Changeset: 790e4080ac17 for MonetDB
Added Files:
Removed Files:
Modified Files:
Branch: Jun2016
Log Message:

Merge with Jul2015 branch.

diffs (truncated from 2994 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/ b/clients/Tests/
--- a/clients/Tests/
+++ b/clients/Tests/
@@ -62,14 +62,16 @@ sys.stderr.write(err)
 # they are too volatile, and if it makes sense, dump an identifier
 # from a referenced table
 out = '''
+-- helper function
+create function pcre_replace(origin string, pat string, repl string, flags 
string) returns string external name pcre.replace;
 -- schemas
 select name, authorization, owner, system from sys.schemas order by name;
 -- _tables
-select,, t.query, t.type, t.system, t.commit_action, t.access 
from sys._tables t left outer join sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = order by,;
replace(replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(t.query, '--.*\n', '', 
''), '[ \t\n]+', ' ', 'm'), '^ ', '', ''), '( ', '('), ' )', ')') as query, 
t.type, t.system, t.commit_action, t.access from sys._tables t left outer join 
sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = order by,;
 -- _columns
 select,, c.type, c.type_digits, c.type_scale, c."default", 
c."null", c.number, from sys._tables t, sys._columns c where = 
c.table_id order by, c.number;
 -- functions
-select,, f.func, f.mod, f.language, f.type, f.side_effect, 
f.varres, f.vararg from sys.functions f left outer join sys.schemas s on 
f.schema_id = order by,, f.func;
replace(replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(f.func, '--.*\n', '', 
''), '[ \t\n]+', ' ', 'm'), '^ ', '', ''), '( ', '('), ' )', ')') as query, 
f.mod, f.language, f.type, f.side_effect, f.varres, f.vararg from sys.functions 
f left outer join sys.schemas s on f.schema_id = order by,, 
 -- args
 select,, a.type, a.type_digits, a.type_scale, a.inout, a.number 
from sys.args a left outer join sys.functions f on a.func_id = order by, a.func_id, a.number;
 -- auths
@@ -113,6 +115,8 @@ select keyword from sys.keywords order b
 select table_type_id, table_type_name from sys.table_types order by 
table_type_id, table_type_name;
 -- dependency_types
 select dependency_type_id, dependency_type_name from sys.dependency_types 
order by dependency_type_id, dependency_type_name;
+-- drop helper function
+drop function pcre_replace(string, string, string, string);
@@ -122,10 +126,5 @@ clt = process.client('sql', interactive 
 out, err = clt.communicate(out)
-# do some normalization of the output:
-# remove SQL comments, collapse multiple white space into a single space
-out = re.sub(r'--.*?(?:\\n)+', '', out)
-out = re.sub(r'(?:\\n|\\t| )+', ' ', out)
diff --git a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
@@ -1224,14 +1224,20 @@ create function zorder_decode_x(z oid) r
 create function zorder_decode_y(z oid) returns integer external name 
 create function zorder_encode(x integer, y integer) returns oid external name 
+-- helper function
+create function pcre_replace(origin string, pat string, repl string, flags 
string) returns string external name pcre.replace;
 -- schemas
 select name, authorization, owner, system from sys.schemas order by name;
 -- _tables
-select,, t.query, t.type, t.system, t.commit_action, t.access 
from sys._tables t left outer join sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = order by,;
replace(replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(t.query, '--.*
+', '', ''), '[         
+]+', ' ', 'm'), '^ ', '', ''), '( ', '('), ' )', ')') as query, t.type, 
t.system, t.commit_action, t.access from sys._tables t left outer join 
sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = order by,;
 -- _columns
 select,, c.type, c.type_digits, c.type_scale, c."default", 
c."null", c.number, from sys._tables t, sys._columns c where = 
c.table_id order by, c.number;
 -- functions
-select,, f.func, f.mod, f.language, f.type, f.side_effect, 
f.varres, f.vararg from sys.functions f left outer join sys.schemas s on 
f.schema_id = order by,, f.func;
replace(replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(f.func, '--.*
+', '', ''), '[         
+]+', ' ', 'm'), '^ ', '', ''), '( ', '('), ' )', ')') as query, f.mod, 
f.language, f.type, f.side_effect, f.varres, f.vararg from sys.functions f left 
outer join sys.schemas s on f.schema_id = order by,, query;
 -- args
 select,, a.type, a.type_digits, a.type_scale, a.inout, a.number 
from sys.args a left outer join sys.functions f on a.func_id = order by, a.func_id, a.number;
 -- auths
@@ -1275,6 +1281,9 @@ select keyword from sys.keywords order b
 select table_type_id, table_type_name from sys.table_types order by 
table_type_id, table_type_name;
 -- dependency_types
 select dependency_type_id, dependency_type_name from sys.dependency_types 
order by dependency_type_id, dependency_type_name;
+-- drop helper function
+drop function pcre_replace(string, string, string, string);
+#create function pcre_replace(origin string, pat string, repl string, flags 
string) returns string external name pcre.replace;
 #select name, authorization, owner, system from sys.schemas order by name;
