Changeset: 54ef379b6d2a for MonetDB
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Branch: iot
Log Message:

Binary basket generator

diffs (143 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/iot/Tests/genbasket.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/iot/Tests/genbasket.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/iot/Tests/genbasket.c
@@ -1,36 +1,130 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <values.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <time.h>
-/* Create a binay column for testing purposes */
+/*  Martin Kersten
+ *  A minimal file to show how to create the binary files used in MonetDB
+ */
+/* The MonetDB types supported */
+typedef signed char bte;
+typedef short sht;
+typedef float flt;
+typedef double dbl;
+typedef long lng; /* make sure it is 8 bytes */
+typedef time_t clk;
+typedef int date;
+typedef int daytime;
+typedef union {
+    lng alignment;
+    struct {
+        daytime p_msecs;
+        date p_days;
+        date p_days;
+        daytime p_msecs;
+    } payload;
+} timestamp;
+const bte bte_nil = -127;
+const sht sht_nil = SHRT_MIN;
+const int int_nil = INT_MIN;
+const flt flt_nil = FLT_MIN;
+const dbl dbl_nil = DBL_MIN;
+const lng lng_nil = LONG_MIN;
+const clk time_nil = INT_MIN;
+const date date_nil = INT_MIN;
+const daytime daytime_nil =(daytime) INT_MIN;
+const timestamp timestamp_nil =(timestamp) LONG_MIN;
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
-       int i,j,lim,val;
+       int i,j,lim;
        FILE *f;
        if ( argc <3 || (argc %2 != 0) ){
                printf("use:%s <recordcount> [<filename> <type>] ...\n", 
                return -1;
-       lim = atoi(argv[1]);
+       if( sizeof(lng) != 8){
+               printf("only use 8-byte lng\n");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       i = 1;
+       lim = atoi(argv[i]);
        if( lim < 0){
                printf("record count <0\n");
                return -1;
-       for( i= 2; i< argc; i+=2){
+       for( i++; i< argc; i+=2){
                f= fopen(argv[i],"w");
                if( f== NULL){
                        printf("could not create '%s'\n",argv[i]);
                        return -1;
-               if( strcmp(argv[i+1],"int") == 0 ){
-                       for(j=0; j< lim; j++){
+               if( strncmp(argv[i+1],"int",3) == 0 ){
+                       int val= 0;
+                       for(j=0; j< lim; j++, val++)
                                fwrite((void*)&val, sizeof(val), 1, f);
-                               val++;
-                       }
-               } else printf("invalid type %s\n", argv[i+1]);
+                       if(strstr(argv[i+1],"nil"))
+                               fwrite((void*)&int_nil, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+               }  else
+               if( strncmp(argv[i+1],"lng",3) == 0 ){
+                       lng val= 0;
+                       for(j=0; j< lim; j++, val++)
+                               fwrite((void*)&val, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+                       if(strstr(argv[i+1],"nil"))
+                               fwrite((void*)&lng_nil, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+               }  else
+               if( strncmp(argv[i+1],"timestamp",9) == 0 ){
+                       timestamp val; // representation of timestamp
+                       val.payload.p_days=0;
+                       val.payload.p_msecs=0;
+                       for(j=0; j< lim; j++, val.payload.p_days++)
+                               fwrite((void*)&val, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+                       if(strstr(argv[i+1],"nil"))
+                               fwrite((void*)&timestamp_nil, sizeof(val), 1, 
+               } else
+               if( strncmp(argv[i+1],"time",4) == 0 ){
+                       clk val;        //      representation of date values
+                       ctime(&val);
+                       for(j=0; j< lim; j++, val++)
+                               fwrite((void*)&val, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+                       if(strstr(argv[i+1],"nil"))
+                               fwrite((void*)&time_nil, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+               } else
+               if( strncmp(argv[i+1],"date",4) == 0 ){
+                       date val=0;     //      representation of date values
+                       for(j=0; j< lim; j++, val++)
+                               fwrite((void*)&val, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+                       if(strstr(argv[i+1],"nil"))
+                               fwrite((void*)&date_nil, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+               } else
+               if( strncmp(argv[i+1],"flt",3) == 0 ){
+                       flt val;
+                       for(j=0; j< lim; j++, val+= 1.0)
+                               fwrite((void*)&val, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+                       if(strstr(argv[i+1],"nil"))
+                               fwrite((void*)&flt_nil, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+               } else 
+               if( strncmp(argv[i+1],"dbl",3) == 0 ){
+                       dbl val;
+                       for(j=0; j< lim; j++, val+= 1.0)
+                               fwrite((void*)&val, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+                       if(strstr(argv[i+1],"nil"))
+                               fwrite((void*)&dbl_nil, sizeof(val), 1, f);
+               } 
+               else printf("invalid type %s\n", argv[i+1]);
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