_id from 
sys.systemfunctions where function_id = id) as system,\n 8 as ntype,\n 
sys.function_type_keyword(type) as type\n from sys.functions\n ),\n schema_data 
as (\n select 0 as sid,\n id,\n name,\n system,\
 n 16 as ntype,\n 'SCHEMA' as type\n from sys.schemas\n ),\n all_data as (\n 
select * from table_data\n union\n select * from sequence_data\n union\n select 
* from function_data\n union\n select * from schema_data\n )\n \n select 
distinct\n as sname,\n as name,\n coalesce( || '.', '') || as fullname,\n a.ntype as ntype,\n (case when a.system then 'SYSTEM ' 
else '' end) || a.type as type,\n a.system as system,\n c.remark as remark\n 
from all_data a\n left outer join sys.schemas s on a.sid =\n left outer 
join sys.comments c on =\n order by system, name, fullname, ntype\n 
);\nend;"     ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 2,      "varchar",      ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 3,      "int",  ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 4,      "varchar",      ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 5,      "boolean",      ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "describe_all_objects", 6,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "diff", 0,      "boolean",      "diff"  ]
 [ "sys",       "diff", 1,      "any",  ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "diff", 0,      "boolean",      "diff"  ]
@@ -640,6 +649,8 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "floor",        1,      "real", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "floor",        0,      "double",       "floor" ]
 [ "sys",       "floor",        1,      "double",       ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "function_type_keyword",        0,      "varchar",      "create 
function sys.function_type_keyword(ftype int)\nreturns varchar(20)\nbegin\n 
return case ftype\n when 1 then 'FUNCTION'\n when 2 then 'PROCEDURE'\n when 3 
then 'AGGREGATE'\n when 4 then 'FILTER FUNCTION'\n when 7 then 'LOADER'\n else 
'ROUTINE'\n end;\nend;"        ]
+[ "sys",       "function_type_keyword",        1,      "int",  ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "fuse", 0,      "smallint",     "create function fuse(one 
tinyint, two tinyint)\nreturns smallint external name udf.fuse;"      ]
 [ "sys",       "fuse", 1,      "tinyint",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "fuse", 2,      "tinyint",      ""      ]
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