 % sys.schemas, sys.schemas,    sys.schemas,    sys.schemas # table_name
 % name,        authorization,  owner,  system # name
@@ -1285,11 +1294,13 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "profiler",  3,      3,      true    ]
 [ "sys",       2,      3,      true    ]
 [ "tmp",       2,      3,      true    ]
-#select,, t.query, t.type, t.system, t.commit_action, t.access 
from sys._tables t left outer join sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = order by,;
-% .s,  .t,     .t,     .t,     .t,     .t,     .t # table_name
replace(replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(t.query, '--.*
+#', '', ''), '[        
+#]+', ' ', 'm'), '^ ', '', ''), '( ', '('), ' )', ')') as query, t.type, 
t.system, t.commit_action, t.access from sys._tables t left outer join 
sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = order by,;
+% .s,  .t,     .L,     .t,     .t,     .t,     .t # table_name
 % name,        name,   query,  type,   system, commit_action,  access # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        smallint,       boolean,        
smallint,       smallint # type
-% 3,   17,     613,    1,      5,      1,      1 # length
+% 3,   17,     597,    1,      5,      1,      1 # length
 [ "bam",       "export",       NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0       ]
 [ "bam",       "files",        NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0       ]
 [ "bam",       "pg",   NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0       ]
@@ -1306,7 +1317,7 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "dependency_types",     NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0       
 [ "sys",       "environment",  "create view sys.environment as select * from 
sys.environment();",      1,      true,   0,      0       ]
 [ "sys",       "functions",    NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0       ]
-[ "sys",       "geometry_columns",     "create view geometry_columns as select 
e.value as f_table_catalog, as f_table_schema, y.f_table_name, 
y.f_geometry_column, y.coord_dimension, y.srid, y.type from schemas s, 
environment e, ( select t.schema_id, as f_table_name, as 
f_geometry_column, has_z(info)+has_m(info)+2 as coord_dimension, srid, 
get_type(info, 0) as type from tables t, ( select name, table_id, type_digits 
as info, type_scale as srid from columns where type in ( select distinct 
sqlname from types where systemname='wkb') ) as x where ) y 
where and'gdk_dbname';", 1,      true,   0,      0     
+[ "sys",       "geometry_columns",     "create view geometry_columns as select 
e.value as f_table_catalog, as f_table_schema, y.f_table_name, 
y.f_geometry_column, y.coord_dimension, y.srid, y.type from schemas s, 
environment e, (select t.schema_id, as f_table_name, as 
f_geometry_column, has_z(info)+has_m(info)+2 as coord_dimension, srid, 
get_type(info, 0) as type from tables t, (select name, table_id, type_digits as 
info, type_scale as srid from columns where type in (select distinct sqlname 
from types where systemname='wkb')) as x where y where and'gdk_dbname';",      1,      true,   0,      0      
 [ "sys",       "idxs", NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0       ]
 [ "sys",       "keys", NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0       ]
 [ "sys",       "keywords",     NULL,   0,      true,   0,      0       ]
@@ -1724,11 +1735,13 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "users",     "name", "varchar",      1024,   0,      NULL,   true,   0,      
NULL    ]
 [ "users",     "fullname",     "varchar",      2024,   0,      NULL,   true,   
1,      NULL    ]
 [ "users",     "default_schema",       "int",  9,      0,      NULL,   true,   
2,      NULL    ]
-#select,, f.func, f.mod, f.language, f.type, f.side_effect, 
f.varres, f.vararg from sys.functions f left outer join sys.schemas s on 
f.schema_id = order by,, f.func;
-% .s,  .f,     .f,     .f,     .f,     .f,     .f,     .f,     .f # table_name
-% name,        name,   func,   mod,    language,       type,   side_effect,    
varres, vararg # name
replace(replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(f.func, '--.*
+#', '', ''), '[        
+#]+', ' ', 'm'), '^ ', '', ''), '( ', '('), ' )', ')') as query, f.mod, 
f.language, f.type, f.side_effect, f.varres, f.vararg from sys.functions f left 
outer join sys.schemas s on f.schema_id = order by,, query;
+% .s,  .f,     .L,     .f,     .f,     .f,     .f,     .f,     .f # table_name
+% name,        name,   query,  mod,    language,       type,   side_effect,    
varres, vararg # name
 % varchar,     varchar,        varchar,        varchar,        int,    int,    
boolean,        boolean,        boolean # type
-% 8,   35,     816,    9,      1,      1,      5,      5,      5 # length
+% 8,   35,     794,    9,      1,      1,      5,      5,      5 # length
 [ "bam",       "bam_drop_file",        "create procedure 
bam.bam_drop_file(file_id bigint, dbschema smallint) external name 
bam.bam_drop_file;",       "bam",  1,      2,      true,   false,  false   ]
 [ "bam",       "bam_export",   "create procedure bam.bam_export(output_path 
