Changeset: 806358d956a4 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jul2017
Log Message:

Merge with Dec2016 branch.

diffs (truncated from 337 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_hash.c b/gdk/gdk_hash.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_hash.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_hash.c
@@ -202,17 +202,16 @@ BATcheckhash(BAT *b)
                Hash *h;
                Heap *hp;
                const char *nme = BBP_physical(b->batCacheid);
-               const char *ext = b->batCacheid > 0 ? "thash" : "hhash";
                int fd;
                b->thash = NULL;
                if ((hp = GDKzalloc(sizeof(*hp))) != NULL &&
                    (hp->farmid = BBPselectfarm(b->batRole, b->ttype, 
hashheap)) >= 0 &&
                    (hp->filename = GDKmalloc(strlen(nme) + 12)) != NULL) {
-                       sprintf(hp->filename, "%s.%s", nme, ext);
+                       sprintf(hp->filename, "%s.thash", nme);
                        /* check whether a persisted hash can be found */
-                       if ((fd = GDKfdlocate(hp->farmid, nme, "rb+", ext)) >= 
0) {
+                       if ((fd = GDKfdlocate(hp->farmid, nme, "rb+", "thash")) 
>= 0) {
                                size_t hdata[HASH_HEADER_SIZE];
                                struct stat st;
@@ -226,7 +225,7 @@ BATcheckhash(BAT *b)
                                    hdata[4] == (size_t) BATcount(b) &&
                                    fstat(fd, &st) == 0 &&
                                    st.st_size >= (off_t) (hp->size = hp->free 
= (hdata[1] + hdata[2]) * hdata[3] + HASH_HEADER_SIZE * SIZEOF_SIZE_T) &&
-                                   HEAPload(hp, nme, ext, 0) == GDK_SUCCEED) {
+                                   HEAPload(hp, nme, "thash", 0) == 
                                        h->lim = (BUN) hdata[1];
                                        h->type = ATOMtype(b->ttype);
                                        h->mask = (BUN) (hdata[2] - 1);
@@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ BATcheckhash(BAT *b)
                                /* unlink unusable file */
-                               GDKunlink(hp->farmid, BATDIR, nme, ext);
+                               GDKunlink(hp->farmid, BATDIR, nme, "thash");
@@ -338,7 +337,6 @@ BAThash(BAT *b, BUN masksize)
                Hash *h = NULL;
                Heap *hp;
                const char *nme = BBP_physical(b->batCacheid);
-               const char *ext = b->batCacheid > 0 ? "thash" : "hhash";
                BATiter bi = bat_iterator(b);
                ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BAThash: create hash(%s#" BUNFMT 
");\n", BATgetId(b), BATcount(b));
@@ -350,7 +348,7 @@ BAThash(BAT *b, BUN masksize)
                        return GDK_FAIL;
                hp->dirty = TRUE;
-               sprintf(hp->filename, "%s.%s", nme, ext);
+               sprintf(hp->filename, "%s.thash", nme);
                /* cnt = 0, hopefully there is a proper capacity from
                 * which we can derive enough information */
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_imprints.c b/gdk/gdk_imprints.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_imprints.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_imprints.c
@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ BATcheckimprints(BAT *b)
                Imprints *imprints;
                Heap *hp;
                str nme = BBP_physical(b->batCacheid);
-               const char *ext = b->batCacheid > 0 ? "timprints" : "himprints";
                b->timprints = NULL;
                if ((hp = GDKzalloc(sizeof(Heap))) != NULL &&
@@ -216,10 +215,10 @@ BATcheckimprints(BAT *b)
                    (hp->filename = GDKmalloc(strlen(nme) + 12)) != NULL) {
                        int fd;
-                       sprintf(hp->filename, "%s.%s", nme, ext);
+                       sprintf(hp->filename, "%s.timprints", nme);
                        /* check whether a persisted imprints index
                         * can be found */
-                       if ((fd = GDKfdlocate(hp->farmid, nme, "rb", ext)) >= 
0) {
+                       if ((fd = GDKfdlocate(hp->farmid, nme, "rb", 
"timprints")) >= 0) {
                                size_t hdata[4];
                                struct stat st;
                                size_t pages;
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ BATcheckimprints(BAT *b)
                                                           hdata[2] * 
sizeof(cchdc_t) +
                                                           sizeof(uint64_t) /* 
padding for alignment */
                                                           + 4 * SIZEOF_SIZE_T) 
-                                   HEAPload(hp, nme, b->batCacheid > 0 ? 
