Changeset: f054b7310be7 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Dec2016 branch.


In the Dec2016 branch the BBP version number was increased in order to
fix a bug where the empty string might occur with different offsets in
a duplicate-eliminated string heap.  This conflicts with a version
number increase that had been done in the default branch.  This means
that your default databases are now incompatible with the current
code.  Dump before you build, and restore after (or simply throw them

diffs (truncated from 627 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/ChangeLog.Dec2016 b/gdk/ChangeLog.Dec2016
--- a/gdk/ChangeLog.Dec2016
+++ b/gdk/ChangeLog.Dec2016
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
 # ChangeLog file for MonetDB
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Tue Feb 28 2017 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- Fixed a bug when appending string bats that are fully duplicate
+  eliminated.  It could happend that the to-be-appended bat had an empty
+  string at an offset and at that same offset in the to-be-appended-to bat
+  there happened to be a (sequence of) NULL(s).  Then this offset would be
+  used, even though it might nog be the right offset for the empty string
+  in the to-be-appended-to bat.  This would result in multiple offsets for
+  the empty string, breaking the promise of being duplicate eliminated.
diff --git a/gdk/gdk.h b/gdk/gdk.h
--- a/gdk/gdk.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk.h
@@ -854,8 +854,9 @@ typedef struct {
 #define GDKLIBRARY_INSERTED    061032  /* inserted and deleted in BBP.dir */
 #define GDKLIBRARY_HEADED      061033  /* head properties are stored */
 #define GDKLIBRARY_NOKEY       061034  /* nokey values can't be trusted */
-#define GDKLIBRARY_TALIGN      061035  /* talign field in BBP.dir */
-#define GDKLIBRARY             061036
+#define GDKLIBRARY_BADEMPTY    061035  /* possibility of duplicate empty str */
+#define GDKLIBRARY_TALIGN      061036  /* talign field in BBP.dir */
+#define GDKLIBRARY             061037
 typedef struct BAT {
        /* static bat properties */
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_batop.c b/gdk/gdk_batop.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_batop.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_batop.c
@@ -301,10 +301,13 @@ insert_string_bat(BAT *b, BAT *n, BAT *s
                        bunfastapp(b, tp);
-       } else if (b->tvheap->free < n->tvheap->free / 2) {
+       } else if (b->tvheap->free < n->tvheap->free / 2 ||
+                  GDK_ELIMDOUBLES(b->tvheap)) {
                /* if b's string heap is much smaller than n's string
                 * heap, don't bother checking whether n's string
-                * values occur in b's string heap */
+                * values occur in b's string heap; also, if b is
+                * (still) fully double eliminated, we must continue
+                * to use the double elimination mechanism */
                r = BUNlast(b);
                if (cand) {
                        oid hseq = n->hseqbase;
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_bbp.c b/gdk/gdk_bbp.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_bbp.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_bbp.c
@@ -629,6 +629,287 @@ fixwkbheap(void)
+/* There was a bug (fixed in changeset 1f5498568a24) which could
+ * result in empty strings not being double-eliminated.  This code
+ * fixes the affected bats.
