Changeset: bf6d596d6c23 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: sfcgal
Log Message:

If the geometry does not have coordinate z do not use it. Segmentize was 
leading to memory corruptions triggering long runs.

diffs (101 lines):

diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geom.c b/geom/monetdb5/geom.c
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geom.c
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geom.c
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ segmentizeLineString(GEOSGeometry **outG
        GEOSCoordSeq gcs_new;
        unsigned int pointsNum = 0, additionalPoints = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
        double xl = 0.0, yl = 0.0, zl = 0.0;
-       double *xCoords_org, *yCoords_org, *zCoords_org;
+       double *xCoords_org = NULL, *yCoords_org = NULL, *zCoords_org = NULL;
        str err = MAL_SUCCEED;
        //get the number of coordinates the geometry has
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ segmentizeLineString(GEOSGeometry **outG
                *outGeometry = NULL;
                throw(MAL, "geom.Segmentize", "Could not allocate memory for %d 
double values", pointsNum);
-       if ((zCoords_org = GDKmalloc(pointsNum * sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
+       if ((zCoords_org = GDKzalloc(pointsNum * sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
                *outGeometry = NULL;
@@ -894,7 +894,8 @@ segmentizeLineString(GEOSGeometry **outG
        xl = xCoords_org[0];
        yl = yCoords_org[0];
-       zl = zCoords_org[0];
+    if (coordinatesNum > 2)
+       zl = zCoords_org[0];
        //check how many new points should be added
        for (i = 1; i < pointsNum; i++) {
@@ -914,18 +915,21 @@ segmentizeLineString(GEOSGeometry **outG
                //compute the distance of the current point to the last added 
-               while ((dist = sqrt(pow(xl - xCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(yl - 
yCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(zl - zCoords_org[i], 2))) > sz) {
-//fprintf(stderr, "OLD : (%f, %f, %f) vs (%f, %f, %f) = %f\n", xl, yl, zl, 
xCoords_org[i], yCoords_org[i], zCoords_org[i], dist);
+               //while ((dist = sqrt(pow(xl - xCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(yl - 
yCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(zl - zCoords_org[i], 2))) > sz) {
+               while ((dist = (coordinatesNum > 2) ? sqrt(pow(xl - 
xCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(yl - yCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(zl - zCoords_org[i], 2)) 
: sqrt(pow(xl - xCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(yl - yCoords_org[i], 2))) > sz ) {
+            //fprintf(stderr, "OLD : (%f, %f, %f) vs (%f, %f, %f) = %f and 
%f\n", xl, yl, zl, xCoords_org[i], yCoords_org[i], zCoords_org[i], dist, sz);
                        //compute the point
                        xl = xl + (xCoords_org[i] - xl) * sz / dist;
                        yl = yl + (yCoords_org[i] - yl) * sz / dist;
-                       zl = zl + (zCoords_org[i] - zl) * sz / dist;
+            if (coordinatesNum > 2)
+                           zl = zl + (zCoords_org[i] - zl) * sz / dist;
                xl = xCoords_org[i];
-               yl = yCoords_org[i];
-               zl = zCoords_org[i];
+        yl = yCoords_org[i];
+        if (coordinatesNum > 2)
+            zl = zCoords_org[i];
 //fprintf(stderr, "Adding %d\n", additionalPoints);
@@ -953,21 +957,24 @@ segmentizeLineString(GEOSGeometry **outG
        xl = xCoords_org[0];
-       yl = yCoords_org[0];
-       zl = zCoords_org[0];
+    yl = yCoords_org[0];
+    if (coordinatesNum > 2)
+        zl = zCoords_org[0];
        //check and add the rest of the points
        for (i = 1; i < pointsNum; i++) {
                //compute the distance of the current point to the last added 
                double dist;
-               while ((dist = sqrt(pow(xl - xCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(yl - 
yCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(zl - zCoords_org[i], 2))) > sz) {
-//fprintf(stderr, "OLD : (%f, %f, %f) vs (%f, %f, %f) = %f\n", xl, yl, zl, 
xCoords_org[i], yCoords_org[i], zCoords_org[i], dist);
+               //while ((dist = sqrt(pow(xl - xCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(yl - 
yCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(zl - zCoords_org[i], 2))) > sz) {
+               while ((dist = (coordinatesNum > 2) ? sqrt(pow(xl - 
xCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(yl - yCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(zl - zCoords_org[i], 2)) 
: sqrt(pow(xl - xCoords_org[i], 2) + pow(yl - yCoords_org[i], 2))) > sz ) {
+            //fprintf(stderr, "OLD : (%f, %f, %f) vs (%f, %f, %f) = %f and 
sz%f\n", xl, yl, zl, xCoords_org[i], yCoords_org[i], zCoords_org[i], dist, sz);
                        assert(j < additionalPoints);
                        //compute intermediate point
                        xl = xl + (xCoords_org[i] - xl) * sz / dist;
-                       yl = yl + (yCoords_org[i] - yl) * sz / dist;
-                       zl = zl + (zCoords_org[i] - zl) * sz / dist;
+            yl = yl + (yCoords_org[i] - yl) * sz / dist;
+            if (coordinatesNum > 2)
+                zl = zl + (zCoords_org[i] - zl) * sz / dist;
                        //add the intermediate point
                        if (!GEOSCoordSeq_setX(gcs_new, i + j, xl)) {
@@ -1007,8 +1014,9 @@ segmentizeLineString(GEOSGeometry **outG
                xl = xCoords_org[i];
-               yl = yCoords_org[i];
-               zl = zCoords_org[i];
+        yl = yCoords_org[i];
+        if (coordinatesNum > 2)
+            zl = zCoords_org[i];
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