Changeset: 664ead7f1586 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

small approves after merge problems

diffs (88 lines):

diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/10-plan.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/10-plan.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/10-plan.stable.out.int128
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ top N (
 | | | | | ) [ orders.%orders_o_custkey_fkey NOT NULL = customer.%TID% NOT NULL 
JOINIDX sys.orders.orders_o_custkey_fkey ],
 | | | | | table(sys.nation) [ nation.n_name NOT NULL, nation.%TID% NOT NULL ] 
 | | | | ) [ customer.%customer_c_nationkey_fkey NOT NULL = nation.%TID% NOT 
NULL JOINIDX sys.customer.customer_c_nationkey_fkey ]
-| | | ) [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , customer.c_name NOT NULL, 
customer.c_address NOT NULL, customer.c_phone NOT NULL, customer.c_acctbal NOT 
NULL, customer.c_comment NOT NULL, lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL, 
lineitem.l_discount NOT NULL, nation.n_name NOT NULL, 
decimal(33,2)[lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL] as L2.L2, 
sys.sql_sub(decimal(15,2)[tinyint "1"], lineitem.l_discount NOT NULL) as L3.L3, 
sys.sql_mul(L2.L2, L3.L3) as L4.L4 ]
-| | ) [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , nation.n_name NOT NULL ] [ 
customer.c_custkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , customer.c_name NOT NULL, 
customer.c_acctbal NOT NULL, customer.c_phone NOT NULL, nation.n_name NOT NULL, 
customer.c_address NOT NULL, customer.c_comment NOT NULL, sys.sum no nil 
(L4.L4) as L1.L1 ]
-| ) [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL, customer.c_name NOT NULL, L1 as L1.revenue, 
customer.c_acctbal NOT NULL, nation.n_name NOT NULL, customer.c_address NOT 
NULL, customer.c_phone NOT NULL, customer.c_comment NOT NULL ] [ L1.revenue ]
+| | | ) [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , customer.c_name NOT NULL, 
customer.c_address NOT NULL, customer.c_phone NOT NULL, customer.c_acctbal NOT 
NULL, customer.c_comment NOT NULL, lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL, 
lineitem.l_discount NOT NULL, nation.n_name NOT NULL, 
decimal(33,2)[lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL] as L3.L3, 
sys.sql_sub(decimal(15,2)[tinyint "1"], lineitem.l_discount NOT NULL) as L4.L4, 
sys.sql_mul(L3.L3, L4.L4) as L5.L5 ]
+| | ) [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , nation.n_name NOT NULL ] [ 
customer.c_custkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , customer.c_name NOT NULL, 
customer.c_acctbal NOT NULL, customer.c_phone NOT NULL, nation.n_name NOT NULL, 
customer.c_address NOT NULL, customer.c_comment NOT NULL, sys.sum no nil 
(L5.L5) as L1.L1 ]
+| ) [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL, customer.c_name NOT NULL, L1 as L2.revenue, 
customer.c_acctbal NOT NULL, nation.n_name NOT NULL, customer.c_address NOT 
NULL, customer.c_phone NOT NULL, customer.c_comment NOT NULL ] [ L2.revenue ]
 ) [ bigint "20" ]
 # 22:46:31 >  
diff --git a/sql/test/BugTracker-2016/Tests/storagemodel.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/BugTracker-2016/Tests/storagemodel.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/BugTracker-2016/Tests/storagemodel.stable.out.int128
@@ -73,22 +73,22 @@ Ready.
 % 3,   7,      13,     8,      8,      2,      1,      5,      1,      5 # 
 [ "sys",       "_tables",      "id",   "int",  "writable",     4,      0,      
false,  0,      true    ]
 [ "sys",       "_tables",      "name", "varchar",      "writable",     8,      
0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "schema_id",    "int",  "writable",     4,      
0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "query",        "varchar",      "writable",     
33,     0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "type", "smallint",     "writable",     2,      
0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "system",       "boolean",      "writable",     
1,      0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "commit_action",        "smallint",     
"writable",     2,      0,      false,  0,      false   ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "schema_id",    "int",  "writable",     4,      
0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "query",        "varchar",      "writable",     
45,     0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "type", "smallint",     "writable",     2,      
0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "system",       "boolean",      "writable",     
1,      0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "commit_action",        "smallint",     
"writable",     2,      0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
 [ "sys",       "_tables",      "access",       "smallint",     "writable",     
2,      0,      false,  0,      true    ]
