Changeset: 39cf8e977974 for MonetDB
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Branch: arrays
Log Message:

ignore dims where projecting the valus of an array

diffs (39 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
@@ -992,13 +992,30 @@ str ALGprojectDimension(bat* result, con
 str ALGprojectNonDimension(bat *result, const bat *vals, const ptr *array) {
-       const gdk_array *dimsCands = arrayCopy((gdk_array*)*array); 
//candidates exactly the same to the array
+       /* just send the input vals to the output */
+    (void)*array;
-       //empty cands so that it will project all cells 
-       BAT *oidsCandsBAT = newempty("ALGprojectNonDimension");
-       bat oidsCands = oidsCandsBAT->batCacheid;
+    /* make a copy of vals */
+    BAT *resBAT, *inputBAT = BATdescriptor(*vals);
+    if(!inputBAT)
+        throw(MAL, "algebra.projectArray", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
+    resBAT = BATcopy(inputBAT, TYPE_void, BATttype(inputBAT), FALSE, 
-       return ALGnonDimensionLeftfetchjoin1(result, (void*)&dimsCands, 
&oidsCands, vals, array);
+    BBPunfix(inputBAT->batCacheid);
+    BBPkeepref(*result = resBAT->batCacheid);
+    return MAL_SUCCEED;
+#if 0
+    const gdk_array *dimsCands = arrayCopy((gdk_array*)*array); //candidates 
exactly the same to the array
+    //empty cands so that it will project all cells 
+    BAT *oidsCandsBAT = newempty("ALGprojectNonDimension");
+    bat oidsCands = oidsCandsBAT->batCacheid;
+    return ALGnonDimensionLeftfetchjoin1(result, (void*)&dimsCands, 
&oidsCands, vals, array);
 str ALGnonDimensionQRDecomposition(bat *oidsRes, ptr *dimsRes,  const bat* 
vals, const ptr *dims)
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