Changeset: c92b20d9bc24 for MonetDB
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Branch: grid
Log Message:

Instantiated the grid filter function for all numeric data types

diffs (truncated from 1285 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/31_grid_hge.mal b/geom/monetdb5/31_grid_hge.mal
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/31_grid_hge.mal
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2016 MonetDB B.V.
+# This loads the MonetDB/GIS module
+library geom;
+include grid_hge;
diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/ b/geom/monetdb5/
--- a/geom/monetdb5/
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ INCLUDES = ../lib \
 lib__geom = {
        DIR = libdir/monetdb5
-       SOURCES = geom.h geom.c geomBulk.c geom_upgrade.c grid.h grid.c
+       SOURCES = geom.h geom.c geomBulk.c geom_upgrade.c grid.h grid_impl.h 
        LIBS = ../lib/libgeom \
                   ../../gdk/libbat \
               ../../common/stream/libstream \
@@ -47,4 +47,18 @@ headers_autoload_grid = {
        SOURCES = 31_grid.mal
+headers_mal_grid_hge = {
+       COND = HAVE_HGE
+       HEADERS = mal
+       DIR = libdir/monetdb5
+       SOURCES = grid_hge.mal
+headers_autoload_grid_hge = {
+       COND = HAVE_HGE
+       HEADERS = mal
+       DIR = libdir/monetdb5/autoload
+       SOURCES = 31_grid_hge.mal
 EXTRA_DIST = 30_geom.mal geom.mal 31_grid.mal grid.mal
diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/grid.c b/geom/monetdb5/grid.c
--- a/geom/monetdb5/grid.c
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/grid.c
@@ -13,27 +13,44 @@
 #include "grid.h"
-#define GRID_VERSION 1
-#define POINTSPERCELL 100000
+static size_t
+countSetBits(uint64_t *resBitvector, size_t vectorSize)
+       size_t num = 0 ;
+       for(size_t k = 0; k < vectorSize; k++) {
+               uint64_t b = resBitvector[k];
+               for(uint64_t j = 0; j < BITSNUM; j++) {
+                       num += b & 0x01;
+                       b >>= 1;
+               }
+       }
-#define BITSNUM 64
-#define SHIFT 6  /* division with 64 */
-#define ONES ((1<<(SHIFT))-1) /* 63 */
-#define get(bitVector, bitPos) (((bitVector) >> (bitPos)) & 0x01) 
-#define set(bitVector, bitPos, value) ((bitVector) |= ((value)<<(bitPos))) 
-#define setbv(bitVector, bitPos, value) set((bitVector)[(bitPos) >> SHIFT], 
(bitPos) & ONES, (value))
-#define unset(bitVector, bitPos) ((bitVector) &= ~((uint64_t)1<<(bitPos)))
-#define common(bitVector, bitPos, value) ((bitVector) &= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ^ 
-#define GRIDcount(g, c) (g)->dir[(c)+1] - (g)->dir[(c)]
+       return num;
-#define maximumNumberOfCells(max, bitsNum, add) \
-do {                                            \
-       int i = 0;                                  \
-       size_t res = 0;                             \
-       for(i = 0; i < bitsNum; i++)                \
-               res = (res << 1) | 1;                   \
-       max = res + add;                            \
-} while (0)
+#define TP bte
+#include "grid_impl.h"
+#undef TP
+#define TP sht
+#include "grid_impl.h"
+#undef TP
+#define TP int
+#include "grid_impl.h"
+#undef TP
+#define TP lng
+#include "grid_impl.h"
+#undef TP
+#ifdef HAVE_HGE
+#define TP hge
+#include "grid_impl.h"
+#undef TP
+#define TP flt
+#include "grid_impl.h"
+#undef TP
+#define TP dbl
+#include "grid_impl.h"
+#undef TP
 #define GRIDextend(g1, g2, cellR, cellS, r1, r2, msg)                          
 do {                                                                           
@@ -65,32 +82,37 @@ do {                                    
        (r2b) += ddist <= distsqr;                                              
 } while(0)
-#define GRIDcmp(x1Vals, y1Vals, g1,                                            
-                x2Vals, y2Vals, g2,                                            
+#define GRIDcmp(tpe, x1BAT, y1BAT, g1,                                         
+                     x2BAT, y2BAT, g2,                                         
                 cellR, cellS, r1, r2, seq1, seq2, msg)                         
 do {                                                                           
        BUN r1b, r2b;                                                           
+       tpe *x1Vals, *y1Vals, *x2Vals, *y2Vals;                                 
+       oid *r1Vals, *r2Vals;                                                   
        oid m;                                                                  
-       lng * r1Vals, * r2Vals;                                                 
