Changeset: 128c8a8d5afd for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jun2016
Log Message:

Fix sys.types table for internal types when doing a database upgrade.

diffs (truncated from 961 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_logger.h b/gdk/gdk_logger.h
--- a/gdk/gdk_logger.h
+++ b/gdk/gdk_logger.h
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ gdk_export log_bid logger_add_bat(logger
 gdk_export void logger_del_bat(logger *lg, log_bid bid);
 gdk_export log_bid logger_find_bat(logger *lg, const char *name);
-typedef int (*geomcatalogfix_fptr)(void*,int,int,int);
+typedef int (*geomcatalogfix_fptr)(void *, int);
 gdk_export void geomcatalogfix_set(geomcatalogfix_fptr);
 gdk_export geomcatalogfix_fptr geomcatalogfix_get(void);
diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geom.h b/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geom.h
@@ -292,5 +292,5 @@ geom_export str wkbMBR_bat(bat* outBAT_i
 geom_export str wkbCoordinateFromWKB_bat(bat *outBAT_id, bat *inBAT_id, int* 
 geom_export str wkbCoordinateFromMBR_bat(bat *outBAT_id, bat *inBAT_id, int* 
-geom_export int geom_catalog_upgrade(void*,int,int,int);
+geom_export int geom_catalog_upgrade(void *, int);
 geom_export str geom_sql_upgrade(int);
diff --git a/geom/monetdb5/geom_upgrade.c b/geom/monetdb5/geom_upgrade.c
--- a/geom/monetdb5/geom_upgrade.c
+++ b/geom/monetdb5/geom_upgrade.c
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ N( char *buf, const char *pre, const cha
-geom_catalog_upgrade(void *lg, int EC_GEOM, int EC_EXTERNAL, int olddb)
+geom_catalog_upgrade(void *lg, int olddb)
        /* Do the updates needed for the new geom module */
        BAT *ct, *cnt, *cd, *cnd, *cs, *cns;
@@ -103,16 +103,7 @@ geom_catalog_upgrade(void *lg, int EC_GE
        const struct {
                char *name;
                int type;
-       } nt[] = {
-               {"types_id", TYPE_int},
-               {"types_systemname", TYPE_str},
-               {"types_sqlname", TYPE_str},
-               {"types_digits", TYPE_int},
-               {"types_scale", TYPE_int},
-               {"types_radix", TYPE_int},
-               {"types_eclass", TYPE_int},
-               {"types_schema_id", TYPE_int}
-       }, nf[] = {
+       } nf[] = {
                {"functions_id", TYPE_int},
                {"functions_name", TYPE_str},
                {"functions_func", TYPE_str},
@@ -124,8 +115,8 @@ geom_catalog_upgrade(void *lg, int EC_GE
                {"functions_vararg", TYPE_bit},
                {"functions_schema_id", TYPE_int}
-       BAT *tt[8], *ttn[8], *ff[10], *ffn[10];
-       BATiter tti[8], ffi[10];
+       BAT *ff[10], *ffn[10];
+       BATiter ffi[10];
        int val, maxid, i;
        size_t ii;
        bit bval;
@@ -227,76 +218,8 @@ geom_catalog_upgrade(void *lg, int EC_GE
-       /* If this is a new database add the geometry type and the mbr type */
-       /* If this is an old database add the new geometry type and update the 
mbr type */
-       for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-               if (!(tt[i] = BATdescriptor((bat) logger_find_bat(lg, N(n, 
NULL, s, nt[i].name)))))
-                       return 0;
-               tti[i] = bat_iterator(tt[i]);
-               if (!(ttn[i] = BATnew(TYPE_void, nt[i].type, BATcount(tt[i]), 
-                       return 0;
-               BATseqbase(ttn[i], tt[i]->hseqbase);
-       }
-       maxid = 0;
-       for(p=BUNfirst(tt[0]), q=BUNlast(tt[0]); p<q; p++) {
-               const char *systemname = BUNtail(tti[1], p);
-               const char *sqlname = BUNtail(tti[2], p);
-               for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
-                       BUNappend(ttn[i], BUNtail(tti[i], p), TRUE);
-               if (strcmp(systemname, "mbr") == 0) {
-                       val = EC_EXTERNAL;
-                       BUNappend(ttn[6], &val, TRUE);
-                       val = 0;
-                       BUNappend(ttn[7], &val, TRUE); // the new types use 
-               } else if (strcmp(systemname, "wkb") == 0) {
-                       val = EC_GEOM;
-                       BUNappend(ttn[6], &val, TRUE);
-                       if (strcmp(sqlname, "geometry") == 0 ) {
-                               val = 0;
-                               BUNappend(ttn[7], &val, TRUE); // the new types 
use schema_id=0
-                       } else
-                               BUNappend(ttn[7], BUNtail(tti[7], p), TRUE);
-               } else {
-                       BUNappend(ttn[6], BUNtail(tti[6], p), TRUE);
-                       BUNappend(ttn[7], BUNtail(tti[7], p), TRUE);
-               }
-               maxid = maxid < *(int*)BUNtail(tti[0], p) ? 
