Changeset: fce449d5af88 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jul2017
Log Message:

Moved contents of ChangeLog.Jul2017 to MonetDB.spec, debian/changelog and 

diffs (111 lines):

diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Vendor: MonetDB BV <>
 Group: Applications/Databases
 License: MPLv2.0
 # we need systemd for the _unitdir macro to exist
 # we need checkpolicy and selinux-policy-devel for the SELinux policy
@@ -1041,6 +1041,47 @@ done
 %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+* Wed Oct 11 2017 Panagiotis Koutsourakis <> - 
+- Rebuilt.
+- BZ#4017: server crashes when executing particular loopback query in
+  embedded python
+- BZ#6239: Incorrect profiling
+- BZ#6261: New handling of delta tables hurts badly reusage of bats
+- BZ#6287: should the CORR function return some numeric type that allows
+  fractions?
+- BZ#6321: Two-column aggregation on join result extremely slow.
+- BZ#6343: MERGE TABLE issue: unable to find
+- BZ#6348: Interference of procedure/table name
+- BZ#6350: Carriage return and form feed in TEXT fields are returned as
+  'r' and 'f' in jdbcclient and ResultSets
+- BZ#6352: Scope resolution problem (sqlsmith)
+- BZ#6353: implicit NULL value not propagated in distributed/remote query
+- BZ#6374: Wrong answer from merge table after content changes
+- BZ#6379: Table UDF: SEGV raised when invoking a non existing function
+- BZ#6380: unable to create new databases from clean installation
+- BZ#6381: Parser misses error messages in conditional
+- BZ#6382: Can't set JSON fields via PreparedStatement
+- BZ#6384: crash when setting a wrong listenaddr
+- BZ#6385: AGGREGATE UDFs with more than 2 parameters incorrectly
+  processed
+- BZ#6386: Unexpected error from server for query with long floats
+- BZ#6387: Performance degradation on multi column sort
+- BZ#6388: JDBC Connection via user voc produces errors when fetching
+  certain meta data information
+- BZ#6392: SELECT EXISTS (empty table) returns 'true'
+- BZ#6395: BAT leak of scalar result sets
+- BZ#6397: Isolation of generating functions not correct
+- BZ#6398: Null Matches in outer join are not supported
+- BZ#6399: UDF crashes when subquery and scalar values are passed
+  as pameters
+- BZ#6400: getCharacterStream() currently not supported
+- BZ#6404: COPY INTO crashes if table has primary key or foreign key
+  constraint
+- BZ#6409: sqllogictest crash on aggregation query with NOT IN clause
+  in HAVING clause
+- BZ#6410: Sqlitelogictest crash on aggregation query with IN clause
+- BZ#6411: Sqlitelogictest crash in aggregation query
 * Thu Jul 27 2017 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.27.5-20170727
 - Rebuilt.
 - BZ#6375: MAL profiler truncates JSON objects larger than 8192 characters
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,47 @@
+monetdb (11.27.7) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Rebuilt.
+  * BZ#4017: server crashes when executing particular loopback query in
+    embedded python
+  * BZ#6239: Incorrect profiling
+  * BZ#6261: New handling of delta tables hurts badly reusage of bats
+  * BZ#6287: should the CORR function return some numeric type that allows
+    fractions?
+  * BZ#6321: Two-column aggregation on join result extremely slow.
+  * BZ#6343: MERGE TABLE issue: unable to find
+  * BZ#6348: Interference of procedure/table name
+  * BZ#6350: Carriage return and form feed in TEXT fields are returned as
+    'r' and 'f' in jdbcclient and ResultSets
+  * BZ#6352: Scope resolution problem (sqlsmith)
+  * BZ#6353: implicit NULL value not propagated in distributed/remote query
+  * BZ#6374: Wrong answer from merge table after content changes
+  * BZ#6379: Table UDF: SEGV raised when invoking a non existing function
+  * BZ#6380: unable to create new databases from clean installation
+  * BZ#6381: Parser misses error messages in conditional
+  * BZ#6382: Can't set JSON fields via PreparedStatement
+  * BZ#6384: crash when setting a wrong listenaddr
+  * BZ#6385: AGGREGATE UDFs with more than 2 parameters incorrectly
+    processed
+  * BZ#6386: Unexpected error from server for query with long floats
+  * BZ#6387: Performance degradation on multi column sort
+  * BZ#6388: JDBC Connection via user voc produces errors when fetching
+    certain meta data information
+  * BZ#6392: SELECT EXISTS (empty table) returns 'true'
+  * BZ#6395: BAT leak of scalar result sets
+  * BZ#6397: Isolation of generating functions not correct
+  * BZ#6398: Null Matches in outer join are not supported
+  * BZ#6399: UDF crashes when subquery and scalar values are passed
+    as pameters
+  * BZ#6400: getCharacterStream() currently not supported
+  * BZ#6404: COPY INTO crashes if table has primary key or foreign key
+    constraint
+  * BZ#6409: sqllogictest crash on aggregation query with NOT IN clause
+    in HAVING clause
+  * BZ#6410: Sqlitelogictest crash on aggregation query with IN clause
+  * BZ#6411: Sqlitelogictest crash in aggregation query
+ -- Panagiotis Koutsourakis <>  Wed, 11 Oct 2017 
11:01:48 +0200
 monetdb (11.27.5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Rebuilt.
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