Changeset: f7df3c9722e1 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: arrays
Log Message:

group by with one group per cell

diffs (275 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_arrays.c b/gdk/gdk_arrays.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_arrays.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_arrays.c
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ BAT *projectCells(gdk_array* dimCands, g
                return NULL;
        resOIDs = (oid*)Tloc(resBAT, BUNfirst(resBAT));
-       /* the oids if all but the first dimension are 0 */
+       /* the oids in all but the first dimension are 0 */
        dim = dimCands->dims[0];
        if(dim->idxs) {
                for(i=0; i<dim->elsNum ; i++, j++)
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
@@ -1213,17 +1213,22 @@ str ALGsubrangejoin1(ptr *dimsResL, ptr 
        return ALGsubrangejoin2(dimsResL, dimsResR, dimL, dimsL, dimR1, dimR2, 
dimsR, NULL, NULL, li, hi, estimate);
-str ARRgroup(ptr *groupsRes, ptr *arrayRes, const ptr *dim, const ptr *dims, 
const int *l, const int *h) {
+str ARRgroup2(ptr *groupsRes, ptr *arrayRes, const ptr *groupsCands, const ptr 
*dim, const ptr *dims, const int *l, const int *h) {
        gdk_analytic_dimension *dimension = (gdk_analytic_dimension*)*dim;
        gdk_array *array = (gdk_array*)*dims;
+       gdk_dimension_group *dimGrp;
-       gdk_array_groups *groups = array2groups(array);
+       gdk_array_groups *groups = NULL;
+       if(groupsCands)
+               groups = (gdk_array_groups*)*groupsCands;
+       else
+               groups = array2groups(array);
        /*update the limits for the current dimension */
-       groups->groups[dimension->dimNum]->min = *l;
-       groups->groups[dimension->dimNum]->max = *h;
+       dimGrp = groups->groups[dimension->dimNum];
+       dimGrp->min = *l;
+       dimGrp->max = *h;
+       dimGrp->elsNum = (dimGrp->max - dimGrp->min + 1)/dimGrp->step;
        *groupsRes = groups;
        *arrayRes = arrayCopy(array);
@@ -1231,20 +1236,179 @@ str ARRgroup(ptr *groupsRes, ptr *arrayR
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
-str ARRprojectGroups(bat *res, const ptr *groups_in, const ptr *dim, const ptr 
*dims) {
-       (void)*res;
-       (void)*groups_in;
-       (void)*dim;
-       (void)*dims;
+str ARRgroup1(ptr *groupsRes, ptr *arrayRes, const ptr *dim, const ptr *dims, 
const int *l, const int *h) {
+       return ARRgroup2(groupsRes, arrayRes, NULL, dim, dims, l, h);
+str ARRprojectGroups(bat *groupOidsRes, ptr *groupsRes, const ptr *groups_in, 
const ptr *dims) {
+       gdk_array_groups *groups = (gdk_array_groups*)*groups_in;
+       gdk_array *array = (gdk_array*)*dims;
+       BAT *resBAT = NULL;
+       oid *els = NULL;
+       gdk_dimension *dim = NULL;
+       gdk_dimension_group *dimGrp = NULL;
+       int j;
+       oid jumpSize = 1, repeatElement=1, repeatGroup=1, repeatGroupElement=1;
+       oid idx =0, grp=0, rE, rG;
+       unsigned int k;
+       /* compute the number of elements in each group */
+       unsigned short i;
+       oid groupSize = 1; 
+       oid cellsNum = 1;
+       for(i=0; i<groups->dimsNum; i++)
+               groupSize *= groups->groups[i]->elsNum;
+       for(i=0; i<array->dimsNum; i++)
+               cellsNum *= array->dims[i]->elsNum;
+       repeatGroup = cellsNum;
+       if((resBAT = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_oid, groupSize*cellsNum, 
+        return createException(MAL, "arrays.projectGroups", "Problem creating 
+       els = (oid*) Tloc(resBAT, BUNfirst(resBAT));
+       /* find the oids that belong to the same group (with the minimum oid 
being 0) */
+       /* initialise the oids considering only the first dimension */
+       dim = array->dims[0];
+       dimGrp = groups->groups[0];
+       repeatGroup/=array->dims[0]->elsNum;
+       for(rG = 0; rG <repeatGroup; rG++) { 