"timprints" : "himprints", 0) == GDK_SUCCEED) {
+                                   HEAPload(hp, nme, "timprints", 0) == 
                                        /* usable */
                                        imprints->imprints = hp;
                                        imprints->bits = (bte) (hdata[0] & 
@@ -261,7 +260,7 @@ BATcheckimprints(BAT *b)
                                /* unlink unusable file */
-                               GDKunlink(hp->farmid, BATDIR, nme, ext);
+                               GDKunlink(hp->farmid, BATDIR, nme, "timprints");
@@ -342,8 +341,7 @@ BATimprints(BAT *b)
                        return GDK_FAIL;
-               sprintf(imprints->imprints->filename, "%s.%cimprints", nme,
-                       b->batCacheid > 0 ? 't' : 'h');
+               sprintf(imprints->imprints->filename, "%s.timprints", nme);
                pages = (((size_t) BATcount(b) * b->twidth) + IMPS_PAGE - 1) / 
                imprints->imprints->farmid = BBPselectfarm(b->batRole, b->ttype,
@@ -472,9 +470,9 @@ BATimprints(BAT *b)
                ((size_t *) imprints->imprints->base)[2] = (size_t) 
                ((size_t *) imprints->imprints->base)[3] = (size_t) BATcount(b);
                if ((BBP_status(b->batCacheid) & BBPEXISTING) &&
-                   HEAPsave(imprints->imprints, nme, b->batCacheid > 0 ? 
"timprints" : "himprints") == GDK_SUCCEED &&
+                   HEAPsave(imprints->imprints, nme, "timprints") == 
                    (fd = GDKfdlocate(imprints->imprints->farmid, nme, "rb+",
-                                     b->batCacheid > 0 ? "timprints" : 
"himprints")) >= 0) {
+                                     "timprints")) >= 0) {
                        ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BATimprints: persisting 
                        /* add version number */
                        ((size_t *) imprints->imprints->base)[0] |= (size_t) 
@@ -610,7 +608,7 @@ IMPSremove(BAT *b)
                    * (size_t *) imprints->imprints->base & (1 << 16))
                        fprintf(stderr, "#IMPSremove: removing persisted 
                if (HEAPdelete(imprints->imprints, BBP_physical(b->batCacheid),
-                              b->batCacheid > 0 ? "timprints" : "himprints"))
+                              "timprints"))
                        IODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#IMPSremove(%s): imprints 
heap\n", BATgetId(b));
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2010/Tests/limit_in_prepare.Bug-2552.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2010/Tests/limit_in_prepare.Bug-2552.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2010/Tests/limit_in_prepare.Bug-2552.sql
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ 5717  "queue" 2000    "create view sys.queue
 6368   "storage"       2000    "create view as select * from;"       1       true    0       false   0
 6380   "storagemodelinput"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6428   "storagemodel"  2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       false   0
-6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum("imprints") as "imprints",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 
8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"       1       true    0       false   0
+6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(""imprints"") as ""imprints"",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   1       true    0       false   0
 6453   "statistics"    2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6616   "systemfunctions"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2011/Tests/count-count-distinct.Bug-2808.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2011/Tests/count-count-distinct.Bug-2808.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2011/Tests/count-count-distinct.Bug-2808.sql
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ 5717  "queue" 2000    "create view sys.queue
 6368   "storage"       2000    "create view as select * from;"       1       true    0       false   0
 6380   "storagemodelinput"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6428   "storagemodel"  2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       false   0
-6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum("imprints") as "imprints",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 
8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"       1       true    0       false   0
+6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(""imprints"") as ""imprints"",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   1       true    0       false   0
 6453   "statistics"    2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6616   "systemfunctions"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
diff --git 
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ 5717  "queue" 2000    "create view sys.queue
 6368   "storage"       2000    "create view as select * from;"       1       true    0       false   0
 6380   "storagemodelinput"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6428   "storagemodel"  2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       false   0
-6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum("imprints") as "imprints",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 
8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"       1       true    0       false   0
+6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(""imprints"") as ""imprints"",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   1       true    0       false   0
 6453   "statistics"    2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6616   "systemfunctions"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.sql
