Changeset: 8bb2096f7aca for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: arrays
Log Message:

projecting the values of a non-dimensional column after a selection on 
dimensional columns only
is the same as projecting any other column + Cleaning code

diffs (truncated from 628 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/kernel/arrays.c
@@ -4,13 +4,6 @@
 #include <gdk_arrays.h>
-static gdk_dimension* getDimension(gdk_cells *dims, int dimNum) {
-       dim_node *n;
-       for(n=dims->h; n && n->data->dimNum<dimNum; n=n->next);
-       return n->data;
 static int jumpSize(gdk_array *array, int dimNum) {
        int i=0;
        BUN skip = 1;
@@ -23,26 +16,13 @@ static int arrayCellsNum(gdk_array *arra
        return jumpSize(array, array->dimsNum);
-static bool overlapingRanges(gdk_dimension *dim1, gdk_dimension *dim2) {
-       if(*(oid*)dim1->max < *(oid*)dim2->min || *(oid*)dim2->max < 
*(oid*)dim1->min) {
-               //disjoint ranges. empty result
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return 1;
+static gdk_dimension* getDimension(gdk_cells *dims, int dimNum) {
+       dim_node *n;
+       for(n=dims->h; n && n->data->dimNum<dimNum; n=n->next);
+       return n->data;
-static gdk_dimension* mergeCandidateDimensions(gdk_dimension *dim1, 
gdk_dimension *dim2) {
-       oid min, max, step;
-       /*the biggest of the mins and the smallest of the maximums */
-       min = *(oid*)dim1->min > *(oid*)dim2->min ? *(oid*)dim1->min : 
-       max = *(oid*)dim1->max < *(oid*)dim2->max ? *(oid*)dim1->max : 
-       step = *(oid*)dim1->step ; //step is always 1
-       //the dimensions that are merged should have the same order
-       //they also have the same number of initial elements because they came 
from the same dimension
-       return createDimension_oid(dim1->dimNum, dim1->initialElementsNum, min, 
max, step); }
 static BUN oidToIdx(oid oidVal, int dimNum, int currentDimNum, BUN skipCells, 
gdk_array *dims) {
        BUN oid = 0;
@@ -61,7 +41,6 @@ static BUN oidToIdx(oid oidVal, int dimN
        return oid%skipCells;
 static BUN* oidToIdx_bulk(oid* oidVals, int valsNum, int dimNum, int 
currentDimNum, BUN skipCells, gdk_array *dims) {
        BUN *oids = GDKmalloc(valsNum*sizeof(BUN));
        int i;
@@ -102,129 +81,36 @@ static BUN* oidToIdx_bulk(oid* oidVals, 
        return oids;
-#define computeValues(TPE) \
-do { \
-       TPE min = *(TPE*)dimension->min; \
-       TPE step = *(TPE*)dimension->step; \
-       TPE *vals; \
-       oid *oids; \
-       BUN *idxs; \
-       BUN i; \
-       if(!(resBAT = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_##TPE, resSize, TRANSIENT))) \
-        throw(MAL, "algebra.dimensionLeftfetchjoin", "Problem allocating new 
BAT"); \
-       vals = (TPE*)Tloc(resBAT, BUNfirst(resBAT)); \
-       oids = (oid*)Tloc(candsBAT, BUNfirst(candsBAT)); \
-       idxs = oidToIdx_bulk(oids, resSize, dimension->dimNum, 0, 1, array); \
-       for(i=0; i<resSize; i++) { \
-               *vals++ = min +idxs[i]*step; \
-/*fprintf(stderr, "%d - %d - %d\n", (int)oids[i], (int)idxs[i], 
(int)vals[-1]); */\
-    } \
-} while(0)
+static str readCands(gdk_cells** dimsRes, BAT** oidsRes, const ptr *dimsCand, 
const bat *oidsCand, gdk_array* array) {
+       gdk_cells *dimensionsCandidates_in = NULL;
+       BAT *candidatesBAT_in = NULL;
+       if(oidsCand) {
+               if ((candidatesBAT_in = BATdescriptor(*oidsCand)) == NULL) {
+               throw(MAL, "algebra.dimensionSubselect", 
+       }
+       }
-str ALGdimensionLeftfetchjoin1(bat *result, const bat *cands, const ptr *dims, 
const ptr *dim) {
-       gdk_array *array = (gdk_array*)*dims;
-       gdk_dimension *dimension = (gdk_dimension*)*dim;
-       BAT *candsBAT = NULL, *resBAT = NULL;
-       BUN resSize = 0;
+       if(dimsCand)
+               dimensionsCandidates_in = (gdk_cells*)*dimsCand;
-//TODO: Make sure that the cabdidates form an MBR
+       //if there are no candidates then everything is a candidate
+       if(!dimsCand && !oidsCand) {
+               dimensionsCandidates_in = arrayToCells(array);
