Changeset: c2d2a09e82e6 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Jun2016 branch.

diffs (247 lines):

diff --git a/.hgtags b/.hgtags
--- a/.hgtags
+++ b/.hgtags
@@ -629,3 +629,6 @@ 192e3168234a5f9f8a4d1c4ce17805f608f001c3
 b29fdfe9c590f674208212bf4ead617beef4b73c Jun2016_release
 4a05df3932a97865ac7e4037361723d5563490b3 Jun2016_5
 4a05df3932a97865ac7e4037361723d5563490b3 Jun2016_SP1_release
+c8b06c670a635978640d742643c317b82c5f4b8c Jun2016_7
+4a05df3932a97865ac7e4037361723d5563490b3 Jun2016_SP1_release
+c8b06c670a635978640d742643c317b82c5f4b8c Jun2016_SP1_release
diff --git a/MonetDB.spec b/MonetDB.spec
--- a/MonetDB.spec
+++ b/MonetDB.spec
@@ -962,6 +962,44 @@ rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/Maddlog
 %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+* Wed Jul 13 2016 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.23.7-20160713
+- Rebuilt.
+- BZ#4014: KILL signal
+- BZ#4021: Analyze query does not escape input [security]
+- BZ#4026: JDBC driver incorrectly converts TINYINT fields to String
+  instead of an integer type.
+- BZ#4028: inputs not the same size
+- BZ#4032: no decimal places after update. ODBC driver
+- BZ#4035: SQL Function call bug
+- BZ#4036: Possible sql_catalog corruption due to unclean backuped tail
+* Thu Jul  7 2016 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.23.7-20160713
+- java: Corrected PROCEDURE_TYPE output value of method 
+  It used to return procedureReturnsResult. Now it returns procedureNoResult.
+  Corrected ORDINAL_POSITION output value of method 
+  It used to start with 0, but as procedures do not return a result value it 
+  starts with 1 for all the procedure arguments, as defined by the JDBC API.
+- java: Improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures(). The REMARKS
+  column now contains the procedure definition as stored in sys.functions.func.
+  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the procedure unique identifier as
+  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the specific
+  overloaded procedure which has the same name, but different arguments.
+  Also improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns().
+  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the procedure unique identifier as
+  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the proper
+  arguments of the specific overloaded procedure by matching the SPECIFIC_NAME
+  value.
+- java: Improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getFunctions(). The REMARKS
+  column now contains the function definition as stored in sys.functions.func.
+  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the function unique identifier as
+  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the specific
+  overloaded function which has the same name, but different arguments.
+  Also improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getFunctionColumns().
+  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the function unique identifier as
+  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the proper
+  arguments of the specific overloaded function by matching the SPECIFIC_NAME
+  value.
 * Mon Jul 04 2016 Sjoerd Mullender <> - 11.23.5-20160704
 - Rebuilt.
 - BZ#4031: mclient doesn't accept - argument to refer to stdin
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,47 @@
+monetdb (11.23.7) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Rebuilt.
+  * BZ#4014: KILL signal
+  * BZ#4021: Analyze query does not escape input [security]
+  * BZ#4026: JDBC driver incorrectly converts TINYINT fields to String
+    instead of an integer type.
+  * BZ#4028: inputs not the same size
+  * BZ#4032: no decimal places after update. ODBC driver
+  * BZ#4035: SQL Function call bug
+  * BZ#4036: Possible sql_catalog corruption due to unclean backuped tail
+ -- Sjoerd Mullender <>  Wed, 13 Jul 2016 14:33:03 +0200
+monetdb (11.23.7) unstable; urgency=low
+  * java: Corrected PROCEDURE_TYPE output value of method 
+    It used to return procedureReturnsResult. Now it returns procedureNoResult.
+    Corrected ORDINAL_POSITION output value of method 
+    It used to start with 0, but as procedures do not return a result value it 
+    starts with 1 for all the procedure arguments, as defined by the JDBC API.
+  * java: Improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures(). The 
+    column now contains the procedure definition as stored in 
+    The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the procedure unique identifier as
+    stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the specific
+    overloaded procedure which has the same name, but different arguments.
+    Also improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns().
+    The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the procedure unique identifier as
+    stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the proper
+    arguments of the specific overloaded procedure by matching the 
+    value.
+  * java: Improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getFunctions(). The 
+    column now contains the function definition as stored in 
+    The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the function unique identifier as
+    stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the specific
+    overloaded function which has the same name, but different arguments.
+    Also improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getFunctionColumns().
+    The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the function unique identifier as
+    stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the proper
+    arguments of the specific overloaded function by matching the SPECIFIC_NAME
+    value.
