Changeset: 3524ecb9c715 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge with Jun2016 branch.

diffs (truncated from 971 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/buildtools/doc/windowsbuild.rst b/buildtools/doc/windowsbuild.rst
--- a/buildtools/doc/windowsbuild.rst
+++ b/buildtools/doc/windowsbuild.rst
@@ -727,14 +727,15 @@ Java
 If you want to build the java component of the MonetDB suite, you need
-Java__.  Get Java from, but make sure you do
-*not* get the latest version.  Get the Java Development Kit 1.5.  Our
-current JDBC driver is not compatible with Java 1.6 yet.
+JDK__.  Get the Java Development Kit from
+We currently compile for target Java 7, so we do not yet support
+JDBC methods/features introduced in Java 8 (or higher).
 In addition to the Java Development Kit, you will also need `Apache Ant`_
 which is responsible for the actual building of the driver.
 Apache Ant
@@ -840,8 +841,8 @@ is an example: version numbers may diffe
  rem Bison (and Diff)
  set Path=%ProgramFiles%\GnuWin32\bin;%Path%
  rem Java is optional, set JAVA_HOME for convenience
- set JAVA_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\Java\jdk1.5.0_16
- set Path=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre1.5.0_16\bin;%Path%
+ set JAVA_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\Java\jdk1.8.0_92
+ set Path=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre1.8.0_92\bin;%Path%
  rem Apache Ant is optional, but required for Java compilation
  set Path=%ProgramFiles%\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin;%Path%
diff --git a/common/utils/msabaoth.c b/common/utils/msabaoth.c
--- a/common/utils/msabaoth.c
+++ b/common/utils/msabaoth.c
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ msab_getUplogInfo(sabuplog *ret, const s
                int c;
                start = stop = up = 0;
                p = data;
-               while ((c = (char)fgetc(f)) != EOF) {
+               while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF) {
                        *p = (char)c;
                        switch (*p) {
                                case '\t':
diff --git a/gdk/gdk_logger.c b/gdk/gdk_logger.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_logger.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_logger.c
@@ -1106,9 +1106,11 @@ logger_readlogs(logger *lg, FILE *fp, ch
                        if (lid < lg->id) {
                                lg->id = lid;
-                       /* if this is a shared logger, write the id in
-                        * the shared file */
-                       logger_update_catalog_file(lg, lg->local_dir, 
LOGFILE_SHARED, lg->local_dbfarm_role);
+                       if (lg->shared) {
+                               /* if this is a shared logger, write the id in
+                                * the shared file */
+                               logger_update_catalog_file(lg, lg->local_dir, 
LOGFILE_SHARED, lg->local_dbfarm_role);
+                       }
        return res;
@@ -1862,6 +1864,7 @@ logger_new(int debug, const char *fn, co
        lg->debug = debug;
        lg->shared = shared;
+       lg->local_dbfarm_role = 0; /* only used if lg->shared */
        lg->changes = 0;
        lg->version = version;
diff --git a/java/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/ 
--- a/java/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/
+++ b/java/src/main/java/nl/cwi/monetdb/jdbc/
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
                try {
                        st = con.createStatement();
                        rs = st.executeQuery(query);
-                       // Fetch the first column output and concatenate the 
values into a StringBuffer separated by comma's
+                       // Fetch the first column output and concatenate the 
values into a StringBuilder separated by comma's
                        boolean isfirst = true;
                        while ( {
                                String value = rs.getString(1);
@@ -496,12 +496,23 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
        public String getSystemFunctions() {
                String wherePart =
                        "WHERE \"id\" NOT IN (SELECT \"func_id\" FROM 
