Changeset: cea364bb6468 for MonetDB
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Branch: sfcgal
Log Message:

Filter joins (subjoin) and filter selections (subselect) for IsValid, IsType, 
ContainsXYZ, IntersectsXYZ, Intersects and Within are now properly organized at 
MAL level. Filter selections can now handle candidate lists.

diffs (199 lines):

diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geom.mal b/geom/monetdb5/geom.mal
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geom.mal
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geom.mal
@@ -266,8 +266,20 @@ command IsRing(w:wkb) :bit address wkbIs
 comment "Returns TRUE if this LINESTRING is both closed and simple.";
 command IsSimple(w:wkb) :bit address wkbIsSimple
 comment "Returns (TRUE) if this Geometry has no anomalous geometric points, 
such as self intersection or self tangency.";
-command IsValid(w:wkb) :bit address wkbIsValid
+command IsValidWKB(w:wkb) :bit address wkbIsValid
 comment "Returns true if the ST_Geometry is well formed.";
+function IsValidD(w1:wkb, w2:wkb) :bit;
+    res := IsValidWKB(w1);
+    return res;
+end IsValidD; 
+function IsValid(w1:wkb) :bit;
+    res := IsValidWKB(w1);
+    return res;
+end IsValid; 
 command IsValidReason(w:wkb) :str address wkbIsValidReason
 comment "Returns text stating if a geometry is valid or not and if not valid, 
a reason why.";
 command IsValidDetail(w:wkb) :str address wkbIsValidDetail
@@ -771,6 +783,14 @@ function Translate(g:bat[:wkb], dx:dbl, 
        return x;
 end Translate;
+command IsTypeWKB(a:bat[:wkb], b:bat[:str], w:str) :bat[:bit] address 
+comment "Returns TRUE if the geometry A is of type B";
+function IsType(a:bat[:wkb], b:bat[:str]) :bat[:bit];
+    res := IsTypeWKB(a, b, nil:str);
+    return res;
+end IsType;
 command WithinWKB(a:bat[:wkb], b:bat[:wkb], w:wkb) :bat[:bit] address 
 comment "Returns TRUE if the geometry A is completely inside geometry B";
@@ -779,11 +799,6 @@ function Within(a:bat[:wkb], b:bat[:wkb]
     return res;
 end Within;
-function Withinsubselect(a:bat[:wkb], b:wkb) :bat[:bit];
-    res := WithinWKB(a, nil:bat, b);
-    return res;
-end Withinsubselect;
 command DWithin(a:bat[:wkb], b:bat[:wkb], dst:dbl) :bat[:bit] address 
 comment "Returns true if the two geometries are within the specifies distance 
from each other";
@@ -862,7 +877,19 @@ command IsClosed(w:bat[:wkb]) :bat[:bit]
 command IsEmpty(w:bat[:wkb]) :bat[:bit] address wkbIsEmpty_bat;
 command IsSimple(w:bat[:wkb]) :bat[:bit] address wkbIsSimple_bat;
 command IsRing(w:bat[:wkb]) :bat[:bit] address wkbIsRing_bat;
-command IsValid(w:bat[:wkb]) :bat[:bit] address wkbIsValid_bat;
+command IsValidWKB_bat(w:bat[:wkb]) :bat[:bit] address wkbIsValid_bat;
+function IsValidD(w1:bat[:wkb], w2:bat[:wkb]) :bat[:bit];
+    res := IsValidWKB_bat(w1);
+    return res;
+end IsValidD; 
+function IsValid(w1:bat[:wkb]) :bat[:bit];
+    res := IsValidWKB_bat(w1);
+    return res;
+end IsValid; 
 command MakeBox2D(p1:bat[:wkb],p2:bat[:wkb]) :bat[:mbr] address wkbBox2D_bat;
@@ -986,11 +1013,6 @@ function Intersects(a:bat[:wkb], b:bat[:
     return res;
 end Intersects;
-function Intersectssubselect(a:bat[:wkb], w:wkb) :bat[:bit];
-    res := IntersectsWKB(a, nil:bat, w);
-    return res;
-end Intersectssubselect;
 command Intersects3D(g:bat[:wkb], dxBAT:bat[:dbl], dx:dbl, dyBAT:bat[:dbl], 
dy:dbl, dzBAT:bat[:dbl], dz:dbl, srid:int) :bat[:bit] address 
 comment "Returns true if these Geometries 'spatially intersect in 2D'";
@@ -1029,11 +1051,6 @@ function Intersects(g:bat[:wkb], dxBAT:b
        return x;
 end Intersects;
-function Intersectssubselect(g:bat[:wkb], dx:dbl, dy:dbl, dz:dbl, srid:int) 
-       x := Intersects3D(g, nil:bat, dx, nil:bat, dy, nil:bat, dz, srid);
-       return x;
-end Intersectssubselect;
 module calc;
 command mbr(v:str) :mbr address mbrFromString;
@@ -1092,7 +1109,88 @@ command Intersection(a:bat[:wkb], b:bat[
 comment "Returns a geometry that represents the point set intersection of the 
Geometries a, b";
-#Filter functions and joins
+module geom;
+#Filter functions (subselects with candidate lists)
+command wkbIsValidsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], nil_matches:bit) 
:bat[:oid] address IsValidsubselect
+comment "Returns TRUE if the geometry is valid"d;
+function geom.IsValidDsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], b:wkb) :bat[:oid];
+    res := wkbIsValidsubselect(lb, nil:bat, 0:bit);
+    return res;
+end geom.IsValidDsubselect;
+function geom.IsValidDsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], b:wkb, 
nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid];
+    res := wkbIsValidsubselect(lb, sl, nil_matches);
