Changeset: 7fc423e5191e for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Dec2016
Log Message:

Code reuse and code deduplication.
Added benefit: closer to correctness, so also approved test.

diffs (truncated from 359 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi/Tests/pyapi_types_string.stable.out 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi/Tests/pyapi_types_string.stable.out
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi/Tests/pyapi_types_string.stable.out
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ Ready.
 [ 0@0, 18042.895       ]
 [ 1@0, 846.9309        ]
-[ 2@0, 16.816929       ]
-[ 3@0, 1714637 ]
+[ 2@0, 16.816927       ]
+[ 3@0, 1714636.9       ]
 [ 4@0, nil     ]
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi/type_conversion.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi/type_conversion.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/UDF/pyapi/type_conversion.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ bool string_copy(char * source, char* de
         dest[i] = source[i];
         if (dest[i] == 0) return TRUE;
-        if (!allow_unicode && (*(unsigned char*)&source[i]) >= 128) return 
+        if (!allow_unicode && source[i] & 0x80) return FALSE;
     dest[max_size] = '\0';
     return TRUE;
@@ -34,40 +34,9 @@ bool string_copy(char * source, char* de
 #ifdef HAVE_HGE
 int hge_to_string(char * str, hge x)
-    int i = 0;
-    size_t size = 1;
-    hge cpy = x > 0 ? x : -x;
-    while(cpy > 0) {
-        cpy /= 10;
-        size++;
-    }
-    if (x < 0) size++;
-    if (x < 0)
-    {
-        x *= -1;
-        str[0] = '-';
-    }
-    str[size - 1] = '\0';
-    i = size - 1;
-    while(x > 0)
-    {
-        int v = x % 10;
-        i--;
-        if (i < 0) return FALSE;
-        if (v == 0)       str[i] = '0';
-        else if (v == 1)  str[i] = '1';
-        else if (v == 2)  str[i] = '2';
-        else if (v == 3)  str[i] = '3';
-        else if (v == 4)  str[i] = '4';
-        else if (v == 5)  str[i] = '5';
-        else if (v == 6)  str[i] = '6';
-        else if (v == 7)  str[i] = '7';
-        else if (v == 8)  str[i] = '8';
-        else if (v == 9)  str[i] = '9';
-        x = x / 10;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
+       int len = 256;          /* assume str is large enough */
+       hgeToStr(&str, &len, &x);
+       return TRUE;
 PyObject *PyLong_FromHge(hge h)
@@ -174,85 +143,121 @@ wrapup:
     return msg;
+#define STRING_TO_NUMBER_FACTORY(tpe)                                  \
+str str_to_##tpe(char *ptr, size_t maxsize, tpe *value)                        
+{                                                                      \
+       int len = sizeof(tpe);                                          \
+       char buf[256];                                                  \
+       if (maxsize > 0) {                                              \
+               if (maxsize >= sizeof(buf))                             \
+                       maxsize = sizeof(buf) - 1;                      \
+               strncpy(buf, ptr, maxsize);                             \
+               buf[maxsize] = 0;                                       \
+               if (strlen(buf) >= sizeof(buf) - 1)                     \
+                       return GDKstrdup("string too long to convert."); \
+               ptr = buf;                                              \
+       }                                                               \
+       if (BATatoms[TYPE_##tpe].atomFromStr(ptr, &len, (void **) &value) == 0) 
+               return GDKstrdup("Error converting string.");           \
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;                                             \
 #ifndef IS_PY3K
-#define PY_TO_(type, inttpe)                                                   
-str pyobject_to_##type(PyObject **pyobj, size_t maxsize, type *value)          
-    PyObject *ptr = *pyobj;                                                    
-    str retval = MAL_SUCCEED;                                                  
-    (void) maxsize;                                                            
-    if (PyLong_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                              
-        PyLongObject *p = (PyLongObject*) ptr;                                 
-        inttpe h = 0;                                                          
-        inttpe prev = 0;                                                       
-        ssize_t i = Py_SIZE(p);                                                
-        int sign = i < 0 ? -1 : 1;                                             
-        i *= sign;                                                             
-        while (--i >= 0) {                                                     
-            prev = h; (void)prev;                                              
-            h = (h << PyLong_SHIFT) + p->ob_digit[i];                          
-            if ((h >> PyLong_SHIFT) != prev) {                                 
-                return GDKstrdup("Overflow when converting value.");           
-            }                                                                  
-        }                                                                      
-        *value = (type)(h * sign);                                             
-    } else if (PyInt_CheckExact(ptr) || PyBool_Check(ptr)) {                   
-        *value = (type)((PyIntObject*)ptr)->ob_ival;                           
-    } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                      
-        *value = (type) ((PyFloatObject*)ptr)->ob_fval;                        
