Changeset: 6bfbf16160a6 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jul2017
Log Message:

Implement special case for round(): result has type of first argument.

diffs (264 lines):

diff --git a/sql/common/sql_types.c b/sql/common/sql_types.c
--- a/sql/common/sql_types.c
+++ b/sql/common/sql_types.c
@@ -643,14 +643,25 @@ sql_dup_subfunc(sql_allocator *sa, sql_f
        } else if (IS_FUNC(f) || IS_UNION(f) || IS_ANALYTIC(f)) { /* not needed 
for PROC */
                unsigned int mscale = 0, mdigits = 0;
-               if (ops) for (tn = ops->h; tn; tn = tn->next) {
-                       sql_subtype *a = tn->data;
+               if (ops) {
+                       if (ops->h && ops->h->data && f->imp &&
+                           strcmp(f->imp, "round") == 0) {
+                               /* special case for round(): result is
+                                * same type as first argument */
+                               sql_subtype *a = ops->h->data;
+                               mscale = a->scale;
+                               mdigits = a->digits;
+                       } else {
+                               for (tn = ops->h; tn; tn = tn->next) {
+                                       sql_subtype *a = tn->data;
-                       /* same scale as the input */
-                       if (a && a->scale > mscale)
-                               mscale = a->scale;
-                       if (a && f->fix_scale == INOUT)
-                               mdigits = a->digits;
+                                       /* same scale as the input */
+                                       if (a && a->scale > mscale)
+                                               mscale = a->scale;
+                                       if (a && f->fix_scale == INOUT)
+                                               mdigits = a->digits;
+                               }
+                       }
                if (!member) {
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2014/Tests/round-properties.Bug-3515.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2014/Tests/round-properties.Bug-3515.stable.out
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.ceil_floor_round,        sys.L3 # table_name
 % a,   L3 # name
 % decimal,     decimal # type
-% 20,  10 # length
+% 20,  20 # length
 [ -5.500,      -6.000  ]
 [ -5.499,      -5.000  ]
 [ 0.000,       0.000   ]
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2014/Tests/round.Bug-3542.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2014/Tests/round.Bug-3542.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2014/Tests/round.Bug-3542.stable.out.int128
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.t1,      sys.t2, sys.L4 # table_name
 % id,  id,     L4 # name
 % int, int,    decimal # type
-% 1,   1,      7 # length
+% 1,   1,      38 # length
 [ 1,   1,      0.00000000000000000000  ]
 [ 1,   2,      0.00000000000000000000  ]
 [ 2,   1,      0.00000000000000000000  ]
diff --git a/sql/test/Tests/round.stable.out b/sql/test/Tests/round.stable.out
--- a/sql/test/Tests/round.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/Tests/round.stable.out
@@ -28,31 +28,31 @@ Ready.
 % .L2, .L4,    .L6,    .L10 # table_name
 % L2,  L4,     L6,     L10 # name
 % decimal,     decimal,        decimal,        decimal # type
-% 3,   4,      4,      5 # length
+% 7,   7,      7,      7 # length
 [ 750.00,      700.00, 1000.00,        0.00    ]
 #SELECT ROUND(123.9994, 3),ROUND(123.9995, 3);
 % .L2, .L4 # table_name
 % L2,  L4 # name
 % decimal,     decimal # type
-% 4,   4 # length
+% 9,   9 # length
 [ 123.9990,    124.0000        ]
 #SELECT ROUND(123.4545, 2);
 % .L2 # table_name
 % L2 # name
 % decimal # type
-% 4 # length
+% 9 # length
 [ 123.4500     ]
 #SELECT ROUND(123.45, -2);
 % .L2 # table_name
 % L2 # name
 % decimal # type
-% 4 # length
+% 7 # length
 [ 100.00       ]
 #SELECT ROUND(150.75, 0);
 % .L2 # table_name
 % L2 # name
 % decimal # type
-% 10 # length
+% 7 # length
 [ 151.00       ]
 # 15:17:10 >  
diff --git a/sql/test/pg_regress/Tests/numeric.stable.err 
--- a/sql/test/pg_regress/Tests/numeric.stable.err
+++ b/sql/test/pg_regress/Tests/numeric.stable.err
@@ -108,31 +108,7 @@ ERROR = !decimal (NaN) doesn't have form