string) external name bam.bam_export;",    "bam",  1,      2,      true,   
false,  false   ]
 [ "bam",       "bam_flag",     "create function bam.bam_flag(flag smallint, 
name string) returns boolean external name bam.bam_flag;", "bam",  1,      1,   
   false,  false,  false   ]
@@ -1759,8 +1772,8 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "json",      "text", "create function json.text(js json) returns string 
external name json.text;",   "json", 1,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "json",      "text", "create function json.text(js json, e string) returns 
string external name json.text;", "json", 1,      1,      false,  false,  false 
 [ "json",      "text", "create function json.text(js string) returns string 
external name json.text;", "json", 1,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "json",      "tojsonarray",  "create aggregate json.tojsonarray( x double ) 
returns string external name aggr.jsonaggr;",    "aggr", 1,      3,      false, 
 false,  false   ]
-[ "json",      "tojsonarray",  "create aggregate json.tojsonarray( x string ) 
returns string external name aggr.jsonaggr;",    "aggr", 1,      3,      false, 
 false,  false   ]
+[ "json",      "tojsonarray",  "create aggregate json.tojsonarray(x double) 
returns string external name aggr.jsonaggr;",      "aggr", 1,      3,      
false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "json",      "tojsonarray",  "create aggregate json.tojsonarray(x string) 
returns string external name aggr.jsonaggr;",      "aggr", 1,      3,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "json",      "valuearray",   "create function json.valuearray(js json) 
returns json external name json.valuearray;", "json", 1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "profiler",  "setheartbeat", "create procedure profiler.setheartbeat(beat 
int) external name profiler.setheartbeat;",        "profiler",     1,      2,   
   true,   false,  false   ]
 [ "profiler",  "setpoolsize",  "create procedure profiler.setpoolsize(poolsize 
int) external name profiler.setpoolsize;",      "profiler",     1,      2,      
true,   false,  false   ]
@@ -1904,7 +1917,7 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "dayofmonth",   "day",  "mtime",        0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "dayofweek",    "dayofweek",    "mtime",        0,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "dayofyear",    "dayofyear",    "mtime",        0,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "db_users",     "CREATE FUNCTION db_users () RETURNS TABLE( 
name varchar(2048)) EXTERNAL NAME sql.db_users;",   "sql",  2,      5,      
false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "db_users",     "CREATE FUNCTION db_users () RETURNS TABLE(name 
varchar(2048)) EXTERNAL NAME sql.db_users;",    "sql",  2,      5,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "debug",        "create function sys.debug(debug int) returns 
integer external name mdb.\"setDebug\";", "mdb",  1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "degrees",      "create function degrees(r double) returns 
double return r*180/pi();",  "user", 2,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "dense_rank",   "dense_rank",   "sql",  0,      6,      false,  
false,  false   ]
@@ -1936,13 +1949,13 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "editdistance2",        "editdistance2",        "txtsim",       
0,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "editdistance2",        "editdistance2",        "txtsim",       
0,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "editdistance2",        "editdistance2",        "txtsim",       
0,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "env",  "CREATE FUNCTION env () RETURNS TABLE( name 
varchar(1024), value varchar(2048)) EXTERNAL NAME sql.sql_environment;",    
"sql",  2,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "env",  "CREATE FUNCTION env () RETURNS TABLE(name 
varchar(1024), value varchar(2048)) EXTERNAL NAME sql.sql_environment;",     
"sql",  2,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "environment",  "create function sys.environment() returns 
table (\"name\" string, value string) external name sql.sql_environment;",   
"sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "epoch",        "create function sys.\"epoch\"(sec bigint) 
returns timestamp external name timestamp.\"epoch\";",       "timestamp",    1, 
     1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "epoch",        "create function sys.\"epoch\"(sec int) returns 
timestamp external name timestamp.\"epoch\";",  "timestamp",    1,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "epoch",        "create function sys.\"epoch\"(ts timestamp 
with time zone) returns int external name timestamp.\"epoch\";",    
"timestamp",    1,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "epoch",        "create function sys.\"epoch\"(ts timestamp) 
returns int external name timestamp.\"epoch\";",   "timestamp",    1,      1,   
   false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "evalalgebra",  "create procedure sys.evalalgebra( ra_stmt 