-    } else if (PyString_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                     
-        return str_to_##type(((PyStringObject*)ptr)->ob_sval, -1, value);      
-    }  else if (PyByteArray_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                 
-        return str_to_##type(((PyByteArrayObject*)ptr)->ob_bytes, -1, value);  
-    } else if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                    
-        return unicode_to_##type(((PyUnicodeObject*)ptr)->str, -1, value);     
-    } else if (ptr == Py_None) {                                               
-        *value = type##_nil;                                                   
-    }                                                                          
-    return retval;                                                             
+#define PY_TO_(type, inttpe)                                           \
+str pyobject_to_##type(PyObject **pyobj, size_t maxsize, type *value)  \
+{                                                                      \
+    PyObject *ptr = *pyobj;                                            \
+    str retval = MAL_SUCCEED;                                          \
+    (void) maxsize;                                                    \
+    if (PyLong_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                      \
+        PyLongObject *p = (PyLongObject*) ptr;                         \
+        inttpe h = 0;                                                  \
+        inttpe prev = 0;                                               \
+        ssize_t i = Py_SIZE(p);                                                
+        int sign = i < 0 ? -1 : 1;                                     \
+        i *= sign;                                                     \
+        while (--i >= 0) {                                             \
+            prev = h; (void)prev;                                      \
+            h = (h << PyLong_SHIFT) + p->ob_digit[i];                  \
+            if ((h >> PyLong_SHIFT) != prev) {                         \
+                return GDKstrdup("Overflow when converting value.");   \
+            }                                                          \
+        }                                                              \
+        *value = (type)(h * sign);                                     \
+    } else if (PyInt_CheckExact(ptr) || PyBool_Check(ptr)) {           \
+        *value = (type)((PyIntObject*)ptr)->ob_ival;                   \
+    } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(ptr)) {                              \
+        *value = (type) ((PyFloatObject*)ptr)->ob_fval;                        
+    } else if (PyString_CheckExact(ptr)) {                             \
+        return str_to_##type(((PyStringObject*)ptr)->ob_sval, 0, value); \
+    }  else if (PyByteArray_CheckExact(ptr)) {                         \
+        return str_to_##type(((PyByteArrayObject*)ptr)->ob_bytes, 0, value); \
+    } else if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(ptr)) {                            \
+        return unicode_to_##type(((PyUnicodeObject*)ptr)->str, 0, value); \
+    } else if (ptr == Py_None) {                                       \
+        *value = type##_nil;                                           \
+    }                                                                  \
+    return retval;                                                     \
-#define CONVERSION_FUNCTION_FACTORY(tpe, inttpe)              \
-    str str_to_##tpe(char *ptr, size_t maxsize, tpe *value) \
-    { \
-        ssize_t i = maxsize - 1; \
-        tpe factor = 1; \
-        if (i < 0) i = strlen(ptr) - 1; \
-        *value = 0;  \
-        for( ; i >= 0; i--) \
-        { \
-            switch(ptr[i]) \
-            { \
-                case '0': break; \
-                case '1': *value += factor; break; \
-                case '2': *value += 2 * factor; break; \
-                case '3': *value += 3 * factor; break; \
-                case '4': *value += 4 * factor; break; \
-                case '5': *value += 5 * factor; break; \
-                case '6': *value += 6 * factor; break; \
-                case '7': *value += 7 * factor; break; \
-                case '8': *value += 8 * factor; break; \
-                case '9': *value += 9 * factor; break; \
-                case '-': *value *= -1; break; \
-                case '.': \
-                case ',': *value /= factor; factor = 1; continue; \
-                case '\0': continue; \
-                default: \
-                { \
-                    return GDKstrdup("Error converting string."); \
-                } \
-            } \
-            factor *= 10; \
-        }  \
-        return MAL_SUCCEED; \
-    } \
-    str unicode_to_##tpe(Py_UNICODE *ptr, size_t maxsize, tpe *value) \
-    {                                                              \
-        char utf8[255];                                            \
-        unicode_to_utf8(0, 255, utf8, ptr);                          \
-        return str_to_##tpe(utf8, maxsize, value);                 \
-    }                                                              \
+#define CONVERSION_FUNCTION_FACTORY(tpe, inttpe)                       \
+    STRING_TO_NUMBER_FACTORY(tpe)                                      \
+    str unicode_to_##tpe(Py_UNICODE *ptr, size_t maxsize, tpe *value)  \
+    {                                                                  \
+        char utf8[1024];                                               \
+       if (maxsize == 0)                                               \
+            maxsize = utf32_strlen(ptr);                               \
