Changeset: f30d4f669802 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jul2015
Log Message:

changed uuid sql definitions to match mal versions.

diffs (truncated from 435 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
@@ -660,8 +660,7 @@ create filter function "ilike"(val strin
 create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme string) returns bigint begin if 
nme = 'boolean' or nme = 'tinyint' or nme = 'smallint' or nme = 'int' or nme = 
'bigint' or nme = 'hugeint' or nme = 'decimal' or nme = 'date' or nme = 
'timestamp' or nme = 'real' or nme = 'double' then return cast(i * 0.12 as 
bigint); end if ; return 0; end;
 create function intersection(a geometry, b geometry) returns geometry external 
name geom."Intersection";
 create function isaurl(theurl url) returns bool external name url."isaURL";
-create function sys.isauuid(u uuid) returns uuid external name uuid."isaUUID";
-create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns uuid external name 
+create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns boolean external name 
 create function isempty(g geometry) returns boolean external name 
 create function issimple(g geometry) returns boolean external name 
 create function "left_shift"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean external name 
@@ -2527,8 +2526,7 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "sys",       "imprintsize",  "create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme 
string) returns bigint begin if nme = 'boolean' or nme = 'tinyint' or nme = 
'smallint' or nme = 'int' or nme = 'bigint' or nme = 'hugeint' or nme = 
'decimal' or nme = 'date' or nme = 'timestamp' or nme = 'real' or nme = 
'double' then return cast(i * 0.12 as bigint); end if ; return 0; end;",     
"user", 2,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "intersection", "create function intersection(a geometry, b 
geometry) returns geometry external name geom.\"Intersection\";",   "geom", 1,  
    1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "isaurl",       "create function isaurl(theurl url) returns 
bool external name url.\"isaURL\";",        "url",  1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      "create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns 
uuid external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";",   "uuid", 1,      1,      false,  false, 
 false   ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      "create function sys.isauuid(u uuid) returns 
uuid external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";",     "uuid", 1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "isauuid",      "create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns 
boolean external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";",        "uuid", 1,      1,      false, 
 false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "isempty",      "create function isempty(g geometry) returns 
boolean external name geom.\"IsEmpty\";",  "geom", 1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "issimple",     "create function issimple(g geometry) returns 
boolean external name geom.\"IsSimple\";",        "geom", 1,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "left_shift",   "create function \"left_shift\"(i1 inet, i2 
inet) returns boolean external name inet.\"<<\";",  "inet", 1,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
@@ -3419,9 +3417,7 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "isarray",   "js",   "json", 0,      0,      1,      1       ]
 [ "isaurl",    "result",       "boolean",      1,      0,      0,      0       
 [ "isaurl",    "theurl",       "url",  0,      0,      1,      1       ]
-[ "isauuid",   "result",       "uuid", 0,      0,      0,      0       ]
-[ "isauuid",   "u",    "uuid", 0,      0,      1,      1       ]
-[ "isauuid",   "result",       "uuid", 0,      0,      0,      0       ]
+[ "isauuid",   "result",       "boolean",      1,      0,      0,      0       
 [ "isauuid",   "u",    "clob", 0,      0,      1,      1       ]
 [ "isempty",   "result",       "boolean",      1,      0,      0,      0       
 [ "isempty",   "g",    "geometry",     0,      0,      1,      1       ]
@@ -6921,7 +6917,6 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "isarray"    ]
 [ "isaurl"     ]
 [ "isauuid"    ]
-[ "isauuid"    ]
 [ "isempty"    ]
 [ "isnull"     ]
 [ "isobject"   ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128
@@ -660,8 +660,7 @@ create filter function "ilike"(val strin
 create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme string) returns bigint begin if 
nme = 'boolean' or nme = 'tinyint' or nme = 'smallint' or nme = 'int' or nme = 
'bigint' or nme = 'hugeint' or nme = 'decimal' or nme = 'date' or nme = 
'timestamp' or nme = 'real' or nme = 'double' then return cast(i * 0.12 as 
bigint); end if ; return 0; end;
 create function intersection(a geometry, b geometry) returns geometry external 
name geom."Intersection";
 create function isaurl(theurl url) returns bool external name url."isaURL";
-create function sys.isauuid(u uuid) returns uuid external name uuid."isaUUID";
-create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns uuid external name 
+create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns boolean external name 
 create function isempty(g geometry) returns boolean external name 
 create function issimple(g geometry) returns boolean external name 
 create function "left_shift"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean external name 