+ * Note that we only fix BATs whose string heap is still fully double
+ * eliminated. */
+static inline int
+offsearch(const int *restrict offsets, int noffsets, int val)
+       /* binary search on offsets for val, return whether present */
+       int lo = 0, hi = noffsets - 1, mid;
+       while (hi > lo) {
+               mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
+               if (offsets[mid] == val)
+                       return 1;
+               if (offsets[mid] < val)
+                       lo = mid + 1;
+               else
+                       hi = mid - 1;
+       }
+       return offsets[lo] == val;
+static void
+fixstroffheap(BAT *b, int *restrict offsets)
+       long_str filename;
+       Heap h1;                /* old offset heap */
+       Heap h2;                /* new string heap */
+       Heap h3;                /* new offset heap */
+       Heap *h;                /* string heap */
+       int noffsets = 0;
+       const size_t extralen = b->tvheap->hashash ? EXTRALEN : 0;
+       size_t pos;
+       var_t emptyoff = 0;
+       const char *nme, *bnme;
+       char *srcdir;
+       BUN i;
+       int width;
+       int nofix = 1;
+       assert(GDK_ELIMDOUBLES(b->tvheap));
+       nme = BBP_physical(b->batCacheid);
+       srcdir = GDKfilepath(NOFARM, BATDIR, nme, NULL);
+       if (srcdir == NULL)
+               GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: GDKmalloc failed\n");
+       *strrchr(srcdir, DIR_SEP) = 0;
+       /* load string heap */
+       if (HEAPload(b->tvheap, nme, "theap", 0) != GDK_SUCCEED)
+               GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: loading string (theap) heap "
+                        "for BAT %d failed\n", b->batCacheid);
+       h = b->tvheap;          /* abbreviation */
+       /* collect valid offsets */
+       pos = GDK_STRHASHSIZE;
+       while (pos < h->free) {
+               const char *s;
+               size_t pad;
+               pad = GDK_VARALIGN - (pos & (GDK_VARALIGN - 1));
+               if (pad < sizeof(stridx_t))
+                       pad += GDK_VARALIGN;
+               pos += pad + extralen;
+               s = h->base + pos;
+               if (*s == '\0')
+                       emptyoff = (var_t) pos;
+               offsets[noffsets++] = (int) pos; /* < 65536, i.e. fits */
+               pos += GDK_STRLEN(s);
+       }
+       HEAPfree(b->tvheap, 0);
+       if ((bnme = strrchr(nme, DIR_SEP)) != NULL)
+               bnme++;
+       else
+               bnme = nme;
+       sprintf(filename, "BACKUP%c%s", DIR_SEP, bnme);
+       width = b->twidth;
+       h2.dirty = 0;
+       if (emptyoff == 0) {
+               /* no legitimate empty string in the string heap; we
+                * now make a backup of the old string heap and create
+                * a new one to which we add an empty string */
+               h2 = *b->tvheap;
+               if (GDKmove(h2.farmid, srcdir, bnme, "theap", BAKDIR, bnme, 
"theap") != GDK_SUCCEED)
+                       GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: cannot make backup of 
%s.theap\n", nme);
+               h2.filename = GDKfilepath(NOFARM, NULL, nme, "theap");
+               if (h2.filename == NULL)
+                       GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: GDKmalloc failed\n");
+               h2.base = NULL;
+               if (HEAPalloc(&h2, h2.size, 1) != GDK_SUCCEED)
+                       GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: allocating new string heap "
+                                "for BAT %d failed\n", b->batCacheid);
+               h2.cleanhash = b->tvheap->cleanhash;
+               h2.hashash = b->tvheap->hashash;
+      = b->tvheap->free;
+               /* load old offset heap and copy contents to new heap */
+               h1 = *b->tvheap;
+               h1.filename = NULL;
+               h1.base = NULL;
+               h1.dirty = 0;
+               if (HEAPload(&h1, filename, "theap", 0) != GDK_SUCCEED)
+                       GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: loading old tail heap "
+                                "for BAT %d failed\n", b->batCacheid);
+               memcpy(h2.base, h1.base,;
+               HEAPfree(&h1, 0);
+               h2.dirty = 1;
+               if ((*BATatoms[TYPE_str].atomPut)(&h2, &emptyoff, "") == 0)
+                       GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: cannot insert empty string "
+                                "in BAT %d failed\n", b->batCacheid);
+               /* if the offset of the new empty string doesn't fit
+                * in the offset heap (too many bits for the current
+                * width), we will also make the new offset heap
+                * wider */
+               if ((width <= 2 ? emptyoff - GDK_VAROFFSET : emptyoff) >= 
(var_t) (1 << (width * 8))) {
+                       width <<= 1;
+                       assert((width <= 2 ? emptyoff - GDK_VAROFFSET : 
emptyoff) < (var_t) (1 << (width * 8)));
+               }
+       }
+       /* make backup of offset heap */
