Changeset: 53c1c6dd7704 for MonetDB
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A bitvector-based sort function designed for unsorted cand lists.

Unsorted cand lists are produced during an ordered index selection or a hash 
index selection. Instead of trying to sort this list of candidates with the 
usual n*log(n) GDKqsort method, we instead set the bits of a bitvector that 
correspond to the positions of candidates in the original BAT. We then 
sequentially materialize the bitvector to a cand list that it is ordered by 
construction, resulting in a 2*n "sort" method.

diffs (83 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_select.c b/gdk/gdk_select.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_select.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_select.c
@@ -149,6 +149,56 @@ doubleslice(BAT *b, BUN l1, BUN h1, BUN 
        return virtualize(bn);
+static BAT *
+sort_cand(BAT *b, BUN cnt)
+       BAT *bn;
+       const oid *restrict o;
+       oid *restrict p;
+       unsigned char *bitvector;
+       BUN i,sz_b;
+#define remainder8(X)   ((X) &  7)
+#define quotient8(X)    ((X) >> 3)
+       assert(b->ttype=TYPE_oid);
+       /* input must be a potential candidate list or NULL */
+       assert(b == NULL ||
+              (((b->ttype == TYPE_void && b->tseqbase != oid_nil) ||
+                b->ttype == TYPE_oid) &&
+                b->tkey));
+       sz_b = BATcount(b);
+       bitvector = (unsigned char *) GDKzalloc(cnt/8+1);
+       if (bitvector == NULL) {
+               GDKerror("#BATbloom: memory allocation error");
+               return GDK_FAIL;
+       }
+       o = (oid *) Tloc(b,0);
+       for (i=0; i < sz_b; i++) {
+               bitvector[quotient8(o[i])] |= (1<<remainder8(o[i]));
+       }
+       bn = COLnew(0, TYPE_oid, sz_b, TRANSIENT);
+       p = (oid *) Tloc(bn, 0);
+       for (i=0; i < cnt; i++) {
+               if (bitvector[quotient8(i)] & (1<<remainder8(i))) {
+                       *p = (oid) i;
+                       p++;
+               }
+       }
+       bn->tsorted = 1;
+       bn->trevsorted = bn->batCount <= 1;
+       bn->tkey = 1;
+       bn->tseqbase = (bn->tdense = bn->batCount <= 1) != 0 ? 0 : oid_nil;
+       bn->tnil = 0;
+       bn->tnonil = 1;
+       return virtualize(bn);
 #define HASHloop_bound(bi, h, hb, v, lo, hi)           \
        for (hb = HASHget(h, HASHprobe((h), v));        \
             hb != HASHnil(h);                          \
@@ -1678,16 +1728,18 @@ BATselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, const void *tl
                                        BATsetcount(bn, cnt);
+                                       bn->tkey = 1;
+                                       bn->tnil = 0;
+                                       bn->tnonil = 1;
                                /* output must be sorted */
+                               /*
                                GDKqsort((oid *) Tloc(bn, 0), NULL, NULL, 
(size_t) bn->batCount, sizeof(oid), 0, TYPE_oid);
                                bn->tsorted = 1;
                                bn->trevsorted = bn->batCount <= 1;
-                               bn->tkey = 1;
-                               bn->tseqbase = (bn->tdense = bn->batCount <= 1) 
!= 0 ? 0 : oid_nil;
-                               bn->tnil = 0;
-                               bn->tnonil = 1;
+                               bn->tseqbase = (bn->tdense = bn->batCount <= 1) 
!= 0 ? 0 : oid_nil;*/
+                               sort_cand(bn,BATcount(b));
                        } else {
                                /* match: [low..high) */
                                if (s) {
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