Changeset: 8ce24c675b2c for MonetDB
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SEMA: Shortest path expressions

diffs (truncated from 422 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/rel_dump.c b/sql/server/rel_dump.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_dump.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_dump.c
@@ -1410,3 +1410,47 @@ rel_read(mvc *sql, char *r, int *pos, li
        return rel;
+// DEBUG ONLY -- copy & paste from sql_gencode.c + decorate = TRUE
+dump_rel( mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel)
+       buffer *b;
+       stream *s = buffer_wastream(b = buffer_create(1024), "rel_dump");
+       list *refs = sa_list(sql->sa);
+       char *res = NULL;
+       rel_print_refs(sql, s, rel, 0, refs, TRUE);
+       rel_print_(sql, s, rel, 0, refs, TRUE);
+       mnstr_printf(s, "\n");
+       res = buffer_get_buf(b);
+       buffer_destroy(b);
+       mnstr_destroy(s);
+       return res;
+dump_exps(mvc *sql, list *exps ){
+       buffer *b;
+       stream *s = buffer_wastream(b = buffer_create(1024), "rel_dump");
+       char *res = NULL;
+       exps_print(sql, s, exps, 0, /*alias=*/ 1, /*brackets=*/0);
+       mnstr_printf(s, "\n");
+       res = buffer_get_buf(b);
+       buffer_destroy(b);
+       mnstr_destroy(s);
+       return res;
+dump(mvc *sql, void* data){
+       typedef struct { int32_t x; int32_t y; } T;
+       T* tmp = (T*) data;
+       if(tmp->x < 10 /*arbitrary value*/ && tmp->y <= op_delete){
+               return dump_rel(sql, data);
+       } else {
+               return dump_exps(sql, data);
+       }
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_dump.h b/sql/server/rel_dump.h
--- a/sql/server/rel_dump.h
+++ b/sql/server/rel_dump.h
@@ -19,4 +19,9 @@ extern const char *op2string(operator_ty
 extern sql_rel *rel_read(mvc *sql, char *ra, int *pos, list *refs);
+extern str dump_rel(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel);
+extern str dump_exps(mvc *sql, list *exps);
+extern str dump(mvc *sql, void* data);
 #endif /*_REL_DUMP_H_*/
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_exp.c b/sql/server/rel_exp.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_exp.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_exp.c
@@ -993,6 +993,14 @@ exp_match_exp( sql_exp *e1, sql_exp *e2)
        return 0;
+exp_match_exp_cmp( sql_exp *e1, sql_exp *e2)
+       if (exp_match_exp(e1,e2))
+               return 0;
+       return -1;
 static int
 exps_are_joins( list *l )
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_exp.h b/sql/server/rel_exp.h
--- a/sql/server/rel_exp.h
+++ b/sql/server/rel_exp.h
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ extern int exp_equal( sql_exp *e1, sql_e
 extern int exp_refers( sql_exp *p, sql_exp *c);
 extern int exp_match( sql_exp *e1, sql_exp *e2);
 extern int exp_match_exp( sql_exp *e1, sql_exp *e2);
+extern int exp_match_exp_cmp( sql_exp *e1, sql_exp *e2);
 /* match just the column (cmp equality) expressions */
 extern int exp_match_col_exps( sql_exp *e, list *l);
 extern int exps_match_col_exps( sql_exp *e1, sql_exp *e2);
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_graph.c b/sql/server/rel_graph.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_graph.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_graph.c
@@ -17,46 +17,10 @@
 #include "rel_select.h"
 #include "sql_relation.h" // rel_graph
-// DEBUG ONLY -- copy & paste from sql_gencode.c + decorate = TRUE
-rel2str1( mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel)
-       buffer *b;
-       stream *s = buffer_wastream(b = buffer_create(1024), "rel_dump");
-       list *refs = sa_list(sql->sa);
-       char *res = NULL;
-       rel_print_refs(sql, s, rel, 0, refs, TRUE);