\"sys\".\"args\" WHERE \"number\" = 1)" +
-                       " AND \"func\" NOT LIKE '%function%(% %)%'" +
-                       " AND \"func\" NOT LIKE '%procedure%(% %)%'" +
-                       " AND \"func\" NOT LIKE '%CREATE FUNCTION%RETURNS 
TABLE(% %)%'" +
-                       // the next names are also not usable so exclude them
-                       " AND \"name\" NOT LIKE 'querylog_%'" +
-                       " AND \"name\" NOT IN ('analyze', 'count', 
'count_no_nil', 'initializedictionary', 'times')";
+                       " AND \"id\" IN (SELECT \"function_id\" FROM 
\"sys\".\"systemfunctions\")" +
+                       " AND \"type\" = 1" +   // only scalar functions
+                       // add system functions which are not listed in 
sys.functions but implemented in the SQL parser (see sql/server/sql_parser.y)
+                       " UNION SELECT 'cast'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'convert'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'coalesce'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'extract'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'ifthenelse'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'isnull'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'nullif'" +
+                       // for completeness include also some pseudo columns
+                       " UNION SELECT 'current_role'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'current_schema'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'current_timezone'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'current_user'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'session_user'" +
+                       " UNION SELECT 'user'";
                return getConcatenatedStringFromQuery(FunctionsSelect + 
wherePart + " ORDER BY 1");
@@ -1747,7 +1758,7 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
         * <li>procedureColumnReturn - procedure return value
         * <li>procedureColumnResult - result column in ResultSet
         * </ul>
-        * <li><b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL type from java.sql.Types
+        * <li><b>DATA_TYPE</b> int => SQL type from java.sql.Types
         * <li><b>TYPE_NAME</b> String => SQL type name, for a UDT type the 
type name is fully qualified
         * <li><b>PRECISION</b> int => precision
         * <li><b>LENGTH</b> int => length in bytes of data
@@ -1807,10 +1818,10 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
"CAST(").append(DatabaseMetaData.procedureNullableUnknown).append(" AS 
smallint) AS \"NULLABLE\", " +
                        "CAST(null as char(1)) AS \"REMARKS\", " +
                        "CAST(null as char(1)) AS \"COLUMN_DEF\", " +
-                       "CAST(null as int) AS \"SQL_DATA_TYPE\", " +
-                       "CAST(null as int) AS \"SQL_DATETIME_SUB\", " +
-                       "CASE WHEN \"args\".\"type\" IN 
('char','varchar','binary','varbinary') THEN \"args\".\"type_digits\" ELSE NULL 
-                       "\"args\".\"number\" AS \"ORDINAL_POSITION\", " +
+                       "CAST(0 as int) AS \"SQL_DATA_TYPE\", " +
+                       "CAST(0 as int) AS \"SQL_DATETIME_SUB\", " +
+                       "CAST(CASE WHEN \"args\".\"type\" IN 
('char','varchar','clob') THEN \"args\".\"type_digits\" ELSE NULL END as int) 
+                       "CAST(\"args\".\"number\" as int) AS 
                        "CAST('' as varchar(3)) AS \"IS_NULLABLE\", " +
                        "CAST(null as char(1)) AS \"SPECIFIC_NAME\" " +
                "FROM \"sys\".\"args\", \"sys\".\"functions\", 
\"sys\".\"schemas\" " +
@@ -2103,7 +2114,7 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
         *      <LI><B>TABLE_SCHEM</B> String => table schema (may be null)
         *      <LI><B>TABLE_NAME</B> String => table name
         *      <LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column name
-        *      <LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> short => SQL type from java.sql.Types
+        *      <LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> int => SQL type from java.sql.Types
