Changeset: 168ce36bd514 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Remove commented out function sql_update_median.

diffs (108 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
@@ -823,90 +823,6 @@ sql_update_dec2016(Client c, mvc *sql)
        return err;             /* usually MAL_SUCCEED */
-/* older databases may have sys.median and sys.quantile aggregates on
- * decimal(1) which doesn't match plain decimal: fix those */
-#if 0
-static str
-sql_update_median(Client c, mvc *sql)
-       char *q1 = "select id from sys.args where func_id in (select id from 
sys.functions where name = 'median' and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')) and type = 'decimal' and type_digits = 1 and type_scale = 
0 and number = 1;\n";
-       char *q2 = "select id from sys.args where func_id in (select id from 
sys.functions where name = 'median' and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'sys')) and type = 'date' and number = 1;\n";
-       size_t bufsize = 5000, pos = 0;
-       char *buf = GDKmalloc(bufsize), *err = NULL;
-       char *schema = stack_get_string(sql, "current_schema");
-       res_table *output;
-       BAT *b;
-       int needed = 0;
-       if( buf== NULL)
-               throw(SQL, "sql_update_median", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                       "set schema \"sys\";\n");
-       err = SQLstatementIntern(c, &q1, "update", 1, 0, &output);
-       if (err) {
-               GDKfree(buf);
-               return err;
-       }
-       b = BATdescriptor(output->cols[0].b);
-       if (b) {
-               if (BATcount(b) > 0) {
-                       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                                       "drop aggregate median(decimal(1));\n"
-                                       "create aggregate median(val DECIMAL) 
returns DECIMAL"
-                                       " external name \"aggr\".\"median\";\n"
-                                       "drop aggregate quantile(decimal(1), 
-                                       "create aggregate quantile(val DECIMAL, 
q DOUBLE) returns DECIMAL"
-                                       " external name 
-                       needed = 1;
-               }
-               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
-       }
-       res_tables_destroy(output);
-       err = SQLstatementIntern(c, &q2, "update", 1, 0, &output);
-       if (err) {
-               GDKfree(buf);
-               return err;
-       }
-       b = BATdescriptor(output->cols[0].b);
-       if (b) {
-               if (BATcount(b) == 0) {
-                       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                                       "create aggregate median(val DATE) 
returns DATE"
-                                       " external name \"aggr\".\"median\";\n"
-                                       "create aggregate median(val TIME) 
returns TIME"
-                                       " external name \"aggr\".\"median\";\n"
-                                       "create aggregate median(val TIMESTAMP) 
returns TIMESTAMP"
-                                       " external name \"aggr\".\"median\";\n"
-#if 0
-                                       "create aggregate quantile(val DATE, q 
DOUBLE) returns DATE"
-                                       " external name 
-                                       "create aggregate quantile(val TIME, q 
DOUBLE) returns TIME"
-                                       " external name 
-                                       "create aggregate quantile(val 
-                                       " external name 
-               );
-                       needed = 1;
-               }
-               BBPunfix(b->batCacheid);
-       }
-       res_tables_destroy(output);
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                       "insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from 
sys.functions where name in ('median', 'quantile') and schema_id = (select id 
from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from 
-       if (schema)
-               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "set schema 
\"%s\";\n", schema);
-       assert(pos < bufsize);
-       if (needed) {
-               printf("Running database upgrade commands:\n%s\n", buf);
-               err = SQLstatementIntern(c, &buf, "update", 1, 0, NULL);
-       }
-       GDKfree(buf);
-       return err;             /* usually MAL_SUCCEED */
 static str
 sql_update_geom_jun2016_sp2(Client c, mvc *sql)
@@ -1468,13 +1384,6 @@ SQLupgrades(Client c, mvc *m)
-       /*
-       if ((err = sql_update_median(c, m)) != NULL) {
-               fprintf(stderr, "!%s\n", err);
-               freeException(err);
-       }
-       */
        if (sql_find_subtype(&tp, "geometry", 0, 0) &&
            (f = sql_bind_func(m->sa, s, "mbr", &tp, NULL, F_FUNC)) != NULL &&
            sql_privilege(m, ROLE_PUBLIC, f->func->, PRIV_EXECUTE, 0) != 
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