string, opt bool) external name sql.\"evalAlgebra\";",       "sql",  1,      2, 
     true,   false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "evalalgebra",  "create procedure sys.evalalgebra(ra_stmt 
string, opt bool) external name sql.\"evalAlgebra\";",        "sql",  1,      
2,      true,   false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "exist",        "exist",        "aggr", 0,      3,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "exp",  "exp",  "mmath",        0,      1,      false,  false,  
false   ]
 [ "sys",       "exp",  "exp",  "mmath",        0,      1,      false,  false,  
false   ]
@@ -1969,7 +1982,7 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "geometrytype", "create function geometrytype(geom geometry) 
returns string external name geom.\"GeometryType1\";",     "geom", 1,      1,   
   false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "get_type",     "create function get_type(info integer, format 
integer) returns string external name geom.\"getType\";",        "geom", 1,     
 1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "get_value_for",        "get_value",    "sql",  0,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "getanchor",    "create function getanchor( theurl url ) 
returns string external name url.\"getAnchor\";",      "url",  1,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "getanchor",    "create function getanchor(theurl url) returns 
string external name url.\"getAnchor\";",        "url",  1,      1,      false, 
 false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "getbasename",  "create function getbasename(theurl url) 
returns string external name url.\"getBasename\";",    "url",  1,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "getcontent",   "create function getcontent(theurl url) returns 
string external name url.\"getContent\";",      "url",  1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "getcontext",   "create function getcontext(theurl url) returns 
string external name url.\"getContext\";",      "url",  1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
@@ -2005,7 +2018,7 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "ilike",        "ilike",        "algebra",      0,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "ilike",        "ilike",        "algebra",      0,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "ilike",        "ilike",        "algebra",      0,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "imprintsize",  "create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme 
string) returns bigint begin if nme = 'boolean' or nme = 'tinyint' or nme = 
'smallint' or nme = 'int' or nme = 'bigint' or nme = 'hugeint' or nme = 
'decimal' or nme = 'date' or nme = 'timestamp' or nme = 'real' or nme = 
'double' then return cast( i * 0.12 as bigint); end if ; return 0; end;",    
"user", 2,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "imprintsize",  "create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme 
string) returns bigint begin if nme = 'boolean' or nme = 'tinyint' or nme = 
'smallint' or nme = 'int' or nme = 'bigint' or nme = 'hugeint' or nme = 
'decimal' or nme = 'date' or nme = 'timestamp' or nme = 'real' or nme = 
'double' then return cast(i * 0.12 as bigint); end if ; return 0; end;",     
"user", 2,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "in",   "in",   "calc", 0,      1,      false,  false,  false   
 [ "sys",       "index",        "index",        "calc", 0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "index",        "index",        "calc", 0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
@@ -2157,7 +2170,7 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "month",        "month",        "mtime",        0,      1,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "ms_round",     "create function ms_round(num double, prc int, 
truncat int) returns double begin if (truncat = 0) then return round(num, prc); 
else return ms_trunc(num, prc); end if; end;",   "user", 2,      1,      false, 
 false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "ms_str",       "create function ms_str(num float, prc int, 
truncat int) returns string begin return cast(num as string); end;",        
"user", 2,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "ms_stuff",     "create function ms_stuff( s1 varchar(32), st 
int, len int, s3 varchar(32)) returns varchar(32) begin declare res 
varchar(32), aux varchar(32); declare ofset int; if ( st < 0 or st > 
length(s1)) then return ''; end if; set ofset = 1; set res = 
substring(s1,ofset,st-1); set res = res || s3; set ofset = st + len; set aux = 
substring(s1,ofset,length(s1)-ofset+1); set res = res || aux; return res; 
end;",     "user", 2,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "ms_stuff",     "create function ms_stuff(s1 varchar(32), st 
int, len int, s3 varchar(32)) returns varchar(32) begin declare res 
varchar(32), aux varchar(32); declare ofset int; if (st < 0 or st > length(s1)) 
then return ''; end if; set ofset = 1; set res = substring(s1,ofset,st-1); set 
res = res || s3; set ofset = st + len; set aux = 
substring(s1,ofset,length(s1)-ofset+1); set res = res || aux; return res; 