+       if (maxsize > 255)                                              \
+            maxsize = 255;                                             \
+        unicode_to_utf8(0, maxsize, utf8, ptr);                                
+        return str_to_##tpe(utf8, 0, value);                           \
+    }                                                                  \
     PY_TO_(tpe, inttpe);
+#define PY_TO_(type, inttpe)                                           \
+str pyobject_to_##type(PyObject **pyobj, size_t maxsize, type *value)  \
+{                                                                      \
+    PyObject *ptr = *pyobj;                                            \
+    str retval = MAL_SUCCEED;                                          \
+    (void) maxsize;                                                    \
+    if (PyLong_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                      \
+        PyLongObject *p = (PyLongObject*) ptr;                         \
+        inttpe h = 0;                                                  \
+        inttpe prev = 0;                                               \
+        int i = Py_SIZE(p);                                            \
+        int sign = i < 0 ? -1 : 1;                                     \
+        i *= sign;                                                     \
+        while (--i >= 0) {                                             \
+            prev = h; (void)prev;                                      \
+            h = (h << PyLong_SHIFT) + p->ob_digit[i];                  \
+            if ((h >> PyLong_SHIFT) != prev) {                         \
+                return GDKstrdup("Overflow when converting value.");   \
+            }                                                          \
+        }                                                              \
+        *value = (type)(h * sign);                                     \
+    } else if (PyBool_Check(ptr)) {                                    \
+        *value = ptr == Py_True ? 1 : 0;                               \
+    } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(ptr)) {                              \
+        *value = (type) ((PyFloatObject*)ptr)->ob_fval;                        
+    } else if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(ptr)) {                            \
+        return str_to_##type(PyUnicode_AsUTF8(ptr), 0, value);         \
+    }  else if (PyByteArray_CheckExact(ptr)) {                         \
+        return str_to_##type(((PyByteArrayObject*)ptr)->ob_bytes, 0, value); \
+    }  else if (ptr == Py_None) {                                      \
+        *value = type##_nil;                                           \
+    }                                                                  \
+    return retval;                                                     \
+#define CONVERSION_FUNCTION_FACTORY(tpe, inttpe)                       \
+    STRING_TO_NUMBER_FACTORY(tpe)                                      \
+    str unicode_to_##tpe(char *ptr, size_t maxsize, tpe *value)                
+    {                                                                  \
+       return str_to_##tpe(ptr, maxsize, value);                       \
+    }                                                                  \
+    PY_TO_(tpe, inttpe);
@@ -267,91 +272,6 @@ CONVERSION_FUNCTION_FACTORY(dbl, hge)
-#define PY_TO_(type, inttpe)                                                   
-str pyobject_to_##type(PyObject **pyobj, size_t maxsize, type *value)          
-    PyObject *ptr = *pyobj;                                                    
-    str retval = MAL_SUCCEED;                                                  
-    (void) maxsize;                                                            
-    if (PyLong_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                              
-        PyLongObject *p = (PyLongObject*) ptr;                                 
-        inttpe h = 0;                                                          
-        inttpe prev = 0;                                                       
-        int i = Py_SIZE(p);                                                    
-        int sign = i < 0 ? -1 : 1;                                             
-        i *= sign;                                                             
-        while (--i >= 0) {                                                     
-            prev = h; (void)prev;                                              
-            h = (h << PyLong_SHIFT) + p->ob_digit[i];                          
-            if ((h >> PyLong_SHIFT) != prev) {                                 
-                return GDKstrdup("Overflow when converting value.");           
-            }                                                                  
-        }                                                                      
-        *value = (type)(h * sign);                                             
-    } else if (PyBool_Check(ptr)) {                                            
-        *value = ptr == Py_True ? 1 : 0;                                       
-    } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                      
-        *value = (type) ((PyFloatObject*)ptr)->ob_fval;                        
-    } else if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                    
-        return str_to_##type(PyUnicode_AsUTF8(ptr), -1, value);                
-    }  else if (PyByteArray_CheckExact(ptr)) {                                 
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