+               for(k=dim->min; k<=dim->max; k+=dim->step) { /*for each value 
of x*/
+                       for(grp=0; grp<groupSize; grp+=dimGrp->elsNum) { /*the 
group of the cell*/
+                               for(j=dimGrp->min; j<=dimGrp->max; 
j+=dimGrp->step, idx++) {
+                                       /* if it is out of the limits of the 
array either on the left
+                                       * or the right then add nill */
+                                       if(((j<0) & ((unsigned int)-j>k)) || 
((j>0) & (k+j>dim->max)))
+                                               els[idx] = oid_nil;
+                                       else
+                                               els[idx] = k+j;
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       /* consider the rest of the dimensions */
+       for(i=1; i<groups->dimsNum; i++) {
+               /*the repeatElement is increased according to 
+               * the number of elements in the dimension just processed */
+               repeatElement*=dim->elsNum;             
+               repeatGroupElement*=dimGrp->elsNum;
+               jumpSize*=dim->elsNum;
+               dim = array->dims[i];
+               dimGrp = groups->groups[i];
+               /*the repeatGroup is increased according to 
+               * the number of elements in the grouped dimension to be 
processed */
+               repeatGroup /= dimGrp->elsNum;
+               idx=0;
+               for(rG = 0; rG <repeatGroup; rG++) { 
+                       for(k=dim->min; k<=dim->max; k+=dim->step) { /*for each 
value of x*/
+                               for(grp=0; grp<repeatElement*groupSize; 
grp+=repeatGroupElement*dimGrp->elsNum) { /*the group of the cell*/
+                                       for(j=dimGrp->min; j<=dimGrp->max; 
j+=dimGrp->step) {
+                                               /* if it is out of the limits 
of the array either on the left
+                                               * or the right then add nill */
+                                               if(((j<0) & ((unsigned 
int)-j>k)) || ((j>0) & (k+j>dim->max)))
+                                                       for(rE=0; 
rE<repeatGroupElement; rE++, idx++)
+                                                               els[idx] = 
+                                               else
+                                                       for(rE=0; 
rE<repeatGroupElement; rE++, idx++)
+                                                               if(els[idx] != 
els[idx] += jumpSize*(k+j);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }       
+       BATsetcount(resBAT, groupSize*cellsNum);
+    resBAT->tsorted = 1;
+    resBAT->trevsorted = resBAT->batCount <= 1;
+    resBAT->tkey = 1;
+/*    b->tdense = (b->batCount <= 1 || b->batCount == b->batCount);
+    if (b->batCount == 1 || b->batCount == b->batCount)
+        b->tseqbase = b->hseqbase;
+       resBAT->tseqbase = 0;
+       resBAT->hsorted = 1;
+    resBAT->hdense = 1;
+    resBAT->hseqbase = 0;
+    resBAT->hkey = 1;
+    resBAT->hrevsorted = resBAT->batCount <= 1;
+       BBPkeepref(*groupOidsRes = resBAT->batCacheid);
+       *groupsRes = groups;
+       GDKfree(array);
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
-str ARRsubsum(bat *res, const bat *vals, const ptr* groups_in, const ptr 
*array_in) {
-       (void)*res;
-       (void)*vals;
-       (void)*groups_in;
-       (void)*array_in;
+str ARRsubsum(bat *res, const bat *vals, const bat* groupsOids, const ptr* 
groupsRanges) {
+       BAT *valsBAT, *groupsBAT, *resBAT;
+       oid valsNum, groupSize;
+       int *values; /* TODO: Should change this to consider all types */
+       oid *grpVals;
+       hge *resVals; /*TODO: Change this to consider all possible cases */
+       oid i, j;
+       unsigned short k;
+       gdk_array_groups *groups = (gdk_array_groups*)*groupsRanges;
