Changeset: 333206fb7de1 for MonetDB
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diffs (42 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -7966,10 +7966,10 @@ Ready.
 [ "mmath",     "atan", "command mmath.atan(x:flt):flt ",       
"MATHunary_ATANflt;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "atan2",        "command mmath.atan2(x:dbl, y:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHbinary_ATAN2dbl;", "The atan2(x,y) function calculates the arc tangent of 
the two \n        variables x and y.  It is similar to calculating the 
arc\n\ttangent of y / x, except that the signs of both arguments are \n        
used to determine the quadrant of the result.  The value is \n\treturned in 
radians and is mathematically defined to be between \n        -PI/2 and PI/2 
(inclusive)."     ]
 [ "mmath",     "atan2",        "command mmath.atan2(x:flt, y:flt):flt ",       
"MATHbinary_ATAN2flt;", ""      ]
+[ "mmath",     "cbrt", "command mmath.cbrt(y:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHunary_CBRTdbl;",   "The cbrt(x) function returns the cube root of x."      
 [ "mmath",     "cbrt", "command mmath.cbrt(y:flt):flt ",       
"MATHunary_CBRTflt;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "ceil", "command mmath.ceil(y:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHunary_CEILdbl;",   "The ceil(x) function rounds x upwards to the nearest 
integer." ]
 [ "mmath",     "ceil", "command mmath.ceil(y:flt):flt ",       
"MATHunary_CEILflt;",   ""      ]
-[ "mmath",     "cnrt", "command mmath.cnrt(y:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHunary_CBRTdbl;",   "The cbrt(x) function returns the cube root of x."      
 [ "mmath",     "cos",  "command mmath.cos(x:dbl):dbl ",        
"MATHunary_COSdbl;",    "The cos(x) function returns the cosine of x, where x 
is given in \n        radians. The return value is between -1 and 1."     ]
 [ "mmath",     "cos",  "command mmath.cos(x:flt):flt ",        
"MATHunary_COSflt;",    ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "cosh", "command mmath.cosh(x:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHunary_COSHdbl;",   "The cosh() function  returns the hyperbolic cosine of 
x, which is \n\tdefined mathematically as (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2."       ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -10328,10 +10328,10 @@ Ready.
 [ "mmath",     "atan", "command mmath.atan(x:flt):flt ",       
"MATHunary_ATANflt;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "atan2",        "command mmath.atan2(x:dbl, y:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHbinary_ATAN2dbl;", "The atan2(x,y) function calculates the arc tangent of 
the two \n        variables x and y.  It is similar to calculating the 
arc\n\ttangent of y / x, except that the signs of both arguments are \n        
used to determine the quadrant of the result.  The value is \n\treturned in 
radians and is mathematically defined to be between \n        -PI/2 and PI/2 
(inclusive)."     ]
 [ "mmath",     "atan2",        "command mmath.atan2(x:flt, y:flt):flt ",       
"MATHbinary_ATAN2flt;", ""      ]
+[ "mmath",     "cbrt", "command mmath.cbrt(y:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHunary_CBRTdbl;",   "The cbrt(x) function returns the cube root of x."      
 [ "mmath",     "cbrt", "command mmath.cbrt(y:flt):flt ",       
"MATHunary_CBRTflt;",   ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "ceil", "command mmath.ceil(y:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHunary_CEILdbl;",   "The ceil(x) function rounds x upwards to the nearest 
integer." ]
 [ "mmath",     "ceil", "command mmath.ceil(y:flt):flt ",       
"MATHunary_CEILflt;",   ""      ]
-[ "mmath",     "cnrt", "command mmath.cnrt(y:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHunary_CBRTdbl;",   "The cbrt(x) function returns the cube root of x."      
 [ "mmath",     "cos",  "command mmath.cos(x:dbl):dbl ",        
"MATHunary_COSdbl;",    "The cos(x) function returns the cosine of x, where x 
is given in \n        radians. The return value is between -1 and 1."     ]
 [ "mmath",     "cos",  "command mmath.cos(x:flt):flt ",        
"MATHunary_COSflt;",    ""      ]
 [ "mmath",     "cosh", "command mmath.cosh(x:dbl):dbl ",       
"MATHunary_COSHdbl;",   "The cosh() function  returns the hyperbolic cosine of 
x, which is \n\tdefined mathematically as (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2."       ]
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/mmath.mal 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/mmath.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/mmath.mal
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ comment "The sqrt(x) function returns th
 command cbrt(y:flt)      :flt 
 address MATHunary_CBRTflt;
-command cnrt(y:dbl)      :dbl 
+command cbrt(y:dbl)      :dbl 
 address MATHunary_CBRTdbl
 comment "The cbrt(x) function returns the cube root of x.";
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