*(int*)BUNtail(tti[0], p) : maxid;
-       }
-       if (!olddb) {
-               val = ++maxid;
-               BUNappend(ttn[0], &val, TRUE);
-               BUNappend(ttn[1], "mbr", TRUE);
-               BUNappend(ttn[2], "mbr", TRUE);
-               val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[3], &val, TRUE);
-               val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[4], &val, TRUE);
-               val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[5], &val, TRUE);
-               val = EC_EXTERNAL; BUNappend(ttn[6], &val, TRUE);
-               val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[7], &val, TRUE);
-               val = ++maxid;
-               BUNappend(ttn[0], &val, TRUE);
-               BUNappend(ttn[1], "wkb", TRUE);
-               BUNappend(ttn[2], "geometry", TRUE);
-               val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[3], &val, TRUE);
-               val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[4], &val, TRUE);
-               val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[5], &val, TRUE);
-               val = EC_GEOM; BUNappend(ttn[6], &val, TRUE);
-               val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[7], &val, TRUE);
-       }
-       val = ++maxid;
-       BUNappend(ttn[0], &val, TRUE);
-       BUNappend(ttn[1], "wkba", TRUE);
-       BUNappend(ttn[2], "geometrya", TRUE);
-       val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[3], &val, TRUE);
-       val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[4], &val, TRUE);
-       val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[5], &val, TRUE);
-       val = EC_EXTERNAL; BUNappend(ttn[6], &val, TRUE);
-       val = 0; BUNappend(ttn[7], &val, TRUE); // the new types use schema_id=0
-       for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
-               if (!list_add(&ul, tt[i], ttn[i], N(n, NULL, s, nt[i].name)))
-                       return 0;
+       /* Note that the new GEOM types are added to sys.types in
+        * sql_update_geom() in sql_upgrades.c */
        /* Add the new functions */
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
@@ -710,12 +710,17 @@ sql_update_hugeint(Client c)
                        "insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from 
sys.functions where name = 'filter' and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas 
where name = 'json') and id not in (select function_id from 
                        "update sys._tables set system = true where name = 
'tablestoragemodel' and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                       "insert into sys.types values(%d, 'hge', 'hugeint', 
128, 1, 2, 6, 0);\n", store_next_oid());
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                       "insert into sys.types values(%d, 'hge', 'decimal', 39, 
1, 10, 8, 0);\n", store_next_oid());
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                       "update sys.types set digits = 18 where systemname = 
'lng' and sqlname = 'decimal';\n");
+       {
+               node *n;
+               sql_type *t;
+               for (n = types->h; n; n = n->next) {
+                       t = n->data;
+                       if (t-> < 2000 &&
+                           strcmp(t->, "hge") == 0)
+                               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, 
"insert into sys.types values (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", 
t->, t->, t->sqlname, t->digits, t->scale, t->radix, t->eclass, 
t->s ? t->s-> : 0);
+               }
+       }
                char *msg;
@@ -1184,11 +1189,23 @@ sql_update_jun2016(Client c)
        mvc *sql = ((backend*) c->sqlcontext)->mvc;
        ValRecord *schvar = stack_get_var(sql, "current_schema");
        char *schema = NULL;
+       node *n;
+       sql_schema *s;
+       s = mvc_bind_schema(((backend*) c->sqlcontext)->mvc, "sys");
        if (schvar)
                schema = strdup(schvar->val.sval);
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "set schema \"sys\";\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "delete from sys.types where 
id < 2000;\n");
+       for (n = types->h; n; n = n->next) {
+               sql_type *t = n->data;
+               if (t-> < 2000) {
+                       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "insert into 
sys.types values (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", t->, 
t->, t->sqlname, t->digits, t->scale, t->radix, t->eclass, t->s ? 