+               //create an empy candidates BAT
+                if((candidatesBAT_in = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_oid, 0, 
+            throw(MAL, "algebra.dimensionSubselect", GDK_EXCEPTION);
+               BATsetcount(candidatesBAT_in, 0);
+               BATseqbase(candidatesBAT_in, 0);
+               BATderiveProps(candidatesBAT_in, FALSE);    
+       } 
-       if ((candsBAT = BATdescriptor(*cands)) == NULL) {
-        throw(MAL, "algebra.dimensionLeftfetchjoin", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-    }
-       resSize = BATcount(candsBAT);
-       /*for each oid in the candsBAT find the real value of the dimension */
-       switch(dimension->type) { \
-        case TYPE_bte: \
-                       computeValues(bte);
-            break;
-        case TYPE_sht: 
-                       computeValues(sht);
-               break;
-        case TYPE_int:
-                       computeValues(int);
-               break;
-        case TYPE_wrd:
-                       computeValues(wrd);
-               break;
-        case TYPE_oid:
-                       computeValues(oid);
-               break;
-        case TYPE_lng:
-                       computeValues(lng);
-           break;
-        case TYPE_dbl:
-                       computeValues(dbl);
-               break;
-        case TYPE_flt:
-                       computeValues(flt);
-               break;
-               default:
-                       throw(MAL, "algebra.dimensionLeftfetchjoin", "Dimension 
type not supported\n");
-    }
-       BATsetcount(resBAT, resSize);
-       BATseqbase(resBAT, 0);
-    BATderiveProps(resBAT, FALSE);    
-       *result = resBAT->batCacheid;
-    BBPkeepref(*result);
-       //free the space occupied by the dimension
-       freeDimension(dimension);
-    return MAL_SUCCEED;
-//str ALGnonDimensionLeftfetchjoin1(bat* result, const ptr* dimsCand, const 
bat *candBat, const bat *valsBat) {
-str ALGnonDimensionLeftfetchjoin1(bat* result, const bat* cands, const bat 
*vals, const ptr *dims) {
-       (void)*result;
-       (void)*cands;
-       (void)*vals;
-       (void)*dims;
+       *dimsRes = dimensionsCandidates_in;
+       *oidsRes = candidatesBAT_in;
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
-str ALGnonDimensionLeftfetchjoin2(bat* result, ptr *dimsRes, const bat *tids, 
const bat *vals, const ptr *dims) {
-       BAT *materialisedBAT = NULL;
-       BAT *nonDimensionalBAT = NULL;
-       BUN totalCellsNum, neededCellsNum;
-       gdk_array *array = (gdk_array*)*dims;
-       if ((nonDimensionalBAT = BATdescriptor(*vals)) == NULL) {
-        throw(MAL, "algebra.leftfecthjoin", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
-    }
-       (void)*tids; //ignore the tids
-       totalCellsNum = arrayCellsNum(array);
-       neededCellsNum = totalCellsNum - BATcount(nonDimensionalBAT);
-       /*TODO: fix this so that I can have the real default value of the 
column */
-       materialisedBAT = 
neededCellsNum, NULL);
-       if(!materialisedBAT) {
-               BBPunfix(nonDimensionalBAT->batCacheid);
-               throw(MAL, "algebra.leftfetchjoin", "Problem materialising 
non-dimensional column");
-       }
-       /*append the missing values to the BAT */
-       BATappend(nonDimensionalBAT, materialisedBAT, TRUE);
-       BATsetcount(nonDimensionalBAT, totalCellsNum);
-       BBPunfix(materialisedBAT->batCacheid);
-       BBPkeepref(*result = nonDimensionalBAT->batCacheid);
-       //sent this to the output so that we do not lose it afterwards     
-       *dimsRes = *dims;
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
 static str emptyCandidateResults(ptr *candsRes_dims, bat* candsRes_bid) {
        BAT *candidatesBAT = NULL;
@@ -240,6 +126,27 @@ static str emptyCandidateResults(ptr *ca
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
+static bool overlapingRanges(gdk_dimension *dim1, gdk_dimension *dim2) {
+       if(*(oid*)dim1->max < *(oid*)dim2->min || *(oid*)dim2->max < 
*(oid*)dim1->min) {
+               //disjoint ranges. empty result
+               return 0;