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ 5717  "queue" 2000    "create view sys.queue
 6368   "storage"       2000    "create view as select * from;"       1       true    0       false   0
 6380   "storagemodelinput"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6428   "storagemodel"  2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       false   0
-6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum("imprints") as "imprints",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 
8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"       1       true    0       false   0
+6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(""imprints"") as ""imprints"",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   1       true    0       false   0
 6453   "statistics"    2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6616   "systemfunctions"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.out
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.tbls,    sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       
sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls # table_name
 % name,        schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  
readonly,       temporary # name
 % varchar,     int,    varchar,        smallint,       boolean,        
smallint,       boolean,        smallint # type
-% 17,  4,      379,    1,      5,      1,      5,      1 # length
+% 17,  4,      526,    1,      5,      1,      5,      1 # length
 [ "schemas",   2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ "types",     2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ "functions", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Ready.
 [ "storage",   2000,   "create view as select * from;",      1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ "storagemodelinput", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       
 [ "storagemodel",      2000,   "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();",    1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
-[ "tablestoragemodel", 2000,   "-- A summary of the table storage requirement 
is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes the maximum 
space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash (rare 
situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as hashes,\n\tsum(",   
     1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
+[ "tablestoragemodel", 2000,   "-- A summary of the table storage requirement 
is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes the maximum 
space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash (rare 
situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(\"imprints\") as \"imprints\",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
\"schema\",\"table\";",  1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ "statistics",        2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       
 [ "systemfunctions",   2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/qualified_aggrname.Bug-3332.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/qualified_aggrname.Bug-3332.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/qualified_aggrname.Bug-3332.sql
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ 5717  "queue" 2000    "create view sys.queue
 6368   "storage"       2000    "create view as select * from;"       1       true    0       false   0
 6380   "storagemodelinput"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6428   "storagemodel"  2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       false   0
-6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum("imprints") as "imprints",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 
8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"       1       true    0       false   0
+6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(""imprints"") as ""imprints"",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   1       true    0       false   0
 6453   "statistics"    2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6616   "systemfunctions"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/qualified_aggrname.Bug-3332.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/qualified_aggrname.Bug-3332.stable.out
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ Ready.
 #2086  "idxs"  2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 [ 40   ]
 #select sys.median(cast (id as double)) from tbls;
-% sys.L3 # table_name
-% L2 # name
+% sys.L5 # table_name
+% L4 # name
 % double # type
 % 24 # length
 [ 5183 ]
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.sql
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ 6995  netcdf_attrs    2000            0       true    0       0
 7034   storage 2000    "create view sys.""storage"" as select * from 
sys.""storage""();"       1       true    0       0
 7046   storagemodelinput       2000            0       true    0       0
 7094   storagemodel    2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       0
-7104   tablestoragemodel       2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum("imprints") as "imprints",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 
8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"       1       true    0       0
+7104   tablestoragemodel       2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(""imprints"") as ""imprints"",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   1       true    0       0
 7117   statistics      2000            0       true    0       0
 7245   systemfunctions 2000            0       true    0       0
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2013/Tests/swapped_likejoin.Bug-3375.stable.out
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ Ready.