@@ -2693,8 +2692,7 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "sys",       "imprintsize",  "create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme 
string) returns bigint begin if nme = 'boolean' or nme = 'tinyint' or nme = 
'smallint' or nme = 'int' or nme = 'bigint' or nme = 'hugeint' or nme = 
'decimal' or nme = 'date' or nme = 'timestamp' or nme = 'real' or nme = 
'double' then return cast(i * 0.12 as bigint); end if ; return 0; end;",     
"user", 2,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "intersection", "create function intersection(a geometry, b 
geometry) returns geometry external name geom.\"Intersection\";",   "geom", 1,  
    1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "isaurl",       "create function isaurl(theurl url) returns 
bool external name url.\"isaURL\";",        "url",  1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      "create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns 
uuid external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";",   "uuid", 1,      1,      false,  false, 
 false   ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      "create function sys.isauuid(u uuid) returns 
uuid external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";",     "uuid", 1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "isauuid",      "create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns 
boolean external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";",        "uuid", 1,      1,      false, 
 false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "isempty",      "create function isempty(g geometry) returns 
boolean external name geom.\"IsEmpty\";",  "geom", 1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "issimple",     "create function issimple(g geometry) returns 
boolean external name geom.\"IsSimple\";",        "geom", 1,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "left_shift",   "create function \"left_shift\"(i1 inet, i2 
inet) returns boolean external name inet.\"<<\";",  "inet", 1,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
@@ -3633,9 +3631,7 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "isarray",   "js",   "json", 0,      0,      1,      1       ]
 [ "isaurl",    "result",       "boolean",      1,      0,      0,      0       
 [ "isaurl",    "theurl",       "url",  0,      0,      1,      1       ]
-[ "isauuid",   "result",       "uuid", 0,      0,      0,      0       ]
-[ "isauuid",   "u",    "uuid", 0,      0,      1,      1       ]
-[ "isauuid",   "result",       "uuid", 0,      0,      0,      0       ]
+[ "isauuid",   "result",       "boolean",      1,      0,      0,      0       
 [ "isauuid",   "u",    "clob", 0,      0,      1,      1       ]
 [ "isempty",   "result",       "boolean",      1,      0,      0,      0       
 [ "isempty",   "g",    "geometry",     0,      0,      1,      1       ]
@@ -7590,7 +7586,6 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "isarray"    ]
 [ "isaurl"     ]
 [ "isauuid"    ]
-[ "isauuid"    ]
 [ "isempty"    ]
 [ "isnull"     ]
 [ "isobject"   ]
diff --git a/sql/scripts/45_uuid.sql b/sql/scripts/45_uuid.sql
--- a/sql/scripts/45_uuid.sql
+++ b/sql/scripts/45_uuid.sql
@@ -13,8 +13,5 @@ create type uuid external name uuid;
 create function sys.uuid()
 returns uuid external name uuid."new";
-create function sys.isaUUID(u uuid)
-returns uuid external name uuid."isaUUID";
 create function sys.isaUUID(u string)
-returns uuid external name uuid."isaUUID";
+returns boolean external name uuid."isaUUID";
diff --git a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out
@@ -417,9 +417,7 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "intersection", 2,      "geometry",     ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "isaurl",       0,      "boolean",      "create function 
isaurl(theurl url) returns bool\n\texternal name url.\"isaURL\";"      ]
 [ "sys",       "isaurl",       1,      "url",  ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      0,      "uuid", "create function sys.isauuid(u 
uuid)\nreturns uuid external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";"     ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      1,      "uuid", ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      0,      "uuid", "create function sys.isauuid(u 
string)\nreturns uuid external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";"   ]
+[ "sys",       "isauuid",      0,      "boolean",      "create function 
sys.isauuid(u string)\nreturns boolean external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";"        ]
 [ "sys",       "isauuid",      1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "isempty",      0,      "boolean",      "create function 
isempty(g geometry) returns boolean external name geom.\"IsEmpty\";"   ]
 [ "sys",       "isempty",      1,      "geometry",     ""      ]
diff --git a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions.stable.out.int128
@@ -433,9 +433,7 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "intersection", 2,      "geometry",     ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "isaurl",       0,      "boolean",      "create function 
isaurl(theurl url) returns bool\n\texternal name url.\"isaURL\";"      ]
 [ "sys",       "isaurl",       1,      "url",  ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      0,      "uuid", "create function sys.isauuid(u 
uuid)\nreturns uuid external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";"     ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      1,      "uuid", ""      ]