+    return res;
+end geom.IsValidDsubselect;
+command wkbIsTypesubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], b:str, nil_matches:bit) 
:bat[:oid] address IsTypesubselect
+comment "Returns TRUE if the geometry A is of type B";
+function geom.IsTypesubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], b:str) :bat[:oid];
+    res := wkbIsTypesubselect(lb, nil:bat, b, 0:bit);
+    return res;
+end geom.IsTypesubselect;
+function geom.IsTypesubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], b:str, 
nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid];
+    res := wkbIsTypesubselect(lb, sl, b, nil_matches);
+    return res;
+end geom.IsTypesubselect;
+command wkb.Withinsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], b:wkb, 
nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid] address Withinsubselect
+comment "Returns TRUE if the geometry A is completely inside geometry B";
+function geom.Withinsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], b:wkb) :bat[:oid];
+    res := wkbWithinsubselect(lb, nil:bat, b, 0:bit);
+    return res;
+end geom.Withinsubselect;
+function geom.Withinsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], b:wkb, 
nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid];
+    res := wkbWithinsubselect(lb, sl, b, nil_matches);
+    return res;
+end geom.Withinsubselect;
+command wkb.Intersectssubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], b:wkb, 
nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid] address Intersectssubselect
+comment "Returns true if these Geometries 'spatially intersect in 2D'";
+function geom.Intersectssubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], b:wkb) :bat[:oid];
+    res := wkbIntersectssubselect(lb, nil:bat, b, 0:bit);
+    return res;
+end geom.Intersectssubselect;
+function geom.Intersectssubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], b:wkb, 
nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid];
+    res := Intersectssubselect(lb, sl, b, nil_matches);
+    return res;
+end geom.Intersectssubselect;
+command wkb.IntersectsXYZsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], x:dbl, y:dbl, 
z:dbl, srid:int, nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid] address IntersectsXYZsubselect
+comment "Returns true if these Geometries 'spatially intersect in 2D'";
+function geom.IntersectsXYZsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], x:dbl, y:dbl, z:dbl, 
srid:int) :bat[:oid];
+    res := wkbIntersectsXYZsubselect(lb, nil:bat, x, y, z, srid, 0:bit);
+    return res;
+end geom.IntersectsXYZsubselect;
+function geom.IntersectsXYZsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], x:dbl, y:dbl, 
z:dbl, srid:int, nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid];
+    res := IntersectsXYZsubselect(lb, sl, x, y, z, srid, nil_matches);
+    return res;
+end geom.IntersectsXYZsubselect;
+command wkb.ContainsXYZsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], x:dbl, y:dbl, 
z:dbl, srid:int, nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid] address ContainsXYZsubselect
+comment "Returns true if and only if no points of B lie in the exterior of A, 
and at least one point of the interior of B lies in the interior of A.";
+function geom.ContainsXYZsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], x:dbl, y:dbl, z:dbl, 
srid:int) :bat[:oid];
+    res := wkbContainsXYZsubselect(lb, nil:bat, x, y, z, srid, 0:bit);
+    return res;
+end geom.ContainsXYZsubselect;
+function geom.ContainsXYZsubselect(lb:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], x:dbl, y:dbl, 
z:dbl, srid:int, nil_matches:bit) :bat[:oid];
+    res := ContainsXYZsubselect(lb, sl, x, y, z, srid, nil_matches);
+    return res;
+end geom.ContainsXYZsubselect;
+#Filter joins (subjoin withtou candidate lists)
 command geom.Intersectssubjoin(l:bat[:wkb], r:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], 
sr:bat[:oid], nil_matches:bit, estimate:lng) (lr:bat[:oid],rr:bat[:oid])
 address Intersectssubjoin
@@ -1118,3 +1216,11 @@ command geom.Containssubjoin(l:bat[:wkb]
 address ContainsXYZsubjoin
 comment "Returns true if and only if no points lie in the exterior of A";
+command geom.IsValidDsubjoin(l:bat[:wkb], r:bat[:wkb], sl:bat[:oid], 
sr:bat[:oid], nil_matches:bit, estimate:lng) (lr:bat[:oid],rr:bat[:oid])
+address IsValidsubjoin
+comment "Returns true if the geometry is Valid";
+command geom.IsTypesubjoin(l:bat[:wkb], r:bat[:str], sl:bat[:oid], 
sr:bat[:oid], nil_matches:bit, estimate:lng) (lr:bat[:oid],rr:bat[:oid])
+address IsTypesubjoin
+comment "Returns true if the geometry has the indicated type";
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