Changeset: fd5cc75fffd2 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jun2016
Log Message:

Increment JDBC driver minor version for Jun2016 release
Also reviewed and updated the JDBC release info

diffs (153 lines):

diff --git a/java/ b/java/
--- a/java/
+++ b/java/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ MCL_MINOR=13
 # major release number
 # minor release number
 # an additional identifying string
 # the default port to connect on, if no port given when using SQL
diff --git a/java/pom.xml b/java/pom.xml
--- a/java/pom.xml
+++ b/java/pom.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-       <version>2.19</version>
+       <version>2.20</version>
        <description>MonetDB JDBC driver</description>
diff --git a/java/release.txt b/java/release.txt
--- a/java/release.txt
+++ b/java/release.txt
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
-MonetDB JDBC driver version 2.19 (Liberica/MCL-1.13)
-Fabian Groffen <>
-Release date: 2016-01-05
+MonetDB JDBC driver version 2.20 (Liberica/MCL-1.13)
+Release: Jun2016
 This JDBC driver is designed for use with MonetDB, a main-memory
-database.  For more information see
+database.  For more information see
 Within the current implementation not all functionalities of the JDBC
 interface are available.  It is believed, however, that this
@@ -14,34 +11,43 @@ implementation is rich enough to be suit
 application settings.
 Note that this driver is JDBC4 compatible, and hence cannot be compiled
 with Java 1.5 and earlier.
+As of Jul2015 release we compile the java sources to target: Java 1.7.
 Below a list of supported features can be found.  Please read this list
-if you intend to use this driver.  If you feel some features are
-missing, please let us know at our bugtracker:
-Feel free to file bugs there as well.
+if you intend to use this driver.
+If you feel some features are missing or have encountered an issue/bug,
+please let us know at our bugtracker:
-Currently implemented:
-  * java.sql.Driver interface
-  * javax.sql.DataSource interface (not tested)
-  * java.sql.Connection interface
-    The next features are not implemented:
+Currently implemented JDBC interfaces:
+  * java.sql.Driver
+  * javax.sql.DataSource (not tested)
+  * java.sql.Connection
+    The next features/methods are NOT implemented:
     - createStatement with result set holdability
     - nativeSQL (there is no query parsing for JDBC escapes yet)
     - prepareCall (CallableStatement not supported)
     - prepareStatement with column indices or names
-    - setCatalog (there is no catalog management yet)
+    - setCatalog (there is no catalog)
     - setHoldability (close/hold cursors over commit is not
     - isReadOnly/setReadOnly (updateable result sets are not supported at
+    - createArrayOf
+    - createBlob, createClob, createNClob
+    - createStruct
+    - createSQLXML
+  NOTE: be sure to check for warnings after setting concurrencies or
+        isolation levels; MonetDB currently does not support anything
+        else but "fully serializable" transactions.
-    NOTE: be sure to check for warnings after setting concurrencies or
-          isolation levels; MonetDB currently does not support anything
-          else but "fully serializable" transactions.
-  * java.sql.Statement interface
-    The next features are not implemented:
+  * java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
+  * java.sql.Statement
+    The next features/methods are NOT implemented:
     - cancel/getQueryTimeout/setQueryTimeout (query execution cannot be
       terminated, once started)
     - execute with column indices or names
@@ -49,21 +55,41 @@ Currently implemented:
     - getMaxFieldSize/setMaxFieldSize
     - setCursorName
     - setEscapeProcessing
-  * java.sql.PreparedStatement interface
-    The next features are not implemented:
+  * java.sql.PreparedStatement
+    The next features/methods are NOT implemented:
     - setArray
     - setAsciiStream, setBinaryStream, setUnicodeStream
-    - setBlob
-    - setRef, setURI
-  * java.sql.ResultSet interface
-    The next features are not implemented:
+    - setBlob, setNClob, setNString
+    - setRef, setRowId, setSQLXML, setURL
+  * java.sql.ParameterMetaData
+  * java.sql.ResultSet
+    The next features/methods are NOT implemented:
     - getArray
     - getAsciiStream, getBinaryStream, getUnicodeStream
     - getRef, getURL
     - all methods related to updateable result sets
-  * java.sql.ResultSetMetaData interface
-  * java.sql.DatabaseMetaData interface
-  * java.sql.SavePoint interface
+  * java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
+  * java.sql.SavePoint
+  * java.sql.Blob
+    A simple implementation using a byte[] to store the whole BLOB
+    The next features/methods are NOT implemented:
+    - setBinaryStream
+  * java.sql.Clob
+    A simple implementation using a StringBuilder to store the whole CLOB
+    The next features/methods are NOT implemented:
+    - getAsciiStream
+    - getCharacterStream
+    - setAsciiStream
+    - setCharacterStream
 - Auto-commit behaviour is defined by the server which handles the
   auto-commit.  This is in general in line with the JDBC standard.
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