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-31608/.s.monetdb.31061
 QUERY = INSERT INTO num_exp_power_10_ln VALUES (1,'NaN');
 ERROR = !decimal (NaN) doesn't have format (38.19)
-MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-31608/.s.monetdb.31061
-QUERY = SELECT t1.id1, t1.id2, t1.result, round(t2.expected, 20) as expected
-            FROM num_result t1, num_exp_add t2
-            WHERE t1.id1 = t2.id1 AND t1.id2 = t2.id2
-            AND t1.result <> round(t2.expected, 20);
-ERROR = !value (-343384922153970470000000000) exceeds limits of type int
-MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-31608/.s.monetdb.31061
-QUERY = SELECT t1.id1, t1.id2, t1.result, round(t2.expected, 40) as expected
-            FROM num_result t1, num_exp_sub t2
-            WHERE t1.id1 = t2.id1 AND t1.id2 = t2.id2
-            AND t1.result <> round(t2.expected, 40);
-ERROR = !value (343384922153970470000000000) exceeds limits of type int
-MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-31769/.s.monetdb.32802
-QUERY = SELECT t1.id1, t1.id2, t1.result, round(t2.expected, 30) as expected
-            FROM num_result t1, num_exp_mul t2
-            WHERE t1.id1 = t2.id1 AND t1.id2 = t2.id2
-            AND t1.result <> round(t2.expected, 30);
-ERROR = !value (11791320476268835968621358563202090) exceeds limits of type int
-MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-31769/.s.monetdb.32802
-QUERY = SELECT t1.id1, t1.id2, t1.result, round(t2.expected, 80) as expected
-            FROM num_result t1, num_exp_div t2
-            WHERE t1.id1 = t2.id1 AND t1.id2 = t2.id2
-            AND t1.result <> round(t2.expected, 80);
-ERROR = !value (10000000000000000000) exceeds limits of type int
-MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-31769/.s.monetdb.32802
+MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-30227/.s.monetdb.36405
 QUERY = SELECT STDDEV(val) FROM num_data;
 ERROR = !SELECT: no such unary operator 'stddev(decimal)'
 MAPI  = (monetdb) /var/tmp/mtest-27483/.s.monetdb.35395
diff --git a/sql/test/pg_regress/Tests/numeric.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/pg_regress/Tests/numeric.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/pg_regress/Tests/numeric.stable.out.int128
@@ -909,6 +909,14 @@ Ready.
 #INSERT INTO num_result SELECT,, round(t1.val + t2.val, 20)
 #    FROM num_data t1, num_data t2;
 [ 100  ]
+#SELECT t1.id1, t1.id2, t1.result, round(t2.expected, 20) as expected
+#    FROM num_result t1, num_exp_add t2
+#    WHERE t1.id1 = t2.id1 AND t1.id2 = t2.id2
+#    AND t1.result <> round(t2.expected, 20);
+% sys.t1,      sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.L5 # table_name
+% id1, id2,    result, expected # name
+% int, int,    decimal,        decimal # type
+% 1,   1,      40,     40 # length
 #DELETE FROM num_result;
 [ 100  ]
 #INSERT INTO num_result SELECT,, t1.val - t2.val
@@ -927,6 +935,14 @@ Ready.
 #INSERT INTO num_result SELECT,, round(t1.val - t2.val, 40)
 #    FROM num_data t1, num_data t2;
 [ 100  ]
+#SELECT t1.id1, t1.id2, t1.result, round(t2.expected, 40) as expected
+#    FROM num_result t1, num_exp_sub t2
+#    WHERE t1.id1 = t2.id1 AND t1.id2 = t2.id2
+#    AND t1.result <> round(t2.expected, 40);
+% sys.t1,      sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.L5 # table_name
+% id1, id2,    result, expected # name
+% int, int,    decimal,        decimal # type
+% 1,   1,      40,     40 # length
 #DELETE FROM num_result;
 [ 100  ]
 #INSERT INTO num_result SELECT,, t1.val * t2.val
@@ -945,6 +961,14 @@ Ready.
 #INSERT INTO num_result SELECT,, round(t1.val * t2.val, 30)
 #    FROM num_data t1, num_data t2 ORDER BY 1, 2;
 [ 100  ]
+#SELECT t1.id1, t1.id2, t1.result, round(t2.expected, 30) as expected
+#    FROM num_result t1, num_exp_mul t2
+#    WHERE t1.id1 = t2.id1 AND t1.id2 = t2.id2
+#    AND t1.result <> round(t2.expected, 30);
+% sys.t1,      sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.L5 # table_name
+% id1, id2,    result, expected # name
+% int, int,    decimal,        decimal # type
+% 1,   1,      40,     40 # length
 #DELETE FROM num_result;
 [ 100  ]
 #INSERT INTO num_result SELECT,, t1.val / t2.val
@@ -1022,6 +1046,70 @@ Ready.