+ -- Martin van Dinther <>  Thu, 7 Jul 
2016 14:33:03 +0200
 monetdb (11.23.5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Rebuilt.
diff --git a/java/ChangeLog-Archive b/java/ChangeLog-Archive
--- a/java/ChangeLog-Archive
+++ b/java/ChangeLog-Archive
@@ -1,6 +1,33 @@
 # This file contains past ChangeLog entries
+* Thu Jul  7 2016 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.23.7-20160713
+- Corrected PROCEDURE_TYPE output value of method 
+  It used to return procedureReturnsResult. Now it returns procedureNoResult.
+  Corrected ORDINAL_POSITION output value of method 
+  It used to start with 0, but as procedures do not return a result value it 
+  starts with 1 for all the procedure arguments, as defined by the JDBC API.
+- Improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures(). The REMARKS
+  column now contains the procedure definition as stored in sys.functions.func.
+  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the procedure unique identifier as
+  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the specific
+  overloaded procedure which has the same name, but different arguments.
+  Also improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns().
+  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the procedure unique identifier as
+  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the proper
+  arguments of the specific overloaded procedure by matching the SPECIFIC_NAME
+  value.
+- Improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getFunctions(). The REMARKS
+  column now contains the function definition as stored in sys.functions.func.
+  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the function unique identifier as
+  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the specific
+  overloaded function which has the same name, but different arguments.
+  Also improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getFunctionColumns().
+  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the function unique identifier as
+  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the proper
+  arguments of the specific overloaded function by matching the SPECIFIC_NAME
+  value.
 * Thu May 26 2016 Martin van Dinther <> 
- 11.23.1-20160601
 - Fixed problem in DatabaseMetaData.getUDTs() when it was called with
   types parameter filled.  It used to throw SQException with message:
diff --git a/java/ChangeLog.Jun2016 b/java/ChangeLog.Jun2016
--- a/java/ChangeLog.Jun2016
+++ b/java/ChangeLog.Jun2016
@@ -1,30 +1,3 @@
 # ChangeLog file for java
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
-* Thu Jul  7 2016 Martin van Dinther <>
-- Corrected PROCEDURE_TYPE output value of method 
-  It used to return procedureReturnsResult. Now it returns procedureNoResult.
-  Corrected ORDINAL_POSITION output value of method 
-  It used to start with 0, but as procedures do not return a result value it 
-  starts with 1 for all the procedure arguments, as defined by the JDBC API.
-- Improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures(). The REMARKS
-  column now contains the procedure definition as stored in sys.functions.func.
-  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the procedure unique identifier as
-  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the specific
-  overloaded procedure which has the same name, but different arguments.
-  Also improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns().
-  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the procedure unique identifier as
-  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the proper
-  arguments of the specific overloaded procedure by matching the SPECIFIC_NAME
-  value.
-- Improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getFunctions(). The REMARKS
-  column now contains the function definition as stored in sys.functions.func.
-  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the function unique identifier as
-  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the specific
-  overloaded function which has the same name, but different arguments.
-  Also improved output of method DatabaseMetaData.getFunctionColumns().
-  The SPECIFIC_NAME column now contains the function unique identifier as
-  stored in This allows the caller to retrieve the proper
-  arguments of the specific overloaded function by matching the SPECIFIC_NAME
-  value.
diff --git a/java/ b/java/
--- a/java/
+++ b/java/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ JAVA_HOME = @JAVA_HOME@
 ant_distjdbc = {
        DIR = datadir/monetdb/lib
-       FILES = monetdb-mcl-1.13.jar monetdb-jdbc-2.22.jar jdbcclient.jar
+       FILES = monetdb-mcl-1.13.jar monetdb-jdbc-2.23.jar jdbcclient.jar
 ant_distmerocontrol = {
diff --git a/java/ b/java/
--- a/java/
+++ b/java/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ MCL_MINOR=13
 # major release number
 # minor release number
 # an additional identifying string
 # the default port to connect on, if no port given when using SQL
diff --git a/java/pom.xml b/java/pom.xml
--- a/java/pom.xml
+++ b/java/pom.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-       <version>2.22</version>
+       <version>2.23</version>
        <description>MonetDB JDBC driver</description>
diff --git a/java/release.txt b/java/release.txt
--- a/java/release.txt
+++ b/java/release.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-MonetDB JDBC driver version 2.22 (Liberica/MCL-1.13)
-Release date: 2016-07-04
+MonetDB JDBC driver version 2.23 (Liberica/MCL-1.13)
+Release date: 2016-07-13
 This JDBC driver is designed for use with MonetDB, a main-memory
 database.  For more information see
diff --git a/libversions b/libversions
--- a/libversions
+++ b/libversions
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
 # version of the GDK library (subdirectory gdk; also includes
 # common/options and common/utils)
 # version of the MAPI library (subdirectory clients/mapilib)
 # version of the MONETDB5 library (subdirectory monetdb5, not including extras)
 # version of the STREAM library (subdirectory common/stream)
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