Changeset: 7a66e2635434 for MonetDB
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Branch: batcalc-candidates
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Backed out changeset 75a6d9764277: wrong branch.

diffs (123 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -526,8 +526,6 @@ Ready.
 [ "algebra",   "thetajoin",    "command algebra.thetajoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], op:int, nil_matches:bit, 
estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",   "ALGthetajoin;",        
"Theta join with candidate lists"       ]
 [ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
val:any_1, op:str):bat[:oid] ",     "ALGthetaselect1;",     "Select all head 
values for which the tail value obeys the relation\n\tvalue OP VAL.\n\tInput is 
a dense-headed BAT, output is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head 
value of the input BAT for which the\n\trelationship holds.  The output BAT is 
sorted on the tail value."        ]
 [ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], val:any_1, op:str):bat[:oid] ",        "ALGthetaselect2;",     
"Select all head values of the first input BAT for which the tail 
value\n\tobeys the relation value OP VAL and for which the head value occurs 
in\n\tthe tail of the second input BAT.\n\tInput is a dense-headed BAT, output 
is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head value of the input BAT for 
which the\n\trelationship holds.  The output BAT is sorted on the tail value."  
-[ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
val:any_1, op:str):bat[:void] ",    "ALGthetaselectMsk1;",  ""      ]
-[ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], val:any_1, op:str):bat[:void] ",       "ALGthetaselectMsk2;",  ""  
 [ "algebra",   "unique",       "command 
algebra.unique(b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:oid] ",     "ALGunique1;",  "Select all 
unique values from the tail of the input.\n\tInput is a dense-headed BAT, 
output is a dense-headed BAT with\n\tin the tail the head value of the input 
BAT that was selected.\n\tThe output BAT is sorted on the tail value."       ]
 [ "algebra",   "unique",       "command algebra.unique(b:bat[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:oid] ",        "ALGunique2;",  "Select all unique values from 
the tail of the first input.\n\tInput is a dense-headed BAT, the second input 
is a\n\tdense-headed BAT with sorted tail, output is a dense-headed\n\tBAT with 
in the tail the head value of the input BAT that was\n\tselected.  The output 
BAT is sorted on the tail value.  The\n\tsecond input BAT is a list of 
candidates."  ]
 [ "bam",       "bam_drop_file",        "pattern bam.bam_drop_file(file_id:lng, 
dbschema:sht):void ",   "bam_drop_file;",       "Drop alignment tables and 
header data for the bam file with the given file_id" ]
@@ -8142,8 +8140,6 @@ Ready.
 [ "oltp",      "table",        "pattern oltp.table() (start:bat[:timestamp], 
usr:bat[:str], unit:bat[:int], cnt:bat[:int]) ",  "OLTPtable;",   "Show status 
of lock table"     ]
 [ "optimizer", "aliases",      "pattern optimizer.aliases():str ",     
"OPTwrapper;",  ""      ]
 [ "optimizer", "aliases",      "pattern optimizer.aliases(mod:str, 
fcn:str):str ",     "OPTwrapper;",  "Alias removal optimizer"       ]
-[ "optimizer", "batcalc",      "pattern optimizer.batcalc():str ",     
"OPTwrapper;",  ""      ]
-[ "optimizer", "batcalc",      "pattern optimizer.batcalc(mod:str, 
fcn:str):str ",     "OPTwrapper;",  "Merge projections into the arithmetic" ]
 [ "optimizer", "candidates",   "pattern optimizer.candidates():str ",  
"OPTwrapper;",  ""      ]
 [ "optimizer", "candidates",   "pattern optimizer.candidates(mod:str, 
fcn:str):str ",  "OPTwrapper;",  "Mark candidate list variables" ]
 [ "optimizer", "coercions",    "pattern optimizer.coercions():str ",   
"OPTwrapper;",  ""      ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -630,8 +630,6 @@ Ready.
 [ "algebra",   "thetajoin",    "command algebra.thetajoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], op:int, nil_matches:bit, 
estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",   "ALGthetajoin;",        
"Theta join with candidate lists"       ]
 [ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
val:any_1, op:str):bat[:oid] ",     "ALGthetaselect1;",     "Select all head 
values for which the tail value obeys the relation\n\tvalue OP VAL.\n\tInput is 
a dense-headed BAT, output is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head 
value of the input BAT for which the\n\trelationship holds.  The output BAT is 
sorted on the tail value."        ]
 [ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], val:any_1, op:str):bat[:oid] ",        "ALGthetaselect2;",     
"Select all head values of the first input BAT for which the tail 
value\n\tobeys the relation value OP VAL and for which the head value occurs 
in\n\tthe tail of the second input BAT.\n\tInput is a dense-headed BAT, output 
is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head value of the input BAT for 
which the\n\trelationship holds.  The output BAT is sorted on the tail value."  
-[ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
val:any_1, op:str):bat[:void] ",    "ALGthetaselectMsk1;",  ""      ]
-[ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid], val:any_1, op:str):bat[:void] ",       "ALGthetaselectMsk2;",  ""  
 [ "algebra",   "unique",       "command 
algebra.unique(b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:oid] ",     "ALGunique1;",  "Select all 
unique values from the tail of the input.\n\tInput is a dense-headed BAT, 
output is a dense-headed BAT with\n\tin the tail the head value of the input 
BAT that was selected.\n\tThe output BAT is sorted on the tail value."       ]
 [ "algebra",   "unique",       "command algebra.unique(b:bat[:any_1], 
s:bat[:oid]):bat[:oid] ",        "ALGunique2;",  "Select all unique values from 
the tail of the first input.\n\tInput is a dense-headed BAT, the second input 
is a\n\tdense-headed BAT with sorted tail, output is a dense-headed\n\tBAT with 
in the tail the head value of the input BAT that was\n\tselected.  The output 
BAT is sorted on the tail value.  The\n\tsecond input BAT is a list of 
candidates."  ]
 [ "bam",       "bam_drop_file",        "pattern bam.bam_drop_file(file_id:lng, 
dbschema:sht):void ",   "bam_drop_file;",       "Drop alignment tables and 
header data for the bam file with the given file_id" ]
@@ -10504,8 +10502,6 @@ Ready.