end;",       "user", 2,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "ms_trunc",     "create function ms_trunc(num double, prc int) 
returns double external name sql.ms_trunc;",     "sql",  1,      1,      false, 
 false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "netcdf_attach",        "create procedure netcdf_attach(fname 
varchar(256)) external name netcdf.attach;",      "netcdf",       1,      2,    
  true,   false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "netcdf_importvar",     "create procedure netcdf_importvar(fid 
integer, varnname varchar(256)) external name netcdf.importvariable;",   
"netcdf",       1,      2,      true,   false,  false   ]
@@ -2195,6 +2208,7 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "patindex",     "patindex",     "pcre", 0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "pause",        "create procedure sys.pause(tag bigint) 
external name sql.sysmon_pause;",       "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false,  
false   ]
 [ "sys",       "pause",        "create procedure sys.pause(tag int) external 
name sql.sysmon_pause;",  "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "pcre_replace", "create function pcre_replace(origin string, 
pat string, repl string, flags string) returns string external name 
pcre.replace;",        "pcre", 1,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "pi",   "pi",   "mmath",        0,      1,      false,  false,  
false   ]
 [ "sys",       "power",        "pow",  "mmath",        0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "power",        "pow",  "mmath",        0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
@@ -2224,18 +2238,18 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "quantile",     "create aggregate quantile(val wrd, q double) 
returns wrd external name \"aggr\".\"quantile\";",        "aggr", 1,      3,    
  false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "querycache",   "create function sys.querycache() returns table 
(query string, count int) external name sql.dump_cache;",       "sql",  1,      
5,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "querylog",     "create procedure sys.querylog(filename string) 
external name sql.logfile;",    "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false,  false   
-[ "sys",       "querylog_calls",       "create function sys.querylog_calls() 
returns table( id oid, \"start\" timestamp, \"stop\" timestamp, arguments 
string, tuples wrd, run bigint, ship bigint, cpu int, io int ) external name 
sql.querylog_calls;",      "sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "querylog_catalog",     "create function sys.querylog_catalog() 
returns table( id oid, owner string, defined timestamp, query string, pipe 
string, \"plan\" string, mal int, optimize bigint ) external name 
sql.querylog_catalog;",    "sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "querylog_calls",       "create function sys.querylog_calls() 
returns table(id oid, \"start\" timestamp, \"stop\" timestamp, arguments 
string, tuples wrd, run bigint, ship bigint, cpu int, io int) external name 
sql.querylog_calls;",        "sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "querylog_catalog",     "create function sys.querylog_catalog() 
returns table(id oid, owner string, defined timestamp, query string, pipe 
string, \"plan\" string, mal int, optimize bigint) external name 
sql.querylog_catalog;",      "sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "querylog_disable",     "create procedure 
sys.querylog_disable() external name sql.querylog_disable;",  "sql",  1,      
2,      true,   false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "querylog_empty",       "create procedure sys.querylog_empty() 
external name sql.querylog_empty;",      "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false, 
 false   ]
 [ "sys",       "querylog_enable",      "create procedure sys.querylog_enable() 
external name sql.querylog_enable;",    "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false,  
false   ]
 [ "sys",       "querylog_enable",      "create procedure 
sys.querylog_enable(threshold smallint) external name 
sql.querylog_enable_threshold;",        "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false,  
false   ]
-[ "sys",       "queue",        "create function sys.queue() returns table( 
qtag bigint, \"user\" string, started timestamp, estimate timestamp, progress 
int, status string, tag oid, query string ) external name sql.sysmon_queue;", 
"sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "queue",        "create function sys.queue() returns table(qtag 
bigint, \"user\" string, started timestamp, estimate timestamp, progress int, 
status string, tag oid, query string) external name sql.sysmon_queue;",   
"sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "radians",      "create function radians(d double) returns 
double return d*pi()/180;",  "user", 2,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "rand", "rand", "mmath",        0,      1,      true,   false,  
false   ]