+       }
+       return 1;
+static gdk_dimension* mergeCandidateDimensions(gdk_dimension *dim1, 
gdk_dimension *dim2) {
+       oid min, max, step;
+       /*the biggest of the mins and the smallest of the maximums */
+       min = *(oid*)dim1->min > *(oid*)dim2->min ? *(oid*)dim1->min : 
+       max = *(oid*)dim1->max < *(oid*)dim2->max ? *(oid*)dim1->max : 
+       step = *(oid*)dim1->step ; //step is always 1
+       //the dimensions that are merged should have the same order
+       //they also have the same number of initial elements because they came 
from the same dimension
+       return createDimension_oid(dim1->dimNum, dim1->initialElementsNum, min, 
max, step); 
 static BAT* joinBATs(BAT *candsBAT, BAT* dimBAT, gdk_array *array, int dimNum) 
        oid *candsOIDs, *dimOIDs, *mergedOIDs;
        BAT* mergedBAT;
@@ -461,37 +368,7 @@ static bool updateCandidateResults(gdk_a
        return 1;       
-static str readCands(gdk_cells** dimsRes, BAT** oidsRes, const ptr *dimsCand, 
const bat *oidsCand, gdk_array* array) {
-       gdk_cells *dimensionsCandidates_in = NULL;
-       BAT *candidatesBAT_in = NULL;
-       if(oidsCand) {
-               if ((candidatesBAT_in = BATdescriptor(*oidsCand)) == NULL) {
-               throw(MAL, "algebra.dimensionSubselect", 
-       }
-       }
-       if(dimsCand)
-               dimensionsCandidates_in = (gdk_cells*)*dimsCand;
-       //if there are no candidates then everything is a candidate
-       if(!dimsCand && !oidsCand) {
-               dimensionsCandidates_in = arrayToCells(array);
-               //create an empy candidates BAT
-                if((candidatesBAT_in = BATnew(TYPE_void, TYPE_oid, 0, 
-            throw(MAL, "algebra.dimensionSubselect", GDK_EXCEPTION);
-               BATsetcount(candidatesBAT_in, 0);
-               BATseqbase(candidatesBAT_in, 0);
-               BATderiveProps(candidatesBAT_in, FALSE);    
-       } 
-       *dimsRes = dimensionsCandidates_in;
-       *oidsRes = candidatesBAT_in;
-       return MAL_SUCCEED;
-str ALGdimensionSubselect2(ptr *dimsRes, bat* oidsRes, const ptr *dims, const 
ptr* dim, const ptr *dimsCand, const bat* oidsCand, 
+str ALGdimensionSubselect2(ptr *dimsRes, bat* oidsRes, const ptr *dim, const 
ptr* dims, const ptr *dimsCand, const bat* oidsCand, 
                                                        const void *low, const 
void *high, const bit *li, const bit *hi, const bit *anti) {
        gdk_array *array = (gdk_array*)*dims; //the sizes of all the dimensions 
(I treat them as indices and I do not care about the exact values)
        gdk_dimension *dimension = (gdk_dimension*)*dim;
@@ -646,12 +523,12 @@ str ALGdimensionSubselect2(ptr *dimsRes,
        return MAL_SUCCEED;
-str ALGdimensionSubselect1(ptr *dimsRes, bat* oidsRes, const ptr *dims, const 
ptr* dim, 
+str ALGdimensionSubselect1(ptr *dimsRes, bat* oidsRes, const ptr *dim, const 
ptr* dims, 
                                                        const void *low, const 
void *high, const bit *li, const bit *hi, const bit *anti) {
-       return ALGdimensionSubselect2(dimsRes, oidsRes, dims, dim, NULL, NULL, 
low, high, li, hi, anti);
+       return ALGdimensionSubselect2(dimsRes, oidsRes, dim, dims, NULL, NULL, 
low, high, li, hi, anti);
-str ALGdimensionThetasubselect2(ptr *dimsRes, bat* oidsRes, const ptr *dims, 
const ptr* dim, const ptr *dimsCand, const bat* oidsCand, const void *val, 
const char **opp) {
+str ALGdimensionThetasubselect2(ptr *dimsRes, bat* oidsRes, const ptr *dim, 
const ptr* dims, const ptr *dimsCand, const bat* oidsCand, const void *val, 
const char **opp) {
        bit li = 0;
        bit hi = 0;
        bit anti = 0;
@@ -663,52 +540,190 @@ str ALGdimensionThetasubselect2(ptr *dim
         /* "=" or "==" */
                li = hi = 1;
                anti = 0;
-        return ALGdimensionSubselect2(dimsRes, oidsRes, dims, dim, dimsCand, 
oidsCand, val, nil, &li, &hi, &anti);
+        return ALGdimensionSubselect2(dimsRes, oidsRes, dim, dims, dimsCand, 
oidsCand, val, nil, &li, &hi, &anti);
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