Changeset: d84ad1a28059 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jun2016
Log Message:

Namespace implementation updated.
Get rid of ehash: we can append to a linked list after having searched
it without extra cost without the need for an extra pointer.
Declare hash as an array instead of a pointer to an array that has to
be allocated.
Reduce the size of identifiers to IDLENGTH (64) from MAXIDENTLEN
Allocate name records from a big chunk of memory to reduce malloc
overhead and potential memory fragmentation.

Hopefully all of this reduces the problems described in bug 4009.

diffs (230 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/mal/mal_namespace.c b/monetdb5/mal/mal_namespace.c
--- a/monetdb5/mal/mal_namespace.c
+++ b/monetdb5/mal/mal_namespace.c
@@ -19,38 +19,36 @@
 #define HASHMASK  4095
 /* taken from gdk_atoms */
-#define NME_HASH(x,y,K)                \
-    do {                        \
-        const char *_key = (const char *) (x);  \
-        size_t _i;                 \
-        for (_i = y = 0; K-- && _key[_i]; _i++) {  \
-            y += _key[_i];          \
-            y += (y << 10);         \
-            y ^= (y >> 6);          \
-        }                   \
-        y += (y << 3);              \
-        y ^= (y >> 11);             \
-        y += (y << 15);             \
-               y = y & HASHMASK;                       \
+#define NME_HASH(_key,y,K)                                                     
+    do {                                                                       
+        size_t _i;                                                             
+        for (_i = y = 0; _i < K && _key[_i]; _i++) {   \
+            y += _key[_i];                                                     
+            y += (y << 10);                                                    
+            y ^= (y >> 6);                                                     
+        }                                                                      
+        y += (y << 3);                                                         
+        y ^= (y >> 11);                                                        
+        y += (y << 15);                                                        
+               y = y & HASHMASK;                                               
     } while (0)
 typedef struct NAME{
-       size_t length;
        struct NAME *next;
-       char nme[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
+       char nme[IDLENGTH + 1];
+       unsigned short length;
 } *NamePtr;
-static NamePtr *hash= NULL, *ehash = NULL;
+static NamePtr hash[MAXIDENTIFIERS];
+static struct namespace {
+       struct namespace *next;
+       int count;
+       struct NAME data[4096];
+} *namespace;
 void initNamespace(void) {
-       if(hash == NULL) hash= (NamePtr *) GDKzalloc(sizeof(NamePtr) * 
-       if(ehash == NULL) ehash= (NamePtr *) GDKzalloc(sizeof(NamePtr) * 
-       if ( hash == NULL || ehash == NULL){
-        /* absolute an error we can not recover from */
-        showException(GDKout, MAL,"initNamespace",MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
-        mal_exit();
-       }
 void mal_namespace_reset(void) {
@@ -59,17 +57,13 @@ void mal_namespace_reset(void) {
        /* assume we are at the end of the server session */
-       for ( i =0; i < HASHMASK; i++){
-               n = hash[i];
-               hash[i] = ehash[i] = 0;
-               for( ; n; n = m){
+       for ( i =0; i < MAXIDENTIFIERS; i++){
+               for(n = hash[i]; n; n = m){
                        m = n->next;
+               hash[i] = 0;
-       GDKfree(hash);
-       GDKfree(ehash);
-       hash = ehash = 0;
@@ -80,29 +74,76 @@ void mal_namespace_reset(void) {
  * is conflict free.
+static str findName(const char *nme, size_t len, int allocate)
+       NamePtr *n, m;
+       size_t key;
+       assert(len == 0 || nme != NULL);
+       if (len == 0 || nme == NULL)
+               return NULL;
+       if (len > IDLENGTH) {
+               len = IDLENGTH;
+       }
+       NME_HASH(nme, key, len);
+       MT_lock_set(&mal_namespaceLock);
+       for (n = &hash[key]; *n; n = &(*n)->next) {
+               /* keep each list sorted on length, then name */
+               if (len < (*n)->length)
+                       continue;
+               if (len == (*n)->length) {
+                       int c;
+                       if ((c = strncmp(nme, (*n)->nme, len)) < 0)
+                               continue;
+                       if (c == 0) {
+                               MT_lock_unset(&mal_namespaceLock);
+                               return (*n)->nme;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               }
+               break;
+               /* append entries to list */
+               if (len == (*n)->length && strncmp(nme, (*n)->nme, len) == 0) {
+                       MT_lock_unset(&mal_namespaceLock);
+                       return (*n)->nme;
+               }
+       }
+       /* item not found */
+       if (!allocate) {
+               MT_lock_unset(&mal_namespaceLock);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       if (namespace == NULL || namespace->count == 4096) {
+               struct namespace *ns = GDKmalloc(sizeof(struct namespace));
+               if (ns == NULL) {
+                       /* error we cannot recover from */
+                       showException(GDKout, MAL, "findName", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
+                       mal_exit();
+               }
+               ns->next = namespace;
+               ns->count = 0;
+               namespace = ns;
+       }
+       m = &namespace->data[namespace->count++];
+       strncpy(m->nme, nme, len);
+       m->nme[len] = 0;
+       m->length = (unsigned short) len;
+       m->next = *n;
+       *n = m;
+       MT_lock_unset(&mal_namespaceLock);
+       return (*n)->nme;
 str getName(const char *nme) {
-       return getNameLen(nme, strlen(nme));
+       return findName(nme, strlen(nme), 0);
 str getNameLen(const char *nme, size_t len)
-       NamePtr n;
-       size_t l = len, key;
-       if(len == 0 || nme== NULL || *nme==0) 
-               return NULL;
-       if(len>=MAXIDENTLEN)
-               len = MAXIDENTLEN - 1;
-       NME_HASH(nme, key, l);
-       if ( ( n = hash[(int)key]) == 0)
-               return NULL;
-       do {
-               if (len == n->length && strncmp(nme,n->nme,len)==0) 
-                       return n->nme;
-               n = n->next;
-       } while (n);
-       return NULL;
+       return findName(nme, len, 0);
  * Name deletion from the namespace is tricky, because there may
@@ -121,48 +162,10 @@ void delName(const char *nme, size_t len
 str putName(const char *nme) {
-       return putNameLen(nme, strlen(nme));
+       return findName(nme, strlen(nme), 1);
 str putNameLen(const char *nme, size_t len)
-       size_t l,k;
-       int key;
-       str fnd;
-       NamePtr n;
-       fnd = getNameLen(nme,len);
-       if ( fnd )
-               return fnd;
-       if( nme == NULL || len == 0)
-               return NULL;
-       /* construct a new entry */
-       if(len>=MAXIDENTLEN)
-               len = MAXIDENTLEN - 1;
-       n = GDKmalloc(offsetof(struct NAME, nme) + len + 1);
-       if ( n == NULL) {
-        /* absolute an error we can not recover from */
-        showException(GDKout, MAL,"initNamespace",MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
-               mal_exit();
-       }
-       memcpy(n->nme, nme, len);
-       n->nme[len]=0;
-       n->length = len;
-       n->next = NULL;
-       l = len;
-       NME_HASH(nme, k, l);
-       key = (int) k;
-       MT_lock_set(&mal_namespaceLock);
-       /* add new elements to the end of the list */
-       if ( ehash[key] == 0)
-               hash[key] = ehash[key] = n;
-       else {
-               ehash[key]->next = n;
-               ehash[key] = n;
-       }
-       MT_lock_unset(&mal_namespaceLock);
-       return putNameLen(nme, len);    /* just to be sure */
+       return findName(nme, len, 1);
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