t->s-> : s->;
+               }
+       }
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "grant execute on filter 
function \"like\"(string, string, string) to public;\n");
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "grant execute on filter 
function \"ilike\"(string, string, string) to public;\n");
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "grant execute on filter 
function \"like\"(string, string) to public;\n");
@@ -1387,6 +1404,21 @@ sql_update_geom(Client c, int olddb)
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "set schema \"sys\";\n");
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "%s", geomupgrade);
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "delete from sys.types where 
systemname in ('mbr', 'wkb', 'wkba');\n");
+       {
+               node *n;
+               sql_type *t;
+               sql_schema *s = mvc_bind_schema(((backend*) 
c->sqlcontext)->mvc, "sys");
+               for (n = types->h; n; n = n->next) {
+                       t = n->data;
+                       if (t-> < 2000 &&
+                           (strcmp(t->, "mbr") == 0 ||
+                            strcmp(t->, "wkb") == 0 ||
+                            strcmp(t->, "wkba") == 0))
+                               pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, 
"insert into sys.types values (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", 
t->, t->, t->sqlname, t->digits, t->scale, t->radix, t->eclass, 
t->s ? t->s-> : s->;
+               }
+       }
        if (schema) {
                pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "set schema 
\"%s\";\n", schema);
@@ -1480,18 +1512,23 @@ SQLupgrades(Client c, mvc *m)
         * exist any more at the "sys" schema (i.e., the first part of
         * the upgrade has been completed succesfully), then move on
         * to the second part */
-       if (find_sql_type(mvc_bind_schema(m, "sys"), "point") &&
-          (find_sql_type(mvc_bind_schema(m, "sys"), "geometry") == NULL)) {
+       if (find_sql_type(mvc_bind_schema(m, "sys"), "point") != NULL) {
+               /* type sys.point exists: this is an old geom-enabled
+                * database */
                if ((err = sql_update_geom(c, 1)) != NULL) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "!%s\n", err);
-       } else if (geomsqlfix_get() != NULL &&
-                  !sql_find_subtype(&tp, "geometry", 0, 0)) {
-               // the geom module is loaded but the database is not 
-               if ((err = sql_update_geom(c, 0)) != NULL) {
-                       fprintf(stderr, "!%s\n", err);
-                       GDKfree(err);
+       } else if (geomsqlfix_get() != NULL) {
+               /* the geom module is loaded... */
+               sql_find_subtype(&tp, "clob", 0, 0);
+               if (!sql_bind_func(m->sa, mvc_bind_schema(m, "sys"),
+                                  "st_wkttosql", &tp, NULL, F_FUNC)) {
+                       /* ... but the database is not geom-enabled */
+                       if ((err = sql_update_geom(c, 0)) != NULL) {
+                               fprintf(stderr, "!%s\n", err);
+                               GDKfree(err);
+                       }
diff --git a/sql/storage/bat/bat_logger.c b/sql/storage/bat/bat_logger.c
--- a/sql/storage/bat/bat_logger.c
+++ b/sql/storage/bat/bat_logger.c
@@ -225,14 +225,14 @@ bl_postversion( void *lg)
                } else if (!geomUpgrade && geomcatalogfix_get() != NULL) {
                        // The catalog knew nothing about geometries but the 
geom module is loaded
                        // Add geom functionality
-                       (*(geomcatalogfix_get()))(lg, (int)EC_GEOM, 
(int)EC_EXTERNAL, 0);
+                       (*(geomcatalogfix_get()))(lg, 0);
                } else if (geomUpgrade && geomcatalogfix_get() == NULL) {
                        // The catalog needs to be updated but the geom module 
has not been loaded
                        // The case is prohibited by the sanity check performed 
during initialization
                        GDKfatal("the catalogue needs to be updated but the 
geom module is not loaded.\n");
                } else if (geomUpgrade && geomcatalogfix_get() != NULL) {
                        // The catalog needs to be updated and the geom module 
has been loaded
-                       (*(geomcatalogfix_get()))(lg, (int)EC_GEOM, 
(int)EC_EXTERNAL, 1);
+                       (*(geomcatalogfix_get()))(lg, 1);
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
@@ -26,6 +26,39 @@ stdout of test 'upgrade` in directory 's
 Running database upgrade commands:
 set schema "sys";
+delete from sys.types where id < 2000;
+insert into sys.types values (0, 'void', 'any', 0, 0, 0, 0, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (1, 'bat', 'table', 0, 0, 0, 1, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (2, 'ptr', 'ptr', 0, 0, 0, 1, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (3, 'bit', 'boolean', 1, 0, 2, 2, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (4, 'str', 'char', 0, 0, 0, 3, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (5, 'str', 'varchar', 0, 0, 0, 4, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (6, 'str', 'clob', 0, 0, 0, 4, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (7, 'oid', 'oid', 63, 0, 2, 6, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (8, 'bte', 'tinyint', 8, 1, 2, 7, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (9, 'sht', 'smallint', 16, 1, 2, 7, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (10, 'int', 'int', 32, 1, 2, 7, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (11, 'lng', 'bigint', 64, 1, 2, 7, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (12, 'wrd', 'wrd', 64, 1, 2, 7, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (13, 'hge', 'hugeint', 128, 1, 2, 7, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (14, 'bte', 'decimal', 2, 1, 10, 10, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (15, 'sht', 'decimal', 4, 1, 10, 10, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (16, 'int', 'decimal', 9, 1, 10, 10, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (17, 'lng', 'decimal', 18, 1, 10, 10, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (18, 'hge', 'decimal', 39, 1, 10, 10, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (19, 'flt', 'real', 24, 2, 2, 11, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (20, 'dbl', 'double', 53, 2, 2, 11, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (21, 'int', 'month_interval', 32, 0, 2, 8, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (22, 'lng', 'sec_interval', 13, 1, 10, 9, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (23, 'daytime', 'time', 7, 0, 0, 12, 2000);
+insert into sys.types values (24, 'daytime', 'timetz', 7, 1, 0, 12, 2000);
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