Changeset: 870aa0af7e1a for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jul2017
Log Message:

Fixed some thinkos in BATfirstn_unique_with_groups.
- Make sure *lastp and *lastgp are assigned a value.
- Don't blindly assume there is a candidate list if there are groups.
- Copy correct bit of candidate list, or create a dense bat referring
  to correct part of input bat.
This fixes bug 6478.

diffs (69 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_firstn.c b/gdk/gdk_firstn.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_firstn.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_firstn.c
@@ -394,25 +394,48 @@ BATfirstn_unique_with_groups(BAT *b, BAT
        oid item;
        BUN pos, childpos;
-       if (BATtdense(g)) {
-               /* trivial: g determines ordering, return initial
-                * slice of s */
-               return BATslice(s, 0, n);
-       }
        CANDINIT(b, s, start, end, cnt, cand, candend);
+       cnt = cand ? (BUN) (candend - cand) : end - start;
        if (n > cnt)
                n = cnt;
-       if (cand && n > (BUN) (candend - cand))
-               n = (BUN) (candend - cand);
        if (n == 0) {
                /* candidate list might refer only to values outside
                 * of the bat and hence be effectively empty */
+               if (lastp)
+                       *lastp = 0;
+               if (lastgp)
+                       *lastgp = 0;
                return BATdense(0, 0, 0);
+       if (BATtdense(g)) {
+               /* trivial: g determines ordering, return reference to
+                * initial part of b (or slice of s) */
+               if (lastgp)
+                       *lastgp = g->tseqbase + n - 1;
+               if (cand) {
+                       if (lastp)
+                               *lastp = cand[n - 1];
+                       bn = COLnew(0, TYPE_oid, n, TRANSIENT);
+                       if (bn == NULL)
+                               return NULL;
+                       memcpy(Tloc(bn, 0), cand, n * sizeof(oid));
+                       BATsetcount(bn, n);
+                       bn->tsorted = 1;
+                       bn->trevsorted = n <= 1;
+                       bn->tkey = 1;
+                       bn->tseqbase = (bn->tdense = n <= 1) != 0 ? cand[0] : 
+                       bn->tnil = 0;
+                       bn->tnonil = 1;
+                       return bn;
+               }
+               if (lastp)
+                       *lastp = b->hseqbase + start + n - 1;
+               return BATdense(0, b->hseqbase + start, n);
+       }
        bn = COLnew(0, TYPE_oid, n, TRANSIENT);
        if (bn == NULL)
                return NULL;
@@ -735,7 +758,7 @@ BATfirstn_grouped_with_groups(BAT **topn
                        return  GDK_FAIL;
-               bn4 = BATselect(b, bn3, BUNtail(bi, BUNlast(b) - b->hseqbase), 
NULL, 1, 0, 0);
+               bn4 = BATselect(b, bn3, BUNtail(bi, last - b->hseqbase), NULL, 
1, 0, 0);
                if (bn4 == NULL) {
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