Changeset: b617946b4079 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Cleanup: removed conversion of 32 to 64 bit OIDs.

diffs (truncated from 589 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/ChangeLog b/gdk/ChangeLog
--- a/gdk/ChangeLog
+++ b/gdk/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # ChangeLog file for MonetDB
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Fri Dec 16 2016 Sjoerd Mullender <>
+- Removed automatic conversion of 32-bit OIDs to 64 bits on 64-bit
+  architectures.
 * Tue Dec 13 2016 Sjoerd Mullender <>
 - Removed functions OIDbase() and OIDnew().
 - Removed talign field from BAT descriptor.
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_bbp.c b/gdk/gdk_bbp.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_bbp.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_bbp.c
@@ -408,244 +408,6 @@ static gdk_return BBPrecover(int farmid)
 static gdk_return BBPrecover_subdir(void);
 static int BBPdiskscan(const char *);
-#if SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 8 && SIZEOF_OID == 8
-/* Convert 32-bit OIDs to 64 bits.
- * This function must be called at the end of BBPinit(), just before
- * "normal processing" starts.  All errors that happen during the
- * conversion are fatal.  This function is "safe" in the sense that
- * when it is interrupted, recovery will just start over.  No
- * permanent changes are made to the database until all string heaps
- * have been converted, and then the changes are made atomically.
- *
- * In addition to doing the conversion to all BATs with OID or STR
- * columns (the latter since the format of the string heap is
- * different for 64/32 and 64/64 configurations), we also look out for
- * the *_catalog BATs that are used by gdk_logger.  If we encounter
- * such a BAT, we create a file based on the name of that BAT
- * (i.e. using the first part of the name) to inform the logger that
- * it too needs to convert 32 bit OIDs to 64 bits.  If the process
- * here gets interrupted, the logger is never called, and if we get
- * then restarted, we just create the file again, so this process is
- * safe. */
-static void
-fixoidheapcolumn(BAT *b, const char *srcdir, const char *nme,
-                const char *filename, const char *headtail,
-                const char *htheap)
-       bat bid = b->batCacheid;
-       Heap h1, h2;
-       int *old;
-       oid *new;
-       BUN i;
-       char *s;
-       unsigned short w;
-       const char *bnme;
-       int tt;
-       if ((bnme = strrchr(nme, DIR_SEP)) != NULL)
-               bnme++;
-       else
-               bnme = nme;
-       if (GDKmove(b->theap.farmid, srcdir, bnme, headtail, BAKDIR, bnme, 
headtail) != GDK_SUCCEED)
-               GDKfatal("fixoidheap: cannot make backup of %s.%s\n", nme, 
-       if ((tt = b->ttype) < 0) {
-               const char *anme;
-               /* as yet unknown tail column type */
-               anme = ATOMunknown_name(tt);
-               if (strcmp(anme, "url") == 0)
-                       b->ttype = TYPE_str;
-               else if (strcmp(anme, "sqlblob") == 0 ||
-                        strcmp(anme, "wkb") == 0)
-                       b->ttype = TYPE_int;
-               else
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: unrecognized column "
-                                "type %s for BAT %d\n", anme, bid);
-       }
-       if (b->ttype == TYPE_str) {
-               if (GDKmove(b->tvheap->farmid, srcdir, bnme, htheap, BAKDIR, 
bnme, htheap) != GDK_SUCCEED)
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: cannot make backup of %s.%s\n", 
nme, htheap);
-               h1 = b->theap;
-               h1.filename = NULL;
-               h1.base = NULL;
-               h1.dirty = 0;
-               h2 = *b->tvheap;
-               h2.filename = NULL;
-               h2.base = NULL;
-               h2.dirty = 0;
-               /* load old string heap */
-               if (HEAPload(&h1, filename, headtail, 0) != GDK_SUCCEED)
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: loading old %s heap "
-                                "for BAT %d failed\n", headtail, bid);
-               if (HEAPload(&h2, filename, htheap, 0) != GDK_SUCCEED)