         *      <LI><B>TYPE_NAME</B> String => Data source dependent type name
         *      <LI><B>COLUMN_SIZE</B> int => column size.      For char or date
         *              types this is the maximum number of characters, for 
numeric or
@@ -2168,7 +2179,7 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
                        "\"schemas\".\"name\" AS \"TABLE_SCHEM\", " +
                        "\"tables\".\"name\" AS \"TABLE_NAME\", " +
                        "\"columns\".\"name\" AS \"COLUMN_NAME\", " +
"cast(").append(MonetDriver.getSQLTypeMap("\"columns\".\"type\"")).append(" AS 
smallint) AS \"DATA_TYPE\", " +
"cast(").append(MonetDriver.getSQLTypeMap("\"columns\".\"type\"")).append(" AS 
int) AS \"DATA_TYPE\", " +
                        "\"columns\".\"type\" AS \"TYPE_NAME\", " +
                        "\"columns\".\"type_digits\" AS \"COLUMN_SIZE\", " +
                        "0 AS \"BUFFER_LENGTH\", " +
@@ -2180,10 +2191,10 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
                        .append(" WHEN false THEN 
").append(ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls).append(" END AS int) AS 
\"NULLABLE\", " +
                        "cast(null AS varchar(1)) AS \"REMARKS\", " +
                        "\"columns\".\"default\" AS \"COLUMN_DEF\", " +
-                       "0 AS \"SQL_DATA_TYPE\", " +
-                       "0 AS \"SQL_DATETIME_SUB\", " +
-                       "0 AS \"CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH\", " +
-                       "\"columns\".\"number\" + 1 AS \"ORDINAL_POSITION\", " +
+                       "cast(0 as int) AS \"SQL_DATA_TYPE\", " +
+                       "cast(0 as int) AS \"SQL_DATETIME_SUB\", " +
+                       "cast(CASE WHEN \"columns\".\"type\" IN 
('char','varchar','clob') THEN \"columns\".\"type_digits\" ELSE NULL END as 
int) AS \"CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH\", " +
+                       "cast(\"columns\".\"number\" + 1 as int) AS 
                        "cast(CASE \"null\" WHEN true THEN 'YES' WHEN false 
THEN 'NO' ELSE '' END AS varchar(3)) AS \"IS_NULLABLE\", " +
                        "cast(null AS varchar(1)) AS \"SCOPE_CATALOG\", " +
                        "cast(null AS varchar(1)) AS \"SCOPE_SCHEMA\", " +
@@ -2402,7 +2413,7 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
         *              <LI> bestRowSession - valid for remainder of current 
         *              </UL>
         *      <LI><B>COLUMN_NAME</B> String => column name
-        *      <LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
+        *      <LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> int => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
         *      <LI><B>TYPE_NAME</B> String => Data source dependent type name
         *      <LI><B>COLUMN_SIZE</B> int => precision
         *      <LI><B>BUFFER_LENGTH</B> int => not used
@@ -2435,11 +2446,11 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
                StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(1500);
CAST(").append(DatabaseMetaData.bestRowSession).append(" AS smallint) AS 
\"SCOPE\", " +
-                       "\"columns\".\"name\" AS \"COLUMN_NAME\", ")
.append(MonetDriver.getSQLTypeMap("\"columns\".\"type\"")).append(" AS 
\"DATA_TYPE\", " +
+                       "\"columns\".\"name\" AS \"COLUMN_NAME\", " +
"cast(").append(MonetDriver.getSQLTypeMap("\"columns\".\"type\"")).append(" AS 
int) AS \"DATA_TYPE\", " +
                        "\"columns\".\"type\" AS \"TYPE_NAME\", " +
                        "\"columns\".\"type_digits\" AS \"COLUMN_SIZE\", " +
-                       "CASE WHEN \"columns\".\"type\" IN ('varchar', 'char') 
THEN \"columns\".\"type_digits\" ELSE 0 END AS \"BUFFER_LENGTH\", " +
+                       "CAST(0 as int) AS \"BUFFER_LENGTH\", " +
                        "CAST(\"columns\".\"type_scale\" AS smallint) AS 
"CAST(").append(DatabaseMetaData.bestRowNotPseudo).append(" AS smallint) AS 
                "FROM \"sys\".\"keys\", " +
@@ -2513,14 +2524,14 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
                // MonetDB currently does not have columns which update 
themselves, so return an empty ResultSet