-       rel_print_(sql, s, rel, 0, refs, TRUE);
-       mnstr_printf(s, "\n");
-       res = buffer_get_buf(b);
-       buffer_destroy(b);
-       mnstr_destroy(s);
-       return res;
-exps2str(mvc *sql, list *exps ){
-       buffer *b;
-       stream *s = buffer_wastream(b = buffer_create(1024), "rel_dump");
-       char *res = NULL;
-       exps_print(sql, s, exps, 0, /*alias=*/ 1, /*brackets=*/0);
-       mnstr_printf(s, "\n");
-       res = buffer_get_buf(b);
-       buffer_destroy(b);
-       mnstr_destroy(s);
-       return res;
 sql_rel* rel_graph_reaches(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, symbol *sq, int context){
        // TODO handle edge components defined with multiple attributes
        // this needs changes in the parser to accept list of columns & scalars
     dnode* lstoperands = NULL; // temp to navigate over the operands
     symbol* sym_qfrom = NULL; // the `from' column in the ast
     symbol* sym_qto = NULL; // the `to' column in the ast
@@ -81,7 +45,7 @@ sql_rel* rel_graph_reaches(mvc *sql, sql
     sql->caching = false;
     // let's see what we have got so far
-    printf("[Semantic analysis] Input relation: %s", rel2str1(sql, rel));
+    printf("[Semantic analysis] [reaches] Input relation: %s", dump_rel(sql, 
     lstoperands = sq->data.lval->h;
     sym_qfrom = lstoperands->data.sym; // first operand symbol( dlist( table, 
column ) )
@@ -155,7 +119,7 @@ sql_rel* rel_graph_reaches(mvc *sql, sql
     graph_ptr->spfw = sa_list(sql->sa); // empty list
     // let us see if what we are creating makes sense
-    printf("[Semantic analysis] Output relation: %s\n", rel2str1(sql, result));
+    printf("[Semantic analysis] [reaches] Output relation: %s\n", 
dump_rel(sql, result));
     return result;
@@ -179,79 +143,6 @@ static sql_exp* bind_cheapest_sum_return
                return bind2; // either if it has a value or it is null */
-//static sql_exp* bindg_filter_graph(mvc *sql, sql_exp *exp, dlist 
-//     const char* table_ref = NULL; // the table referred (optional)
-//     symbol* expr_weight = NULL; // the expression inside CHEAPEST SUM ( ... 
-//     graph_join* g = NULL;
-//     sql_exp* e = NULL;
-//     exp_kind exp_kind_value = {type_value, card_column, TRUE};
-//     assert(exp && "Expected an expression");
-//     assert(exp->type == e_cmp && get_cmp(exp) == cmp_filter_graph && 
"Expected a graph filter exp~");
-//     assert(parse_tree && "The input argument parse_tree is NULL");
-//     assert(parse_tree->cnt == 2 && "Expected two nodes in the root of the 
parse tree");
-//     g = exp->f;
-//     table_ref = parse_tree->h->data.sval;
-//     expr_weight = parse_tree->h->next->data.sym;
-//     if (table_ref){ // use the table name to refer to the edge table
-//             const char* tname = rel_name(g->edges);
-//             // TODO shall we consider the schema as well?
-//             assert(tname != NULL);
-//             if(strcmp(tname, table_ref) == 0){
-//                     // force the binding against this relation
-//                     e = rel_value_exp(sql, &(g->edges), expr_weight, 
sql_sel, exp_kind_value);
-//                     if(!e){ return sql_error(sql, 02, "Cannot bind the 
cheapest sum expression in the subquery `%s'", tname); }
-//             }
-//     } else { // table name not given
-//             // try to bind the expression a la `best effort'
-//             e = rel_value_exp(sql, &(g->edges), expr_weight, sql_sel, 
-//     }
-//     // did we bind our parse tree?
-//     if(e){
-//             if(g->cost){ // existing limitation, an expression has already 
been bound
-//                     return sql_error(sql, 02, "TODO: At the moment you 
cannot bind multiple CHEAPEST SUM expression against the same join");
-//             }
-//             // found it!
