Changeset: 1a557e468767 for MonetDB
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Branch: graph0
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Join reordering

diffs (truncated from 663 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/include/sql_relation.h b/sql/include/sql_relation.h
--- a/sql/include/sql_relation.h
+++ b/sql/include/sql_relation.h
@@ -231,6 +231,10 @@ typedef enum operator_type {
        (op == op_sample)
 #define is_graph(op) \
        (op == op_graph_join || op == op_graph_select)
+#define is_extended_select(op) \
+       (is_select(op) || op == op_graph_select)
+#define is_extended_join(op) \
+       (is_join(op) || op == op_graph_join)
 /* NO NIL semantics of aggr operations */
 #define need_no_nil(e) \
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ typedef int (*find_prop_fptr)(mvc *sql, 
 static sql_rel * rewrite_topdown(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, rewrite_fptr 
rewriter, int *has_changes);
 static sql_rel * rewrite(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, rewrite_fptr rewriter, int 
*has_changes) ;
+static sql_rel * rel_graph_pda(int *changes, mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel);
+static sql_rel * rel_push_select_down(int *changes, mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel);
 static sql_rel * rel_remove_empty_select(int *changes, mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel);
 static sql_subfunc *find_func( mvc *sql, char *name, list *exps );
@@ -321,19 +323,25 @@ static sql_rel * rel_join_order(mvc *sql
 // graph related stuff
 typedef struct {
-       sql_exp* join;
+       sql_exp* exp;
        sql_rel* graph;
 } graph_association;
 static int
 graph_association_cmp(graph_association* a, sql_exp* e){
-       return (e == a->join) ? 0 : -1;
+       return (e == a->exp) ? 0 : -1;
 static void
 get_relations(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, list *rels)
-       if (!rel_is_ref(rel) && (rel->op == op_join || rel->op == 
op_graph_join) && rel->exps == NULL) {
+       bool domain_op;
+       if(!rel) return; // stop the recursion
+       domain_op = rel->op == op_join || rel->op == op_graph_join || rel->op 
== op_select || rel->op == op_graph_select;
+       if (domain_op && !rel_is_ref(rel) && rel->exps == NULL) {
                sql_rel *l = rel->l;
                sql_rel *r = rel->r;
@@ -608,6 +616,7 @@ find_basetable( sql_rel *r)
                return r;
        case op_project:
        case op_select:
+       case op_graph_select:
                return find_basetable(r->l);
                return NULL;
@@ -646,10 +655,18 @@ order_join_expressions(mvc *sql, list *d
                        sql_rel *l = find_rel(rels, e->l);
                        sql_rel *r = find_rel(rels, e->r);
-                       if (l && (is_select(l->op) || l->op == op_graph_select) 
&& l->exps)
-                               keys[i] += list_length(l->exps)*10 + 
-                       if (r && (is_select(r->op) || r->op == op_graph_select) 
&& r->exps)
-                               keys[i] += list_length(r->exps)*10 + 
+                       if(l != NULL){
+                               while (is_extended_select(l->op)){
+                                       keys[i] += list_length(l->exps)*10 + 
+                                       l = l->l;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if(r != NULL){
+                               while (is_extended_select(r->op)) {
+                                       keys[i] += list_length(r->exps)*10 + 
+                                       r = r->l;
+                               }
+                       }
                pos[i] = i;
@@ -721,7 +738,7 @@ distinct_join_exps(list *aje, list *lrel
        return res;
-static list *
+static list*
 find_fk( mvc *sql, list *rels, list *exps) 
        node *djn;
@@ -740,6 +757,9 @@ find_fk( mvc *sql, list *rels, list *exp
                sql_idx *idx = NULL;
                sql_exp *je = djn->data, *le = je->l, *re = je->r; 
+               if (je->type == e_graph)
+                       continue;
                if (je->type != e_cmp || is_complex_exp(je->flag))
                if (!find_prop(je->p, PROP_JOINIDX)) {
@@ -832,20 +852,7 @@ find_fk( mvc *sql, list *rels, list *exp
 static sql_rel *
-reset_graph_join(mvc *sql, list* graphs, sql_rel *l, sql_rel *r, sql_exp *e){
-       node* n = NULL;
-       sql_rel* graph = NULL;
-       n = list_find(graphs, e, (fcmp) graph_association_cmp);
-       assert(n != NULL);
-       graph = rel_graph_move2rel(sql, ((graph_association*) n->data)->graph, 
l, r, e);
-       list_remove_node(graphs, n);
-       return graph;
-static sql_rel *
-order_joins(mvc *sql, list *rels, list *exps, list *graphs)
+order_joins(mvc *sql, list *rels, list *exps)
        sql_rel *top = NULL, *l = NULL, *r = NULL;
        sql_exp *cje;
@@ -873,79 +880,56 @@ order_joins(mvc *sql, list *rels, list *
                /* find the involved relations */
-               /* complex expressions may touch multiple base tables 
+               /* complex expressions may touch multiple base tables
                 * Should be pushed up to extra selection.
