Changeset: b24488ebbf3e for MonetDB
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diffs (50 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.mal b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.mal
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql.mal
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql.mal
@@ -216,38 +216,38 @@ comment "Last step of a left outer join,
 command getVersion(clientid:int):lng
 address mvc_getVersion
-comment "Return the database version identifier for a client";
+comment "Return the database version identifier for a client.";
 pattern append(mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str, cname:str, ins:any):int
 address mvc_append_wrap
-comment "Append b to the column tname.cname (possibly optimized to replace the 
insert bat of tname.cname (returns sequence number for order dependence)";
+comment "Append to the column tname.cname (possibly optimized to replace the 
insert bat of tname.cname. Returns sequence number for order dependence.";
 pattern update(mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str, cname:str, rids:any, upd:any):int
 address mvc_update_wrap
-comment "Update the values of the column tname.cname";
+comment "Update the values of the column tname.cname. Returns sequence number 
for order dependence)";
 unsafe pattern clear_table(sname:str, tname:str) :lng
 address mvc_clear_table_wrap
-comment "Clear table";
+comment "Clear the table sname.tname.";
 pattern tid( mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str):bat[:oid] 
 address SQLtid
-comment "Return the tables tid column.";
+comment "Return a column with the valid tuple identifiers associated with the 
table sname.tname.";
 pattern tid( mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str, part_nr:int, nr_parts:int 
 address SQLtid
 comment "Return the tables tid column.";
 unsafe pattern delete(mvc:int, sname:str, tname:str, b:any):int
 address mvc_delete_wrap
-comment "delete from table";
+comment "Delete a row from a table. Returns sequence number for order 
 unsafe pattern resultSet(tbl:str, attr:str, tpe:str, len:int, scale:int, 
eclass:int, val:any) :int 
 address mvc_scalar_value_wrap
-comment "Prepare a table result set";
+comment "Prepare a table result set for the client front-end.";
 unsafe pattern resultSet(tbl:bat[:str], attr:bat[:str], tpe:bat[:str], 
len:bat[:int],scale:bat[:int], cols:any...) :int 
 address mvc_row_result_wrap
-comment "Prepare a table result set";
+comment "Prepare a table result set for the client front-end";
 unsafe pattern resultSet(tbl:bat[:str], attr:bat[:str], tpe:bat[:str], 
len:bat[:int],scale:bat[:int], cols:bat[:any]...) :int 
 address mvc_table_result_wrap
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