                String query =
-               "SELECT CAST(null as smallint) AS \"SCOPE\", " +
+               "SELECT CAST(0 as smallint) AS \"SCOPE\", " +
                        "CAST(null as varchar(1)) AS \"COLUMN_NAME\", " +
-                       "CAST(null as int) AS \"DATA_TYPE\", " +
+                       "CAST(0 as int) AS \"DATA_TYPE\", " +
                        "CAST(null as varchar(1)) AS \"TYPE_NAME\", " +
-                       "CAST(null as int) AS \"COLUMN_SIZE\", " +
-                       "CAST(null as int) AS \"BUFFER_LENGTH\", " +
-                       "CAST(null as smallint) AS \"DECIMAL_DIGITS\", " +
-                       "CAST(null as smallint) AS \"PSEUDO_COLUMN\" " +
+                       "CAST(0 as int) AS \"COLUMN_SIZE\", " +
+                       "CAST(0 as int) AS \"BUFFER_LENGTH\", " +
+                       "CAST(0 as smallint) AS \"DECIMAL_DIGITS\", " +
+                       "CAST(0 as smallint) AS \"PSEUDO_COLUMN\" " +
                "WHERE 1 = 0";
                return executeMetaDataQuery(query);
@@ -2953,31 +2964,30 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
"cast(").append(MonetDriver.getSQLTypeMap("\"sqlname\"")).append(" AS int) AS 
\"DATA_TYPE\", " +
                        "\"digits\" AS \"PRECISION\", " +       // note that 
when radix is 2 the precision shows the number of bits
                        "cast(CASE WHEN \"systemname\" IN ('str', 'inet', 
'json', 'url', 'uuid') THEN ''''" +
-                       " ELSE NULL END AS varchar(2)) AS \"LITERAL_PREFIX\", " 
+                               " ELSE NULL END AS varchar(2)) AS 
                        "cast(CASE WHEN \"systemname\" IN ('str', 'inet', 
'json', 'url', 'uuid') THEN ''''" +
-                       " ELSE NULL END AS varchar(2)) AS \"LITERAL_SUFFIX\", " 
+                               " ELSE NULL END AS varchar(2)) AS 
                        "CASE WHEN \"sqlname\" IN ('char', 'varchar') THEN 'max 
length'" +
-                       " WHEN \"sqlname\" = 'decimal' THEN 'precision, scale'" 
-                       " WHEN \"sqlname\" IN ('time', 'timetz', 'timestamp', 
'timestamptz', 'sec_interval') THEN 'precision'" +
-                       " ELSE NULL END AS \"CREATE_PARAMS\", " +
+                               " WHEN \"sqlname\" = 'decimal' THEN 'precision, 
scale'" +
+                               " WHEN \"sqlname\" IN ('time', 'timetz', 
'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 'sec_interval') THEN 'precision'" +
+                               " ELSE NULL END AS \"CREATE_PARAMS\", " +
                        "cast(CASE WHEN \"systemname\" = 'oid' THEN 
-                       .append(" ELSE 
").append(DatabaseMetaData.typeNullable).append(" END AS smallint) AS 
\"NULLABLE\", " +
+                               .append(" ELSE 
").append(DatabaseMetaData.typeNullable).append(" END AS smallint) AS 
\"NULLABLE\", " +
                        "CASE WHEN \"systemname\" IN ('str', 'json', 'url') 
                        "cast(CASE \"systemname\" WHEN 'table' THEN 
-                       .append(" WHEN 'str' THEN 
-                       .append(" WHEN 'sqlblob' THEN 
-                       .append(" ELSE 
").append(DatabaseMetaData.typePredBasic).append(" END AS smallint) AS 
-                       "false AS \"UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE\", " +
+                               .append(" WHEN 'str' THEN 
+                               .append(" WHEN 'sqlblob' THEN 
+                               .append(" ELSE 
").append(DatabaseMetaData.typePredBasic).append(" END AS smallint) AS 
+                       "CASE WHEN \"sqlname\" IN 
                        "CASE \"sqlname\" WHEN 'decimal' THEN true ELSE false 
-                       "false AS \"AUTO_INCREMENT\", " +
+                       "CASE WHEN \"sqlname\" IN 
('tinyint','smallint','int','bigint','hugeint','decimal','oid','wrd') THEN true 
                        "\"systemname\" AS \"LOCAL_TYPE_NAME\", " +
                        "cast(0 AS smallint) AS \"MINIMUM_SCALE\", " +
-                       "cast(CASE WHEN \"sqlname\" = 'decimal' AND 
\"systemname\" = 'lng' THEN 18" +
-                       " WHEN \"sqlname\" = 'decimal' AND \"systemname\" = 