 #update storagemodelinput set "count" =10000 where "table" ='bug3923';
 [ 1    ]
 #update storagemodelinput set "distinct" =10 where "table" ='bug3923' and 
"column" ='i';
 [ 1    ]
 #select * from storagemodel() where "table" = 'bug3923';
-% .,   .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      . # 
-% schema,      table,  column, type,   count,  columnsize,     heapsize,       
hashes, imprints,       sorted # name
-% clob,        clob,   clob,   clob,   bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, 
boolean # type
-% 3,   7,      1,      3,      5,      5,      1,      1,      4,      5 # 
-[ "sys",       "bug3923",      "i",    "int",  10000,  40000,  0,      0,      
1200,   true    ]
+% .,   .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      
.,      .,      . # table_name
+% schema,      table,  column, type,   count,  columnsize,     heapsize,       
hashes, imprints,       sorted, revsorted,      unique, orderidx # name
+% clob,        clob,   clob,   clob,   bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, 
boolean,        boolean,        boolean,        bigint # type
+% 3,   7,      1,      3,      5,      5,      1,      1,      4,      5,      
5,      5,      1 # length
+[ "sys",       "bug3923",      "i",    "int",  10000,  40000,  0,      0,      
1200,   true,   true,   NULL,   0       ]
 #drop table bug3923;
 #create table bug3923(i integer);
 #select "schema", "table", "column", "type", "mode", typewidth, hashes, phash, 
imprints, sorted from storage('sys','_tables');
@@ -96,24 +96,24 @@ Ready.
 % schema,      table,  column, type,   mode,   typewidth,      hashes, phash,  
imprints,       sorted # name
 % clob,        clob,   clob,   clob,   clob,   int,    bigint, boolean,        
bigint, boolean # type
 % 3,   7,      13,     8,      8,      2,      4,      5,      1,      5 # 
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "id",   "int",  "writable",     4,      1064,   
false,  0,      false   ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "id",   "int",  "writable",     4,      2600,   
false,  0,      NULL    ]
 [ "sys",       "_tables",      "name", "varchar",      "writable",     8,      
0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "schema_id",    "int",  "writable",     4,      
0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "query",        "varchar",      "writable",     
33,     0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "type", "smallint",     "writable",     2,      
0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "system",       "boolean",      "writable",     
1,      0,      false,  0,      false   ]
-[ "sys",       "_tables",      "commit_action",        "smallint",     
"writable",     2,      0,      false,  0,      false   ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "schema_id",    "int",  "writable",     4,      
0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "query",        "varchar",      "writable",     
45,     0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "type", "smallint",     "writable",     2,      
0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "system",       "boolean",      "writable",     
1,      0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "_tables",      "commit_action",        "smallint",     
"writable",     2,      0,      false,  0,      NULL    ]
 [ "sys",       "_tables",      "access",       "smallint",     "writable",     
2,      0,      false,  0,      true    ]
 #update storagemodelinput set "count" =10000 where "table" ='bug3923';
 [ 1    ]
 #update storagemodelinput set "distinct" =10 where "table" ='bug3923' and 
"column" ='i';
 [ 1    ]
 #select * from storagemodel() where "table" = 'bug3923';
-% .,   .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      . # 
-% schema,      table,  column, type,   count,  columnsize,     heapsize,       
hashes, imprints,       sorted # name
-% clob,        clob,   clob,   clob,   bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, 
boolean # type
-% 3,   7,      1,      3,      5,      5,      1,      1,      4,      5 # 
-[ "sys",       "bug3923",      "i",    "int",  10000,  40000,  0,      0,      
1200,   true    ]
+% .,   .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      .,      
.,      .,      . # table_name
+% schema,      table,  column, type,   count,  columnsize,     heapsize,       
hashes, imprints,       sorted, revsorted,      unique, orderidx # name
+% clob,        clob,   clob,   clob,   bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, 
boolean,        boolean,        boolean,        bigint # type
+% 3,   7,      1,      3,      5,      5,      1,      1,      4,      5,      
5,      5,      1 # length
+[ "sys",       "bug3923",      "i",    "int",  10000,  40000,  0,      0,      
1200,   true,   true,   NULL,   0       ]
 #drop table bug3923;
 # 23:38:44 >  
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