                 * */
                if (cje->type != e_cmp || !is_complex_exp(cje->flag) || 
!find_prop(cje->p, PROP_HASHCOL) /*||
                   (cje->type == e_cmp && cje->f == NULL)*/) {
-                       sql_exp *le, *re;
-                       if(cje->type == e_graph){
-                               assert(list_length(cje->l) == 1 && 
list_length(cje->r) == 1);
-                               le = ((list*) cje->l)->h->data;
-                               re = ((list*) cje->r)->h->data;
-                       } else {
-                               le = cje->l;
-                               re = cje->r;
-                       }
-                       l = find_one_rel(rels, le);
-                       r = find_one_rel(rels, re);
+                       l = find_one_rel(rels, cje->l);
+                       r = find_one_rel(rels, cje->r);
                if (l && r && l != r) {
                        list_remove_data(sdje, cje);
                        list_remove_data(exps, cje);
-                       list_remove_data(rels, l);
-                       list_remove_data(rels, r);
-                       list_append(n_rels, l);
-                       list_append(n_rels, r);
-                       /* Create a relation between l and r. Since the calling
-                          functions rewrote the join tree, into a list of 
-                          and a list of (simple) relations, there are no outer 
-                          involved, we can simply do a crossproduct here.
-                        */
-                       if(cje->type != e_graph){
-                               top = rel_crossproduct(sql->sa, l, r, op_join);
-                               rel_join_add_exp(sql->sa, top, cje);
-                       } else { // bring back to life the graph join
-                               top = reset_graph_join(sql, graphs, l, r, cje);
-                       }
-                       /* all other join expressions on these 2 relations */
-                       while((djn = list_find(exps, n_rels, 
(fcmp)&exp_joins_rels)) != NULL) {
-                               sql_exp *e = djn->data;
-                               assert(e->type != e_graph && "Mixing regular 
and graph joins");
-                               rel_join_add_exp(sql->sa, top, e);
-                               list_remove_data(exps, e);
-                       }
-                       /* Remove other joins on the current 'n_rels' set in 
the distinct list too */
-                       while((djn = list_find(sdje, n_rels, 
(fcmp)&exp_joins_rels)) != NULL)
-                               list_remove_data(sdje, djn->data);
-                       fnd = 1;
-               }
-       }
+               }
+       }
+       if (l && r && l != r) {
+               list_remove_data(rels, l);
+               list_remove_data(rels, r);
+               list_append(n_rels, l);
+               list_append(n_rels, r);
+               /* Create a relation between l and r. Since the calling
+                  functions rewrote the join tree, into a list of expressions
+                  and a list of (simple) relations, there are no outer joins
+                  involved, we can simply do a crossproduct here.