'hge' THEN 38" +
-                       " WHEN \"sqlname\" IN ('sec_interval', 'timestamp', 
'timestamptz') THEN 9 ELSE 0 END AS smallint) AS \"MAXIMUM_SCALE\", " +
-                       "cast(NULL AS int) AS \"SQL_DATA_TYPE\", " +
-                       "cast(NULL AS int) AS \"SQL_DATETIME_SUB\", " +
-                       "\"radix\" AS \"NUM_PREC_RADIX\" " +
+                       "cast(CASE WHEN \"sqlname\" = 'decimal' THEN (CASE 
\"systemname\" WHEN 'lng' THEN 18 WHEN 'hge' THEN 38 WHEN 'int' THEN 9 WHEN 
'sht' THEN 4 WHEN 'bte' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END)" +
+                               " WHEN \"sqlname\" IN ('sec_interval', 
'timestamp', 'timestamptz') THEN 9 ELSE 0 END AS smallint) AS 
+                       "cast(0 AS int) AS \"SQL_DATA_TYPE\", " +
+                       "cast(0 AS int) AS \"SQL_DATETIME_SUB\", " +
+                       "cast(\"radix\" as int) AS \"NUM_PREC_RADIX\" " +
                "FROM \"sys\".\"types\" " +
                "ORDER BY \"DATA_TYPE\", \"sqlname\", \"id\"");
@@ -3076,7 +3086,7 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
                        "CAST(null AS varchar(1)) AS \"INDEX_QUALIFIER\", " +
                        "\"idxs\".\"name\" AS \"INDEX_NAME\", " +
                        "CASE \"idxs\".\"type\" WHEN 0 THEN 
").append(DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexHashed).append(" ELSE 
").append(DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexOther).append(" END AS \"TYPE\", " +
-                       "CAST(\"objects\".\"nr\" AS smallint) AS 
+                       "CAST(\"objects\".\"nr\" +1 AS smallint) AS 
                        "\"columns\".\"name\" AS \"COLUMN_NAME\", " +
                        "CAST(null AS varchar(1)) AS \"ASC_OR_DESC\", " +       
// sort sequence currently not supported in keys or indexes in MonetDB
                        "CAST(").append(table_row_count).append(" AS int) AS 
@@ -3475,7 +3485,7 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
         *      <LI><B>TYPE_SCHEM</B> String => type schema (may be 
         *      <LI><B>TYPE_NAME</B> String => type name
         *      <LI><B>ATTR_NAME</B> String => attribute name
-        *      <LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> short => attribute type SQL type from 
+        *      <LI><B>DATA_TYPE</B> int => attribute type SQL type from 
         *      <LI><B>ATTR_TYPE_NAME</B> String => Data source dependent type 
         *      For a UDT, the type name is fully qualified. For a REF, the 
type name is
         *      fully qualified and represents the target type of the reference 
@@ -3537,13 +3547,13 @@ public class MonetDatabaseMetaData exten
                String query =
                "SELECT cast(null as char(1)) AS \"TYPE_CAT\", '' AS 
\"TYPE_SCHEM\", '' AS \"TYPE_NAME\", " +
-                       "'' AS \"ATTR_NAME\", '' AS \"ATTR_TYPE_NAME\", 0 AS 
\"ATTR_SIZE\", " +
-                       "0 AS \"DECIMAL_DIGITS\", 0 AS \"NUM_PREC_RADIX\", 0 AS 
\"NULLABLE\", " +
-                       "'' AS \"REMARKS\", '' AS \"ATTR_DEF\", 0 AS 
\"SQL_DATA_TYPE\", " +
-                       "0 AS \"SQL_DATETIME_SUB\", 0 AS \"CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH\", 
" +
-                       "0 AS \"ORDINAL_POSITION\", 'YES' AS \"IS_NULLABLE\", " 
+                       "'' AS \"ATTR_NAME\", CAST(0 as int) AS \"DATA_TYPE\", 
'' AS \"ATTR_TYPE_NAME\", CAST(0 as int) AS \"ATTR_SIZE\", " +
+                       "CAST(0 as int) AS \"DECIMAL_DIGITS\", CAST(0 as int) 
AS \"NUM_PREC_RADIX\", CAST(0 as int) AS \"NULLABLE\", " +
+                       "'' AS \"REMARKS\", '' AS \"ATTR_DEF\", CAST(0 as int) 
+                       "CAST(0 as int) AS \"SQL_DATETIME_SUB\", CAST(0 as int) 
+                       "CAST(0 as int) AS \"ORDINAL_POSITION\", 'YES' AS 
\"IS_NULLABLE\", " +
                        "'' AS \"SCOPE_CATALOG\", '' AS \"SCOPE_SCHEMA\", '' AS 
\"SCOPE_TABLE\", " +
-                       "0 AS \"SOURCE_DATA_TYPE\" " +
+                       "CAST(0 as smallint) AS \"SOURCE_DATA_TYPE\" " +
                "WHERE 1 = 0";
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