Changeset: 6503f938b5fe for MonetDB
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diffs (113 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/wlc.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/wlc.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/wlc.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/wlc.c
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
  * with a time-bounded delay. This means that both master and replica run at a 
certain beat
  * (in seconds) by which information is made available or read by the replica.
- * Such a replica in query workload sharing, database versioning, and 
- * Tables taken from the master are not protected against local updates in the 
+ * Such a replica is used in query workload sharing, database versioning, and 
+ * Tables taken from the master are not protected against local updates in the 
  * However, any replay transaction that fails stops the cloning process.
  * Furthermore, only persistent tables are considered for replication.
- * Updates under the 'tmp' schema are ignored.
+ * Updates under the 'tmp' schema, i.e. temporary tables, are ignored.
  * Simplicity and ease of end-user control has been the driving argument here.
@@ -45,11 +45,12 @@
  * A database can be set into 'master' mode only once using the SQL command:
  * CALL master()
- * An alternative path to the log records can be given to reduce the IO 
- * e.g. using a nearby SSD.
- * By default, it creates a directory .../dbfarm/dbname/wlc_logs to hold all 
- * necessary information for the creation of a database clone and
- * a configuration file .../dbfarm/dbname/wlc.config to hold the state of the 
transaction logs.
+ * An optional path to the log record directory can be given to reduce the IO 
+ * e.g. using a nearby SSD, or where there is ample of space to keep a long 
+ * e.g. a HDD or cold storage location.
+ *
+ * By default, the command creates a directory .../dbfarm/dbname/wlc_logs to 
hold all logs
+ * and a configuration file .../dbfarm/dbname/wlc.config to hold the state of 
the transaction logs.
  * It contains the following key=value pairs:
  *             snapshot=<path to a snapshot directory>
  *             logs=<path to the wlc log directory>
@@ -65,12 +66,11 @@
  * The log records are represented as ordinary MAL statement blocks, which
  * are executed in serial mode. (parallelism can be considered for large 
updates later)
  * Each transaction job is identified by a unique id, its starting time, and 
the user responsible..
- * The log-record should end with a commit.
+ * The log-record should end with a commit to be allowed for re-execution.
+ * Log records with a rollback tag are merely for analysis by the DBA.
- * A transaction log is created by the master using a heartbeat (in seconds).
- * A new transaction log file is published when the system has been 
- * collecting logs for some time.
- * The cycle time determines the drift of the replica, excluding its own speed 
to catch up.
+ * A transaction log file is created by the master using a heartbeat (in 
+ * A new transaction log file is published when the system has been collecting 
transaction records for some time.
  * The beat can be set using a SQL command, e.g.
  * CALL masterbeat(duration)
  * Setting it to zero leads to a log file per transaction and may cause a 
large log directory.
@@ -85,9 +85,15 @@
  * CALL stopmaster().
  * It typically is the end-of-life-time for a snapshot. For example, when 
planning to do
  * a large bulk load of the database, stopping logging avoids a double write 
into the
- * database. The database can be brought back into wlc mode using a fresh 
+ * database. The database can only be brought back into master mode using a 
fresh snapshot.
- *[TODO] A more secure way to set a database into master mode is to use the 
+ * One of the key challenges for a DBA is to keep the log directory 
manageable, because it grows
+ * with the speed up updates being applied to the database. This calls for 
regularly checking
+ * for their disk footprint and taking a new snapshot as a frame of reference.
+ *
+ * The DBA tool 'monetdb' provides options to create a master and its replicas.
+ * It will also maintain the list of replicas for inspection and managing 
their drift.
+ * For example,
  *      monetdb master <dbname> [ <optional snapshot path>]
  * which locks the database, takes a save copy, initializes the state chance 
to master. 
@@ -101,7 +107,7 @@
  * Every clone should start off with a copy of the binary snapshot identified 
by 'snapshot'.
  * A fresh database can be turned into a clone using the call
- * CALL replicate('mastername')
+ *     CALL replicate('mastername')
  * It will grab the latest snapshot of the master and applies all
  * available log files before releasing the system. Progress of
  * the replication can be monitored using the -fraw option in mclient.
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/wlr.c b/sql/backends/monet5/wlr.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/wlr.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/wlr.c
@@ -212,7 +212,9 @@ WLRprocess(void *arg)
                        mnstr_printf(GDKerr, "!WARNING: could not read %s\n", 
                c->yycur = 0;
+#ifdef _WLR_DEBUG_
                mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#replay log file:%s\n",path);
                // now parse the file line by line to reconstruct the WLR blocks
@@ -234,7 +236,9 @@ WLRprocess(void *arg)
                                ( wlr_timelimit[0] && strcmp(getVarConstant(mb, 
getArg(q,2)).val.sval, wlr_timelimit) >= 0))
                                /* stop execution of the transactions if your 
reached the limit */
+#ifdef _WLR_DEBUG_
                                mnstr_printf(GDKerr,"#skip tlimit %s  tag 
%s\n", wlr_timelimit,getVarConstant(mb, getArg(q,2)).val.sval);
                                resetMalBlk(mb, 1);
                                trimMalVariables(mb, NULL);
                                goto wrapup;
@@ -242,7 +246,9 @@ WLRprocess(void *arg)
                        if( getModuleId(q) == wlrRef && getFunctionId(q) == 
transactionRef ){
                                strncpy(wlr_read, getVarConstant(mb, 
                                wlr_tag = getVarConstant(mb, 
+#ifdef _WLR_DEBUG_
                                mnstr_printf(GDKerr,"#run tlimit %s  tag %s\n", 
wlr_timelimit, wlr_read);
                        // only re-execute successful transactions.
                        if ( getModuleId(q) == wlrRef && getFunctionId(q) 
==commitRef ){
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