Changeset: 23fdff11e9d7 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Dec2016
Log Message:

Fix test: a quote character cannot occur by itself in a CSV file.

diffs (33 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.sql 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.sql
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.sql
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ 5717  "queue" 2000    "create view sys.queue
 6368   "storage"       2000    "create view as select * from;"       1       true    0       false   0
 6380   "storagemodelinput"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6428   "storagemodel"  2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       false   0
-6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum("imprints") as "imprints",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 
8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"       1       true    0       false   0
+6438   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
""schema"",""table"",max(count) as ""count"",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(""imprints"") as ""imprints"",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
""schema"",""table"";"   1       true    0       false   0
 6453   "statistics"    2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
 6616   "systemfunctions"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false   0
diff --git 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/predicate_select.Bug-3090.stable.out
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Ready.
 % sys.tbls,    sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       
sys.tbls,       sys.tbls,       sys.tbls # table_name
 % name,        schema_id,      query,  type,   system, commit_action,  
readonly,       temporary # name
 % varchar,     int,    varchar,        smallint,       boolean,        
smallint,       boolean,        smallint # type
-% 17,  4,      379,    1,      5,      1,      5,      1 # length
+% 17,  4,      526,    1,      5,      1,      5,      1 # length
 [ "schemas",   2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ "types",     2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ "functions", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Ready.
 [ "storage",   2000,   "create view as select * from;",      1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ "storagemodelinput", 2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       
 [ "storagemodel",      2000,   "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();",    1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
-[ "tablestoragemodel", 2000,   "-- A summary of the table storage requirement 
is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes the maximum 
space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash (rare 
situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as hashes,\n\tsum(",   
     1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
+[ "tablestoragemodel", 2000,   "-- A summary of the table storage requirement 
is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxiliary column denotes the maximum 
space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash (rare 
situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(hashes) as 
hashes,\n\tsum(\"imprints\") as \"imprints\",\n\tsum(case when sorted = false 
then 8 * count else 0 end) as auxiliary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by 
\"schema\",\"table\";",  1,      true,   0,      false,  0       ]
 [ "statistics",        2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       
 [ "systemfunctions",   2000,   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      false,  0       
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