+       if (GDKmove(b->theap.farmid, srcdir, bnme, "tail", BAKDIR, bnme, 
"tail") != GDK_SUCCEED)
+               GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: cannot make backup of %s.tail\n", nme);
+       /* load old offset heap */
+       h1 = b->theap;
+       h1.filename = NULL;
+       h1.base = NULL;
+       h1.dirty = 0;
+       if (HEAPload(&h1, filename, "tail", 0) != GDK_SUCCEED)
+               GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: loading old tail heap "
+                        "for BAT %d failed\n", b->batCacheid);
+       /* create new offset heap */
+       h3 = b->theap;
+       h3.filename = GDKfilepath(NOFARM, NULL, nme, "tail");
+       if (h3.filename == NULL)
+               GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: GDKmalloc failed\n");
+       if (HEAPalloc(&h3, b->batCapacity, width) != GDK_SUCCEED)
+               GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: allocating new tail heap "
+                        "for BAT %d failed\n", b->batCacheid);
+       h3.dirty = TRUE;
+ =;
+       switch (b->twidth) {
+       case 1:
+               for (i = 0; i < b->batCount; i++) {
+                       pos = ((var_t) ((unsigned char *) h1.base)[i] + 
+                       if (!offsearch(offsets, noffsets, (int) pos)) {
+                               pos = emptyoff;
+                               nofix = 0;
+                       }
+                       if (width == 1)
+                               ((unsigned char *) h3.base)[i] = (unsigned 
char) ((pos >> GDK_VARSHIFT) - GDK_VAROFFSET);
+                       else
+                               ((unsigned short *) h3.base)[i] = (unsigned 
short) ((pos >> GDK_VARSHIFT) - GDK_VAROFFSET);
+               }
+               break;
+       case 2:
+               for (i = 0; i < b->batCount; i++) {
+                       pos = ((var_t) ((unsigned short *) h1.base)[i] + 
+                       if (!offsearch(offsets, noffsets, (int) pos)) {
+                               pos = emptyoff;
+                               nofix = 0;
+                       }
+                       if (width == 2)
+                               ((unsigned short *) h3.base)[i] = (unsigned 
short) ((pos >> GDK_VARSHIFT) - GDK_VAROFFSET);
+                       else
+                               ((unsigned int *) h3.base)[i] = (unsigned int) 
+               }
+               break;
+       case 4:
+               for (i = 0; i < b->batCount; i++) {
+                       pos = (var_t) ((unsigned int *) h1.base)[i] << 
+                       if (!offsearch(offsets, noffsets, (int) pos)) {
+                               pos = emptyoff;
+                               nofix = 0;
+                       }
+                       ((unsigned int *) h3.base)[i] = (unsigned int) (pos >> 
+               }
+               break;
+#if SIZEOF_VAR_T == 8
+       case 8:
+               for (i = 0; i < b->batCount; i++) {
+                       pos = (var_t) ((ulng *) h1.base)[i] << GDK_VARSHIFT;
+                       if (!offsearch(offsets, noffsets, (int) pos)) {
+                               pos = emptyoff;
+                               nofix = 0;
+                       }
+                       ((ulng *) h3.base)[i] = (ulng) (pos >> GDK_VARSHIFT);
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               /* cannot happen */
+               assert(0);
+       }
+       /* cleanup */
+       HEAPfree(&h1, 0);
+       if (nofix) {
+               /* didn't fix anything, move backups back */
+               if (h2.dirty) {
+                       HEAPfree(&h2, 1);
+                       if (GDKmove(b->tvheap->farmid, BAKDIR, bnme, "theap", 
srcdir, bnme, "theap") != GDK_SUCCEED)
+                               GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: cannot restore backup 
of %s.theap\n", nme);
+               }
+               HEAPfree(&h3, 1);
+               if (GDKmove(b->theap.farmid, BAKDIR, bnme, "tail", srcdir, 
bnme, "tail") != GDK_SUCCEED)
+                       GDKfatal("fixstroffheap: cannot restore backup of 
%s.tail\n", nme);
+       } else {
+               /* offset heap was fixed */
+               b->twidth = width;
+               b->batDirtydesc = 1;
+               if (h2.dirty) {
+                       /* in addition, we added an empty string to
+                        * the string heap */
+                       HEAPsave(&h2, nme, "theap");
+                       HEAPfree(&h2, 0);
+                       *b->tvheap = h2;
+               }
+               HEAPsave(&h3, nme, "tail");
+               HEAPfree(&h3, 0);
+               b->theap = h3;
+       }
+       GDKfree(srcdir);
+static void
+       bat bid;
+       BAT *b;
+       int *offsets;
+       int tt;
+       fprintf(stderr,
+               "# fixing string offset heaps\n");
+       fflush(stderr);
+       /* The minimum size a string occupies in the double-eliminated
+        * part of a string heap is SIZEOF_VAR_T (due to padding to
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