        if ((cellR) >= (g1)->cellsNum || (cellS) >= (g2)->cellsNum)             
        GRIDextend(g1, g2, cellR, cellS, r1, r2, msg);                          
-       r1Vals = (lng*)Tloc(r1, BUNfirst(r1));                                  
-       r2Vals = (lng*)Tloc(r2, BUNfirst(r2));                                  
+       x1Vals = (tpe*)Tloc(x1BAT, BUNfirst(x1BAT));                            
+       y1Vals = (tpe*)Tloc(y1BAT, BUNfirst(y1BAT));                            
+       x2Vals = (tpe*)Tloc(x2BAT, BUNfirst(x2BAT));                            
+       y2Vals = (tpe*)Tloc(y2BAT, BUNfirst(y2BAT));                            
+       r1Vals = (oid*)Tloc(r1, BUNfirst(r1));                                  
+       r2Vals = (oid*)Tloc(r2, BUNfirst(r2));                                  
        r1b = BATcount(r1);                                                     
        r2b = BATcount(r2);                                                     
        m = (g1)->dir[(cellR)];                                                 
        if (GRIDcount(g1, cellR) > 16) {                                        
                /* compare points of R in cellR with points of S in cellS */    
-               for (; m < (g1)->dir[(cellR)+1]-16; m+=16) {        \
+               for (; m < (g1)->dir[(cellR)+1]-16; m+=16) {                    
                        for (oid n = (g2)->dir[(cellS)]; n < 
(g2)->dir[(cellS)+1]; n++) {     \
                                oid oid2 = (g2)->oids[n];                       
-                               lng x2v = (x2Vals)[oid2];                       
-                               lng y2v = (y2Vals)[oid2];                       
+                               tpe x2v = (x2Vals)[oid2];                       
+                               tpe y2v = (y2Vals)[oid2];                       
                                for(oid o1 = m; o1 < m+16; o1++) {              
                                        oid oid1 = (g1)->oids[o1];              
-                                       lng x1v = (x1Vals)[oid1];               
-                                       lng y1v = (y1Vals)[oid1];               
+                                       tpe x1v = (x1Vals)[oid1];               
+                                       tpe y1v = (y1Vals)[oid1];               
                                        GRIDdist(r1Vals, oid1, seq1, r1b, x1v, 
y1v,                   \
                                                         r2Vals, oid2, seq2, 
r2b, x2v, y2v);                  \
@@ -99,12 +121,12 @@ do {                                    
        for (; m < (g1)->dir[(cellR)+1]; m++) {                                 
                oid oid1 = (g1)->oids[m];                                       
-               lng x1v = (x1Vals)[oid1];                                       
-               lng y1v = (y1Vals)[oid1];                                       
+               tpe x1v = (x1Vals)[oid1];                                       
+               tpe y1v = (y1Vals)[oid1];                                       
                for (oid n = (g2)->dir[(cellS)]; n < (g2)->dir[(cellS)+1]; n++) 
{         \
                        oid oid2 = (g2)->oids[n];                               
-                       lng x2v = (x2Vals)[oid2];                               
-                       lng y2v = (y2Vals)[oid2];                               
+                       tpe x2v = (x2Vals)[oid2];                               
+                       tpe y2v = (y2Vals)[oid2];                               
                        GRIDdist(r1Vals, oid1, seq1, r1b, x1v, y1v,             
                                         r2Vals, oid2, seq2, r2b, x2v, y2v);    
@@ -113,38 +135,30 @@ do {                                    
        BATsetcount(r2, r2b);                                                   
 } while (0)
-typedef struct Grid Grid;
-struct Grid {
-       dbl xmin;                       /* minimum X value of input BATs   */
-       dbl ymin;                       /* minimum Y value of input BATs   */
-       dbl xmax;                       /* maximum X value of input BATs   */
-       dbl ymax;                       /* maximum Y value of input BATs   */
-       mbr mbb;                        /* grid universe (might differ from the 
input values) */
-       bte shift;
-       size_t cellsNum;        /* number of cells                 */
-       size_t cellsPerAxis;/* number of cells per axis        */
-       size_t cellsX;          /* number of cells in X axis       */
-       size_t cellsY;          /* number of cells in Y axis       */