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: loading old string heap "
-                                "for BAT %d failed\n", bid);
-               /* create new string heap */
-               b->theap.filename = GDKfilepath(NOFARM, NULL, nme, headtail);
-               if (b->theap.filename == NULL)
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: GDKmalloc failed\n");
-               w = b->twidth; /* remember old width */
-               b->twidth = 1;
-               b->tshift = 0;
-               if (HEAPalloc(&b->theap, b->batCapacity, SIZEOF_OID) != 
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: allocating new %s heap "
-                                "for BAT %d failed\n", headtail, bid);
-               b->theap.dirty = TRUE;
-               b->tvheap->filename = GDKfilepath(NOFARM, NULL, nme, htheap);
-               if (b->tvheap->filename == NULL)
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: GDKmalloc failed\n");
-               if (ATOMheap(TYPE_str, b->tvheap, b->batCapacity) != 
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: initializing new string "
-                                "heap for BAT %d failed\n", bid);
-               b->tvheap->parentid = bid;
-               /* do the conversion */
-               b->theap.dirty = TRUE;
-               b->tvheap->dirty = TRUE;
-               for (i = 0; i < b->batCount; i++) {
-                       /* s = h2.base + VarHeapVal(h1.base, i, w); */
-                       switch (w) {
-                       case 1:
-                               s = h2.base + (((var_t) ((unsigned char *) 
h1.base)[i] + ((GDK_STRHASHTABLE * sizeof(unsigned short)) >> 3)) << 3);
-                               break;
-                       case 2:
-                               s = h2.base + (((var_t) ((unsigned short *) 
h1.base)[i] + ((GDK_STRHASHTABLE * sizeof(unsigned short)) >> 3)) << 3);
-                               break;
-                       case 4:
-                               s = h2.base + ((var_t) ((unsigned int *) 
h1.base)[i] << 3);
-                               break;
-                       default:
-                               assert(0);
-                               /* cannot happen, but compiler doesn't know */
-                               s = NULL;
-                       }
-                       b-> += b->twidth;
-                       Tputvalue(b, Tloc(b, i), s, 0);
-               }
-               HEAPfree(&h1, 0);
-               HEAPfree(&h2, 0);
-               HEAPsave(b->tvheap, nme, htheap);
-               HEAPfree(b->tvheap, 0);
-       } else {
-               assert(b->ttype == TYPE_oid ||
-                      (b->ttype != TYPE_void && b->tvarsized));
-               h1 = b->theap;
-               h1.filename = NULL;
-               h1.base = NULL;
-               h1.dirty = 0;
-               h1.parentid = 0;
-               /* load old heap */
-               if (HEAPload(&h1, filename, headtail, 0) != GDK_SUCCEED)
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: loading old %s heap "
-                                "for BAT %d failed\n", headtail, bid);
-               /* create new heap */
-               b->theap.filename = GDKfilepath(NOFARM, NULL, nme, headtail);
-               if (b->theap.filename == NULL)
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: GDKmalloc failed\n");
-               b->twidth = SIZEOF_OID;
-               b->tshift = 3;
-               assert(b->twidth == (1 << b->tshift));
-               if (HEAPalloc(&b->theap, b->batCapacity, SIZEOF_OID) != 
-                       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: allocating new %s heap "
-                                "for BAT %d failed\n", headtail, bid);
-               b->theap.dirty = TRUE;
-               old = (int *) h1.base;
-               new = (oid *) b->theap.base;
-               if (b->tvarsized)
-                       for (i = 0; i < b->batCount; i++)
-                               new[i] = (oid) old[i] << 3;
-               else
-                       for (i = 0; i < b->batCount; i++)
-                               new[i] = old[i] == int_nil ? oid_nil : (oid) 