 % sys.tbls,    sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       
sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.x # table_name
 % name,        schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  access, 
s # name
 % varchar,     int,    varchar,        smallint,       boolean,        
smallint,       smallint,       clob # type
-% 17,  4,      433,    1,      5,      1,      1,      6 # length
+% 17,  4,      526,    1,      5,      1,      1,      6 # length
 [ "_tables",   2000,   "",     0,      true,   0,      0,      "%able%"        
 [ "_tables",   2106,   "",     0,      true,   2,      0,      "%able%"        
 [ "tables",    2000,   "SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.*, 0 AS \"temporary\", 
CAST(CASE WHEN system THEN type + 10 /* system table/view */ ELSE (CASE WHEN 
commit_action = 0 THEN type /* table/view */ ELSE type + 20 /* global temp 
table */ END) END AS SMALLINT) AS table_type FROM \"sys\".\"_tables\" AS p 
UNION ALL SELECT t.*, 1 AS \"temporary\", CAST(type + 30 /* local temp table */ 
AS SMALLINT) AS table_type FROM \"tmp\".\"_tables\" AS t) AS tables where 
tables.type <> 2;",        1,      true,   0,      0,      "%able%"        ]
 [ "table_types",       2000,   "",     0,      true,   0,      0,      
"%able%"        ]
-[ "tablestoragemodel", 2000,   "-- A summary of the table storage requirement 
is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes the maximum 
space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash (rare 
situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as hashes,\n\tsum(",   
     1,      true,   0,      0,      "%able%"        ]
+[ "tablestoragemodel", 2000,   "-- A summary of the table storage requirement 
is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes the maximum 
space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash (rare 
situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(\"imprints\") as \"imprints\",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
\"schema\",\"table\";",  1,      true,   0,      0,      "%able%"        ]
 #drop table x;
 # 10:06:32 >  
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2014/Tests/select-having.Bug-3458.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2014/Tests/select-having.Bug-3458.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2014/Tests/select-having.Bug-3458.sql
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ 5717  "queue" 2000    "create view sys.queue
 6368   "storage"       2000    "create view as select * from;"       1       true    0       false   0
 6380   "storagemodelinput"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6428   "storagemodel"  2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       false   0
-6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum("imprints") as "imprints",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 
8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"       1       true    0       false   0
+6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(""imprints"") as ""imprints"",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   1       true    0       false   0
 6453   "statistics"    2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6616   "systemfunctions"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/cardinality.Bug-3761.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/cardinality.Bug-3761.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/cardinality.Bug-3761.sql
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ 7007  netcdf_attrs    2000            10      true    0       
0       0
 7046   storage 2000    "create view sys.""storage"" as select * from 
sys.""storage""();"       11      true    0       0       0
 7058   storagemodelinput       2000            10      true    0       0       0
 7106   storagemodel    2000    create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();       11      true    0       0       0
-7116   tablestoragemodel       2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum("imprints") as "imprints",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 
8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"       11      true    0       0       0
+7116   tablestoragemodel       2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(""imprints"") as ""imprints"",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   11      true    0       0       0
 7129   statistics      2000            10      true    0       0       0
 7227   files   7176            10      true    0       0       0
 7240   sq      7176            10      true    0       0       0
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/cardinality.Bug-3761.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/cardinality.Bug-3761.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2015/Tests/cardinality.Bug-3761.stable.out
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Ready.
 #7176  "bam"   3       3       true
 [ 4    ]
 #SELECT NULL AS table_catalog, (SELECT FROM schms s WHERE t.schema_id = AS table_schema FROM tbls t ORDER BY table_schema;
-% .L1, .L4 # table_name
+% .L2, .L11 # table_name
 % table_catalog,       table_schema # name
 % char,        varchar # type
 % 0,   3 # length
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Ready.
 [ NULL,        "tmp"   ]
 [ NULL,        "tmp"   ]
 #SELECT (SELECT FROM schms s WHERE t.schema_id = AS table_schema, 
NULL AS table_catalog FROM tbls t ORDER BY table_schema;
-% .L3, .L4 # table_name
+% .L6, .L10 # table_name
 % table_schema,        table_catalog # name
 % varchar,     char # type
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