 #    FROM num_data t1, num_data t2
 #    WHERE t2.val <> '0.0';
 [ 80   ]
+#SELECT t1.id1, t1.id2, t1.result, round(t2.expected, 80) as expected
+#    FROM num_result t1, num_exp_div t2
+#    WHERE t1.id1 = t2.id1 AND t1.id2 = t2.id2
+#    AND t1.result <> round(t2.expected, 80);
+% sys.t1,      sys.t1, sys.t1, sys.L5 # table_name
+% id1, id2,    result, expected # name
+% int, int,    decimal,        decimal # type
+% 1,   1,      40,     40 # length
+[ 2,   3,      -7967167.5673775050000000000,   -7967167.5673775051044083527    
+[ 2,   4,      -4.4026748000000000000, -4.4026748004683011669  ]
+[ 2,   5,      -2094.1886691450000000000,      -2094.1886691456353549643       
+[ 2,   6,      -365.6859989140000000000,       -365.6859989147976644094        
+[ 2,   7,      0.4135748370000000000,  0.4135748377848523552   ]
+[ 2,   8,      -458.5741672170000000000,       -458.5741672172787088848        
+[ 2,   9,      1.3775729990000000000,  1.3775729994643893181   ]
+[ 3,   2,      -0.0000001250000000000, -0.0000001255151208435  ]
+[ 3,   4,      0.0000005520000000000,  0.0000005526022596155   ]
+[ 3,   5,      0.0002628520000000000,  0.0002628523438769550   ]
+[ 3,   6,      0.0000458990000000000,  0.0000458991223445760   ]
+[ 3,   7,      -0.0000000510000000000, -0.0000000519098957424  ]
+[ 3,   8,      0.0000575570000000000,  0.0000575579920139955   ]
+[ 3,   9,      -0.0000001720000000000, -0.0000001729062414985  ]
+[ 4,   2,      -0.2271346500000000000, -0.2271346500299392039  ]
+[ 4,   3,      1809619.8171461710000000000,    1809619.8171461716937354988     
+[ 4,   5,      475.6628104630000000000,        475.6628104630580268606 ]
+[ 4,   6,      83.0599613840000000000, 83.0599613843612949961  ]
+[ 4,   7,      -0.0939371760000000000, -0.0939371760414513164  ]
+[ 4,   8,      104.1580829830000000000,        104.1580829836674189714 ]
+[ 4,   9,      -0.3128945610000000000, -0.3128945611240376941  ]
+[ 5,   2,      -0.0004775110000000000, -0.0004775118950519245  ]
+[ 5,   3,      3804.4172832940000000000,       3804.4172832946635730858        
+[ 5,   4,      0.0021023290000000000,  0.0021023295872689719   ]
+[ 5,   6,      0.1746194140000000000,  0.1746194143357610269   ]
+[ 5,   7,      -0.0001974860000000000, -0.0001974869045364371  ]
+[ 5,   8,      0.2189746190000000000,  0.2189746196097808523   ]
+[ 5,   9,      -0.0006578070000000000, -0.0006578074935466043  ]
+[ 6,   2,      -0.0027345860000000000, -0.0027345865112899582  ]
+[ 6,   3,      21786.9089629370000000000,      21786.9089629373549883991       
+[ 6,   4,      0.0120394950000000000,  0.0120394951229568247   ]
+[ 6,   5,      5.7267400860000000000,  5.7267400867419235968   ]
+[ 6,   7,      -0.0011309560000000000, -0.0011309561728153898  ]
+[ 6,   8,      1.2540107320000000000,  1.2540107320983961218   ]
+[ 6,   9,      -0.0037670920000000000, -0.0037670925426525679  ]
+[ 7,   2,      2.4179420710000000000,  2.4179420715150338570   ]
+[ 7,   3,      -19264149.6519721570000000000,  -19264149.6519721577726218097   
+[ 7,   4,      -10.6454126270000000000,        -10.6454126272513624769 ]
+[ 7,   5,      -5063.6268888170000000000,      -5063.6268888173094183657       
+[ 7,   6,      -884.2075617400000000000,       -884.2075617400902877029        
+[ 7,   8,      -1108.8057718240000000000,      -1108.8057718246284104112       
+[ 7,   9,      3.3308917110000000000,  3.3308917119881041338   ]
+[ 8,   2,      -0.0021806720000000000, -0.0021806723350078862  ]
+[ 8,   3,      17373.7819025520000000000,      17373.7819025522041763341       
+[ 8,   4,      0.0096007910000000000,  0.0096007911374175896   ]
+[ 8,   5,      4.5667392950000000000,  4.5667392950928701946   ]
+[ 8,   6,      0.7974413410000000000,  0.7974413411332231442   ]
+[ 8,   7,      -0.0009018710000000000, -0.0009018712072128017  ]
+[ 8,   9,      -0.0030040350000000000, -0.0030040353293858274  ]
+[ 9,   2,      0.7259143430000000000,  0.7259143438415296153   ]
+[ 9,   3,      -5783481.2169483570000000000,   -5783481.2169483573085846868    
+[ 9,   4,      -3.1959647880000000000, -3.1959647889295841648  ]
+[ 9,   5,      -1520.2015936430000000000,      -1520.2015936432200450581       
+[ 9,   6,      -265.4567119540000000000,       -265.4567119542696575128        
+[ 9,   7,      0.3002199060000000000,  0.3002199069999581469   ]
+[ 9,   8,      -332.8855656980000000000,       -332.8855656982067547175        
 #DELETE FROM num_result;
 [ 80   ]
 #INSERT INTO num_result SELECT id, 0, SQRT(ABS(val))
@@ -1171,7 +1259,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.ceil_floor_round,        sys.L3 # table_name
 % a,   L3 # name
 % decimal,     decimal # type
-% 20,  10 # length
+% 20,  20 # length
 [ -5.500,      -6.000  ]
 [ -5.500,      -6.000  ]
 [ 9.500,       10.000  ]
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