-               b-> = << 1;
-               HEAPfree(&h1, 0);
-       }
-       HEAPsave(&b->theap, nme, headtail);
-       HEAPfree(&b->theap, 0);
-       if (tt < 0)
-               b->ttype = tt;
-       return;
-  bunins_failed:
-       GDKfatal("fixoidheap: memory allocation failed\n");
-static void
-       bat bid;
-       BAT *b;
-       const char *nme, *bnme;
-       char *srcdir;
-       long_str filename;
-       size_t len;
-       FILE *fp;
-       fprintf(stderr,
-               "# upgrading database from 32 bit OIDs to 64 bit OIDs\n");
-       fflush(stderr);
-       for (bid = 1; bid < (bat) ATOMIC_GET(BBPsize, BBPsizeLock); bid++) {
-               if ((b = BBP_desc(bid)) == NULL)
-                       continue;       /* not a valid BAT */
-               if (BBP_logical(bid) &&
-                   (len = strlen(BBP_logical(bid))) > 8 &&
-                   strcmp(BBP_logical(bid) + len - 8, "_catalog") == 0) {
-                       /* this is one of the files used by the
-                        * logger.  We need to communicate to the
-                        * logger that it also needs to do a
-                        * conversion.  That is done by creating a
-                        * file here based on the name of this BAT. */
-                       snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename),
-                                "%.*s_32-64-convert",
-                                (int) (len - 8), BBP_logical(bid));
-                       fp = fopen(filename, "w");
-                       if (fp == NULL)
-                               GDKfatal("fixoidheap: cannot create file %s\n",
-                                        filename);
-                       fclose(fp);
-               }
-               /* OID and (non-void) varsized columns have to be rewritten */
-               if (b->ttype != TYPE_oid &&
-                   (b->ttype == TYPE_void || !b->tvarsized))
-                       continue; /* nothing to do for this BAT */
-               nme = BBP_physical(bid);
-               if ((bnme = strrchr(nme, DIR_SEP)) == NULL)
-                       bnme = nme;
-               else
-                       bnme++;
-               sprintf(filename, "BACKUP%c%s", DIR_SEP, bnme);
-               srcdir = GDKfilepath(b->theap.farmid, BATDIR, nme, NULL);
-               *strrchr(srcdir, DIR_SEP) = 0;
-               if (b->ttype == TYPE_oid ||
-                   (b->tvarsized && b->ttype != TYPE_void)) {
-                       assert(b->ttype != TYPE_oid || b->twidth == 4);
-                       fixoidheapcolumn(b, srcdir, nme, filename, "tail", 
-               }
-               GDKfree(srcdir);
-       }
-       /* make permanent */
-       if (TMcommit() != GDK_SUCCEED)
-               GDKfatal("fixoidheap: commit failed\n");
 static void
@@ -909,7 +671,7 @@ headheapinit(oid *hseq, const char *buf,
 static int
-heapinit(BAT *b, const char *buf, int *hashash, const char *HT, int oidsize, 
int bbpversion, bat bid)
+heapinit(BAT *b, const char *buf, int *hashash, const char *HT, int 
bbpversion, bat bid)
        int t;
        char type[11];
@@ -927,7 +689,6 @@ heapinit(BAT *b, const char *buf, int *h
        unsigned short storage;
        int n;
-       (void) oidsize;         /* only used when SIZEOF_OID==8 */
        (void) bbpversion;      /* could be used to implement compatibility */
        norevsorted = 0; /* default for first case */
@@ -973,11 +734,7 @@ heapinit(BAT *b, const char *buf, int *h
                  && width != 8
                         ) :
-                ATOMsize(t) != width
-#if SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 8 && SIZEOF_OID == 8
-                && (t != TYPE_oid || oidsize == 0 || width != oidsize)
-               )
+                ATOMsize(t) != width)
                GDKfatal("BBPinit: inconsistent entry in BBP.dir: %s.size 
mismatch for BAT %d\n", HT, (int) bid);
        b->ttype = t;
        b->twidth = width;
@@ -1043,7 +800,7 @@ vheapinit(BAT *b, const char *buf, int h
 static void
-BBPreadEntries(FILE *fp, int oidsize, int bbpversion)
+BBPreadEntries(FILE *fp, int bbpversion)
        bat bid = 0;
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