Changeset: 042531a11347 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: arrays
Log Message:

fixed the projection of null values using outerleftjoin and two projects
+ fixed various other bugs

diffs (119 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
@@ -502,6 +502,8 @@ str ALGnonDimensionLeftfetchjoin1(bat* r
        gdk_array *dimCands_in = (gdk_array*)*dimsCands;
        gdk_array *array = (gdk_array*)*dims;
+       BAT *r1p, *r2p, *r3p;
        if(!dimCands_in) { //empty
         if(!(resBAT = newempty("nonDimensionLeftfetchjoin1")))
             throw(MAL, "algebra.leftfetchjoin", "Problem allocating new BAT");
@@ -522,24 +524,46 @@ str ALGnonDimensionLeftfetchjoin1(bat* r
        //create the oids using the candidates
        mbrCandsBAT = projectCells(dimCands_in, array); 
+       if(BATcount(oidsCandsBAT)) { /*there is mbr and oids. Some values need 
to be set to null */
+       //left outer join between the mbrCands and the oidsCands
+       if(BATsubouterjoin(&r1p, &r2p, mbrCandsBAT, oidsCandsBAT, NULL, NULL, 0 
/*null never match*/, BATcount(mbrCandsBAT) /*the size of the resuls. BUN_NONE 
will cause it to be computed*/) != GDK_SUCCEED) {
+               BBPunfix(oidsCandsBAT->batCacheid);
+               BBPunfix(valsBAT->batCacheid);
+               BBPunfix(mbrCandsBAT->batCacheid);
+       }
+       r3p = BATproject(r2p, mbrCandsBAT);
+       resBAT = BATproject(r3p, valsBAT);
+       } else
+               resBAT = BATproject(mbrCandsBAT, valsBAT);
+#if 0
     resBAT = BATproject(mbrCandsBAT, valsBAT);
-       if(BATcount(oidsCandsBAT) && BATcount(mbrCandsBAT) > 
BATcount(oidsCandsBAT)) {
+       if(BATcount(resBAT)) { //if there are no oidsCands then there is no MBR 
either and the result will be empty
                /*iterate over mbrCandsBAT and oidsCandsBAT and set NULL to all 
                * values in resBAT that are found in mbrCandsBAT but not in 
oidsCandsBAT */
-               oid *mbrOids = (oid*)Tloc(mbrCandsBAT, BUNfirst(mbrCandsBAT));
-               oid *oidsOids = (oid*)Tloc(oidsCandsBAT, 
+               BATiter mbrIter = bat_iterator(mbrCandsBAT);
+               BATiter oidsIter = bat_iterator(oidsCandsBAT);
                void *nilPtr = ATOMnilptr(BATttype(valsBAT));           
-               BUN i,j;
-               for(i=0, j=0; i<BATcount(oidsCandsBAT); i++, j++)       {
-                       while(mbrOids[i] != oidsOids[j]) {
-                               BUNreplace(resBAT, &i, nilPtr, TRUE); //replace 
with NULL
-                               i++;
+               BUN mbrCurrBun = BUNfirst(mbrCandsBAT);
+               BUN mbrLastBun = BUNlast(mbrCandsBAT);
+               BUN oidsCurrBun = BUNfirst(oidsCandsBAT);
+               BUN oidsLastBun = BUNlast(oidsCandsBAT);
+               for(; mbrCurrBun < mbrLastBun && oidsCurrBun < oidsLastBun ; 
mbrCurrBun++, oidsCurrBun++) {
+                       oid mbrOid = *(oid*)BUNtail(mbrIter, mbrCurrBun);
+                       oid oidsOid = *(oid*)BUNtail(oidsIter, oidsCurrBun);
+                       while(mbrOid != oidsOid && mbrCurrBun < mbrLastBun) {
+                               BUNreplace(resBAT, &mbrCurrBun, nilPtr, FALSE); 
//replace with NULL
+                               mbrCurrBun++;
+                               mbrOid = *(oid*)BUNtail(mbrIter, mbrCurrBun);
@@ -698,24 +722,23 @@ str ALGnonDimensionSubselect2(ptr *dimsR
        gdk_array *mbrIn = NULL, *mbrOut = NULL;
        BAT *valuesBAT = NULL, *oidsCandsBAT = NULL, *oidsResBAT;
-       if(dimsCands) {
+       if(dimsCands) 
                mbrIn = (gdk_array*)*dimsCands;
-               mbrOut = arrayCopy(mbrIn);
-               arrayDelete(mbrIn);
-       } else
-               mbrOut = arrayCopy(array);
+       mbrOut = arrayCopy(array);
        if ((valuesBAT = BATdescriptor(*values)) == NULL) {
                throw(MAL, "algebra.nonDimensionSubselect", 
-       if(!oidsCands)
-               oidsCandsBAT = NULL;    
-       else if ((oidsCandsBAT = BATdescriptor(*oidsCands)) == NULL) {
+       if (oidsCands && (oidsCandsBAT = BATdescriptor(*oidsCands)) == NULL) {
                throw(MAL, "algebra.nonDimensionSubselect", 
+       if(!oidsCands || !BATcount(oidsCandsBAT))
+               oidsCandsBAT = NULL;    
        /*find the values that satisfy the predicate*/
        if(!(oidsResBAT = BATsubselect(valuesBAT, oidsCandsBAT, low, high, *li, 
*hi, *anti))) {
@@ -782,9 +805,16 @@ str ALGnonDimensionSubselect2(ptr *dimsR
                        mbrOut->dims[d]->max = currentOid > 
mbrOut->dims[d]->max ? currentOid : mbrOut->dims[d]->max;
-               //update the elsNum
-               for(d=0; d<mbrOut->dimsNum; d++) {
-                       mbrOut->dims[d]->elsNum = 
floor((mbrOut->dims[d]->max-mbrOut->dims[d]->min)/mbrOut->dims[d]->step) + 1;
+               if(mbrIn) {
+                       /* compare the mbr_in and mbr_out and keep the smallest 
one */
+                       for(d=0; d<mbrOut->dimsNum; d++) {
+                               mbrOut->dims[d]->min = mbrIn->dims[d]->min > 
mbrOut->dims[d]->min ? mbrIn->dims[d]->min : mbrOut->dims[d]->min;
+                               mbrOut->dims[d]->max = mbrIn->dims[d]->max < 
mbrOut->dims[d]->max ? mbrIn->dims[d]->max : mbrOut->dims[d]->max;
+                               mbrOut->dims[d]->elsNum = 
floor((mbrOut->dims[d]->max-mbrOut->dims[d]->min)/mbrOut->dims[d]->step) + 1;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       for(d=0; d<mbrOut->dimsNum; d++)
+                               mbrOut->dims[d]->elsNum = 
floor((mbrOut->dims[d]->max-mbrOut->dims[d]->min)/mbrOut->dims[d]->step) + 1;
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