-//             g->cost = exp_label(sql->sa, e, ++sql->label);
-//             return g->cost;
-//     } else { // no, we didn't bind it
-//             return NULL;
-//     }
-//static sql_exp* bindg_exp(mvc *sql, sql_exp *exp, dlist *parse_tree){
-//     if(exp->type == e_cmp && get_cmp(exp) == cmp_filter_graph){
-//             // ok this is a graph join
-//             return bindg_filter_graph(sql, exp, parse_tree);
-//     } else {
-//             // this is not a graph join, move along
-//             return NULL;
-//     }
-//// DEBUG ONLY -- copy & paste from sql_gencode.c + decorate = TRUE
-//static sql_exp* bindg_exps(mvc *sql, list *exps, dlist *parse_tree){
-//     sql_exp *result = NULL;
-//     // edge case
-//     if(!exps || error_reported(sql)) return NULL;
-//     for(node* n = exps->h; n; n = n->next){
-//             sql_exp *bound = bindg_exp(sql, n->data, parse_tree);
-//             result = bind_cheapest_sum_return(sql, result, bound);
-//             if(error_reported(sql)) return NULL; // ERROR! => stop 
-//     }
-//     return result;
 static sql_exp* bind_cheapest_sum_graph(mvc *sql, sql_graph *graph, dlist 
        const char* table_ref = NULL; // the table referred (optional)
@@ -281,13 +172,7 @@ static sql_exp* bind_cheapest_sum_graph(
                // before creating a new spfw, search for duplicates in the 
list of expressions
                // already registered
-//             for(node* n = graph->spfw->h; n && !found; n = n->next){
-//                     if(exp_match_exp(n->data, e)){
-//                             e = n->data;
-//                             found = true; // stop
-//                     }
-//             }
-               duplicate = list_find(graph->spfw, e, (fcmp) exp_match_exp);
+               duplicate = list_find(graph->spfw, e, (fcmp) exp_match_exp_cmp);
                // we didn't find a duplicate, add to the list of expressions 
we need to compute
                // the shortest path
@@ -345,6 +230,10 @@ static sql_exp* bind_cheapest_sum_recurs
 sql_exp* rel_graph_cheapest_sum(mvc *sql, sql_rel **rel, symbol *sym, int 
+       sql_exp* result = NULL; // the expression bound
+       printf("[Semantic analysis] [Cheapest sum] Input relation: %s\n", 
dump_rel(sql, *rel));
        assert(sym->data.lval != NULL && "CHEAPEST SUM: empty parse tree");
        // Check the context is the SELECT clause
@@ -354,5 +243,12 @@ sql_exp* rel_graph_cheapest_sum(mvc *sql
        // Find the relation where the sub the expression binds to
        assert(is_project((*rel)->op) && "Unexpected relation type");
-       return bind_cheapest_sum_recursion(sql, (*rel)->l, sym->data.lval);
+       result = bind_cheapest_sum_recursion(sql, (*rel)->l, sym->data.lval);
+       // If it didn't bind the exp~, prepare an error message if it was not 
already constructed
+       if(!result && !error_reported(sql)){
+               return sql_error(sql, 02, "Cannot bind the expression in 
+       } else {
+               return result; // this can be an exp~ or NULL + an error set
+       }
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_graph.h b/sql/server/rel_graph.h
--- a/sql/server/rel_graph.h
+++ b/sql/server/rel_graph.h
@@ -15,8 +15,4 @@
 sql_rel* rel_graph_reaches(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, symbol *sq, int context);
 sql_exp* rel_graph_cheapest_sum(mvc *sql, sql_rel **rel, symbol *sq, int 
-str rel2str1(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel);
-str exps2str(mvc *sql, list *exps);
 #endif /* _REL_GRAPH_H_ */
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
@@ -6662,14 +6662,6 @@ rel_simplify_predicates(int *changes, mv
 static void split_exps(mvc *sql, list *exps, sql_rel *rel);
 static int
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