 [ "sys",       "rand", "sqlrand",      "mmath",        0,      1,      true,   
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "rank", "rank", "sql",  0,      6,      false,  false,  false   
-[ "sys",       "rejects",      "create function sys.rejects() returns table( 
rowid bigint, fldid int, \"message\" string, \"input\" string ) external name 
sql.copy_rejects;", "sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "rejects",      "create function sys.rejects() returns 
table(rowid bigint, fldid int, \"message\" string, \"input\" string) external 
name sql.copy_rejects;",   "sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "repeat",       "repeat",       "str",  0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "repeat",       "repeat",       "str",  0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "repeat",       "repeat",       "str",  0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
@@ -3262,12 +3276,12 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "stddev_samp",  "create aggregate stddev_samp(val wrd) returns 
double external name \"aggr\".\"stdev\";",       "aggr", 1,      3,      false, 
 false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "stop", "create procedure sys.stop(tag bigint) external name 
sql.sysmon_stop;", "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "stop", "create procedure sys.stop(tag int) external name 
sql.sysmon_stop;",    "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "storage",      "create function sys.\"storage\"( sname string) 
returns table ( \"schema\" string, \"table\" string, \"column\" string, 
\"type\" string, \"mode\" string, location string, \"count\" bigint, typewidth 
int, columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, phash boolean, imprints 
bigint, sorted boolean ) external name sql.\"storage\";",        "sql",  1,     
 5,      false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "storage",      "create function sys.\"storage\"( sname string, 
tname string) returns table ( \"schema\" string, \"table\" string, \"column\" 
string, \"type\" string, \"mode\" string, location string, \"count\" bigint, 
typewidth int, columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, phash 
boolean, imprints bigint, sorted boolean ) external name sql.\"storage\";",  
"sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "storage",      "create function sys.\"storage\"( sname string, 
tname string, cname string) returns table ( \"schema\" string, \"table\" 
string, \"column\" string, \"type\" string, \"mode\" string, location string, 
\"count\" bigint, typewidth int, columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes 
bigint, phash boolean, imprints bigint, sorted boolean ) external name 
sql.\"storage\";",    "sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "storage",      "create function sys.\"storage\"() returns 
table ( \"schema\" string, \"table\" string, \"column\" string, \"type\" 
string, \"mode\" string, location string, \"count\" bigint, typewidth int, 
columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, phash boolean, imprints 
bigint, sorted boolean ) external name sql.\"storage\";",     "sql",  1,      
5,      false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "storagemodel", "create function sys.storagemodel() returns 
table ( \"schema\" string, \"table\" string, \"column\" string, \"type\" 
string, \"count\" bigint, columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, 
imprints bigint, sorted boolean) begin return select i.\"schema\", i.\"table\", 
i.\"column\", i.\"type\", i.\"count\", columnsize(i.\"type\", i.count, 
i.\"distinct\"), heapsize(i.\"type\", i.\"distinct\", i.\"atomwidth\"), 
hashsize(i.\"reference\", i.\"count\"), imprintsize(i.\"count\",i.\"type\"), 
i.sorted from sys.storagemodelinput i; end;",     "user", 2,      5,      
false,  false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "storagemodelinit",     "create procedure 
sys.storagemodelinit() begin delete from sys.storagemodelinput; insert into 
sys.storagemodelinput select x.\"schema\", x.\"table\", x.\"column\", 
x.\"type\", x.typewidth, x.count, 0, x.typewidth, false, x.sorted from 
sys.\"storage\"() x; update sys.storagemodelinput set reference = true where 
concat(concat(\"schema\",\"table\"), \"column\") in ( select concat( 
concat(\"fkschema\".\"name\", \"fktable\".\"name\"), \"fkkeycol\".\"name\" ) 
from \"sys\".\"keys\" as \"fkkey\", \"sys\".\"objects\" as \"fkkeycol\", 
\"sys\".\"tables\" as \"fktable\", \"sys\".\"schemas\" as \"fkschema\" where 
\"fktable\".\"id\" = \"fkkey\".\"table_id\" and \"fkkey\".\"id\" = 
\"fkkeycol\".\"id\" and \"fkschema\".\"id\" = \"fktable\".\"schema_id\" and 
\"fkkey\".\"rkey\" > -1); update sys.storagemodelinput set \"distinct\" = 
\"count\" where \"type\" = 'varchar' or \"type\"='clob'; end;",        "user", 
2,      2,      true,   false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "storage",      "create function sys.\"storage\"() returns 
table (\"schema\" string, \"table\" string, \"column\" string, \"type\" string, 
\"mode\" string, location string, \"count\" bigint, typewidth int, columnsize 
bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, phash boolean, imprints bigint, sorted 
boolean) external name sql.\"storage\";",       "sql",  1,      5,      false,  
false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "storage",      "create function sys.\"storage\"(sname string) 
returns table (\"schema\" string, \"table\" string, \"column\" string, \"type\" 
string, \"mode\" string, location string, \"count\" bigint, typewidth int, 
columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, phash boolean, imprints 
bigint, sorted boolean) external name sql.\"storage\";",   "sql",  1,      5,   
   false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "storage",      "create function sys.\"storage\"(sname string, 
tname string) returns table (\"schema\" string, \"table\" string, \"column\" 
string, \"type\" string, \"mode\" string, location string, \"count\" bigint, 
typewidth int, columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, phash 
boolean, imprints bigint, sorted boolean) external name sql.\"storage\";",     
"sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "storage",      "create function sys.\"storage\"(sname string, 
tname string, cname string) returns table (\"schema\" string, \"table\" string, 
\"column\" string, \"type\" string, \"mode\" string, location string, \"count\" 
bigint, typewidth int, columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, phash 
boolean, imprints bigint, sorted boolean) external name sql.\"storage\";",      
 "sql",  1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "storagemodel", "create function sys.storagemodel() returns 
table (\"schema\" string, \"table\" string, \"column\" string, \"type\" string, 
\"count\" bigint, columnsize bigint, heapsize bigint, hashes bigint, imprints 
bigint, sorted boolean) begin return select i.\"schema\", i.\"table\", 
i.\"column\", i.\"type\", i.\"count\", columnsize(i.\"type\", i.count, 
i.\"distinct\"), heapsize(i.\"type\", i.\"distinct\", i.\"atomwidth\"), 
hashsize(i.\"reference\", i.\"count\"), imprintsize(i.\"count\",i.\"type\"), 
i.sorted from sys.storagemodelinput i; end;",      "user", 2,      5,      
false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "storagemodelinit",     "create procedure 
sys.storagemodelinit() begin delete from sys.storagemodelinput; insert into 
sys.storagemodelinput select x.\"schema\", x.\"table\", x.\"column\", 
x.\"type\", x.typewidth, x.count, 0, x.typewidth, false, x.sorted from 
sys.\"storage\"() x; update sys.storagemodelinput set reference = true where 
concat(concat(\"schema\",\"table\"), \"column\") in (select 
concat(concat(\"fkschema\".\"name\", \"fktable\".\"name\"), 
\"fkkeycol\".\"name\") from \"sys\".\"keys\" as \"fkkey\", \"sys\".\"objects\" 
as \"fkkeycol\", \"sys\".\"tables\" as \"fktable\", \"sys\".\"schemas\" as 
\"fkschema\" where \"fktable\".\"id\" = \"fkkey\".\"table_id\" and 
\"fkkey\".\"id\" = \"fkkeycol\".\"id\" and \"fkschema\".\"id\" = 
\"fktable\".\"schema_id\" and \"fkkey\".\"rkey\" > -1); update 
sys.storagemodelinput set \"distinct\" = \"count\" where \"type\" = 'varchar' 
or \"type\"='clob'; end;",   "user", 2,      2,      true,   false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "str_to_date",  "create function str_to_date(s string, format 
string) returns date external name mtime.\"str_to_date\";",       "mtime",      
  1,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "str_to_time",  "create function str_to_time(s string, format 
string) returns time external name mtime.\"str_to_time\";",       "mtime",      
  1,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "str_to_timestamp",     "create function str_to_timestamp(s 
string, format string) returns timestamp external name 
mtime.\"str_to_timestamp\";",        "mtime",        1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
@@ -3307,7 +3321,7 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "time_to_str",  "create function time_to_str(d time, format 
string) returns string external name mtime.\"time_to_str\";",       "mtime",    
    1,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "times",        "create procedure times() external name 
sql.times;",    "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "timestamp_to_str",     "create function timestamp_to_str(d 
timestamp, format string) returns string external name 
mtime.\"timestamp_to_str\";",        "mtime",        1,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
-[ "sys",       "tracelog",     "create function sys.tracelog() returns table ( 
event integer, clk varchar(20), pc varchar(50), thread int, ticks bigint, rrsmb 
bigint, vmmb bigint, reads bigint, writes bigint, minflt bigint, majflt bigint, 
nvcsw bigint, stmt string ) external name sql.dump_trace;",     "sql",  1,      
5,      false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "tracelog",     "create function sys.tracelog() returns table 
(event integer, clk varchar(20), pc varchar(50), thread int, ticks bigint, 
rrsmb bigint, vmmb bigint, reads bigint, writes bigint, minflt bigint, majflt 
bigint, nvcsw bigint, stmt string) external name sql.dump_trace;",       "sql", 