 [ "oltp",      "table",        "pattern oltp.table() (start:bat[:timestamp], 
usr:bat[:str], unit:bat[:int], cnt:bat[:int]) ",  "OLTPtable;",   "Show status 
of lock table"     ]
 [ "optimizer", "aliases",      "pattern optimizer.aliases():str ",     
"OPTwrapper;",  ""      ]
 [ "optimizer", "aliases",      "pattern optimizer.aliases(mod:str, 
fcn:str):str ",     "OPTwrapper;",  "Alias removal optimizer"       ]
-[ "optimizer", "batcalc",      "pattern optimizer.batcalc():str ",     
"OPTwrapper;",  ""      ]
-[ "optimizer", "batcalc",      "pattern optimizer.batcalc(mod:str, 
fcn:str):str ",     "OPTwrapper;",  "Merge projections into the arithmetic" ]
 [ "optimizer", "candidates",   "pattern optimizer.candidates():str ",  
"OPTwrapper;",  ""      ]
 [ "optimizer", "candidates",   "pattern optimizer.candidates(mod:str, 
fcn:str):str ",  "OPTwrapper;",  "Mark candidate list variables" ]
 [ "optimizer", "coercions",    "pattern optimizer.coercions():str ",   
"OPTwrapper;",  ""      ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -729,8 +729,6 @@ str ALGsubslice_lng(bat *ret, const bat 
 str ALGthetajoin(bat *r1, bat *r2, const bat *l, const bat *r, const bat *sl, 
const bat *sr, const int *op, const bit *nil_matches, const lng *estimate);
 str ALGthetaselect1(bat *result, const bat *bid, const void *val, const char 
 str ALGthetaselect2(bat *result, const bat *bid, const bat *sid, const void 
*val, const char **op);
-str ALGthetaselectMsk1(bat *result, const bat *bid, const void *val, const 
char **op);
-str ALGthetaselectMsk2(bat *result, const bat *bid, const bat *sid, const void 
*val, const char **op);
 str ALGunique1(bat *result, const bat *bid);
 str ALGunique2(bat *result, const bat *bid, const bat *sid);
 str ALGvariance(dbl *res, const bat *bid);
@@ -1554,7 +1552,6 @@ str OLTPreset(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb
 str OLTPtable(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci);
 void OPTaliasRemap(InstrPtr p, int *alias);
 str OPTaliasesImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, 
InstrPtr p);
-str OPTbatcalcImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, 
InstrPtr p);
 str OPTcandidatesImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, 
InstrPtr p);
 str OPTcoercionImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, 
InstrPtr pci);
 str OPTcommonTermsImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, 
InstrPtr pci);
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.c 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.c
@@ -296,24 +296,12 @@ ALGthetaselect2(bat *result, const bat *
-ALGthetaselectMsk2(bat *result, const bat *bid, const bat *sid, const void 
*val, const char **op)
-       return ALGthetaselect2(result, bid, sid, val, op);
 ALGthetaselect1(bat *result, const bat *bid, const void *val, const char **op)
        return ALGthetaselect2(result, bid, NULL, val, op);
-ALGthetaselectMsk1(bat *result, const bat *bid, const void *val, const char 
-       return ALGthetaselectMsk2(result, bid, NULL, val, op);
 ALGselectNotNil(bat *result, const bat *bid)
        BAT *b, *bn = NULL;
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.h 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.h
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.h
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ mal_export str ALGselect1(bat *result, c
 mal_export str ALGselect2(bat *result, const bat *bid, const bat *sid, const 
void *low, const void *high, const bit *li, const bit *hi, const bit *anti);
 mal_export str ALGthetaselect1(bat *result, const bat *bid, const void *val, 
const char **op);
 mal_export str ALGthetaselect2(bat *result, const bat *bid, const bat *sid, 
const void *val, const char **op);
-mal_export str ALGthetaselectMsk1(bat *result, const bat *bid, const void 
*val, const char **op);
-mal_export str ALGthetaselectMsk2(bat *result, const bat *bid, const bat *sid, 
const void *val, const char **op);
 mal_export str ALGjoin(bat *r1, bat *r2, const bat *l, const bat *r, const bat 
*sl, const bat *sr, const bit *nil_matches, const lng *estimate);
 mal_export str ALGleftjoin(bat *r1, bat *r2, const bat *l, const bat *r, const 
bat *sl, const bat *sr, const bit *nil_matches, const lng *estimate);
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.mal 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/algebra.mal
@@ -70,8 +70,6 @@ comment "Select all head values of the f
        Note that the output is suitable as second input for this
-command thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], val:any_1, op:str) :bat[:msk]
-address ALGthetaselectMsk1;
 command thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], val:any_1, op:str) :bat[:oid]
 address ALGthetaselect1
 comment "Select all head values for which the tail value obeys the relation
@@ -80,8 +78,6 @@ comment "Select all head values for whic
        the tail the head value of the input BAT for which the
        relationship holds.  The output BAT is sorted on the tail value.";
-command thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], s:bat[:oid], val:any_1, op:str) :bat[:msk]
-address ALGthetaselectMsk2;
 command thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], s:bat[:oid], val:any_1, op:str) :bat[:oid]
 address ALGthetaselect2
 comment "Select all head values of the first input BAT for which the tail value
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