Changeset: 230412789aec for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jul2017
Log Message:

Try much harder to share vheaps of transient bats.
This fixes bug 6462, or at least the part about the (virtual) memory

diffs (145 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_batop.c b/gdk/gdk_batop.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_batop.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_batop.c
@@ -407,6 +407,113 @@ insert_string_bat(BAT *b, BAT *n, BAT *s
        return GDK_FAIL;
+static gdk_return
+append_varsized_bat(BAT *b, BAT *n, BAT *s)
+       BATiter ni;
+       BUN start, end, cnt, r;
+       const oid *restrict cand = NULL, *candend = NULL;
+       /* only transient bats can use some other bat's vheap */
+       assert(b->batRole == TRANSIENT || b->tvheap->parentid == b->batCacheid);
+       /* make sure the bats use var_t */
+       assert(b->twidth == n->twidth);
+       assert(b->twidth == SIZEOF_VAR_T);
+       if (n->batCount == 0 || (s && s->batCount == 0))
+               return GDK_SUCCEED;
+       CANDINIT(n, s, start, end, cnt, cand, candend);
+       cnt = cand ? (BUN) (candend - cand) : end - start;
+       if (cnt == 0)
+               return GDK_SUCCEED;
+       if (BATcount(b) == 0 &&
+           b->batRole == TRANSIENT &&
+           n->batRestricted == BAT_READ &&
+           b->tvheap != n->tvheap) {
+               /* if b is still empty, in the transient farm, and n
+                * is read-only, we replace b's vheap with a reference
+                * to n's */
+               if (b->tvheap->parentid != b->batCacheid) {
+                       BBPunshare(b->tvheap->parentid);
+               } else {
+                       HEAPfree(b->tvheap, 1);
+                       GDKfree(b->tvheap);
+               }
+               BBPshare(n->tvheap->parentid);
+               b->tvheap = n->tvheap;
+       }
+       if (b->tvheap == n->tvheap) {
+               /* if b and n use the same vheap, we only need to copy
+                * the offsets from n to b */
+               HASHdestroy(b); /* not maintaining, so destroy it */
+               if (cand == NULL) {
+                       /* fast memcpy since we copy a consecutive
+                        * chunk of memory */
+                       memcpy(Tloc(b, BUNlast(b)),
+                              Tloc(n, start),
+                              cnt * b->twidth);
+               } else {
+                       var_t *restrict dst = (var_t *) Tloc(b, BUNlast(b));
+                       oid hseq = n->hseqbase;
+                       const var_t *restrict src = (const var_t *) Tloc(n, 0);
+                       while (cand < candend)
+                               *dst++ = src[*cand++ - hseq];
+               }
+               BATsetcount(b, BATcount(b) + cnt);
+               return GDK_SUCCEED;
+       }
+       /* b and n do not share their vheap, so we need to copy data */
+       if (b->tvheap->parentid != b->batCacheid) {
+               /* if b shares its vheap with some other bat, unshare it */
+               Heap *h = GDKzalloc(sizeof(Heap));
+               if (h == NULL)
+                       return GDK_FAIL;
+               h->parentid = b->batCacheid;
+               h->farmid = BBPselectfarm(b->batRole, b->ttype, varheap);
+               if (b->tvheap->filename) {
+                       const char *nme = BBP_physical(b->batCacheid);
+                       h->filename = GDKfilepath(NOFARM, NULL, nme, "theap");
+                       if (h->filename == NULL) {
+                               GDKfree(h);
+                               return GDK_FAIL;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (HEAPcopy(h, b->tvheap) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
+                       HEAPfree(h, 1);
+                       GDKfree(h);
+                       return GDK_FAIL;
+               }
+               BBPunshare(b->tvheap->parentid);
+               b->tvheap = h;
+       }
+       /* copy data from n to b */
+       ni = bat_iterator(n);
+       r = BUNlast(b);
+       if (cand) {
+               oid hseq = n->hseqbase;
+               while (cand < candend) {
+                       const void *t = BUNtvar(ni, *cand - hseq);
+                       bunfastapp_nocheck(b, r, t, Tsize(b));
+                       HASHins(b, r, t);
+                       r++;
+                       cand++;
+               }
+       } else {
+               while (start < end) {
+                       const void *t = BUNtvar(ni, start);
+                       bunfastapp_nocheck(b, r, t, Tsize(b));
+                       HASHins(b, r, t);
+                       r++;
+                       start++;
+               }
+       }
+       return GDK_SUCCEED;
+      bunins_failed:
+       if (b->tunique)
+               BBPunfix(s->batCacheid);
+       return GDK_FAIL;
 /* Append the contents of BAT n (subject to the optional candidate
  * list s) to BAT b.  If b is empty, b will get the seqbase of s if it
  * was passed in, and else the seqbase of n. */
@@ -421,9 +528,7 @@ BATappend(BAT *b, BAT *n, BAT *s, bit fo
                return GDK_SUCCEED;
        assert(b->batCacheid > 0);
-       /* almost: assert(!isVIEW(b)); */
-       assert(b->theap.parentid == 0 &&
-              (b->tvheap == NULL || b->tvheap->parentid == b->batCacheid || 
b->ttype == TYPE_str));
+       assert(b->theap.parentid == 0);
        ALIGNapp(b, "BATappend", force, GDK_FAIL);
        BATcompatible(b, n, GDK_FAIL, "BATappend");
@@ -605,9 +710,14 @@ BATappend(BAT *b, BAT *n, BAT *s, bit fo
                        return GDK_FAIL;
+       } else if (ATOMvarsized(b->ttype)) {
+               if (append_varsized_bat(b, n, s) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
+                       if (b->tunique)
+                               BBPunfix(s->batCacheid);
+                       return GDK_FAIL;
+               }
        } else {
-               if (!ATOMvarsized(b->ttype) &&
-                   BATatoms[b->ttype].atomFix == NULL &&
+               if (BATatoms[b->ttype].atomFix == NULL &&
                    b->ttype != TYPE_void &&
                    n->ttype != TYPE_void &&
                    cand == NULL) {
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