+                */
+               top = rel_crossproduct(sql->sa, l, r, op_join);
+               rel_join_add_exp(sql->sa, top, cje);
+               /* all other join expressions on these 2 relations */
+               while((djn = list_find(exps, n_rels, (fcmp)&exp_joins_rels)) != 
+                       sql_exp *e = djn->data;
+                       rel_join_add_exp(sql->sa, top, e);
+                       list_remove_data(exps, e);
+               }
+               /* Remove other joins on the current 'n_rels' set in the 
distinct list too */
+               while((djn = list_find(sdje, n_rels, (fcmp)&exp_joins_rels)) != 
+                       list_remove_data(sdje, djn->data);
+               fnd = 1;
+       }
        /* build join tree using the ordered list */
        while(list_length(exps) && fnd) {
                fnd = 0;
                /* find the first expression which could be added */
                for(djn = sdje->h; djn && !fnd && rels->h; djn = 
(!fnd)?djn->next:NULL) {
                        node *ln, *rn, *en;
-                       sql_exp *le, *re;
                        cje = djn->data;
-                       if(cje->type == e_graph){
-                               assert(list_length(cje->l) == 1 && 
list_length(cje->r) == 1);
-                               le = ((list*) cje->l)->h->data;
-                               re = ((list*) cje->r)->h->data;
-                       } else {
-                               le = cje->l;
-                               re = cje->r;
-                       }
-                       ln = list_find(n_rels, le, (fcmp)&rel_has_exp);
-                       rn = list_find(n_rels, re, (fcmp)&rel_has_exp);
+                       ln = list_find(n_rels, cje->l, (fcmp)&rel_has_exp);
+                       rn = list_find(n_rels, cje->r, (fcmp)&rel_has_exp);
                        if (ln || rn) {
                                /* remove the expression from the lists */
@@ -962,32 +946,27 @@ order_joins(mvc *sql, list *rels, list *
                        } else if (ln || rn) {
                                if (ln) {
                                        l = ln->data;
-                                       r = find_rel(rels, re);
+                                       r = find_rel(rels, cje->r);
                                } else {
                                        l = rn->data;
-                                       r = find_rel(rels, le);
+                                       r = find_rel(rels, cje->l);
                                list_remove_data(rels, r);
                                append(n_rels, r);
                                /* create a join using the current expression */
-                               if(cje->type != e_graph){
-                                       top = rel_crossproduct(sql->sa, top, r, 
-                                       rel_join_add_exp(sql->sa, top, cje);
-                               } else {
-                                       top = reset_graph_join(sql, graphs, l, 
r, cje);
-                               }
+                               top = rel_crossproduct(sql->sa, top, r, 
+                               rel_join_add_exp(sql->sa, top, cje);
                                /* all join expressions on these tables */
                                while((en = list_find(exps, n_rels, 
(fcmp)&exp_joins_rels)) != NULL) {
                                        sql_exp *e = en->data;
-                                       assert(e->type != e_graph && "Mixing 
regular and graph joins");
                                        rel_join_add_exp(sql->sa, top, e);
                                        list_remove_data(exps, e);
-                               /* Remove other joins on the current 'n_rels' 
+                               /* Remove other joins on the current 'n_rels'
                                   set in the distinct list too */
-                               while((en = list_find(sdje, n_rels, 
(fcmp)&exp_joins_rels)) != NULL) 
+                               while((en = list_find(sdje, n_rels, 
(fcmp)&exp_joins_rels)) != NULL)
                                        list_remove_data(sdje, en->data);
                                fnd = 1;
@@ -998,7 +977,7 @@ order_joins(mvc *sql, list *rels, list *
                for(n=rels->h; n; n = n->next) {
                        if (top)
                                top = rel_crossproduct(sql->sa, top, n->data, 
-                       else 
+                       else
                                top = n->data;
@@ -1011,13 +990,13 @@ order_joins(mvc *sql, list *rels, list *
                        /* find the involved relations */
-                       /* complex expressions may touch multiple base tables 
+                       /* complex expressions may touch multiple base tables
                         * Should be push up to extra selection. */
                        l = find_one_rel(rels, e->l);
                        r = find_one_rel(rels, e->r);
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