 1,      5,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "trim", "trim", "str",  0,      1,      false,  false,  false   
 [ "sys",       "trim", "trim", "str",  0,      1,      false,  false,  false   
 [ "sys",       "trim", "trim", "str",  0,      1,      false,  false,  false   
@@ -3325,7 +3339,7 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "sys",       "upper",        "toUpper",      "str",  0,      1,      false,  
false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "uuid", "create function sys.uuid() returns uuid external name 
uuid.\"new\";",  "uuid", 1,      1,      false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "vacuum",       "create procedure vacuum(sys string, tab 
string) external name sql.vacuum;",    "sql",  1,      2,      true,   false,  
false   ]
-[ "sys",       "var",  "CREATE FUNCTION var() RETURNS TABLE( name 
varchar(1024)) EXTERNAL NAME sql.sql_variables;",    "sql",  2,      5,      
false,  false,  false   ]
+[ "sys",       "var",  "CREATE FUNCTION var() RETURNS TABLE(name 
varchar(1024)) EXTERNAL NAME sql.sql_variables;",     "sql",  2,      5,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "var_pop",      "create aggregate var_pop(val bigint) returns 
double external name \"aggr\".\"variancep\";",    "aggr", 1,      3,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "var_pop",      "create aggregate var_pop(val date) returns 
double external name \"aggr\".\"variancep\";",      "aggr", 1,      3,      
false,  false,  false   ]
 [ "sys",       "var_pop",      "create aggregate var_pop(val double) returns 
double external name \"aggr\".\"variancep\";",    "aggr", 1,      3,      
false,  false,  false   ]
@@ -4564,6 +4578,11 @@ select dependency_type_id, dependency_ty
 [ "patindex",  "arg_2",        "clob", 0,      0,      1,      2       ]
 [ "pause",     "tag",  "int",  32,     0,      1,      0       ]
 [ "pause",     "tag",  "bigint",       64,     0,      1,      0       ]
+[ "pcre_replace",      "result",       "clob", 0,      0,      0,      0       
+[ "pcre_replace",      "origin",       "clob", 0,      0,      1,      1       
+[ "pcre_replace",      "pat",  "clob", 0,      0,      1,      2       ]
+[ "pcre_replace",      "repl", "clob", 0,      0,      1,      3       ]
+[ "pcre_replace",      "flags",        "clob", 0,      0,      1,      4       
 [ "pi",        "res_0",        "double",       53,     0,      0,      0       
 [ "power",     "res_0",        "real", 24,     0,      0,      0       ]
 [ "power",     "arg_1",        "real", 24,     0,      1,      1       ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out.int128
@@ -1234,14 +1234,20 @@ create function zorder_decode_x(z oid) r
 create function zorder_decode_y(z oid) returns integer external name 
 create function zorder_encode(x integer, y integer) returns oid external name 
+-- helper function
+create function pcre_replace(origin string, pat string, repl string, flags 
string) returns string external name pcre.replace;
 -- schemas
 select name, authorization, owner, system from sys.schemas order by name;
 -- _tables
-select,, t.query, t.type, t.system, t.commit_action, t.access 
from sys._tables t left outer join sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = order by,;
replace(replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(t.query, '--.*
+', '', ''), '[         
+]+', ' ', 'm'), '^ ', '', ''), '( ', '('), ' )', ')') as query, t.type, 
t.system, t.commit_action, t.access from sys._tables t left outer join 
sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = order by,;
 -- _columns
 select,, c.type, c.type_digits, c.type_scale, c."default", 
c."null", c.number, from sys._tables t, sys._columns c where = 
c.table_id order by, c.number;
 -- functions
-select,, f.func, f.mod, f.language, f.type, f.side_effect, 
f.varres, f.vararg from sys.functions f left outer join sys.schemas s on 
f.schema_id = order by,, f.func;
replace(replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(pcre_replace(f.func, '--.*
+', '', ''), '[         
+]+', ' ', 'm'), '^ ', '', ''), '( ', '('), ' )', ')') as query, f.mod, 
f.language, f.type, f.side_effect, f.varres, f.vararg from sys.functions f left 
outer join sys.schemas s on f.schema_id = order by,, query;
 -- args
 select,, a.type, a.type_digits, a.type_scale, a.inout, a.number 
from sys.args a left outer join sys.functions f on a.func_id = order by, a.func_id, a.number;
 -- auths
@@ -1285,6 +1291,9 @@ select keyword from sys.keywords order b
 select table_type_id, table_type_name from sys.table_types order by 
table_type_id, table_type_name;
 -- dependency_types
 select dependency_type_id, dependency_type_name from sys.dependency_types 
order by dependency_type_id, dependency_type_name;
+-- drop helper function
+drop function pcre_replace(string, string, string, string);
+#create function pcre_replace(origin string, pat string, repl string, flags 
string) returns string external name pcre.replace;
 #select name, authorization, owner, system from sys.schemas order by name;
 % sys.schemas, sys.schemas,    sys.schemas,    sys.schemas # table_name
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