Changeset: 4959b85b981c for monetdb-java
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Extend DatabaseMetaData.getClientInfoProperties() with new property: 
Also added missing logfile property and improved description for properties: 
treat_blob_as_binary and hash.

diffs (74 lines):

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   This custom clob mapping informs generic JDBC programs to fetch clob
   column values via method ResultSet.getString() instead of getClob()
   and Clob.getCharacterStream() and next fetching from the stream.
-  As MonetDB server MAPI communication protocol do not support
+  As MonetDB server MAPI communication protocol does not support
   streaming of parts of a CLOB value, the current implementation is to
   send over the whole CLOB value as a string. Therefore there is no
   performance gain when fetching those Clob values via getClob() and
diff --git a/release.txt b/release.txt
--- a/release.txt
+++ b/release.txt
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ RELEASE NOTES
 MonetDB JDBC driver version 2.26 (Liberica/MCL-1.15)
 Release date: 2017-07-28
-This JDBC driver is designed for use with MonetDB, a main-memory
-database.  For more information see
+This JDBC driver is designed for use with MonetDB, a main-memory column-store 
+For more information see
 The MonetDB JDBC connection URL format is:
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ The MonetDB JDBC connection URL format i
 The databasename must be provided and be equal to the name of the database 
served by the
 mserver5 process listening on the specified host and port number (default port 
is 50000).
-Supported properties are:
+Supported connection properties are:
        user=<login name>
        password=<secret value>
        so_timeout=<time in milliseconds>
-       hash=<SHA1 or MD5>
-       language=<mal or sql>
-       treat_blob_as_binary=true
-       treat_clob_as_varchar=true
-       debug=true
+       hash=<SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA1 and MD5>
+       language=<sql or mal>           default is: sql
+       treat_blob_as_binary=true       default is: false
+       treat_clob_as_varchar=true      default is: false
+       debug=true                      default is: false
        logfile=<name of logfile>
 For example:
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ For example:
 See also:
+In a java program you can use: DatabaseMetaData.getClientInfoProperties();
+to retrieve the connection properties information from the driver.
 The MonetDB JDBC driver complies to JDBC 4.1 definition, see
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/ 
--- a/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/
@@ -3807,8 +3807,10 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
                "SELECT 'language', 16, 'sql', 'language (sql or mal) used to 
parse commands in MonetDB server' UNION ALL " +
                "SELECT 'database', 1024, 'demo', 'name of database. It matches 
the dbfarm subdirectory name' UNION ALL " +
                "SELECT 'debug', 5, 'false', 'boolean flag true or false' UNION 
ALL " +
-               "SELECT 'hash', 128, '', 'hash string' UNION ALL " +
-               "SELECT 'treat_blob_as_binary', 5, 'false', 'boolean flag true 
or false' UNION ALL " +
+               "SELECT 'logfile', 1024, 'monet_######.log', 'name of logfile 
used when debug is enabled' UNION ALL " +
+               "SELECT 'hash', 128, '', 'hash methods list to use in server 
connection. Supported are SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA1 and MD5' UNION ALL " +
+               "SELECT 'treat_blob_as_binary', 5, 'false', 'should blob 
columns be mapped to Types.VARBINARY instead of default Types.BLOB in 
ResultSets and PreparedStatements' UNION ALL " +
+               "SELECT 'treat_clob_as_varchar', 5, 'false', 'should clob 
columns be mapped to Types.VARCHAR instead of default Types.CLOB in ResultSets 
and PreparedStatements' UNION ALL " +
                "SELECT 'so_timeout', 10, '0', 'timeout (in milliseconds) of 
communication socket. 0 means no timeout is set' " +
                "ORDER BY \"NAME\"";
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