Changeset: 33cf386e18ee for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jun2016
Log Message:

Upgrade approvals.

diffs (60 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/upgrade.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
@@ -24,13 +24,6 @@ stdout of test 'upgrade` in directory 's
 Running database upgrade commands:
 set schema "sys";
-create function sys."epoch"(sec INT) returns TIMESTAMP external name 
-create function sys."epoch"(ts TIMESTAMP) returns INT external name 
-insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name = 
'epoch' and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id 
not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
-set schema "testschema";
-Running database upgrade commands:
-set schema "sys";
 grant execute on filter function "like"(string, string, string) to public;
 grant execute on filter function "ilike"(string, string, string) to public;
 grant execute on filter function "like"(string, string) to public;
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out
@@ -21,13 +21,6 @@ stdout of test 'upgrade` in directory 's
 Running database upgrade commands:
 set schema "sys";
-create function sys."epoch"(sec INT) returns TIMESTAMP external name 
-create function sys."epoch"(ts TIMESTAMP) returns INT external name 
-insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name = 
'epoch' and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id 
not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
-set schema "testschema";
-Running database upgrade commands:
-set schema "sys";
 grant execute on filter function "like"(string, string, string) to public;
 grant execute on filter function "ilike"(string, string, string) to public;
 grant execute on filter function "like"(string, string) to public;
diff --git a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/testdb-upgrade-chain/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
@@ -59,20 +59,13 @@ from sys.storagemodel() group by "schema
 insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('fuse', 'generate_series', 'stddev_samp', 'stddev_pop', 'var_samp', 'var_pop', 
'median', 'quantile', 'corr') and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where 
name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
 insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name = 
'filter' and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'json') and 
id not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
 update sys._tables set system = true where name = 'tablestoragemodel' and 
schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys');
-insert into sys.types values(7629, 'hge', 'hugeint', 128, 1, 2, 6, 0);
-insert into sys.types values(7630, 'hge', 'decimal', 39, 1, 10, 8, 0);
+insert into sys.types values(7637, 'hge', 'hugeint', 128, 1, 2, 6, 0);
+insert into sys.types values(7638, 'hge', 'decimal', 39, 1, 10, 8, 0);
 update sys.types set digits = 18 where systemname = 'lng' and sqlname = 
 set schema "testschema";
 Running database upgrade commands:
 set schema "sys";
-create function sys."epoch"(sec INT) returns TIMESTAMP external name 
-create function sys."epoch"(ts TIMESTAMP) returns INT external name 
-insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name = 
'epoch' and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id 
not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
-set schema "testschema";
-Running database upgrade commands:
-set schema "sys";
 grant execute on filter function "like"(string, string, string) to public;
 grant execute on filter function "ilike"(string, string, string) to public;
 grant execute on filter function "like"(string, string) to public;
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