Changeset: 6dafd0114ca6 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: arrays
Log Message:

dimensionLeftfetchjoin: set properties directly without using BATderiveProps

diffs (45 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
@@ -503,17 +503,31 @@ do { \
                                throw(MAL, "algebra.dimensionLeftfetchjoin", 
"Dimension type not supported\n");
+               BATsetcount(resBAT, resSize);
+               BATseqbase(resBAT, 0);
+           //BATderiveProps(resBAT, FALSE);    
+               resBAT->hseqbase = 0;
+               resBAT->hkey = 1;
+           resBAT->hsorted = 1;
+       resBAT->hrevsorted = (BATcount(resBAT) <= 1);
+           resBAT->H->nonil = 1;
+       resBAT->H->nil = 0;
+           resBAT->tkey = 0;
+       resBAT->tsorted = (grpR == 1); //if there are more than one groups then 
the values are repeated and thus, are not sorted
+           resBAT->trevsorted = (BATcount(resBAT) <= 1);
+           resBAT->T->nil = 0;
+           resBAT->T->nonil = 1;
+               resBAT->tdense = ((grpR == 1) & (elsR == 1)); //each element is 
repeated once and there is only one group
+               *result = resBAT->batCacheid;
+       BBPkeepref(*result);
+       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-       BATsetcount(resBAT, resSize);
-       BATseqbase(resBAT, 0);
-    BATderiveProps(resBAT, FALSE);    
-       *result = resBAT->batCacheid;
-    BBPkeepref(*result);
-    return MAL_SUCCEED;
 str ALGdimensionLeftfetchjoin2(bat *result, const bat *oidsCands, const ptr 
*dimsCands, const ptr *dim, const ptr *dims) {
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