-[ "sys",       "isauuid",      0,      "uuid", "create function sys.isauuid(u 
string)\nreturns uuid external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";"   ]
+[ "sys",       "isauuid",      0,      "boolean",      "create function 
sys.isauuid(u string)\nreturns boolean external name uuid.\"isaUUID\";"        ]
 [ "sys",       "isauuid",      1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "isempty",      0,      "boolean",      "create function 
isempty(g geometry) returns boolean external name geom.\"IsEmpty\";"   ]
 [ "sys",       "isempty",      1,      "geometry",     ""      ]
diff --git a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check1.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check1.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check1.stable.out.int128
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ Ready.
 [ "oid",       "bit",  4       ]
 [ "oid",       "bit",  54      ]
 [ "oid",       "bit",  361     ]
-[ "oid",       "bit",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "bit",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "bit",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "bte",  4285    ]
+[ "oid",       "bit",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "bit",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "bit",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "bte",  4283    ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  0       ]
@@ -116,16 +116,16 @@ Ready.
 [ "oid",       "int",  361     ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  361     ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  361     ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
 [ "oid",       "lng",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "lng",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "lng",  0       ]
@@ -272,11 +272,11 @@ Ready.
 [ "oid",       "str",  361     ]
 [ "oid",       "str",  361     ]
 [ "oid",       "str",  361     ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  4285    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  4283    ]
 [ "oid",       "timestamp",    0       ]
 [ "oid",       "timestamp",    0       ]
 [ "oid",       "wrd",  0       ]
diff --git a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check2.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check2.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check2.stable.out.int128
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ Ready.
 [ "oid",       "bit",  4       ]
 [ "oid",       "bit",  54      ]
 [ "oid",       "bit",  361     ]
-[ "oid",       "bit",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "bit",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "bit",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "bte",  4285    ]
+[ "oid",       "bit",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "bit",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "bit",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "bte",  4283    ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  0       ]
@@ -116,16 +116,16 @@ Ready.
 [ "oid",       "int",  361     ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  361     ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  361     ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
 [ "oid",       "lng",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "lng",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "lng",  0       ]
@@ -272,11 +272,11 @@ Ready.
 [ "oid",       "str",  361     ]
 [ "oid",       "str",  361     ]
 [ "oid",       "str",  361     ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  4285    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "str",  4283    ]
 [ "oid",       "timestamp",    0       ]
 [ "oid",       "timestamp",    0       ]
 [ "oid",       "wrd",  0       ]
diff --git a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check3.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check3.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/leaks/Tests/check3.stable.out.int128
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ Ready.
 [ "oid",       "bit",  4       ]
 [ "oid",       "bit",  55      ]
 [ "oid",       "bit",  363     ]
-[ "oid",       "bit",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "bit",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "bit",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "bte",  4285    ]
+[ "oid",       "bit",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "bit",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "bit",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "bte",  4283    ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  0       ]
@@ -116,16 +116,16 @@ Ready.
 [ "oid",       "int",  363     ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  363     ]
 [ "oid",       "int",  363     ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
-[ "oid",       "int",  4285    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  1526    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
+[ "oid",       "int",  4283    ]
 [ "oid",       "lng",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "lng",  0       ]
 [ "oid",       "lng",  0       ]
@@ -272,11 +272,11 @@ Ready.
 [ "oid",       "str",  363     ]
 [ "oid",       "str",  363     ]
 [ "oid",       "str",  363     ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  1527    ]
-[ "oid",       "str",  1527    ]
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