Changeset: ac5f440e31cc for MonetDB
Removed Files:
Branch: Dec2016
Log Message:

No need for special output.

diffs (110 lines):

diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker/Tests/jdbc_no_debug.SF-1739356.stable.out.32bit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-stdout of test 'jdbc_no_debug.SF-1739356` in directory 'sql/test/BugTracker` 
-# 13:44:44 >  
-# 13:44:44 >   mserver5 
"--config=/ufs/niels/scratch/rc/Linux-x86_64/etc/monetdb5.conf" --debug=10 
--set gdk_nr_threads=0 --set 
 --set "gdk_dbfarm=/ufs/niels/scratch/rc/Linux-x86_64/var/MonetDB5/dbfarm"    
--set mapi_open=true --set xrpc_open=true --set mapi_port=36629 --set 
xrpc_port=45999 --set monet_prompt= --trace  
"--dbname=mTests_src_test_BugTracker" --set mal_listing=0 "--dbinit= include 
sql;" ; echo ; echo Over..
-# 13:44:44 >  
-# MonetDB server v5.12.0, based on kernel v1.30.0
-# Serving database 'mTests_src_test_BugTracker', using 4 threads
-# Compiled for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/64bit with 64bit OIDs dynamically 
-# Copyright (c) 1993-July 2008 CWI.
-# Copyright (c) August 2008-2009 MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved
-# Visit for further information
-# Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb://
-# MonetDB/SQL module v2.30.0 loaded
-| rel                                                                          
-| project (                                                                    
-| | group by (                                                                 
-| | | union (                                                                  
-| | | | group by (                                                             
-| | | | | project (                                                            
-| | | | | | select (                                                           
-| | | | | | | table(sys._tables) [, _tables.type ] COUNT  |
-| | | | | | ) [ _tables.type != smallint "2" ]                       |
-| | | | | ) [ as ]                              |
-| | | | ) [  ] [ sys.count() NOT NULL as L40.L40 ],                  |
-| | | | group by (                                                             
-| | | | | project (                                                            
-| | | | | | table(tmp._tables) [ ] COUNT                  |
-| | | | | ) [ as ]                              |
-| | | | ) [  ] [ sys.count() NOT NULL as L40.L40 ]                   |
-| | | ) [ L40.L40 ]                                                  |
-| | ) [  ] [ sys.sum no nil (L40.L40) as L40.L40 ]                   |
-| ) [ L40 NOT NULL as L41.L40 ]                                      |
-18 rows
-Operation successful
-| mal                                                                          
-| function user.s4_1():void;                                                   
-|     X_0:void := querylog.define("explain select count(*) from 
tables\n;","sequential_pipe",25:int); |
-|     X_4:bat[:lng] :=;                                       
-|     X_3 := sql.mvc();                                                        
-|     X_9:bat[:sht] := sql.bind(X_3,"sys","_tables","type",0:int);             
-|     C_6:bat[:oid] := sql.tid(X_3,"sys","_tables");                           
-|     C_57 := algebra.subselect(X_9,C_6,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true);           
-|     (C_12:bat[:oid],r1_13:bat[:sht]) := 
sql.bind(X_3,"sys","_tables","type",2:int);                 |
-|     C_58 := 
-|     X_15:bat[:sht] := sql.bind(X_3,"sys","_tables","type",1:int);            
-|     C_60 := algebra.subselect(X_15,C_6,2:sht,2:sht,true,true,true);          
-|     C_21 := sql.subdelta(C_57,C_6,C_12,C_58,C_60);                           
-|     X_24:bat[:int] := sql.bind(X_3,"sys","_tables","id",0:int);              
-|     (C_26:bat[:oid],r1_27:bat[:int]) := 
sql.bind(X_3,"sys","_tables","id",2:int);                   |
-|     X_28:bat[:int] := sql.bind(X_3,"sys","_tables","id",1:int);              
-|     X_31 := sql.projectdelta(C_21,X_24,C_26,r1_27,X_28);                     
-|     X_32 := aggr.count(X_31);                                                
-|     X_33 := sql.single(X_32);                                                
-|     X_34 := bat.append(X_4,X_33,true);                                       
-|     C_35:bat[:oid] := sql.tid(X_3,"tmp","_tables");                          
-|     X_37:bat[:int] := sql.bind(X_3,"tmp","_tables","id",0:int);              
-|     X_38 := algebra.projection(C_35,X_37);                                   
-|     X_39 := aggr.count(X_38);                                                
-|     X_40 := bat.append(X_34,X_39,true);                                      
-|     X_41:lng := aggr.sum(X_40);                                              
-|     sql.resultSet(".L41","L40","bigint",64:int,0:int,7:int,X_41);            
-| end user.s4_1;                                                               
-| #inline               actions= 0 time=12 usec                                
-| #remap                actions= 0 time=36 usec                                
-| #costmodel            actions= 1 time=18 usec                                
-| #coercion             actions= 1 time=78 usec                                
-| #evaluate             actions= 0 time=34 usec                                
-| #emptybind            actions= 0 time=93 usec                                
-| #pushselect           actions= 4 time=336 usec                               
-| #aliases              actions= 2 time=85 usec                                
-| #mergetable           actions= 0 time=472 usec                               
-| #deadcode             actions= 2 time=84 usec                                
-| #aliases              actions= 0 time=59 usec                                
-| #constants            actions= 2 time=79 usec                                
-| #commonTerms          actions= 0 time=72 usec                                
-| #projectionpath       actions= 0 time=44 usec                                
-| #reorder              actions= 1 time=356 usec                               
-| #deadcode             actions= 0 time=80 usec                                
-| #reduce               actions=26 time=98 usec                                
-| #matpack              actions= 0 time=28 usec                                
-| #multiplex            actions= 0 time=41 usec                                
-| #profiler             actions= 1 time=29 usec                                
-| #candidates           actions= 1 time=10 usec                                
-| #garbagecollector     actions= 1 time=198 usec                               
-| #total                actions= 1 time=3531 usec                              
-50 rows
-# 19:39:11 >  
-# 19:39:11 >  "Done."
-# 19:39:11 >  
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