+       groupSize = 1;
+       for(k=0; k<groups->dimsNum; k++)
+               groupSize *= groups->groups[k]->elsNum;
+       if ((valsBAT = BATdescriptor(*vals)) == NULL) {
+               throw(MAL, "aggr.subsum", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+    }
+       if ((groupsBAT = BATdescriptor(*groupsOids)) == NULL) {
+               BBPunfix(valsBAT->batCacheid);
+               throw(MAL, "aggr.subsum", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+    }
+       valsNum = BATcount(valsBAT);
+       values = (int*)Tloc(valsBAT, BUNfirst(valsBAT));
+       grpVals = (oid*)Tloc(groupsBAT, BUNfirst(groupsBAT));
+       if((resBAT = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_hge, valsNum, TRANSIENT)) == NULL)
+        return createException(MAL, "aggr.subsum", "Problem creating BAT");
+       resVals = (hge*) Tloc(resBAT, BUNfirst(resBAT));
+       for(i=0; i<valsNum; i++) { /* for each cell */
+               resVals[i] = 0;
+               for(j=0; j<groupSize; j++) { /* consider all cells in its group 
+                       if(grpVals[j+i*groupSize] != oid_nil) { /* if the oid 
is valid (i.e. inside the array)*/
+                               resVals[i] += values[grpVals[j+i*groupSize]];
+                       }
+               }               
+       }       
+       BATsetcount(resBAT, valsNum);
+    resBAT->tsorted = 0;
+    resBAT->trevsorted = resBAT->batCount <= 1;
+    resBAT->tkey = 0;
+       resBAT->tseqbase = 0;
+       resBAT->hsorted = 1;
+    resBAT->hdense = 1;
+    resBAT->hseqbase = 0;
+    resBAT->hkey = 1;
+    resBAT->hrevsorted = resBAT->batCount <= 1;
+       BBPkeepref(*res = resBAT->batCacheid);
+       BBPunfix(valsBAT->batCacheid);
+       BBPunfix(groupsBAT->batCacheid);
+       GDKfree(groups);
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.h b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.h
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.h
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.h
@@ -71,9 +71,10 @@ algebra_export str ALGouterjoin(bat *res
 algebra_export str ALGarrayCount(wrd *res, const ptr *array);
 //algebra_export str ALGproject(bat *result, const ptr* candDims, const bat* 
-algebra_export str ARRsubsum(bat *res, const bat *vals, const ptr* groups, 
const ptr *array); 
+algebra_export str ARRsubsum(bat *res, const bat *vals, const bat* diffs, 
const ptr* groups); 
-algebra_export str ARRgroup(ptr *groupsRes, ptr *arrayRes, const ptr *dim, 
const ptr *dims, const int *l, const int *h);
-algebra_export str ARRprojectGroups(bat *res, const ptr *groups, const ptr 
*dim, const ptr *dims);
+algebra_export str ARRgroup1(ptr *groupsRes, ptr *arrayRes, const ptr *dim, 
const ptr *dims, const int *l, const int *h);
+algebra_export str ARRgroup2(ptr *groupsRes, ptr *arrayRes, const ptr 
*groupsCands, const ptr *dim, const ptr *dims, const int *l, const int *h);
+algebra_export str ARRprojectGroups(bat *resOids, ptr* groupsRes, const ptr 
*groups, const ptr *dims);
 #endif /* _ARRAYS_H */
diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.mal 
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.mal
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.mal
@@ -124,14 +124,17 @@ address ALGouterjoin;
 command aggr.count(array:ptr) :wrd 
 address ALGarrayCount;
-command aggr.subsum(X_7:bat[:oid,:any],X_8:ptr,Y_8:ptr) :bat[:oid,:hge]
+command aggr.subsum(vals:bat[:oid,:any],oids:bat[:oid,:oid], groups:ptr) 
 address ARRsubsum;
 module group;
 command group.subgroup(dim:ptr, array:ptr, l:int, h:int) (:ptr,:ptr)
-address ARRgroup;
+address ARRgroup1;
-command group.projectGroups(groups:ptr, dim:ptr, dims:ptr ) :bat[:oid,:any]
+command group.subgroup(groupsCand:ptr, dim:ptr, array:ptr, l:int, h:int) 
+address ARRgroup2;
+command group.projectGroups(groups:ptr, array:ptr) (:bat[:oid,:oid], :ptr)
 address ARRprojectGroups;
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