-       bat xbat;                       /* bat id for X coordinates        */
-       bat ybat;                       /* bat id for Y coordinates        */
-       oid * dir;                      /* the grid directory              */
-       oid * oids;                     /* heap where the index is stored  */
+#define GRIDjoin(tpe,                                                          
+                 x1BAT, y1BAT, g1, x2BAT, y2BAT, g2,                           
+                 R, S, r1, r2, seq1, seq2, msg)                                
+do {                                                                           
+       /* perform the distance join */                                         
+       for (size_t i = minCellx; i <= maxCellx; i++) {                         
+               for (size_t j = minCelly; j <= maxCelly; j++) {                 
+                       /* define which cells should be compared */             
+                       size_t min = i + g1->cellsX*j;                          
+                       size_t R[] = {min,            min,              min,   
min, min+1, min+g1->cellsX, min+g1->cellsX+1}; \
+                       size_t S[] = {min+g1->cellsX, min+g1->cellsX+1, min+1, 
min, min,   min,            min             }; \
+                       for (size_t k = 0; k < 7; k++) {                        
+                               if (GRIDcount(g1,R[k]) > GRIDcount(g2,S[k])) {  
+                                       GRIDcmp(tpe, x1BAT, y1BAT, g1, x2BAT, 
y2BAT,                  \
+                                 g2, R[k], S[k], r1, r2, seq1, seq2, msg);     
+                               } else {                                        
+                                       GRIDcmp(tpe, x2BAT, y2BAT, g2, x1BAT, 
y1BAT,                  \
+                                 g1, S[k], R[k], r2, r1, seq2, seq1, msg);     
+                               }                                               
+                       }                                                       
+               }                                                               
+       }                                                                       
+} while(0)
-static size_t
-countSetBits(uint64_t *resBitvector, size_t vectorSize)
-       size_t num = 0 ;
-       for(size_t k = 0; k < vectorSize; k++) {
-               uint64_t b = resBitvector[k];
-               for(uint64_t j = 0; j < BITSNUM; j++) {
-                       num += b & 0x01;
-                       b >>= 1;
-               }
-       }
-       return num;
 #if 0
 static void
 grid_print(Grid * g)
@@ -202,109 +216,6 @@ grid_print(Grid * g)
-static Grid *
-grid_create(BAT *bx, BAT *by)
-       Grid * g;
-       lng *xVals, *yVals;
-       size_t i, cnt;
-       dbl fxa, fxb, fya, fyb;
-       assert(BATcount(bx) == BATcount(by));
-       assert(BATcount(bx) > 0);
-       if ((g = GDKmalloc(sizeof(Grid))) == NULL)
-               return g;
-       g->xbat = bx->batCacheid;
-       g->ybat = by->batCacheid;
-       xVals = (lng*)Tloc(bx, BUNfirst(bx));
-       yVals = (lng*)Tloc(by, BUNfirst(by));
-       /* determine the appropriate number of cells */
-       g->shift = 2;
-       maximumNumberOfCells(g->cellsNum, g->shift*2, 1);
-       maximumNumberOfCells(g->cellsPerAxis, g->shift, 0);
-       cnt = BATcount(bx);
-       while(cnt/g->cellsNum > POINTSPERCELL) {
-               /* use one more bit per axis */
-               g->shift++;
-               maximumNumberOfCells(g->cellsNum, g->shift*2, 1);
-               maximumNumberOfCells(g->cellsPerAxis, g->shift, 0);
-       }
-       /* find min and max values for X and y coordinates */
-       g->xmin = g->xmax = xVals[0];
-       for (i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
-               lng val = xVals[i];
-               if(g->xmin > val)
-                       g->xmin = val;
-               if(g->xmax < val)
-                       g->xmax = val;
-       }
-       g->ymin = g->ymax = yVals[0];
-       for (i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
-               lng val = yVals[i];
-               if(g->ymin > val)
-                       g->ymin = val;
-               if(g->ymax < val)
-                       g->ymax = val;
-       }
-       /* allocate space for the directory */
-       if ((g->dir = GDKmalloc((g->cellsNum+1)*sizeof(oid))) == NULL) {
-               GDKfree(g);
-               g = NULL;
-               return g;
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < g->cellsNum; i++)
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